Unit Patch Pointing Up
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

It is often asked which way the unit patch seen in the Firefly series pilot should be worn. The main trouble is it appears both ways. Mal appears is a couple spots with the point up, while the dead lieutenant is wearing his, point down. Is Mal just being a contrarian or is the lieutenant not only dead, “gross and corpseifying“, but directionally challenged too? Or did the props/costuming folks just screw up while switching the patch around. (If you look closely you can see Mal is wearing the same patch showing the two yellow bars of a lieutenant’s rank.)



Wednesday, February 7, 2007 12:09 PM


i bet the point has to do with rank

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 8:17 PM


i dont know. i think mal's is definitely upside down. if it was intentional that his was upside down i think they would have flipped the satr on it as well.(or i suppose the lt's could be upside down but then it would probably be costuming's mistake, a lt would follow reg's more closely)

Wednesday, February 7, 2007 9:27 PM


fan wank time : maybe officers wear theirs pointing one way, and NCO's and enlisted men the other?
Or , more likely, a minor league screw-up.

Thursday, February 8, 2007 12:23 AM


Gah! Shawna Trpcic the Costume Designer said the star is right side up! She designed the patch, someone put it on wrong.

It shouldn't be open for debate, her word should be final.

Thursday, February 8, 2007 6:10 AM


sure, her word is final, however there is the debate. We can make up 'verse explanations and have a lil fun. I think Mal's contrary.

Thursday, February 8, 2007 1:01 PM


I kinda prefer NewOldBrownCoat's explanation myself about officers wearing their patches one way to denote their command status, and NCOs (as Mal was, since his rank is canonically "Sergeant") wear theirs the opposite way to indicate they are grunts...but special ones;D



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My favorite series cross-over
Okay not really my favorite, but I can't get it out of my head so now you all have to live with it too. (I'm trying to recall...didn't Mrs. Howell have a parasol in the opening credits also?)

Lieutenant with Unit Patch Pointing Down
This screen cap is just as Mal is getting ready to pull the patch off the dead lieutenant. With the the lieutenant's head and shoulders to the left, the point of the patch is clearly pointing down the arm.

There are a lot of folks going with the point up appearance of the patch and who am I to argue.

Mal is alive and the lieutenant is dead, that alone speaks volumes.

Unit Patch Pointing Up
It is often asked which way the unit patch seen in the Firefly series pilot should be worn. The main trouble is it appears both ways.

Mal appears is a couple spots with the point up, while the dead lieutenant is wearing his, point down.

Is Mal just being a contrarian or is the lieutenant not only dead, “gross and corpseifying“, but directionally challenged too?

Or did the props/costuming folks just screw up while switching the patch around. <I>(If you look closely you can see Mal is wearing the same patch showing the two yellow bars of a lieutenant’s rank.)</I>