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The Devil gives Mal an apology. And a gift. The title is from one of my favorite movies - Guess the reference! Belongs to somebody not me. Blah blah blah, yackety shcmackety. Please to leave comments. Good. Bad. Whatever.
River's voice over the intercom woke Mal out of the first semi-decent sleep he'd had since Book and Wash had been buried two weeks ago. "Priority wave for you, Captain."
"Who is it," Mal yawned, trying to clear his head.
There was a hint of amusement to River's voice. "Top secret."
Anything that the lil' reader deemed amusing generally tended to make Mal nervous. But it might be a job. "Yeah, OK, send it on down."
The Operative's face filled the screen. Probably not a job, then.
Mal's spine stiffened instantly. "I thought we were well and rid of you."
The Operative smiled gently. "Indeed you are, Captain. I did have one last gift, if you will, for you."
"Unless your fancy Alliance technology can bring back my dead, I ain't interested."
A small chuckle, almost as if a puppy or perhaps Jayne had done some sort of amusing little trick. "I think you will be. And all it will cost you is to hear me out."
Mal ran his fingers through his hair. "Speak your piece so that we can be done with you."
A mile that Mal only imagined a shark must give before gutting its prey. "You don't think much of me, do you, Captain? In fact, I might go so far as to say that you see me as the devil incarnate for what I have done to your little crew."
"You might say that."
And now, a look that Mal thought the shark probably got after finishing a good meal. "I told you before. Nothing is what it seems. I come before you to offer an apology and amends."
Mal blinked. "An apology? Amends?"
"Yes. You see, I thought I knew your weakness. But she turned out to be your greatest strength."
"Yeah. Girl's got a mean right hook when she lays her mind to it..."
"Not River Tam. Your Companion"
"That with a small 'c' or a big one?"
"The one who you so daringly rescued from my clutches. And for that, I do owe you my apologies. I underestimated the depth of your feelings for her, and hers for you. Which, while not my most fatal error, was one of my more serious."
Depth of feelings? Inara? For him? He cleared his throat."So there's your apology. What're your amends?"
"Why, Captain, letting you know, of course."
Mal was getting vaguely annoyed that this man who was such an enigma seemed to read him so well. "This your way of squaring yourself with those you wronged?"
"Oh no, not in the least. The devil can never be, as you say, 'square' with those he has wronged. The best he can hope for is to make himself so thoroughly disappear as to have never existed in the first place."
"So why tell me this now?"
"So that you may be 'square' with her." And with that, the wave was cut.
When Mal was eight, he won a jar of homemade honey in Sunday school for knowing all his Bible verses. Nothing since then had tasted as sweet until he finally kissed Inara.
She looked at him, eyes big. "What was that for?"
He leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "That was the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled."
Saturday, November 11, 2006 1:11 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006 1:49 PM
Saturday, November 11, 2006 9:17 PM
Friday, March 23, 2007 6:02 AM
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