Bullet Tears
Monday, March 26, 2007

Inara has a rude awakening during her early days in the black. Written for firefly firday.


Title: Bullet Tears Summary: For Firefly Friday. Inara has a breakdown shortly after she comes to the Black. Rating: G Word Count: 771

Bullet Tears

She collapsed onto her bed, pushing her nose into the silky-soft pink sheets, breathing in the latent scent of incense with greed and hunger and utter desperation as the white hot tears she’d been holding back all afternoon began to stream mercilessly down her cheeks. They rained out of her like a winter monsoon on Sihnon, each droplet of moisture falling out of her eyes with fury hitting the bed sheets like an angry, iridescent bullets looking for a target. They left her shaking there on her bed, shriveled and dehydrated, a tangled mess of thoughtless limbs curled into nothing. This was real crying. This was real, ugly, undignified crying, the kind that leaves you shaking for days. This was crying that was loud and frightening and without pride. Inara let it wash over her, unyielding.

She could have stopped it. She knew how. But she just didn’t want to. Not even if it was loud and ugly, certain to be heard by the six strangers on the ship who she’d shared the last two months with. Not even if the captain, such a mystery and full of judgment, heard her and used this against her tomorrow when they were trading quips at the dinner table. Inara didn’t care about the consequences. She didn’t care about tomorrow. All she cared about was today. All she cared about was what she was feeling right now.

She was lost. She was lost, alone on a chè fēn bié in the middle of no where, million of millions of miles away from everything and everyone she had ever known and loved. She was lost, utterly and truly, in every sense of the world, and she was crying, sobbing, and she didn’t care.

She’s sent her day at a tar processing facility. A tar processing facility. In her mind lingered violin concertos and dulcimer quartets that played at dances on Sihnon, the smell of all the women’s flowery perfume flooding the floor, and the feel of her silk dresses across her shoulder blades, tickling the too smooth skin of her exposed back. A tar processing facility. She smelled like it now. The stench of burnt rubber had seeped into her clothing, her curls, everything.

She was supposed to have it all.

It seemed so silly, part of her acknowledged, crying over the loss of the privilege she had forsaken when there were people in the universe who didn’t just visit tar processing facilities as the crew they boarded with picked up cargo, but lived there. People who woke up every morning at sunrise not to admire the changing light but to strap on thick, rubber-sole boots and hard hats so that they could work in a tar-processing facility. Day after day after day. It seemed so petty to miss parties and fine music when half, maybe even all, of the crew members on the ship had never had the opportunity to learn about symphonies in music class, much less see one perform. Well, maybe Inara was small. Maybe she was petty. She could name at least a dozen people who would grin smugly if she ever admitted it, at least a dozen people who were waiting for the high and mighty Inara Serra to fall from her thrown.

But the thing was Inara hadn’t fallen. She had chosen to leave it all behind.

She took a deep breath, concentrating on the sensation of the air moving through her body, going in through her nose, down her throat, filling her lungs. She held it there, inside her, counting silently in her mind yī, èr, sān, sì... She exhaled through her mouth, the steady stream of air chilling her lips as it escaped her body. She breathed. She breathed again and again and again, breathed until her control of the air defeated her melancholy tears. It was finished. Everything was silent. Everything was still.

The smell of the tar still lingered in the room. It brought Inara back into herself. With a heavily sigh she pushed herself up. She pushed herself onto her elbows first then sat up properly on the bed. With the back of her hand she wiped wayward tear streaks off her cheeks, wiped away the evidence that she had ever broken down like this. There was a knock at the door. “Come in,” she chimed.

The captain poked his head inside. “Super’s in ten,” he said, already on his way out before the words had completely left his mouth.

“Thank you,” she said to his back in the doorway.

She stood up, walked over to the mirror, and began silently reapplying her makeup.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 2:37 AM


Yep, very Inara. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 5:35 AM


"They rained out of her like a winter monsoon on Sihnon, each droplet of moisture falling out of her eyes with fury hitting the bed sheets like an angry, iridescent bullets looking for a target."

So pretty! I can imagine her feeling this way when she first got to Serenity--very lost and out of place. I'm curious if our oh-so-observant captain noticed or not. ;)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 8:17 AM


Great imagery and word choice. I think this is very in character for Inara, although I know others would disagree with me. I can imagine her feeling quite bereft in the black.

And I agree with Kaynara - did Mal maybehaps take a notice?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007 4:48 PM


Honestly? Except for one spelling mistake - "thrown" instead of "throne" - this was a shiny chunk of perfect, Arcadia! Being able to view Inara at this stage in her life is quite an opportunity, since we only get to see Inara the woman a select few times during the series and movie. Knowing that she can and will suffer homesickness and acknowledged pettiness about her situation really helps flesh this short look at Inara out in a complex manner.

Though what really threw me is that you had Mal KNOCK! Or, really, that Mal this quickly has come to "know" Inara enough to know she's in no mood for their UST waltz of snark and banter. Yep...I am seriously hoping this is a case of Mal being good people;D



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Bullet Tears
Inara has a rude awakening during her early days in the black. Written for firefly firday.

As they go to sleep in the bed they share, Inara remembers the first time she and Mal ever had sex.

Snow Angels
Mal takes Inara long to make a delivery on a snowy planet. Two or so months post-Miranda.

Definition of Something Different
A small M/I fic, set post-Serenity. Inara needs to see to her living arrangements.

How He Dies
How Mal Reynolds dies. Sorta.

Mal and Inara play cards. The loser has to share a secret. A good one.

Over the Hills and Far Away - Ch 19 - Final Chapter
Set after OIS. Much to Inara’s chagrin, Mal accepts a job offer that takes Serenity far away from New Melbourne and to an unremarkable moon called Three Hills...Everyone finds so peace. Inara recovers.

Over The Hills and Far Away - Ch 18
Set after OIS. Much to Inara’s chagrin, Mal accepts a job offer that takes Serenity far away from New Melbourne and to an unremarkable moon called Three Hills... This bomb has gone off! Is Inara okay? Is Mal?

Never Left
A sequel to <a href=""Don’t Leave Me </a>. What would Inara’s life be like if she never left Sihnon?

Don’t Leave Me
Written for FireflyFriday. Inara makes a wish, and Mal has a not especially good dream about it. Kinda corny in the “It’s a Wonderful Life” way. M/I, of course.