deaths dream(3) - the sun hitting the earth
Sunday, April 1, 2007

I don't really have much to say about this one, except that it took me forever to right and I don't know if most of the spelling is right. but its jam packed with some fun fact stuff so, its fun for me.


Serenity had touched down on Orlican an hour ago and Mal, Wash, Zoe and Jayne were getting ready to take the goods they had transported for badger to his client. Since they had spent so much time in the ship on there voyage here, they had decided to take a few days off in port. Mal, Jayne, Wash and Zoe were just finishing putting the last of the cargo on the mule and Kaylee was saying goodbye to Inara.

« Bey nara' »

« Bey mei-mei, stay out of trouble now. »

« Alright, practice safe sex. »

« you too. »

The two laughed, and kissed each other on the cheeks. Inara walked into her shuttle closed the hatchway.

« If the walls of that there shuttle could talk, what stories they would have. » said Jayne, leaning on the mule and staring at the closed doorway.

« I think they'd have a French accent. » said Wash.

**** Kaylee walked into the dinning area to find Simon sitting in front of a wave-box typing on its numerous keys.

« Whatcha' doin' sweety. » said Kaylee, trying to read over Simons shoulder.

« I'm trying to get in touch with a old friend from college. He was a brain surgeon and spycoligist specialist and I'm trying to find out if he'd take a look at River for me. »

« What's his name? »

« Jailwen Kwaad, but everyone called him Jay »

« Can you trust him? »

« I think so, he owes me a few. I once got him out of jail for indecent public exposure. »

Kaylee laughed and kissed Simon on the cheek. She still couldn't believe that they had gotten together. He had always seemed to uptight when they weren't officially dating but when they were alone together he was actually very sweet and mellow, even a little funny. He said it was because the pressure of impressing her was off him a little.

« I never knew that the world of medicine had such a seedy underbelly. »

« Oh, you'd be surprised what we get up to. »

They started to kiss but, unfortunately, the wave-box signaled a incoming message. Simon broke off and opened the video file. It was a youngish man with chestnut brown hair that was cut in a style very similar to that of Simon's.

« Hello, Simon. » he said, he voice with a slight ascent that elongated the o in hello.

« I would be delighted to look at your sister for you. I was integrity by the symptoms you tolled me about. It might be a little difficult getting her in to the hospital in the day light so I think we should try it at night, when no one is looking. Have your friends bring her to the back entrance of the hospital and I shall open the door for you. Until then, your old friend. Jay. »

The video petered out and the screen turned black.

« I hope he can help. He's the best there is in spycoligy, if he can't do it, then no one can. »

**** River was trying to fight sleep, it was so tempting for her to just nod of and enter the calm waters of her spiky, but she couldn't. If she did the dreams would come back. The last one had been the most terrifying of them all. It had started out so simply, like a normal dream, but from the beginning she had known it was no ordinary dream. She had dreamed she was standing on a cliff in front of a great drop. The air was heavy with rain and humidity. The cliff looked out on a plain of grass that ended in mountains. Over the field and mountains the clouds were in turmoil, they looked like they were fighting to get the best view of the field below. Thunder rumbled threw them like an angry giant, it wouldn't be long until they turned into rain. In the dream her eyes were given the vision of a hawk and she could see into the could. She watched the lighting seethe for some time then looked at the plain bellow. She could see a city under the clouds. It had started to rain on the city making it fresh and wet and new. She could smell the wet cement in the streets, and the dirt becoming saturated. She followed the main street and turned into a small alley and stopped. She couldn't look away from the seen that was being played out in the alley way. She saw herself watching the young doctor and Jayne fighting, They were yelling but what they were saying was fuzzy. She heard Jayne say « Taking her back » and the young doctor say « You can't, don't you understand. « . Then Jayne pulled out Vira and shot the doctor. He walked over and stabbed him but this time the dream didn't end there. She saw her dream self turn and stair directly at her. She had thought it would look like her but it didn't. It was definitely her, but it was also a Reaver. It smiled at her and dark blood came out of it's mouth, dripping out between its pointed teeth. It said one word, so quietly under it's breath it was almost intangible. Only one word, and that word was « Soon. » then she had awoken. **** « No ruddin' way. » said Mal,

Simon had just asked Mal if he could get some help taking River to the hospital.

« Please. Captain. »

« No, were not here to do anything illegal. Well, except the cargo, that wasn't totally on the level, but I'm not helping you with this. If you get caught bad unpleasant stuffs gonna happen to me and mine and I'm not really in the mood for unpleasantness »

« Please, captain. » said Kaylee, making puppy dog eyes at Mal

« It'd make me happy. »

Mal turned away.

« don't go givin' me those eyes lil' Kaylee, it gives Simon a unfair advantage. »

Kaylee kept staring at Mal until he finally gave in.

« Fine we'll help, but you owe me. »

***** River sat on the mule and felt the cool humid wind blow against her face. She, Simon, Jayne, Wash, Zoe and Mal were sitting on the mule. River didn't want Jayne to come but Mal had insisted.

« I need to have my crew, me 'n' Zoe are the looks and the brains and Jayne, well, Jayne has a big shiny gun. » he had said.

Jayne was especially opposed to the idea.

« T'ain't my problem if the doc wants to take his crazed sis, to some doc I ain't' never heard of. » he had grumbled to Mal when hi tolled Jayne that he was coming.

« tis' your problem, cuss if you don't come and we, Book's fluffy lord forbid, died, then you'd be out of a job, wouldn't you. »

Jayne had eventually been persuaded to come. So there they all sat, River, Jayne, Simon, Wash, Zoe and Mal all on the nine seater mule. They were driving threw a street that was rowed with booths, each with there own different wears, some with sweet, musty smelling spices, others with clothes made of warm cotton. The venders were calling there wears out to no one in particular, but they made sure that everyone heard them.

Dusk was falling and there were very few people on the streets. Most people chose to shopped in the day, when the hot sun made everyone uncomfortable. Those who shopped in the morning were to afraid to shop in dusk or at night when the drug vendors came out and started there lethal trade. The city that they were in was called central city because it was placed between to mountain ranges one to each side.

« stop here. » said River

Wash stopped the mule were they had a clear view of the sun set.

« What the hell are we sitting here for? » snarled Jayne.

« Ssshh, I'm listening. » said River,

« For what mei-mei? » asked Simon looking puzzled.

« Inara says that when the sun sets, you can hear it touching the earth. » Said River, closing her eyes as if she was trying to listen extra hard.

« I doubt that you'll be able to hear the sun set in this noise little albatros. Anyways we don't have time, you can try again some other time. » said Mal « Wash, drive » he instructed his polite.

They carried on threw the town and the appearances started to change. The buildings, whose faces had been colorful and alive before, were dark and stony. Each one looked the same.

« This place gives me the creeps. » said Jayne.

« This is the building. » said Simon, pointing at a building that was bigger and taller then the others and who's face had a red cross on it.

« This is the place? » said Mal.

He got off the mule and helped River off.

« It looks kinda shabby for a A quality doctor like your friend. » Mal continued.

« I was never quite sure why he chose this planet. I think it might have been that he wanted to start from scratch and make this hospital the best for psychology. Or it might be that no real hospital would heir him because of his own metal disorder called, schizophrenia, which is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a metal disorder characterized by impairments in the perception or expression of reality and by significant social or occupational dysfunction. A person experiencing schizophrenia is typically characterized as demonstrating disorder thinking, and as experiencing delusions or hallucinations, in particular auditory hallucinations. Although the disorder is primarily thought to affect cognition usually contributes to chronic problems with behavior and emotion. » said Simon

« Wait, your trusting a doctor who has a shot brain pan to look after your sis? » said Mal in disbelief. « How do you know you can trust him? »

« Well that's the problem you see, there really is no way to know that I am in fact me, so the only thing you can do I suppose is to trust me. » said a voice.

They all turned to the back entrance of the hospital to see a tale man with chestnut brown hair.

« Hi doctor kwaad. » said Simon grinning at the doctor.

« Were not in med school anymore Simon, call me Jay. » said Jay, walking over and hugging Simon.

« You mean were not both employed anymore. » said Simon sadly

« Don't worry old friend, you're still a doctor. » said Jay « So this is you're fabled sister. Hello River, Simon's tolled me allot about you. » he continued holding out his hand to River.

River looked at his hand for a seconded then said.

« Patricide, Matricide, Sororiced, Genocide, Domecide, Tyrannicide. »

Kwaad laughed nervously and beckoned for River and Simon to follow him.

« I'm afraid. » he said « I »m afraid that only the Tam sibling may enter. We don't want the rest of you on the security cameras. »

« But it's gonna rain. » said Jayne « An I don't wanna get wet. »

« we'll wait out here. » said Mal in a voice that was full of authority.

« Very good, see you in a little while. » said Jayn.

He turned to the small white door behind him and turned the handle.



Sunday, April 1, 2007 3:44 AM


Such a pity there are so many spelling and grammatical errors, it is very off putting. Please get someone to beta your stories before posting. Also, what in the world does 'spycoligy' mean? I cannot believe that even after River lists all the different kinds of murder Simon's so-called friend has had a hand in they still go through with it and let River enter that building. - Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, April 3, 2007 4:28 PM


Well...that was certainly interesting. Gotta agree with Alison in that the amount of spelling and grammar mistakes here made things much harder to plow through than was needed. And that's not even touching the issue I have with Simon trusting someone within examining River when the examiner has just as many mental issues as the patient. Can't even fathom how Jay would have gotten through MedAcad if he was suffering from schizophrenia:(

My advice? Ask around here for a beta reader. I think you got a great story idea here, MarchingBand...but it's getting buried under a large amount of roughness.



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deaths dream(3) - the sun hitting the earth
I don't really have much to say about this one, except that it took me forever to right and I don't know if most of the spelling is right. but its jam packed with some fun fact stuff so, its fun for me.

deaths dream(2)- a single tear
I've decided that I'm gonna make this series aprox 4 chapters long cuss I can't get it all down in three. I just got back from my vacation so I'm a little rusty. plz, be merciful.

deaths dream(1) - nothing more
Its my first fanfic so go easy on me. It's about a very bad dream that River has and its the first of several.