Niska's Little Game - Prologue
Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Mal takes a job from Badger, but it is nothing like he thought it would be


Malcolm Reynolds stood on the edge of the bridge, looking for his mechanic, Kaylee, and his doctor, Simon. He had allowed them out on a date while the rest of the crew awaited the cargo. They had yet to know what it was. Serenity had gotten a message from Badger telling them he had a new job that would actually be worth the bullet shots, the hiding from the feds, and the many close shaves with death. But then again, wasn't staying in the sky alone worth it?

Mal and Jayne were sitting at the edge of Serenity's bridge, polishing their guns, when on of Badger's representatives arrived. "Zoe! Time to go see our good friend Badger!" Mal shouted. "No Mistuh Reynolds, you and him," he said motioning to Jayne, "Only." "Well dear good sir," Mal responded, "That just won't work out. You see, Zoe goes with me with all of my jobs. It's either me, Zoe, and Jayne, or no one." "Well, how much you offerin'?" Jayne asked. "Jayne," Mal said. "Well gorramit Mal! We need the money, and if you can't pay me, I might as well get it on my own," Jayne responded. "Fine, Jayne let's go. Zoe! Nevermind!" Mal and Jayne followed Badger's henchman to his base. "Now, your stay here, I get Badger," the henchman said, and left the room. "This is a trap, we gotta get outta here," Mal muttered to Jayne. Jayne pulled out his gun and shot the camera within half a second. "Guards are gonna be here soon, and I do not wanna be here when they show up.” Mal and Jayne hurried to the door, but two large henchmen were blocking their way. Mal brought his fist up to connect with one of their faces, but then he felt a burning pain in his right arm, and the corner of his eyes became black, and the last thing Malcolm Reynolds saw was Jayne pulling out both pistols and firing them toward the doorway.

Mal woke up with his head thumping against Jayne’s back. “Come on Cap’n stay with me, we’re almost to Serenity.” Mal could barely talk, but he managed to get the words, “Why didn’t you stay with em’?” out. “I gotta tell you something Mal. In that room, when you went down, something inside me snapped. I just then realized all the things you’ve done for me, especially letting me live after Ariel. It’s not fair for you to die yet, you’re a good cap’n.” Mal drifted off to sleep again, this time with the pain in his arm dulling slightly.

Mal woke up again in the infirmary on Serenity, with Simon Tam leaning over him. “Captain, you’re going to want to go back to sleep, don’t use up your energy now.” Mal willingly obliged.

The next time Mal woke up, the pain in his arm was just a dull ache, and the crew of Serenity was surrounding him. “How long have I been out?” he asked. Simon responded, “About three days.” “We managed to get quite some distance from Badger and his crew,” Zoe told him. Mal got up and started walking to the bridge. “Uhh, sir, it still isn’t good to be walking around,” Simon warned. “I’ll do whatever I want doctor,” Mal answered. Mal walked up to the bridge with Wash, who leapt to the controls once they were up on the bridge. Mal looked out into space, eager to see an expanse of stars. Instead, he saw Niska’s face crackling across the windows. “Welcome to my game Malcolm Reynolds!” he laughed. Mal looked at Wash. Wash’s face crackled with static, then became a henchman of Niska’s.

“Gorramit!” Mal said, as the henchman lunged at him.

Any criticism is welcome, good or bad.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007 12:44 AM


A bit confusing. So, they drugged him? Hope everything is clearer in the next part. Ali D
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, January 11, 2007 1:12 PM


Not a bad start for a story, FrozenPickle...but things were rather bumpy and confusing:(

Main complaint I have was is that things moved a tad bit too fast, without allowing us the chance to properly take in and think about what's going on. That and the fact that I doubt Mal would just give in to a demand from Badger - even if Jayne was making a completely valid point - since it would make Mal look weak and Zoe would certainly raise a subtle stink;)


Friday, February 2, 2007 3:06 PM


Really interested to see where this goes.


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Niska's Little Game - Prologue
Mal takes a job from Badger, but it is nothing like he thought it would be