After all that is said and done pt1
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Straight after Wash, Book and Mr. Universe's funeral. This part chronicles the beginning of Zoe's mourning and a tid-bit of Mal-Inara interaction.


I just wanted to say, that I have edited this a little, just in layout. Thanks to people who have already commented, and keep the comments comin - I'm new to this so suggestions and critiques are most welcome. One of the comments was that Simon didn't ask Zoë about tranquilising her, but you don't see the interaction between Simon and Zoë. I didn't find it neccessary because the focus was on Mal and Inara. I saw Zoë as being hysterical in her weeping, maybe I didn't put it across in the best way. If you think I should change anything though please reply here. ------------------------------------------------- She stood there for what seemed an age, long after to fireworks had faded and the incense burnt out. She stared vacantly out to the sky as the hologram of her lively husband danced above his gravestone. Zoë had no answer to how she was going to continue her life. The main reason for her living and fighting was gone. She didn’t know Mal was there until he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Zoë?” It was in that one instant that everything came back to her, overwhelming her to a point where she crumpled into Mal and broke down into heavy weeping. Mal pulled her into his arms, not knowing what else to do. It scared him to see this warrior woman who had pulled him through thick and thin so upset and vulnerable. He slowly guided her back to Serenity, picking up the train of her dress to keep this one symbol of the love she and Wash had clean and intact. When they got to Serenity’s ramp, Inara came down and touched Zoë on the arm, reassuringly and lovingly. Zoë, still weeping, stumbled. Mal caught her and swept her up in one move into his arms. He carried her to her bunk, resting her down onto the bed she and Wash once shared. Coming back up he saw Inara hovering. “How is she really Mal?” her face clearly showing concern for her friend. “Well, I have never seen her like that, not even when she got the news about her parents.” Inara nodded, realizing the extent of Zoë’s grief. At that moment, Simon walked around the corner carrying a needle and a vial of tranquilizer. When Mal didn’t say anything, Inara stated “I thought maybe Simon could give Zoë a tranquilizer, just so she can get some sleep. She needs rest Mal, we all know when she lost Wash she lost her reason to live.” Sadly, Mal knew this. Zoë was the sister he had never had, closer than that even. Not even looking at Simon, he nodded and stepped aside. He walked toward the bridge then turned and looked at Inara. “Keep an eye on her for me?” Inara nodded. She was unsure though whether or not to follow Simon into Zoë’s bunk, to stand outside in the hallway or to go back to the guest room set aside for her for the meantime. Mal saw this, and knowing that Inara could help Zoë better than he could, he knew she had to stay close. “Inara? Take my bunk. It’d be better for you to stay close.” Inara was slightly shocked; he was offering his private space, to her. “I can’t do that Mal, where will you sleep?” He looked at her. 'Man, she sure is beautiful' he thought to himself, 'but it’s not about you, it’s about Zoë, Zoë needs Inara with her Companion training now, my words can’t heal like Inara’s actions'. With that, he simply answered “Don’t worry bout me Inara, I’ll be makin’ do. Just focus on Zoë, she needs you more than I need my bunk.” Inara looked down contemplating offering the share, but as she looked up he had already gone to the bridge and she knew that he would reject the offer. He was chivalrous to a fault, and maybe that was the problem sometimes, he’d never wanted to put her in a position that could possibly make her uncomfortable. It was damn irritating at times, all this pent-up attraction with no outlet, not even being a Companion compared to the touch of the man you craved for. She turned toward the guest compartments where her belongings were stored for the time being, hoping to put on a simpler gown to care for Zoë in and to bring a few things to Mal’s quarters that she could use when not looking after her charge. He knew she was going to offer to share his bunk whilst she was looking after his first mate, but Mal just couldn’t do it. He never wanted to put her in a situation where she would walk away and never talk to him again. He thought a situation like that could arise if they shared a bunk; nobody ever knew what they did in their sleep did they? In any case, he didn’t want Inara to ever be uncomfortable in his presence, 'more than like it was already' he added to himself. ------------------------------------------------- Next chapter up soon.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 5:21 AM


This is nice!! However, it would be easier read if you double spaced and indented the dialog.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 10:59 AM


Definitely some quality stuff here, meihwah...but like Hoperules said, formatting would have made this tale - which I hope to see more of soon;D - a good deal easier to read. Having all dialogue separated into individual paragraphs based on the speaker would really get this up to a 9:)


Tuesday, April 24, 2007 12:17 PM


I almost didn't read this because you virtually posted it all in one big block apart from the short paragraph at the end. I'm not sure about having Simon give her something to sleep so soon after losing Wash and without her asking for something, it would have been nice had Simon offered first. Ali D
You can't take the sky from me


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After all that is said and done pt 4
Set after BDM. Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee pairings. Zoe has a little 'River moment' of her own while River and Jayne are playing in the common room.

After all that is said and done pt 3
Chapter 3 of my first fanfic series. Inara's using Mal's bunk, which provides the perfect opportunity. Jayne's helping River in the kitchen and things get gross. Zoe's up and out of bed. The plot surrounding the mysterious woman searching for Mal thickens. PG13 for sexual references.

After all that is said and done pt 2
Chapter 2 of my first fanfic series. After the BDM, Zoe's mourning, Mal's feeling guilty. PG13 for sexual references.

After all that is said and done pt1
Straight after Wash, Book and Mr. Universe's funeral. This part chronicles the beginning of Zoe's mourning and a tid-bit of Mal-Inara interaction.