A walk in the woods-part 1
Friday, March 23, 2007

Kaylee get lost in the woods


“ Damn.” Kaylee said, she had been wandering around the woods from about an hour now. She had left shortly after the Captain, Jayne, and Zoë left for their Big pick up. Even though the Captain told everyone else to stay on the ship she couldn’t help her self the outside just looked too beautiful.

“Don’t panic.” Kaylee told herself as she kept walking; Kaylee could only remember one other time she had been lost. She was about six years old her ma needed to go the market and she went with. She walks away from her ma for a minute to pet a stray dog and when she looked back her ma was gone. Kaylee remember yelling her ma name and the panic she got then her ma didn’t answer. She also remembers about an hour later when her ma had finally found her and she vaulted that day never to get lost again. So much for vaults!

Kaylee rapped her arms around her. It was starting to get dark, which means it getting colder. I need to fine shelter. Kaylee thought. Before it get too dark. But for Kaylee that meant that she had to walk farther into the woods but that also meant getting more lost.

“AHHHH” Kaylee screamed as she tripped over a tree trunk. It was totally dark now and she couldn’t see a thing and she was also pretty sure her lips and skin were turning blue from the cold. Kaylee was now lying against the tree; her eyes were slowly shutting she knew that she had to stay awake or she freeze to death so she decided to sing

Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don’t care, I’m still free

You can’t take the sky from me

Take me out to the black

Tell them I ain’t comin’ back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can’t take the sky from me

There’s no place I can be

Since I found Serenity

But you can’t take the sky from me…

“Book, River, Doc, Kaylee, Wash get down here right now!” Mal yelled from the platform as he slugs the big bag of supplies he had on the ground. “ We hit the mother load.” He yelled.

Simon and Book came down the streets. “ So deal went well?” Simon asked.

Mal picks up the bag that he had throw down and toss it to Simon. “ Like it was planned.” Mal had a smile from ear to ear but then he noticed something. “ Where Kaylee?”

“ She went out.” River said dancing around Jayne. “ Out to play but now she lost… lost and scared, yup, lost and scared.”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE WENT OUT?” Mal went red in the face.

“ Come down Captain she couldn’t have gotten far.” Zoë assured him“ We just pack up some supplies and load up the mules an…”but Zoë was interrupted.

“ Go and get here.” Jayne said.

Zoë turn her head towards Jayne giving him the evil eye. “Yeah, what he said.”

“What.” Jayne said when he noticed Zoë stare but Zoë just remained silent

“ Alright, I agreed, Doc you go get the supplies.” Turning to Zoë and Jayne as Simon went up to get the supplies. “ Zoë go get the mules ready, Jayne just make sure you have all the guns you need.”

“ Yes, sir.” Zoë said

Jayne just nodded.

“Wash, as soon as we leave I want you to get this ship up in the air. Hover just above the tree lines and if you see anything call me.” Mal turned away. “ Zoë where are those mules?”

“ Sorry, sir, one of the mules got stuck.” She said as she came out of the ship.

“Uh, Uh… Doc, Jayne lets go.” He shouted with that Mal, Zoë, Simon, and Jayne where off, and soon after that the Firefly fire up and roared off.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have already posted this on


Friday, March 23, 2007 6:14 PM


Ok...a bit rough in the formatting and the speed at which this tale travels, but definitely can see a nice little adventure here. Would suggest getting someone to take a look at your stuff before you post, KayleeLilith89...just to ensure everything is smooth before future tales are posted here;D


Saturday, March 24, 2007 3:08 AM


I agree with BEB above, a beta would be helpful or just reading through the work before you post to catch things like Zoe calling the Captain 'caption' and so on. Also the dialogue is a little off but it made me smile because the moment Mal tells them the job went well it has to of course go to *goushi* with Kaylee now wandering off and needing a Big Dam Rescue. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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A walk in the woods-part 1
Kaylee get lost in the woods