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8-years post-BDM, drama reflecting on the power of family and friendship. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. … Dowload the full PDF here …A.N. Ch 8: The crew makes their escape, starts the last leg of the job, and undergoes general recovery. Pairings: M/I, S/K
At Mal’s command, River left Santo in the dust, ducking under the Alliance radar and the orbiting Tao Wu shark-ship. Without Cappy, the path to Persephone would prove far more perilous than they’d intended. Her hands shaking, she forced her mind on the stars before her and not the image of Cappy’s death. It was the first time she ever heard him. First time she ever saw him. And all he said was “Diana.” River’s mind swirled over who Diana could be. Perhaps she should find this Diana and tell her that Cappy was dead. On the other hand, a man so private should have a right to keep his dying thoughts to himself. Angrily, River grabbed Cappy’s Rubik’s cube and threw it behind her. “Whoa, watch it li’l albatross,” Mal chided, catching the cube as he entered. His arm was loosely bandaged over his shirt, but his face was all business. “We headed for Persephone?” “Won’t be easy,” River promised as Mal set the cube firmly on the console. “Never is,” he agreed. “But we’re still flying.”
Kaylee listened to the sound of Simon working in the Infirmary. By the variety of sounds he made, she could tell he was reading the latest medical journals. She smiled a little as he “hmmm”ed and “oh”ed at the text. She listened to the steady beep of the monitor attached to her finger. Then she listened to Serenity. Her ship hummed and honed its normal tune, but something rang a little off key. She wished she could leave the Infirmary, find a better place to listen, but her body betrayed her and kept her captive in the bed. “Simon,” she whispered when she’d identified Serenity’s complaint. He looked over at her, probably surprised she was speaking to him. “Do you remember how to replace the valve on the fuel pump?” He shrugged. “You’ll be up in a few days time, Kaylee.” Irritated, Kaylee shook her head. “No, this has to be done now.” “Kaylee, listen to me –” “No! Listen to Serenity!” Kaylee screamed. “If I’d listened to Serenity, I wouldn’t be lyin’ here! That valve needs to be replaced now! So do you remember how to do it or not?” Simon sighed grudgingly. “I suppose.” No! Simon! Listen to Serenity! Kaylee pressed her eyes shut, picturing the valve. “Do you remember that pink dress you got me? Dancin’ in the engine room.” She searched his eyes, seeing them soften in remembrance. “Heart of the ship,” he murmured. “Arteries and veins. Minor surgery.” “You remember I stained the dress showing you how to fix the fuel pump?” Simon kept silent, but she saw in his eyes. He remembered helping her out of the dress just after… making love to her next to Serenity’s beating heart. Tenderly, Kaylee reached up and touched his lips. “Yeah, I remember that too,” she smiled. “But you gotta look past me right now. Serenity’s hurtin’. Do you remember how to patch her up?”
Zoë stood next to Simon in the engine room staring at the fuel pump, handing him tools as he asked for them. “You still love her don’t you?” Simon looked from Zoë to the engine and scratched his temple, smudging engine grease on his cheek. “Don’t need saying, I can see it on your face.” “She wouldn’t have me back,” Simon said softly, remembering to cut pressure to the valve before he removed it. “You know that from talking to her?” Simon’s head hung. “Everything I say offends her.” “Doc, you’ve had your foot in your mouth since the day you met her. That ain’t the cause of your problems.” “A closed mouth gathers no foot.” Zoë clapped him on the back so unexpectedly, he nearly fell into the engine. “Captain told you that, didn’t he?” Simon shook his head, distantly. “I read it in a fortune cookie.” Zoë balked. “Lemme get this straight… you’re chucking a six year marriage over a fortune cookie?”
Kaylee leaned on Simon, but only to steady herself, she assured them. Despite the dour mood, a few smiles crept in at the sight of those two together. Having experience in marriage, Zoë recognized the early signs of reconciliation. Mal had his arm in a sling and spoke eloquently over Cappy’s empty coffin, though Zoë could hardly hear him. Cappy had died. Even though she’d been there and it had been the three of them, he had died. She shouldn’t have felt relieved by his death, but somehow relief came. Absolution. Sometimes, in a gunfight, people die. Don’t matter if you’re there to protect ‘em or not. Jayne’s death wasn’t her fault. If she had been there… suddenly the end of that statement ceased to matter. As she stared at that empty black box, she placed her burdens inside where Cappy’s body ought to have been. There was nothing she could have done to prevent his death. There was nothing.
River cried quietly at the helm of Serenity, her fingers dancing across the controls, searching the cortex. The fractals and music boxes were gone from the console, replaced by a Rubik’s cube and a very beat-up looking T-Rex. Zoë recognized the dinosaur as one of her husband’s. “Where did you find this?” Zoë asked, picking up the toy. She had assumed that Mal had gotten rid of all of her and Wash’s things. “It’s always been here,” River said cryptically. “Never left.” Zoë’s heart shuddered and she put the T-Rex back on the console. “Did you want it?” River asked. Zoë shook her head. “Can’t think of anyplace else it should be.” With that, she headed out of the cockpit, through the hall, and into the galley. Though she wanted a cup of coffee, she passed through quickly on seeing Simon and Kaylee sitting there in deep discussion. They sat stiffly, across the table from each other, decidedly not touching, but at least they were talking. Zoë pressed on to the cargo bay and watched from the catwalk as Mal taught Jackson how to play hoop ball. The air filled with the squeaks of shoes against the metal deck and the squeals of laughter as the game progressed. If she closed her eyes, she could hear Wash laughing through her son. Serenity hummed surely, a song of homecoming. Not victorious, just free. Not wealthy in coin, but rich in family. Zoë no longer worried about her son the way she had when they’d first arrived. After Cappy’s funeral, he had told her, “Mommy, I want to stay here, because when we’re here I think you’re really alive.” From the mouths of babes, she mused. This was their home. This was where they were meant to be.
*~* * * POST- A.N. With the 'reunion' theme coming to a well-rounded close, here ends 'Three Strand Cord'. But, if you are still wondering what happens next (and more importantly what came between Simon and Kaylee all those moons ago), try the sequel: 'Valley of the Shadow'.
Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:31 PM
Saturday, March 31, 2007 12:53 PM
Sunday, April 1, 2007 1:53 PM
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