Wednesday, April 18, 2007

One-shot Zoe POV immediately following the BDM (read: Big Damn Spoilers). No replacements, no OCs, no real plotline. A look into Zoe's mind. Uber-angst.


Everybody thought she was the strong one. The Amazon. The warrior, the fighter of battles, the lioness defending all she held dear. She spots her enemies, brings them down in a rain of bullets. Leaves them behind on a dusty world as Serenity tears away out of the sky. The foes he fought were far more terrible. Doubt, fear, regret, distrust, envy. They couldn’t be escaped. They followed everywhere, lurking just out of sight. They hung at the edge of the darkness at night—they were the darkness—waiting for his guard to drop. Gunfire would not touch them. Only the blade of his wit and the light of his spirit were strong enough to keep them at bay. The ghosts of the past come forward in the night and threaten to consume her. She had carried their weight with her since the Valley and before, and even the force of her devotion to her sergeant, her captain, was not enough to drive them back. In his arms she found the only safety she had ever known. His embrace could banish her ghosts; it could send them howling into the vacuum of oblivion where they could harm her no more. And in a moment, he was gone. Everybody thought she was the strong one. They didn’t see that the short, semi-muscular man who joked more than fought was her wallguard, driving off enemies far more deadly to her than Niska or Early could ever have been. Enemies of the heart and soul. She lays on her bunk at night, sleepless, the darkness pressing in around her even with the lights on. She clutches a pillow up under her chin, one cloaked in a pillowcase that she has not washed in weeks because it still carries the faint scent of his skin. She wears his Hawaiian shirts when she is alone in her bunk, a poor substitute for his body surrounding her in the night. She can feel the dread and the hatred and the guilt and the shame circling her, filtering into her soul through the cracks that she has never been able to fill, and that only he was able to defend. He kept her human, but the influx of darkness she can’t flee slowly grinds away at her, callousing her and crumbling her. Everybody thought she was the strong one, but without his unseen strength she would have turned to stone long ago. Now she faces the elements, unprotected, petrifying as she hopes and tries to believe that his memory and the flicker of life left inside her will be enough to shield her until she has the courage and the power to take up arms and become the lioness once again.


Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:20 PM


This was a desperately sad and bleak look into the heart of loss and very much in keeping with Zoe after losing Wash. I hope we not only see the return of the lioness but also the staunch loyal friend, the dry witted and sharp humoured first mate, the intelligent and valued crew member. As for the baby growing inside her, if it is a girl I think it would be nice to call her Hope. A blessing and a promise of better times to come. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, April 19, 2007 1:54 PM


Sooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooood!!! I loved the ideas mentioned. Kept her human! Lovely lovely thoughts

Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:28 PM


Completely and utterly fabulous work here, Uncomprehending! Honestly? I wanna think you have Joss tied up in your basement;D

Much as it hurts to read of Zoe suffereing like's an painfully plausible and realistic portrayal of a woman whose ghosts were confronted and fought back to defencive actions by a witty and sexy, sexy, sexy man who cared for Zoe in a way that not even Mal would think she needed.



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One-shot Zoe POV immediately following the BDM (read: Big Damn Spoilers). No replacements, no OCs, no real plotline. A look into Zoe's mind. Uber-angst.

Beginning's End Part 11
This is the product of a lengthy battle with writer's block, and I'm not entirely sure I'm happy with it. Inara and Stephanie have a chat, and when Badger's involved, things never go smooth. This chapter's essentially here to set up for the next chapter, which I anticipate to be the last of this series.

Falling Anyway
This is a short little one-shot that crawled into my brain while I was attempting to study at 4:30 this morning and would not be dislodged. Simon's thoughts on River and their family.

Beginning's End Part 10
The next bit in the ongoing-- can I call it a saga now that there are double digits in the chapter number? This one's (essentially) all about the girls. Well, some of the girls.

Beginning's End Part 9
The story continues. Falling down, stargazing, shuttle-barging, and deep thoughts. Enjoy.

Beginning's End Part 8
Zoe's thoughts on the new passenger, Stephanie comes clean to Mal, and Inara rejoins Serenity. Rated PG13ish for traumatic memories. Thanks a million to all of you who consistently give such constructive feedback (you know who you are!) and keep it coming!!

Beginning's End Part 7
The plot grinds slowly forward. The Shepherd has an idea, the Alliance may be getting some ideas, and Zoe does some poking around of her own.
Feedback, please, feedback.... I am willing to trade cookies for feedback....

Beginning's End Part 6
In which Inara finally makes another appearance and Mal has some explaining to do.

Beginning's End Part 5
Speedy McSpeedster here is putting up two posts in one weekend (insert noises of awe here). In Part 5: Ancient movie references, slippery escapes, irritable Alliance commanders, and Somebody Finally Wakes Up. Bear with me here-- action is tough for me to write and I'm pretty sure that most of my assumptions about space flight are incorrect.

Beginning's End Part 4
After a lengthy hiatus, the return of my series (ta-daaaa!). Part 4, in which there's a little backstory, a little conversation, and a little hasty departure. Read parts 1-3 if you haven't already or this won't make any sense-- this actually continues more directly from part 2 than part 3.