Thursday, February 22, 2007

This is an episode I wrote based in the Firefly verse. Different character's ('cept for Mal, who only makes a small cameo near the end...I couldn't resist). It's in screenplay format, hope it transfers okay. I was trying to further explore the idea of the "Space Western" and realized that prospector's and gold fever were an angle that didn't get to be played with in the series. FYI it's exactly as long as an hour long episode, which is something I'm really proud of so I thought I'd mention. Enjoy!


Firefly: Perception By Sam Dunham Copyright© 2007


A small ship, Perception, floats by.


GULLY, a swarthy looking hairball, bangs on some gears with a large wrench.

GULLY Gorram it! Ruttin’ pile of bolts!

The bolts respond with a loud crack and puff of smoke in his face.

RAY, an exasperated, compromising man, enters.

RAY Gulliver Herbert Shicklegruber! What would your mother say if I told her you were busting up my boat?

GULLY (Repentant) Sorry cap’n, just frustrated is all. Something’s draggin’ her fuel effiency down to half what it ought be. We ain’t leakin’ and we ain’t burnin’ hot. Hell if I can figure what vexin’ her.

RAY Can we still get to Whitefall?

GULLY Ha! Bain’t no [Chinese words] way we’re reachin’ no core worlds. Way she’s runnin’ we be lucky to get back to Beaumont for proper repairs before we’re outta gas complete.

RAY Going back is not an option. Local police gonna be combing every inch of the planet by now. You just suck every ounce of fuel you can and get us as must distance as possible. Me and Ming’ll do the rest.

We follow Ray out, down a corridor with four doors, a very small bay, and into the cockpit.


MING, an Asian looking girl of around 16, is at the controls.

RAY Ming?

MING Still following us Ray.

RAY looks at a screen showing two blobs and a stream of numbers

RAY That certain?

MING (Gestures) You see that asteroid?

We see a large space rock, with a medium-sized ship coming out from behind it.

RAY Yeah.

MING I just flew two circles around it, they did the same thing exactly three clicks behind me.

RAY Oh, so just a hunch. Let’s see: too small to be corporate, too slow to be really dangerous, and too dumb to hide the fact that he’s tailing us. Young bounty hunters, my guess.

MING Nothing to worry about?

RAY Didn’t say that. If they’re new to the game they’ll be out to make a name for themselves, and what they lack in wisdom they’ll make up for in foolish risks and that makes ‘em dangerous to not only themselves but anyone around them, including us.

MING Question is who sent them? Feds, Beaumont local authorities, or private hire?

RAY Feds do their own dirty work, and most local cops will secure the immediate area after a crime, before contracting bounty hunters. And they wouldn’t hire anyone as green as these kids following us now.

MING It’s gotta be Nag Champa then. Squeeky clean guy like that never had to deal with no bounty hunters before. Probably went with the cheapest. I should be able to lose these preschoolers no problem.

RAY I wouldn’t do any more fancy evasive tactics.


RAY Gully just told me our fuel won’t last as long as we thought. Try to give the engines as little work as possible. Head for that asteroid field and just keep us out of their weapons range, shiny?

MING We know where and how we’re gonna manage to fill up again?

RAY …Still working on that part.

MING (Shrugs) Shiny.

Ray exits.


The room is small. The only furnishings are a bunk and a table, over which is spread a map. Gully enters.

GULLY What d’ja think yor doin’? We’re ‘bout to go adrift between them’s aimin’ to kill us and the great big black and our great leader thinks it be as good a time’s any to play connect the dots!

RAY (Smiles patiently) They’re maps, Gully.

GULLY Ship’s computer has a map.

RAY These are older. Prospect maps from back when this asteroid patch was being scouted for mining. I’m hoping they show me something ship’s map don’t.


RAY …still working on it.

GULLY That’s lovely. I tell you today how much confidence you inspire in me?

Ray isn’t amused.

RAY You figure out what’s ailing the engine?

GULLY Where’d you even get those maps? This bain’t no liberry, don’t think they was just layin’ round. You reckon we’d be hiding out after this job and neglect to tell us?

RAY (Annoyed) I picked them up in Beaumont, before we did the job, because no one’s ever got killed from being over-prepared. Saw ‘em in a shop last minute, thought it’d be a prudent purchase. Just in case. Now, what’s wrong with my ship?

GULLY (Satisfied) Fuel line was half clogged was all. Burnt exhaust was getting trapped by the t-spanner, built up over time. Had to take half the engine ‘part to find it. Not an easy task, considerin’ the engine was still moving.

RAY So where can we get with the fuel we got left?

GULLY No where’s important. Maybe back to the normal lanes, call for help.

RAY (Nods) Thank you. We’ll do that if we have to.

GULLY Sir? I gotta remind you we run out of fuel we can’t recycle our air no more.

RAY I’m aware. But I want to lie low for a little if we can. Feds, locals, and not to mention those bounty hunter’s’ll be clogging the normal lanes in no time. I want to finish going over these charts, see if there isn’t some little hidey-hole of some use.

GULLY Cap’n, I got no gorram intention of freezin’ solid out here! What’s goin’ through your head you-

RAY Gully! Go check the pressure levels.

They stare at each other.

RAY (Cont’d) Now!…Please.

Gully leaves in a huff. He bumps past Ming at the door.

MING You shouldn’t let him talk back to you like that, Ray.

RAY And I should make you call me sir. Or Captain.

MING I’m not much for military like order, but a captain’s got to draw a line. You’re too nice.

RAY (Dismisses) What’s going on with the bounty hunters?…what are you doing here! Who’s flying this boat? They could be sniffin’ our backsides right now!

MING Relax Ray, they broke off soon as we entered the asteroid field. That’s what I came to tell you. Must really be green if they don’t even trust themselves to pilot through some debris. I stopped the ship behind the first big rock and shut down the throttle.

RAY (Calmer) Oh. Broke off pursuit. Good. Look, I need a little more time to pour over these. Keep an eye on that ship. And make sure Gully stays busy. He gets anxious when he’s made to stay still.

MING What should I tell him to do?

RAY Something…constructive.

MING exits.

RAY leans back and takes a deep breath.

RAY C’mon…just give me something.


NAG CHAMPA, a muscular middle-aged man, sits at a large desk in his opulent chambers. He wears long, official robes, as well as an expression of concern. An AIDE reads from a clipboard.

AIDE (Droning) …around two o’clock, to discuss zoning and redistricting. You’re wife called about dinner, as did you’re girlfriend. I told them you’d be in touch. Court meets tomorrow morning and your written decision will be necessary. Shall I prepare a statement? (Pause) Sir?...

NAG CHAMPA (Blinks) I’m sorry?

AIDE Shall I prepare your statement, Judge Champa?

Nag Champa lets this process.

NAG CHAMPA Yes, of course. Thank you.

AIDE Are you feeling alright, your honor?

NAG CHAMPA I…have a lot on my mind right now. I apologize for my lack of focus. That will be all.

Aide gets up to leave, but stops short of the door.

AIDE Oh, I almost forgot. A representative of the Blue Sun Corporation called-


AIDE She said they were concerned about a package that went missing.

NAG CHAMPA (To self) How could they know that?

AIDE I didn’t really understand it, but they said an agent would be visiting right away to… (Checks his clipboard) “deal with the situation.”

NAG CHAMPA (Furious) Why didn’t you tell me this immediately?

AIDE It didn’t seem-

NAG CHAMPA rushes him and grabs his collar, pushing him against a wall.

NAG CHAMPA When will they be here?!

AIDE (Frightened) They didn’t say. I’m sorry sir, it didn’t sound that impo-

A beep comes from the desk, followed by a voice.

SECRETARY (O.S.) Judge Champa?

NAG CHAMPA I’m not to be disturbed!

SECRETARY (O.S.) A Captain Sullivan is trying to contact you. He says it concerns the special project.


Nag Champa drops the Aide and composes himself again.

NAG CHAMPA (Cont’d) I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave now.

The Aide doesn’t waste time doing this.

Nag Champa moves to his desk and pushes a button. A face appears on a small screen. He vaguely calls to mind a dim-witted surfer.

NAG CHAMPA Give me good news.

SULLIVAN (O.S.) They ducked into the asteroid belt. I’m afraid we’ve lost them.

NAG CHAMPA You told me you could catch them.

SULLIVAN (O.S.) We can…I mean, we will! It’s just…


SULLIVAN (O.S.) I don’t want to risk my ship, sir.

NAG CHAMPA Sullivan, I’ve begun to realize you’re as new to this whole hired gun thing as I am, but you need to understand that what they’ve stolen from me might cause me a great deal of trouble. And I tend to shirk my problems onto somebody else. So imagine, if you will, the kinds of problems a High Judge could shirk onto a young captain he didn’t like, especially one trying to gain a foothold in the quasi-legal industries.

SULLIVAN (O.S.) …Y-yes, sir.

NAG CAMPA Do not contact me without much more significant news.

Nag Champa pushes a button and Sullivan’s face disappears.

He takes a deep breath and lets out an angry sigh.


Gully is becoming distraught. He paces, swinging a large wrench and muttering to himself.

Ming passes by him at as great a distance as possible. He gives her a look.

Ming exits to the bay.


Ming looks about mischievously. She sees a can of paint and smiles.


Ming enters the hall and places the can by a door. Gully takes no notice of her.

She tries the open the door, loudly making fake straining noises.

MING Gully, would you help me open the door to my bunk?

GULLY Open it yourself, you got arms.

MING (Straining) I know…but it’s…jammed!

GULLY Whadaya need paint for, anyhows?

MING Model ship.


MING I work on model ships when I get stressed out. Keeps my hands busy. You gonna help or ain’tcha?

Gully moves to help her, pulling hard against the door, which doesn’t budge.

Ming flips a switch and the door opens suddenly, knocking Gully down and spilling the paint can all over the floor.

MING Oh! Oh dear!

Gully gets up, covered in paint.

MING (Cont’d) Look what you did!

GULLY (Slightly dazed) Wha? Me!

MING You better get it cleaned up ‘fore the Cap’n sees.

Ming enters her room, then leans her head back out.

MING (Cont’d) (Smiles) Thanks for helping with the door.


Perception floats gracefully through the asteroid field.

We pan and zoom a few kilometers away and see the bounty hunter’s ship, haphazardly swerving around meteors. Engines fire and reverse fire. A space rock bounces off the hull. They are no threat.


Ray bursts out, clutching his maps.

RAY I’ve got something! I think I’ve-

Suddenly he see’s Gully, washing the floor.

RAY (Cont’d) What’re you doin’?

GULLY (Beat) Washing the floor.

RAY …Ming! I think I found something!

Ming’s door opens and she appears.

MING Whatcha got?

Ray holds the large map out in the air. It doesn’t cooperate very well.

RAY We’re here, right…and right…right here…see that.

Ming helps hold the map open. Gully gets up to look.

MING Alright, what thing right where?

RAY Thanks. Right there.

MING “Pete’s Shack.”

RAY That’s it.

GULLY For [Chinese Words] Cap’n it’s written by hand. In pencil!

RAY But look at the asteroid it’s on. Trace deposits of copper, gold. Not enough to interest a big mining outfit but enough to arouse an individual prospector, maybe. Hell, they used to be all over the verse, back before the war.

MING And what, you think he’s still out there, has an extra tank of fuel just lying around, and will just give it to us?

GULLY And that’s if he isn’t already dead. You said that map’s what, thirty years old?

RAY Fifty.

GULLY Sir, we ain’t got more ‘n’ a hat full of fuel left. You want to go chasin’ after this guy, well that don’t make no ruttin’ sense. Take us out of the field and let’s call for help, hope for a friendly to find us first, or use the money we stole to buy our way out of trouble. I swore when I first picked up a wrench I wouldn’t die out here in the black. No sir, not Gulliver Herbert Shicklegruber.

RAY Ming, you agree with Gully on this one?

MING Can’t say I do, Ray.

RAY Well, looks like it’s two against one. Glad we settled that. Ming, take us to Pete’s Shack.


The Perception descends on a large asteroid and lands. The world is gray and rocky, similar to the Earth’s moon. There is nothing that looks man-made in sight.

A hatch opens on the ship. Ray, Ming, and Gully all emerge in space-suits.

GULLY There better be a pot of gold at the end of your little rainbow here, ‘cuz we ain’t got enough fuel left to leave, and they’ll be a hard time locating a distress signal way out here.

They look around the desolate landscape. Ming looks at a hole in the ground, which appears to be hand dug.

MING Well, someone was here…once.

GULLY Fine bit of captaining there, cap’n.

A laser blasts the ground, throwing up a small dust cloud. The crew jumps.

RAY Where the gorram [Chinese words] did that come from?

MING (Pointing) There.

On a small hill is a man in a space suit, pointing a laser rifle at them. His wheezy voice crackles over the radio.

PETE (O.S.) …hear me? …wanna know…-cher here fer?

RAY (Hands raised) We’re out of gas. We were hoping you could assist us.

PETE (O.S.) Call fer help.

RAY ‘Fraid that ain’t an option.

Pause as Pete thinks.

PETE (O.S.) Weeeeell…Shoot! All raht. Come on over and we’ll talk inside.

Ray leads Ming and Gully over the hill to Pete.

On the other side of the hill they come across a door into the hill, which Pete opens and enters.


The room is small and messy. There is a bed, two tables, a slew of tools, and a few cabinets.

The door enters with the gasp of air typical of an air lock. The group enters and removes their helmets. Pete dons a wide brimmed hat and pours some whiskey.

PETE Well land o’ Goshen! I ain’t had nobody visit me in a month a Sundays! ‘Pologize for the inhospitable welcome, had to make sure y’all weren’t lookin’ to move in on my land. ‘Bout the only folks I see ‘round these parts are buzzard types lookin’ to take what’s mine.

GULLY Maybe if your place was on a map younger than fifty years old you might get more callers. Salesmen and the like.

PETE Heh! Old Petey don’t want nobody callin’ on him. Alone and unknown, that’s the way I likes it. Few folks knew about my little set-up back afore the big war, back before companies were buying up every hunk of rock what floated by. Back when a hard workin’ prospector could make an honest livin’ out in the black. This whole field was peppered with us back in the day. Old Fatty had his supply shop over yonder, and the McCord’s struck it rich on this very rock, just a suit and a shovel, that’s all a body needed. Not that way no more, nosir. ‘sall owned by business now.

RAY Except you’re place.

PETE ‘Zactly how I planned it. You think I’m daft, I saw the script on the wall. The whole of the system would be owned by corporations and gov’ment somesday, same as happened on the core worlds centuries ago. But I figured I find a spot small enough, out of the way enough, and not too apparently a motherload, might just make a life for meeself.

MING Apparently not a mother load?

PETE Hee hee! When the rush first happened there were whole space rocks made outta solid what ever you wanted. The rich folk bought ‘em up quick like, ‘course. Then there went the easy to git to places, on the outskirts of fields like this’un. Now, this here rock’s mainly just that, rock. It’s got a bit o’ metal which could be o’ value. Nothin’ would inner’est a big mining outfit, but plenty to make a single man rich beyond his dreams. A man like old Pete.

MING Then what are you still doing here, if you don’t mind us asking?

PETE I ain’t found more then enough to keep me goin’. Got a shuttle what navigates the field all raht. Use it to slip back to Beaumont for supplies every six month or so. 50 odd years I been searchin’ for what I know is out there: The motherload. Always one more shovel full of dirt away. Mark my words, there’s gold in them thar hills.

MING That’s quite…well, that really something. Quite a story.

PETE Enough ‘bout old Pete though. What brings ya out this far-or, more import like, why ya so keen on nobody knowin’?

RAY We’re criminals.

PETE Honest? Honest and fer true? Outta gas and lookin’ ta hide in a perilous asteroid field with a man that hardly exists, that don’t sound none like folks tryin’ to avoid the law.

RAY Like you said, corporations own everything now, even governments, to an extent; and none more than Blue Sun. We took some money that was supposed to be for the procurement of certain services from a specific government official.

GULLY Bribery money, if you get his meaning.

RAY Thank you, Gully. That was a totally necessary explanation.

PETE And you totally out of fuel.

RAY Completely.

PETE (Whistles) Yor in one heap of trouble, friend. I ain’t got no extra fuel. I gots me ‘bout a month of air left, but split four ways it won’t last much longer’n a week. I also gots a powerfully strong radar, need it out here to cut through all the interference of the field. Might find a friendly face tryin’ to hide out here you could contact. And if that don’t work, I’ll let ya hitch a ride back to Beaumont wit’ me, and y’all can figure it out from thar. (Pushes a pile of stuff off of a table, revealing a computer terminal) Go ahead, enter you distress code or what have you, see if’n anyone bites.

Ray moves to the terminal and begins typing.

MING Thank you.

PETE That’s if’n, o’course, we all live through the next few hours.

RAY (Beat, looks up) Come again.


Nag Champa stews in his chambers, drinking from a brandy glass and staring out the window.

The door opens, and two AGENT’s walks in. We see they have blue hands.

Nag Champa drops his glass in surprise. It shatters on the floor.

AGENT #1 Justice Champa.

NAG CHAMPA That door was locked. It was magnetically sealed, how the hell did you get in?

AGENT #2 (Completely dismissive) Your honor, what happened to the money we sent you.

NAG CHAMPA Don’t even knock, use your fancy gadgets to burst right in. Do you have any idea who I am?

AGENT #1 (Insistent) Please don’t lapse into clichés.

AGENT #2 The money we sent you for your judgment, we know it is missing. Where is it?

NAG CHAMPA Ah, yes. That.

Nag Champa moves to his desk and pours another glass of booze.

NAG CHAMPA (Cont’d) Can I offer you a drink?

The Agents moves closer to the judge. Even though the judge is bigger the agents’ demeanor and confidence give them an intimidating quality, which Nag Champa visibly feels.

AGENT #1 Judge Champa, the money we sent–

AGENT #2 The marked money we sent you–

AGENT #1 Did not arrive here, its destination. We’ll ask you one more time…where is it?

NAG CHAMPA It’s under control.

AGENT #2 Your honor, my employers have a vested interest in this world, one which seeks to avoid…complications.

AGENT #1 If certain people were to find out how these interests are secured, it would most definitely qualify as a complication.

NAG CHAMPA You…you think I’m hiding it. So I can, what, blackmail you, is that what you’re saying? Well, I’m not. That’s, that’s just ludicrous. I’d be ruined, and I would never do anything to jeopardize my long-standing relationship with Blue Sun. A relationship I’m very satisfied with.

AGENT #2 Then please, tell us, where is the money.

NAG CHAMPA It’s under control.

Sees this did nothing to placate the Agents.

NAG CHAMPA (Cont’d) It was stolen.

AGENT #1 By whom?

NAG CHAMPA I don’t know. But, I know what ship they’re on, and I know where it is. In fact, I’ve got top men reacquiring as we speak. So, as I said, it is under control. This little wrinkle will-

He’s interrupted by the beep from his desk.

NAG CHAMPA (Cont’d) Ah, you see? That’s Captain Sullivan now.

Nag Champa pushes a button and Sullivan’s face appears on the screen. The reception is very poor, and static crackles with his voice.

SULLIVAN Man! It’s crazy! [Chinese words] I don’t know what to do!

NAG CHAMPA Sullivan you imbecile, do your job!

SULLIVAN (Begins to fade in and out) …Hitting every rock that flies across our path. We can’t…lost nav/sat control…send help…dude, I want my mom.

Sullivan’s transmission cuts out.

Nag Champa looks guiltily at the Agent.

AGENT #2 (Amused) This is in control? These were your top men, little boys who wished to play hired guns and can’t even navigate an asteroid field?

NAG CHAMPA This is only temporary. If you let me send another ship, find a qualified bounty hunter, or get the local law enforcers-

AGENT #1 Law enforcement? Official entanglements are exactly what we were sent here to ensure were avoided.

Agent #1 takes a small, thin rod from his pocket and holds it out. It emits a high pitch noise. It makes Nag Champa visibly uncomfortable.

NAG CHAMPA Give me a chance.

AGENT #2 No, your honor, I’m afraid that time is past.

Nag Champa starts bleeding from the nose. His brandy glass explodes.

NAG CHAMPA You, you need me! The ruling.

AGENT #1 You were always disposable. Those poor farmers can’t afford this trial to go on any longer.

AGENT #2 A mistrial will be declared in the wake of your death, and their council’s will leave thereafter.

AGENT #1 The whole issue will, like you, disappear; and be forgotten. Your honor.

Nag Champa is now bleeding from his eyes, gums and fingertips.

NAG CHAMPA No, please, I’ll…I’ll come forward about you. I’ll tell the authorities everything I know.

AGENT #2 Come. We must get to that ship.

AGENT Yes, of course.

Nag Champa, lying on the floor, slumped against his desk, dies. We sees the agents exit.


PETE Wellsir, there ain’t many rocks left in the verse what aren’t either owned nor empty. This here claim I got, folks be comin’ affer it lately, tryin’ to take what ain’t rightly theirs.

RAY Someone’s trying to run you off?

PETE Darn tootin’! They been runnin’ raids on me fairly regular- (Strokes laser rifle) -But ol’ Betsy an’ I, we give ‘em Hell each time. Fought ‘em off, by gum. That’s who I thought you folk might be with, hence the less then hospitable ‘nitial reception.

GULLY What makes you so sure they’s comin’ back, ol’ timer.

PETE They jess been tryin’ to scare me, mostly, ‘cept I put a shot clean through the head a’ one a’ the varmits yesterday, they pulled ‘im off, crackling over the radio ‘bout how they was finishing the job, next time. Avengen’ their man an all.

MING That’s why you’re being so nice to us.

GULLY Figured a few more hands on your side might even the odds a bit.

PETE Thought had crossed my mind.

GULLY Why you [Chinese words]. I knew this plan was bust. Cap’n, let’s leave this ruttin’ goldminer to die get off this gorram space pebble.

RAY As sensible an idea as that is, Gully, it’s not an option.

GULLY You mind telling me why?

RAY Well, for starters, we’re almost completely out of fuel, and therefore air.

GULLY Oh, right.

MING Looks like we don’t have a choice.

RAY Looks like.

Pete smiles a big, rotten-toothed grin.

PETE Good to have y’all on my side!

RAY Only one problem, way I see it.

PETE Yeah.

RAY We don’t have any weapons that can fire out of atmo. So, ‘less you got a few extra lasers sittin’ about, we’re not going to be of much use to you.

Pete’s smile disappears.

PETE You ain’t got no guns?

RAY None we can use. Laser’s are beyond our price range, I’m afraid.

PETE (Mulling) I got some hand tools y’all can use. Might be a’ some use. Better’n nuttin.

RAY Just so we’re clear. We help you fight off these men, you help us off this asteroid, into some friendly hands?

PETE It’s yor best chance, Cap’n.

Pete offer’s his hand. Ray hesitates.

Gully shakes his head. Ming holds her breath.

Ray shakes Pete’s hand.

PETE (Laughing, wheezing) C’mon, let me show y’all where they be comin’ from.

MING If it’s alright, Ray, I’ll catch up.

RAY Ming?

MING I’ve got something in my bunk I’d like to retrieve for this suicide mission. Figure it’ll be better than a shovel. And I’d like Gully to come with me. To help carry it.

Ray nods.

PETE Well, let’s get suited up.


Pete and Ray stand on a hill, overlooking the terrain.

PETE They been coming from that direction every time. Nothin’ fancy and no strategy or nothin’. Remember that extra strong radar I gots what I told y’all about?

RAY Yeah.

PETE Let’s me see all over the surface here, too. We’ll know when their comin’ ‘bout ten, fifteen minutes afore. ‘Nuff time to get into some kinda position. Way I figure it, I’ll stand up here with ol’ Betsy, draw their attention and pick ‘em off. Meanwhiles y’all and yor crew hide by them big rocks. Wait ‘til thar right up close, and surprise ‘em. They ain’t expectin’ nobody else.

RAY That’s your plan?

PETE Lessen you gots a better’un.

RAY (Shakes head) I’m no soldier.

PETE Too bad.

RAY Their’s how many?

PETE (Chews it over) Round ‘bout a dozen.

RAY And they all have lasers?


RAY And I’ll have…this pick ax, you say?

PETE You can take the sledge hammer, if’n you want.

RAY (Sigh) Great.


Ming and Gully enter, in suits. Ming opens a drawer and pulls out a tiny gun.

MING (Holding it up) This is it.

GULLY That’s it?! That’s what you needed me to-

Ming takes off her helmet. She breathes shallow breaths in the thin air.

MING Take off you’re helmet, I don’t want the radio to pick us up.

GULLY (Taking off his helmet) You crazy? You wanna suffocate?

MING I’d guess we have enough air left for a quick conversaion.

GULLY (Looking around) Wait a minute…there’s no model ship in here!

MING For god’s sake, just listen! This is called a stinger. My Pa gave me it on my thirteenth birthday. I grew up on Persephone. Not the safest place for a young girl, and I had just gotten my first…you know…And he said to me, if anyone ever tried to hurt me, or have their way with me…use this. It shoots 45,000 volts up to 12 feet. Once. Enough to fry a person’s brain. (Beat) Gully, if I’m using this and a shovel, I’m as good as dead. The captain has led us to suicide, and I’m wondering why I don’t use this stinger on prospector Pete back there, then we take his shuttle and make a run for it, and if the Captain don’t like it, let him stay on this hunk of rock. (Hyperventilating) But I don’t…I just don’t know. I trust Ray, but I don’t want to…it’s just, in the black, no air around…I don’t- (Get’s control back. There are tears on her face.) Gully, I’ll do what you want.

GULLY …Gorram…bring me out here to talk of mutiny and backstabbin’. Didn’t know you had it in ya…I don’t wanna die out here none neither. But, killin’ this guy; that ain’t right. Cap’n gave he word, and we follow the Cap’n. Pete may be slimey as any hustler planet side, but he don’t deserve that. We die, we die doin’ what’s right. Ain’t much, but…well, it ain’t much.

Ming and Gully look at each other, taking labored breaths, but sharing the moment.

GULLY You want to pass out, that’s your business, but I’m putting my suit back on.

Ming smiles and nods.

They put their helmets back on and breath deep.


Pete and Ray are inside. Ming and Gully exit.

RAY (Gesturing to Ming’s stinger) That all.

MING Yessir.

RAY Figured you were leavin’ to talk. So?

MING We’re with you, sir.

A beeping is heard.

PETE Sounds like someone’s answering your signal. Gowan, answer it!

RAY (Looks at screen) It’s called Serenity, under the command of…Mal Reynolds! We’re in luck, I know this guy.

GULLY (Skeptical) Really?

RAY Well, I met him once.

Ray pushes a button by the screen. MAL’s face appears.

MAL Mr. Carter, what can I do for you?

RAY Captain Reynolds! We’re in a spot. Thank the stars you came along.

MAL Mostly I hear words like that means there’s trouble attached. Am I right in assuming that’s the case here?

RAY You would be. But we don’t need you to get involved or anything like that. We’re just out of gas.

MAL Hm. I’ve been there. But if you don’t mind me sayin’, you’re out of gas in a mighty out-of-the-way place. Truth be told I got alarm bells goin’ off in my head, telling me to just keep moseying along.

RAY I had alarm bells in my head like that before. I remember one time in particular, when a certain sergeant and his squad were retreating through a little neutral town, what seemed like the whole alliance army hot on their tail, not a day behind. Now, I could have turned away like everyone else in the town and not risked bringing the Alliance’s wrath on me and mine, but that squad hadn’t eaten for days, so I risked a lot to go to my father’s restaurant, steal a pallet of beans, and give it to those hungry Independents. And, as I recall, that sergeant and his squad all got off that moon. Sir, quite frankly, you owe me.

MAL …That I do. But this ain’t no pallet of beans. I gotta now what’s got you hiding out there before I risk aiding and abetting. What’d you do?

RAY Back on Beaumont a few farmers rose a stink over Blue Sun dropping chemicals from their factories into the watersheds that feed their farms. They decided to take Blue Sun to court over their poisoned crops. They had their day few weeks ago, and a high judge goes by the name of Nag Champa was supposed to issue his ruling.

MAL Seems pretty cut and dry. ‘Course, I know nothing ever is.

RAY Right. Blue Sun couldn’t have these little farmers setting a precedent for others to follow, it’s bad for business. So they tried to bribe High Judge Champa. Except, we stole the bribe money.

MAL Now both the honorable high judge and Blue Sun need to find you, to make sure the money doesn’t get traced back to them.

RAY It is marked. Funny, we don’t care about bustin’ them at all. We just want to make with a profit, you know how it is.

MAL I do indeed.

RAY So, can you help us.

MAL I’ll send a shuttle over with some fuel. Should be there in about an hour.

RAY Thanks. We’ll pay you more than it’s worth.

MAL Don’t worry about that. We’re even. Just, if you get caught-

RAY We’ve never even heard of you. I hope we can meet again, under more accommodating circumstances.

MAL Likewise.

An alarm goes off. Pete goes to another screen.

PETE Dad gum! They’za commin’! Wrap your little chat up, it’s time to move! Get your bodies behind those rocks for the ambush!

RAY And Mal…please hurry.


Pete stands on the hill, surveying the scene.

Ray, Ming, and Gully each are making their way to large rocks.

In the distance, about 12 suited people are approaching. They each hold laser pistols and look tough and menacing through their suits.

Pete’s voice comes over the radio.

PETE That’ll do. Right there. Now wait for ‘em. I’ma draw thar fire.

Gully crouches, holding a large hammer ready to swing.

Ming sits, back to her boulder, clutching her stinger and muttering a silent prayer.

Ray stands behind his rock, poised and trying to get a better look at who’s coming.

Pete shoulders his rifle, aims, and fires.

One of the attackers falls. The rest return fire.

All of the shots miss Pete, either poofing in the ground or going above him. He continues to fire.

The attackers rush forward, approaching our hero’s positions.

PETE (O.C.) Hold it…Hooooold it...

Ray, trying to see better, lifts his head up more. A laser shot hits the rock just inches from his head. He ducks.

The attackers stop, a few pointing to the rock Ray is behind. The mouth, “It’s a trap!”

RAY Ahh [Chinese words]…

The attackers regroup, slowly moving forward now and checking behind big rocks they come to.

All seems lost, when suddenly small, fighter-style ship swoops low over them. It turns around to make another run, this time firing huge bolts of energy at the ground.


Agents #1 and #2 sit at the controls, coolly raining fire on the surface.

AGENT #1 We’re sure Perception is on the ship we read on the surface?

AGENT #2 Yes. After we dispose of Captain Carter, which ever one he is down there, we can retrieve our package off of it.


Everyone dives for cover. Large explosions vaporize attackers or throw them flailing into space. A few attackers fire back weakly, but it’s pointless.

Ray, Ming and Gully find each other. They clutch each other, and endure the rocking explosions.

The fighter-style ship turns for another run, when out of nowhere the larger bounty hunter ship slams into it!

Both ships crash in huge fireballs several hundred yards away.

Ray, Ming, and Gully slowly stand up, not believing either their luck or what they have just witnessed.

GULLY No ruttin’ way.

MING Wow. They really were green.

Silence. No one else is standing. A few charred corpses lay among the burnt craters left by the barrage.

PETE (O.C.) Weeee-hooo! Weeee-hoooo!

GULLY Crazy old prospector.

Ray, Ming, and Gully run to the crater where Pete is jumping up and down. They lean in and see an enormous vein of gold.

PETE I knew it! The motherload! I knew it weres here, I knew I’d find it! I told ya! I told ya! Weeee-hooo!

RAY Let’s get back to Perception. Our fuel should be here any minute.

MING Please.


A shuttle takes off in front of Perception.


Ming is starting up the engine. The ship comes to life with a comforting hum. Ray enters.

MING Ready when you are, Captain.

RAY Get us to Whitefall. And fast.

Gully enters, loudly.

GULLY You can say that again! That was a hair closer to death than I want to come again. Captain, next time you go getting’ a bright idea, how’s about you make sure it don’t involve no insane coot full a’ gold fever. In fact, how’s about you don’t go gettin’ no more bright ideas in the first place. I’m telling you, of all the moronic things your head spits forth, I can’t believe you can still top yourself. After the time you-

RAY Gulliver! Don’t you have a corridor to finish cleaning?

Gully’s face falls. He exits, muttering something about paint and models.

MING Patience better be grateful. Hardest job we ever pulled for her.

RAY True. But it’s not without its lessons.

MING That so, sir?

RAY Well, we know that despite his bellyachin’ Gully’ll stay loyal through just about anything. And I’ve noticed you’re taking to calling me Captain now.

MING Captain?

RAY Or sir. And call me old fashioned-

MING You’re old fashioned Ray…Captain Ray.

RAY But I like being reassured that some folks can always be counted on.


The ship takes off and flies away, maneuvering around a few asteroids. When it is just a small speck against the field of stars it’s engine lights up and the ship zooms away.



Friday, February 23, 2007 8:09 AM


Transferred fine. Makes me want to write my own!

Shiny idea TGM, really well written and a nice little yarn of people in trouble!

Friday, February 23, 2007 10:40 AM


Some mighty fine writng, TGM...though a bit more detail about the characters and the Perception would have been nice;)



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This is an episode I wrote based in the Firefly verse. Different character's ('cept for Mal, who only makes a small cameo near the end...I couldn't resist). It's in screenplay format, hope it transfers okay. I was trying to further explore the idea of the "Space Western" and realized that prospector's and gold fever were an angle that didn't get to be played with in the series. FYI it's exactly as long as an hour long episode, which is something I'm really proud of so I thought I'd mention. Enjoy!