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Sequel to 'That Ain't Me' - R to NC-17. Belongs to somebody not me. Blah blah blah, yackety schmackety. Please to comment. Good. Bad. Whatever.
With the possible exception of his first week of boot camp, this had been the most difficult week of Malcolm Reynold's long and checkered life.
One week since Inara had fluttered her eyelashes at him, all wide-eyed innocence while wearing that dress that was far from innocent, practically daring him to rip it off her.
One week since he had come closer than he cared to admit to actually taking her up on that dare, pinning her against the corridor wall and letting her feel his need pressing into her.
One week of excruciatingly vivid dreams of him actually finishing the job she started. Ripping open the bodice of her dress down to her waist, just so he could get a look at those breasts that had taunted him. Undoing his pants and lifting her skirts and having her right there against the wall, hard and fast and not at all in any manner of a proper fashion. In short, treating her like the whore he knew deep down she wasn't. And him not caring that he was doing so.
One week of very little sleep and a lot of exercise for his right arm.
Inara had pretty well stayed out of his way, which was most likely all for the best as his control was about ready to snap. If this went on much longer, Jayne would start to look appealing, and that was something Mal just didn't want to dwell on.
When he saw her waiting for him against that very wall, he was instantly on guard. At least she was wearing something less revealing than that dress. She looked quiet and subdued.
"Hey there, Inara."
He wasn't sure what else to say. Somehow I've been dreaming about taking you like a rutting animal was not likely to impress a lady.
"Hello Mal. Listen, I...I wanted to apologize. For last week."
Mal leaned against the wall, doing his best to look casual. "Last week, you say?"
She blushed, making Mal wonder just how far down that pretty rose stain went. "Yes. It was cruel and unnecessary."
"You forgot unkind and unfair."
"Yes, that too. Forgive me?"
Mal couldn't decide whether she looked more desirable when she was contrite or a week ago when she was being a tease. "I dunno, Miss Serra. Taunting a man like that with wares you know he can't afford. That's a big thing to ask him to forgive you for."
She couldn't quite look him in the eyes. "What can I do to make it up to you?"
Reynolds, now is not the time to make another 'whore' crack. Don't even think it.
He gently lifted her chin with a finger, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Make it about how we feel about each other. Not the money." He faltered, realizing he'd just tipped his hand as to his feelings for her beyond simple lust. "That is...if there know...feelings."
She stared at him, eyes wide and unblinking.
Please, Buddha, let her say yes. Because my other two options at this point are Jayne or spacing myself. And I think I'd rather go out the airlock without a pressure suit.
Wordlessly, she reached up and put her hand on his cheek, her thumb just grazing the corner of his mouth, as she slightly nodded. It was all the encouragement Mal needed.
And then there they were, in the same spot they had been a week ago, with her back against the wall and Mal pressing into her to let her know just how much he wanted her. Except there was kissing and some earlobe nibbling and lots of whispered words of encouragement on her part.
Mal suddenly pulled back, realizing that this was not one of his dreams and that they had best do this proper, at least for their first time out the gate. She looked frightened, as he suddenly realized that Inara thought he'd leave her in the lurch again.
"Not here. You deserve better. 'sides don't wanna go giving Jayne any notions."
He popped the hatch to his bunk and climbed down first, before helping her down the ladder. She looked around at the small, cluttered space.
Mal awkwardly hurried to stuff some of the clean laundry he hadn't yet put away into a duffel bag. "I...uhh...sorry. Wasn't expecting company."
Inara just smiled at his sudden shyness as he kicked off his boots. "It's OK."
Mal crossed the room to hold her. "So we're OK? and me?"
She reached up and gently pulled down his suspenders before starting on his shirt buttons. "With all of it."
Mal fancied himself a brief notion they'd get around to christening that corridor.
Maybe in a week.
Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:51 AM
Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:51 PM
Sunday, November 12, 2006 7:33 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006 7:03 AM
Friday, March 23, 2007 6:16 AM
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