Sunday, February 4, 2007

This is a short introspective, stream-of-bitterness piece that has been rolling around in my head for a couple weeks. One-shot Mal POV, takes place between Serenity Valley and the Firefly pilot somewhere in an Alliance POW camp. Mostly rated G but may be offensive to religious-minded folk. This has nothing to do with my other posted series—I may get back to that eventually but I don’t know what I want to do with my characters yet.


The words run through my head like water, even if they don’t mean anything anymore. I tell myself they don’t mean anything anymore. Maybe a few hundred more times and it’ll be true.

Our Father, which art in heaven—cuz He sure as hell ain’t starvin’ and freezin’ and dyin’ with us down here. Hallowed be thy name. Hallowed be the names of them I left behind in the Valley, them as bled along side me and them as I let down. Lee, Hudson, Mendez, Kearny, Branton, so many others. Can’t even remember all the names; maybe I didn’t know ‘em to begin with. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Well, maybe it has been done. Maybe the the Alliance is the Thy Kingdom I’ve been told about all these years. But I can’t rightly see why me and mine should have to lay down and die for it to come to pass. Give us this day our daily (weekly) bread (beans), and forgive our trespasses as we forgive them that trespass against us. Except I don’t forgive them, neither side. Not for runnin’ over us, not for killin’ us, not for leavin’ us like we was already dead. So I guess that’s a null point. And lead us not into temptation—temptation to put a bullet in my brainpan? Temptation not to? But deliver us from evil. Little late for that one, I’m afraid. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. But what’s the use of having power if you don’t use it? If you’re content to sit back and watch them as gave you their very souls slaughter each other over a bit of rocky land ain’t never gonna be worth monkey piss, let alone a man’s blood. Amen.

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. So that’s where He’s been the last few months. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of they womb, Jesus. Blessed art thou Mary, cuz you didn’t die alone wondering if your son was alive or dead after he took off to war. Blessed art thou Jesus because you only had to take the beatings for a day before they killed you, and your friends walked free. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Don’t much care how soon that hour comes anymore. Amen.

Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for the sheer force of their disinterest in us as called on them for help. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be—war, death, loss, and bloodshed from the dawn of man and don’t see no end in sight. Seems we’re par for the course. World without end. Yeah. Maybe somebody’s world will be left when all this is over. Not mine, that’s for damn sure. Amen.


Sunday, February 4, 2007 12:46 AM


Beautifully captured moment of broken faith.

If you've never seen it, you might really enjoy having a read through of a transcript of the West Wing episode "Two Cathedrals".

Sunday, February 4, 2007 5:57 AM


I really liked this piece. I can hear Mal saying these things and feeling this way after Serenity Valley, and can't really say I blame him. There are no worshippers on battlefields!

Sunday, February 4, 2007 6:36 AM


My heart goes out to Mal in his hour of need, the way he interprets the prayers a direct damnation of the Almighty he once gave his all for. This was beautifully put together though sad. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, February 4, 2007 6:36 AM


While the old axiom about atheism being unable to exist on a battlefield is probably quite correct...the aftermath can have quite the effect on who's still praying to God:(

Definitely a brilliant piece of stream-of-consciousness from Mal's POV, Uncomprehending! Could easily imagine Nathan rattling this off in a missing scene that bridges the opening shots of "Serenity" (the pilot) and the scavenging scene:D


Thursday, February 8, 2007 2:08 AM


I agree with the Brigadier.Nicely done.Imagine all this talent we Browncoats have being put to some useful purpose.hava good'un.

Saturday, February 17, 2007 6:41 PM


Wow! That's brilliant.

I think you've delved deep into Mal's mind-scape, there- which is pretty hard, me thinks, cos he's as Inara put's it, "a mystery".

Well done! =)


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One-shot Zoe POV immediately following the BDM (read: Big Damn Spoilers). No replacements, no OCs, no real plotline. A look into Zoe's mind. Uber-angst.

Beginning's End Part 11
This is the product of a lengthy battle with writer's block, and I'm not entirely sure I'm happy with it. Inara and Stephanie have a chat, and when Badger's involved, things never go smooth. This chapter's essentially here to set up for the next chapter, which I anticipate to be the last of this series.

Falling Anyway
This is a short little one-shot that crawled into my brain while I was attempting to study at 4:30 this morning and would not be dislodged. Simon's thoughts on River and their family.

Beginning's End Part 10
The next bit in the ongoing-- can I call it a saga now that there are double digits in the chapter number? This one's (essentially) all about the girls. Well, some of the girls.

Beginning's End Part 9
The story continues. Falling down, stargazing, shuttle-barging, and deep thoughts. Enjoy.

Beginning's End Part 8
Zoe's thoughts on the new passenger, Stephanie comes clean to Mal, and Inara rejoins Serenity. Rated PG13ish for traumatic memories. Thanks a million to all of you who consistently give such constructive feedback (you know who you are!) and keep it coming!!

Beginning's End Part 7
The plot grinds slowly forward. The Shepherd has an idea, the Alliance may be getting some ideas, and Zoe does some poking around of her own.
Feedback, please, feedback.... I am willing to trade cookies for feedback....

Beginning's End Part 6
In which Inara finally makes another appearance and Mal has some explaining to do.

Beginning's End Part 5
Speedy McSpeedster here is putting up two posts in one weekend (insert noises of awe here). In Part 5: Ancient movie references, slippery escapes, irritable Alliance commanders, and Somebody Finally Wakes Up. Bear with me here-- action is tough for me to write and I'm pretty sure that most of my assumptions about space flight are incorrect.

Beginning's End Part 4
After a lengthy hiatus, the return of my series (ta-daaaa!). Part 4, in which there's a little backstory, a little conversation, and a little hasty departure. Read parts 1-3 if you haven't already or this won't make any sense-- this actually continues more directly from part 2 than part 3.