Precious Commodity
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Why do two such ordinary people produce two geniuses? Are they really that obtuse?


20 years ago

Watching the 3 year old boy leave the leaf next to the caterpillar that had stung him half an hour ago, the man with the blue gloves frowned. “He won’t do Mr. Tam. We’ll have to try again,” he declares. “Try what again?” indignantly asks the nervous Blue Sun executive. “Another child,“ he explains patiently. “A little more splicing. He’s almost what we’re looking for but he has the wrong instincts,” looking sadly at all the implements a child of his intelligence could use to kill the source of the painful sting on his wrist. “Besides we’ve isolated the sequence for an eidetic memory which will increase the mental capacity exponentially.” “You can’t be serious. My wife and I have done everything…” Gabriel Tam breaks off at the glassy stare aimed in his direction. “There will be another promotion and a significant raise in pay,” cold smiling lips inform the man. “You can keep the boy as compensation for your continued co-operation. I suggest you prepare him for a career in medicine. He’d be bound to excel.” “’Keep the boy,’ he says,” Gabriel thinks gratefully. “I had no idea how hard this would be. Regan and I were pushed together. The implications that there would be a raise and a promotion if we married were clear to us both. Then we were encouraged to participate in the Eugenics Project and I was rewarded with another promotion and huge bonuses when we had Simon,” he remembers. Looking fondly at the boy who carried some of his and Regan’s genes although not quite as many as the rest of the world assumed, he replies, “Of course we’ll be happy to co-operate, sir.” It’s not like he really has any choice. He’ll have to make sure he doesn‘t get as attached to the next one. Foolish really. “I’ve always been a loyal company man.” “We’re confident in your ability to appreciate the Big Picture, Mr. Tam. Now if you’ll just sign here.” Another blue-gloved man hands Gabriel a contract promising obscene amounts of money but clearly stipulating that all products of Blue Sun Eugenics were Blue Sun property. Nothing is said about Gabriel‘s soul in the contract per say but his hand shakes as he signs.


Saturday, February 17, 2007 3:39 PM


This was excellent and what a chilling but believable way to paint a unique backstory behind Blue Sun's genetic tinkering. Bravo! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Saturday, February 17, 2007 3:41 PM


Yes, this is what the deal with the Tams was all about. Really well done!

Saturday, February 17, 2007 7:46 PM


Reminds me of Ender's Game...only more evil. ^_^ I like it.

Sunday, February 18, 2007 2:59 AM


I'm only surprised more folks haven't run with this idea. It makes a chilling sense.

Monday, February 19, 2007 1:55 PM


Very interesting idea and I think totally plausible ... of course, I also think Gabriel and Regan are the devil's spawn, so that's probably helping!

Still, really nice insight and some great backstory!

Monday, February 19, 2007 7:50 PM


Normally, I don't post negative responses to stories. But in this case, when it comes to Simon and River's parents, I make an exception.

This to me falls into that trap of "parents=bad" cliche that I see in a lot of fanfics. It's lazy, uninspiring and just bad. The internal dialogue of Gabriels is hackneyed and the general prose is ham-fisted. It's just not good at all.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:47 AM


While I agree with reginaroadie's assessment about it being easy to fall into the "parents = spawn of Satan" when it comes to Gabriel and Regan Tam...I'm not gonna to the same kind of extreme about dismissing this.

I think the biggest critique I have with this is that it's too short for its subject matter. We never really get to see what exactly is running through Gabriel and Regan's minds throughout the inital offer, marriage, Simon's "conception" and his life till this point.

Also? We have zero idea about how Joss & co would have handled further appearances of the Tams, had they been given the chance. Cuz even the nastiest of nasties from all three series had their good points;)


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 2:04 AM


That was creepy.
I love it.


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Precious Commodity
Why do two such ordinary people produce two geniuses? Are they really that obtuse?