Furious Angels
Thursday, March 22, 2007

Belongs to somebody not me. Blah blah blah, yackety schmackety. Please to comment. Good. Bad. Whatever.
Spoiler: A bit for from the end of Heart of Gold.
AN: The title is from an absolutely brilliant song by Rob Dougan. Go read the lyrics here. - I think it encapsulates a certain aspect of M/I wonderfully.


The first time Mal Reynolds believed in angels was because his Ma told him so. "Angels watch over you, boy," she told him, after he broke his leg falling out of the hay loft at age 10. "Seems to be their full-time job, keepin' you from harm." He liked the notion of angels keeping him from straying too far from righteousnes, although by the time he got his cherry good and busted in that same hayloft with Molly Sullivan several years later, it seemed as though they were sleeping on the job.

The second time Mal Reynolds believed in angels was right before they betrayed him at Serenity Valley. He was sure the angels were coming to rescue them. He believed those angels were looking out for him with the fierce desperation of a man who had lost everything else he could believe in. And then even that was ripped away from him.

The third time Mal Reynolds believed in angels was when Inara told him she was leaving. He wanted to summon them from on high. Make them do his bidding. Prevent her from walking away from him. Yet just as they had turned a blind eye to his tumble with Molly and to his pleas for rescue from the hell of that accursed Valley, they studiously ignored him now.

Mal Reynolds might not have had a fancy education, but he knew one thing. There would be no fourth time.


Thursday, March 22, 2007 10:20 PM


Another Rob D fan? Well strike me blind and say it ain't so!

This was great WhosThatGirl. I love looks into Mal's past and beliefs, and this managed both at the same time! The idea of Mal believing in angels....seems such an opposite to who he is in the series, but if one moment could make him belive, you've captured it deftly.


Friday, March 23, 2007 1:53 AM


It was so sad to see Mal lose his faith in any kind of divine intervention, in this case angels. What that poor boy needs is someone who will love him heart, body and soul. The queue starts here! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, March 23, 2007 5:51 AM


wow... poor man, you are indeed correct AMDOBELL, poor dude needs some lovein' of the sweet, tender variety, not the sweaty, heavy kind *grins* Can see this as a possibility, even in the series, true Mal's pretty much given up on religion, but he WOULD try and command angels when it came to 'Nara =P and as to Rob D?? Guys a genious!!! But I haven't heard the actual vocalized version of Furious Angels, just the techno mix for the matrix trillogy =(

Friday, March 23, 2007 7:58 AM


I like it..

Very well written..

Friday, March 23, 2007 8:37 AM


Really nice ... I like the idea that the captain is this bereft ... maybe the fourth time isn't his lost faith in angels, but his belief they really do exist when Inara comes back.

Friday, March 23, 2007 10:45 AM


Are we queuing up, Amdobell? I'll get in line for that. ;)

Very cute story, I like. :)

Friday, March 23, 2007 12:16 PM


Oi! Ladies...gotta make sure that fellow Browncoats like FollowMal and FutureMrsFillion get dibs on the top two spots of the line;D

Still...mighty impressed with what you've done here, WTG. Blends Mal's past as a good Christian boy with his current status as someone angry with higher powers but begging for their help.


Friday, March 23, 2007 5:56 PM


Awesome, as per usual! Haven't heard of Rob Dougan before, but now I'll definitely check him out.


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Sugar and Spice - R to NC-17
Corporal Malcolm Reynolds discovers what colonel's daughters are made of.
Belongs to somebody not me. Blah blah blah. Yackety schmackety.
<p> Please to give feedback. Good. Bad. whatevs.

Haywire - PG13
See what happens when I watch too many classic films from Netflix! Guess the film!
Belongs to somebody not me. Blah blah blah, yackety schmackety.
Please to give feedback. Good. Bad. Whatever.

Uneasy Lies the Head - G
Mal wants somebody not him to be in charge for once.<p>
Belongs to Somebody Not Me. Blah blah blah, yackety schmackety.
Please to give feedback. Good. Bad. Whatever.<p>
AN: The full quote is 'Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown,' from Shakespeare's Henry the Fourth. There. Consider yourself edumacated.