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A.N. The fifth installment of the Namesake series. Two parts fluff, one part angst. Post-BDM, snapshots of life. Canon pairings. They take on a new crew member and a risky job.
A.N. Comments welcome and appreciated. Let me know if I'm posting too fast, but sometimes, the story just falls out of me. Read Namesake, Inheritance, Terse, and His Angel first or risk confusion.
Mal balanced Little Michael on his lap, coaxing him to stand, while Kaylee sat cross-legged in the lounge, telling Genevieve that she had to share the red crayon with her brother. Jamie’s round, red face was scrunched in desperation as he begged, “Please, Genny, please.” Little Michael’s knees bent stubbornly trying to sit and Mal sighed. At a year-and-a-half, he should be standing, but the boy seemed to have absolutely no interest. He certainly had the strength when he wanted to. As Mal held his tiny fists up again, the boy lifted his legs and swung monkey-like onto the dining table, knocking over a place setting. “Come on, Michael,” Mal whined, setting his spilled mug upright as the Michael crawled away. The boy turned and gave a mischievous smile at the sound of his own name. He picked up the mug and held it out to Mal. “Mug,” Mal told him, taking the cup and setting it down. Michael picked it up again and prompted. Mal repeated the word. With a wide smile, Michael made a drinking motion, dumping the last few drops of liquid onto his shirt, breaking into silent giggles when Mal tickled him. Michael rarely made noise, even to cry. Simon had fitted him with a hearing aid a few months ago – as soon as they could afford one – but the soundscape was still new to him, and he was reluctant to join in just yet. Having resolved her own children’s conflict, Kaylee glided over with a dish rag to wipe up Mal’s spilled tea. This time, Michael didn’t resist Mal’s attempt to make him stand, and he reached up on tiptoes, grabbing at Kaylee’s hair. “Maybe you just need to dangle a carrot,” Kaylee suggested, a sunshiny smile radiating from her face as she kissed Michael’s nose. Mal smiled back, helping to free her ensnared locks from his son’s grasp. “Baba, we need to talk,” Little Zoë interrupted seriously, standing in the doorway to the galley, looking all business at the age of almost-nine. (It was Mal who insisted on the ‘almost’ bit.) Kaylee raised an eyebrow at Mal and went quietly to the kitchen to prepare lunch, keeping one ear open for eavesdropping. “Sure, Zo, what is it?” Mal asked, motioning to the seat next to him. Zoë strode in assertively and sat at the edge of the chair, her feet barely grazing the floor, her back straight as she could make it, her hands folded neatly in her lap. Mal started to think that maybe Inara had coached her for this particular talk. “I’m just a kid,” Zoë began matter-of-factly and Mal had to fight to keep a straight face, but nodded, businesslike. “But it seems I do an awful lot of work around here.” “That’s how it is in the Black, Zoë. We all have to do our fair share.” “I’m not talking about chores, Baba. Whenever you go out on a job or something strange happens, you always tell me to look out for my brothers. And look out for the twins.” Mal furrowed his brow, not seeing where this was going. “Zo, that’s just part of bein’ in this family. Everyone on this ship has a job to do, especially when we’re gettin’ paid.” “Exactly, Baba. But I’m the only one with a job who ain’t gettin’ paid.” Mal balked, his jaw dropping, an incredulous laugh just moments from reality, but he held back in light of Zoë’s stern manner. “You want me to make the job official then?” Little Zoë nodded seriously. Mal thought he would burst with amusement. “Ok, Zoë. It’s official. When we’re on a job, it is your responsibility to keep the little ones safe, dong ma?” Zoë nodded. “So am I payin’ you per job?” Zoë tipped her head. “I was thinking a monthly fee for standard hours. Plus overtime if you and Mama ‘Nara are just takin’ a night off.” “Sounds fair,” Mal agreed. Zoë reached out a hand and he shook it to seal the deal, then she walked proudly out of the room, presumably to tell Inara that the plan had worked. When she was safely out of earshot, Mal glanced over at Kaylee and they both burst out laughing.
Mal’s mouth watered at the smell of whatever Sky was cooking for breakfast. He hadn’t hired her for her culinary skills. That was just a bonus. Jayne stumbled in, stretching and rubbing sleep from his eyes, groaning in anticipation at the scent of the food. A greedy leer falling on his face, he came up behind Sky, snaked his arms around her waist, and planted a kiss on her neck. She smiled accommodatingly, bringing her stirring spoon to his lips so he could taste. Mal didn’t even know Sky’s real name, but he figured Jayne did by now. Jayne and Sky were cut from the same cloth, and freakishly so at times. In gunfights, Mal would easily have believed they developed a psychic connection, moving in threatening rhythm like pack wolves. Between fights, they looked anything but threatening, her voice a sweet mezzo soprano, singing along as he played guitar. Or now, as they hung on each other like the lovers they were. Sky turned off the stove and moved the liquidy, seasoned, protein concoction off the burner to cool. Jayne stayed wrapped around her, looking ready to fall asleep on her shoulder and Mal thought he had never seen Jayne more content. “Sky can you help me with the press regulator,” Kaylee asked, poking her head into the room. “Sure, girl,” Sky answered, disentangling herself from Jayne and heading out. Mechanical aptitude had been another bonus of hiring her, and Kaylee was not reluctant to tell Mal (over and over) how much she appreciated the help. At the door, Sky turned back and warned Jayne, “Don’t touch it until I get back.” Jayne looked grumpily at the cooling breakfast, then came over to the table to sit next to Mal and soak in the aroma of the food. “You thinkin’ to marry her?” Mal asked. “Naw, I figure we’ll just keep livin’ in sin till the Good Lord strikes us down,” Jayne joked, failing to mask a satisfied sigh. “He’ll get a fair chance on this next job,” Mal warned, a bit of serious foreboding leaking into their humor. Hiring Sky meant they could handle harder jobs with bigger takes, though it also meant more risk. “It’s worth the risk,” Jayne grinned, fingering his empty bowl, not clear on whether he meant the job or Sky. “Maybe safer to get the kids off the boat, though.” Mal nodded, brooding over the unlovely reputation of their current employer. This take would be enough to pay off the last of Little Zoë’s hospital bills, get proper treatment for Michael’s hearing, and still have enough left over for a month long shore leave. The peril wasn’t in the job itself but in the people they were stealing from and stealing for. Jayne was right. It was best to get them off the boat for this run.
The job had gone too easily and now Mal knew why. He searched frantically through the wreckage of the safe house for any sign of Inara or the children. Not even a drop of blood. Not a sign. Had they even been here when this place was torn apart? Would there be a ransom demand or had they already been sold off as slaves? He could hear Kaylee upstairs, crying hysterically, being firmly ignored by the others as they checked the safe-rooms, false walls, hidden passages, or anywhere else that small children might fit. “She’s not here,” River said mournfully, coming down the stairs. Mal stood in the middle of a rubble pile, having forgotten to move for the past few minutes. At River’s word, his heart stopped. His angel flew away from him. The light receded. Serenity Valley. He whispered her name. “Inara.” “She’s not safe,” River promised, tears in her eyes. “Mal!” Jayne hollered, storming down the stairs. “I found one!” Mal turned so sharply, he nearly fell over, tripping on a broken bed frame. “Baba!” Cole cried, throwing up his hands with joy. Jayne held him securely at the foot of the stairs as Mal stumbled through the debris. Cole’s dark hair was oily, his face and clothes dirty, his lips dry. He held a small pistol in one hand, but only loosely. “Boy, what are you doin’ here?” Mal asked gently, taking Cole in his arms and hugging him tightly. “Zoë sent me to look for you,” he explained simply. “She sends me every day because I’m the man of the house now.” “Zoë?” Mal repeated, a glimmer of hope coming for the first time. “Where is she, son?” Cheerfully unaware of their distress, Cole led them out a narrow passage from the basement to the end of the back yard. From there, they followed him into a sparse woods, across a golf course, over a narrow, log bridge, and into another wood. The group traveled in silence, holding a collective breath, hoping against hope to find them well. Through a clearing just ahead, at the entrance to a cave, Mal could make out Zoë, kneeling on the ground, setting out a picnic for the children, singing them a song. Mal’s step quickened, cracking the tree branches, pushing the rattling bushes aside. When Little Zoë heard their approach, she jumped quickly to her feet, drawing a Mare’s Leg, and taking aim. “Zoë, they’re here!” Cole cried out, at which point she dropped her weapon and ran straight into Mal’s arms. Mal lifted her up, then fell to his knees, unable to catch his breath as the fear and relief simultaneously flooded through him. Little Zoë sobbed and held on as tightly as she could. “I tried to help, Baba,” Zoë wept. “But I had to get the little ones safe first. By the time I got back, Mama ‘Nara… she…” Mal felt a lump growing in his throat, but stored his grief for later, focusing now on getting the children safe. “It’s okay, Little Zoë. You did good. You kept the little ones safe till I got here. That’s what I pay you for, right?” Little Zoë nodded miserably and Mal lifted her again, carrying her back to Serenity, wishing away this burden on her childhood. He looked constantly from her to his two sons, one in Sky’s arms the other in Jayne’s. Kaylee held Genny on one arm, her free hand reaching over to Jamie who was in Simon’s, vowing that she wouldn’t leave them again. All the children seemed calm and well-cared-for, seemingly none aware of the true danger they had been in. Only Zoë wept now, finally free to be a little girl again, free to fear, free to take comfort in her father’s arms. “Baba,” Zoë hiccupped, sniffling. “Can I have tomorrow off?”
Post-A.N.: Here's a short little parallel fic about how I imagine they met Sky: No Cash Back
And the story continues with His Women
Sunday, April 15, 2007 8:48 AM
Sunday, April 15, 2007 8:56 AM
Monday, April 16, 2007 9:29 AM
Tuesday, April 17, 2007 6:31 PM
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