A New War
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Firefly-Seaason 2. A group of browncoats contact Mal, hoping to use the momentum from the Miranda Incident to restart the war. Meanwhile, Serenity attempts a simple smuggling run disguised as an Alliance warship. Simple, of course, never works out for Mal.


Author's Note: This is my first fic, so apologies in advance if the formatting is off. Obviously, none of the characters or places legally belong to me, and the dialogue from Dr. Caron and the Wash flashback isn't mine either. Hope you enjoy.

INT - GREENLEAF - PIG'S HEAD BAR A number of people are gathered at the bar, all in various states of disrepair. A fair few are wearing brown jackets. A vidscreen is showing some sort of sporting event, and random shouts from the watchers make it clear that money is riding on the outcome.

The screen cuts to static for a second (to a chorus of jeers) and then resolves into the picture of Dr. Caron (from Serenity). It's the broadwave. As Caron starts talking, the background noise immediately ceases.

CARON (O.S.) These are just a few of the images we've recorded. And you can see...

BROWNCOAT What in the planets?

CARON (O.S) There's been no war here, and no terraforming event. The environment is stable.

EXT - BEAUMONDE Dr. Caron's visage, accompanied with the pictures of corpses and reavers, stares out from gigantic vidscreens. Traffic has halted as people stare up at it.

CARON (O.S.) It's the Pax. The G-Paxilon-Hydrochlorate that we added to the air processors. It was supposed to calm the population, weed out aggresion. Well, it works.

INT - PERSEPHONE - BADGER'S PLACE Again, Dr. Caron has commendeered a vidscreen, a smaller, personal one this time. Badger watches, but his stare is calculating.

CARON (O.S) The people here stopped fighting. And then they stopped everything else. They stopped going to work, they stopped breeding, talking, eating. There's a million people here and they all just let themselves die.


CARON (O.S.) About a tenth of the population had the opposite reaction to the PAX. Their aggressor response increased beyong madness. They have become... Well, they've killed most of us. And not just killed, they've done things.

INT - SIHNON - PRIVATE HOME A light hand gently touches a personal vidscreen.

CARON (O.S) I won't live to report this, but people have to know. We mean it for the best, to make people safer... God! (screaming)

INT - GREENLEAF - PIG'S HEAD BAR The screen goes to static for a second, then returns to the sports game. Most of the people go back to yelling.


The three browncoats leave the bar, switching to

EXT - GREENLEAD - PIG'S HEAD BAR The browncoats walk out, with one slightly ahead of the other two. The lead one spits in the dirt.

BROWNCOAT Reavers. The gorram Alliance created the reavers!

SECOND BROWNCOAT Well, what are we gonna do? Make protest signs and set up a picket line outside Parliament?

The lead browncoat stops and swings around, grabbing the speaker by the scruff of his coat.

BROWNCOAT We're gonna fight. Dewey, check the Cortex. My guess is that broadwave hit at least the nearest five planets, probably more. We need to know how far. If it hit Persephone, or Ariel, well, this could be the spark we need. Sanders, see if you can reach any of our old friends. See who's still around. O'Leary, Tracey, Walkins, Alleyne, Reynolds. It's time to restart the war.

End of prologue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT - SPACE Serenity flies past the camera (to heroic cue) and begins to descend towards Persephone.

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT River is flying the ship; Mal is in the co-pilot's seat. Simon is standing behind River, looking nervous.

MAL You sure you ready to try this?

SIMON River, I think maybe you should let the Captain...

RIVER I can do it.

EXT - SPACE Serenity suddenly lurches downward

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT Simon lurches to one side, catching himself on the edge of the door

MAL Woah! No! No! Slower!

RIVER No, this will work.

Zoe steps through the door

ZOE Who's crashing the ship?

RIVER We're not crashing. I'm landing the ship.

Zoe looks at River, and notes the row of toy dinosaurs still lining the console. She blinks a few times, then steps back out of the cockpit.

ZOE I'll... go make sure Kaylee's okay in the engine room.

INT - SERENITY - HALLWAY Zoe walks to the back of Serenity, not moving with any particular haste, keeping her footing despite the ship's lurching.

INT - SERENITY - KITCHEN Zoe enters the kitchen. Jayne is sitting in one of the chairs. In addition to the seatbelt, he's lashed himself up with Simon's medical tape.

ZOE Jayne? What in [chinese] are you doing?

JAYNE Strapped myself in good. Didn't you hear? River's landing the ship.

Zoe eyes the tape expressively

JAYNE She's gonna crash and kill us all!


WASH That's just 'cause I'm going down too quick. Likely crash and kill us all.

INT - SERENITY - KITCHEN Zoe turns and heads back to the hallway.

JAYNE Hey! I got some extra tape if you want it!

INT - SERENITY - HALLWAY Zoe punches a panel and opens the ladder to her room.

INT - SERENITY - ZOE'S ROOM She collapses on to the bed and lies there, staring upwards.

EXT - PERSEPHONE - EAVESDOWN DOCKS Serenity lands smoothly on an open patch with exemplary precision.

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT Mal nods appreciately.

MAL Good landing. Now for the fun part.

SIMON Why are you talking to Badger, anyway? Didn't he set you up last time?

MAL (yelling) Zoe!

MAL (to Simon) That he did, but most of our other allies are dead, and the rest are lying low. There's no one else left.

MAL (yelling) Zoe!

SIMON (empathetically) But he tried to kill you! He sold us out to the Alliance.

MAL And the Alliance supposedly isn't on your tail at the moment, so what are you so worried about?

SIMON Mal, it's not going to be difficult for them to figure out that you were behind the broadwave. It's not me I'm worried about. It's the rest of the crew. I don't want to see them hurt.

MAL You mean you don't want to see Kaylee hurt.

SIMON Well.. yes, but that's not the point.

MAL Look, you're the doctor. Anyone gets hurt, you patch us up.

SIMON I'd rather not have to. Call this preemptive medication, if you will.

MAL Look, Badger's not going to try to kill us this time. I think. Remember Whitefall? Right when you got on? Zoe and Wash and Jayne were going on and on about how Patience shot me and was going to shoot me again, and she didn't.

SIMON She tried.

MAL But she missed, so it doesn't count. Now where's Zoe?

MAL (yelling) Zoe!

ZOE (from off screen) I don't feel so good. Go without me Captain

MAL Zoe?

ZOE (O.S) Just go on. Don't worry about me.

Beat. Mal is confused.

MAL Well, then, Doctor, looks like you get to come along.


MAL I'm not going alone with Jayne. It's you or Kaylee.

They keep walking, to

INT - SERENITY - KITCHEN Jayne is still stuck to the chair and is struggling to get loose.

MAL Jayne!

JAYNE I'm stuck, Mal. Help me!

SIMON My tape! You went through my supplies!

JAYNE Yeah, so? I'm stuck! Get me out!

Kaylee walks in from the engine room, covered in grease, as usual.

KAYLEE Everything's shiny, captain. She set down perfect. River's a natural.

MAL She's a natural at everything, it seems.

JAYNE Well, natural or not, don't let her down here 'til I get out. I don't want her cutting on me agian.

MAL Kaylee, we need a third to go landside. You busy?

KAYLEE No, captain. Engine's all set.

JAYNE Hey, I thought I was---

Mal, Kaylee, and Simon leave.

JAYNE Hey! Guys!

JAYNE (louder) Guys!

EXT - PERSEPHONE - EAVESDOWN DOCKS Mal, Kaylee, and Simon walk through the crowds. Kaylee and Simon, holding hands, are trailing a ways behind Mal.

KAYLEE I love getting to meet clients. So who do we know on Persephone?

SIMON Well, there's Badger, the psychotic middleman who wants to kill us. And Atherton Wing, the psychotic swordsman who wants to kill us.

KAYLEE You're so pessimistic. Ain't there anybody we like?

SIMON There's the man who had us smuggling cattle.

KAYLEE He was nice.

KAYLEE (louder) Hey, captain! Where are we going?

MAL Badger's place

KAYLEE (to Simon) Badger? I thought we didn't like Badger anymore.

SIMON We don't.

EXT - PERSEPHONE - BADGER'S PLACE Mal, Simon,and Kaylee approach the door, which is blocked by a number of large, burly looking guards.

SIMON (low) Kaylee, stay behind me.

MAL (brightly) Mornin' lads. Here to see Badger.

TOUGH You got an appointment?

Mal laughs

MAL He's taking appointments now? Oh, the civilization is killing me! Look, tell him it's an old friend.

One of the toughs disappears inside for a few seconds, then comes back.

TOUGH Go on in. He's waiting for you.

MAL See Doctor, told you it would be alright.

SIMON Tell me again once we get back to the ship.

The crew enters Badger's sanctum.

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT Zoe is sitting is the pilot's chair. River has disappeared. A light on the console begins to blink. Zoe notices it, and presses a button. The message screen resolves into the Browncoat from the opening segment.

BROWNCOAT Malcolm Reynolds! I ain't seen you in years.

ZOE Mal's not here. What do you want?

BROWNCOAT Zoe? Lieutenant Alleyne? That you?

ZOE It's Washburne, now, actually. But yes. Sergenat Colban. Haven't seen you since the war. Where've you ended up?

COLBAN Got a ranch on Greenleaf with some friends o' mine. You're still hanging with Mal, apparently, since this is his comm. Washburne, though? You married?

ZOE Was. What do you want?

COLBAN I can't call to check up on my old war buddies?

ZOE You ain't called either of us in ten years. You want something.

COLBAN Fair enough. Did you see the Miranda broadwave?

ZOE Yes.

COLBAN Me and the lads, we're thinking we can use that as momentum. Get the populace riled up, create a disturbance. The Alliance isn't ready for another war. We can take them by surprise. And we have a secret weapon

ZOE Are you trying to start the war again? Are you mad?

COLBAN You said you were married. What happend to husband?

ZOE Reavers.

COLBAN The Alliance made the reavers, Zoe. They killed your husband.

ZOE I-- I'll talk to Mal.

She presses a button, ending the transmission.


BADGER Malcom Reynolds! You decided to come, after all. And you brought friends. You'll have to introduce me.

MAL No, not really. You said you had a job for us, what is it?

BADGER Just being polite, Captain. Come now, let's be civil.

MAL Civility is your specialty. I just do the jobs, and I want to know what mine is.

BADGER Just cargo transfer. Pick up some crates on Poseidon and take them to Greenleaf.

KAYLEE What's in the crates?

BADGER Nothing to worry your pretty little head over. Just medical supplies.

SIMON What sort of medical supplies?

BADGER Mostly drugs. Little o' this, little o' that.

SIMON Are they--

MAL (interrupting) We'll take it.

BADGER The usual cut.

MAL No. You get half the usual cut. I haven't forgotten Sturges

BADGER That was a misunderstanding. And you're desperate, Mal. I saw the vids, what happened to Mingo and Fanty, Li Chen, the rest of your contacts. I'm risking my neck for you. I ought to charge you double.

MAL Fine, the usual cut then. But you better not cross me this time, Badger.

BADGER It's agreed, then. Oh, Captain, there's just one small thing...

EXT - PERSEPHONE - EAVESDOWN DOCKS Mal, Simon, and Kaylee approach Serenity. Jayne is standing in the cargo bay, still trailing small pieces of tape.

KAYLEE But Captain, he wants to put guns on Serenity.

MAL And he's going to pay us quite nicely for it.

KAYLEE Serenity don't like guns.

JAYNE What's this about guns? We not get the job?

MAL We got the job.

JAYNE Well, what about the guns?

Mal brushes past him and heads upstairs.

SIMON Badger is going to arm the ship. Part of a disguise.

JAYNE We're getting guns.

SIMON Fake guns. Props.

JAYNE Awwwww.

SIMON Well, except for the shuttle. If you play nice, maybe the Captain will let you fly it.

Jayne smiles

SIMON Is River onboard?

JAYNE Didn't see her leave. When do we get the guns?


He presses the button to close the ship. The landing ramp comes up, slowly shutting off Kaylee's face as she stares out.

KAYLEE Serenity don't like guns.


End of Act One ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT - SPACE Serenity zooms through the black, armed with a gun on top (like in the movie) and smaller guns on either side.

INT - KITCHEN The crew is sitting around the table, with Mal addressing them

MAL This should be a simple job. We're masquerading as the Alliance transport Da Vinci. Badger was kind enough to supply uniforms for us all, though we shouldn't need them. Serenity will stay in orbit, Zoe and I will take the shuttle in and pick up the goods.

JAYNE (Raising his hand) Um.. Can I... requst that I take the shuttle, um, instead of Zoe?

MAL (quizzically) What?

ZOE He can go.

Jayne smiles again

MAL Okay, me and Jayne'll take the shuttle in. Should be no problems, but there are a couple things we don't know. For starters, the Tams. The Operative said they were likely to be safe for a while, but I don't trust him. Simon, you and your sister stay out of sight, no matter what happens. Of course, they may also know that I sent the Miranda broadwave.

RIVER They don't. Not yet. But they will.

MAL Well, still, we have to be careful. Still, should go smooth.

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT Zoe and Mal talk. Mal is piloting, Zoe is copiloting

MAL You okay?

ZOE Fine, Captain. Never better.

MAL You let Jayne go in your place. That's not normal.


MAL It's Wash, isn't it.

ZOE Mostly. That's not all. Got a call from Colban while you were out.

MAL Sergeant Colban? From the 38th?

ZOE The same. He saw the Broadwave. Thinks he can restart the war. Wants us to join up.

MAL Do you?


ZOE Yes.

MAL I won't stop you.

ZOE I know.

MAL It's pointless though. There ain't enough willing to fight, specially not again We already lost.

ZOE That a reason to stop fighting, sir? Cut your losses while you can?

MAL No. Wait until there's another chance to make a difference

ZOE Maybe this is that chance.

MAL Maybe it is.

INT - SHUTTLE Mal and Jayne are dressed in Alliance get-up

MAL Alliance outpost, this is shuttle inbound from Da Vinci, requesting permission to land.

OPERATOR (staticy, via radio) Shuttle, transmit your authorization codes now.

MAL Transmitting...

Jayne is at the edge of his seat. He looks very nervous

MAL Jayne, what's the matter with you?

JAYNE (muttering) Don't work, don't work

JAYNE Nothing, sir.

OPERATOR (V.O.) Your codes check out. Transmitting landing coordinates now.

JAYNE Dammit

MAL Thank you, control. We're on our way in.

EXT - POSEIDON - ALLIANCE OUTPOST The shuttle lands on a metal platform.

EXT - POSEIDON - LANDING PLATFORM Alliance 'purplebellies' are loading crates into the shuttle. It's raining. Mal is talking with an Officer, Dewlam.

MAL Jayne, go help with the crates.

DEWLAM I see you made it here safely.

MAL It wasn't a problem, we were near Persephone anyway, only a few days trip.

DEWLAM You didn't have any trouble with pirates?

MAL Pirates? No, didn't see another soul out there.

DEWLAM I have to admit that's strange. They've been acting a lot lately. Watch yourself on your way back.

MAL Will do, sir.

INT - SHUTTLE The crates have presumably been packed; Mal is strapping into the pilots seat.

JAYNE Can we strafe 'em as we leave?

MAL What?

JAYNE You know, Captain. Shoot 'em down. Just one pass, please?

MAL Jayne, this shuttle is unarmed.

JAYNE It--? What---?

EXT - POSEIDON The shuttle takes off and surges skyward.

INT - SERENITY - WALKWAY Mal and Jayne arrive; Simon and Kaylee are waiting for them.

KAYLEE Did everything go okay?

MAL Alright, who told Jayne the shuttle was armed?

Jayne advances on Simon, fists raised

JAYNE You smug..., pompous..., rich..., uptight..., rich person.

Jayne lifts Simon up off the deck, then sees River standing off to the side and drops him.

SIMON I did, sir.

MAL Why?

SIMON Can we talk about this elsewhere, Captain?

Mal looks at him funny

SIMON Without... Jayne.

MAL Jayne, go away.

JAYNE Can't I rough him up a bit, first?


JAYNE Shoot him?

MAL No. Go away.


Jayne heads toward his bunk.

MAL Care to explain why I had to deal with an angry Jayne by myself in the shuttle?

SIMON Sorry sir. I also told him the weapons on Serenity were props. I thought telling him the shuttle was armed would distract him.

MAL Well... it did. Good work, Doctor.

SIMON So I'm not in trouble?

Mal leaves, heading for the cockpit.

SIMON I guess not.

Alarms start blaring

SIMON Or maybe I am. What is going on?

MAL (yelling from offscreen) Kaylee, get to the engine room!

EXT - SPACE Serenity is being tailed by two gunships.


PIRATE (via Cortex) Firefly­­-class transport, stand down and prepare to be boarded.

MAL Don't really feel like doing that right now, I'm on a tight schedule. Maybe some other time.

ZOE Can we outrun them?

MAL Maybe. I'm not as good a pilot as Wash was.

ZOE River?

MAL Probably, but do you want to stake your life on that? She's still unpredictable.

ZOE What about the weapons from Badger?

MAL It's dangerous.

ZOE I'll suit up. No other option. Stall them if you can.

PIRATE Transport, you will stand down or we will force you to stand down.

MAL That's not exactly friendly and neighborly of ya. Perhaps we can come to some sort of arrangement.

PIRATE Perhaps we can. You have ten seconds to cut your engines. Ten. Nine. Eight.

MAL Zoe, you ready?

ZOE (V.O.) Suits on, I'm going topside now.

A short series of cuts of the crew; Simon and Kaylee looking nervous; Jayne is lying in his bunk oblivious, River is, well, River.

PIRATE Seven. Six. Five. Four.

ZOE (V.O.) Ready, captain.

MAL Wait for my signal.

MAL (yelling) Kaylee, kill the engines!

EXT - SPACE The glow around Serenity's engines fades. One of the gunships moves in and docks, the other circles above like a vulture.

INT - SERENITY - CARGO BAY The pirates burst in; there are five of them, all armed. But they find the cargo bay empty, save for the crates.

End of Act Two ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT - SPACE Serenity floats gently, with the gunship attached.

INT - SERENITY - DOCKING BAY The Pirates are on alert, suspicious of a trap

PIRATE LEADER Alright, you lot. Get these crates loaded up.

A pirate tries to push a crate, but can't.

PIRATE They're stuck. Mag-sealed to the floor.

PIRATE LEADER Well, don't stand there, get back to the shp and find the anti-mag scanner.

The pirate turns and goes back into the gunship.

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT Mal is still piloting, and now River, Simon, and Kaylee are with him.

MAL Is everything sealed off?

KAYLEE (slightly off-put) Yes, captain.

MAL Zoe, now!

EXT - SERENITY Zoe swivels the gun and shoots the oribting gunship...

EXT - SPACE ..which splits in half. One half falls toward Serenity...

INT - SERENITY - COCKPIT ..and Mal pulls the ship up so that it slips under the cockpit...

EXT - SPACE ..and hits the other gunship, knocking it loose.

INT - SERENITY - CARGO HOLD The pirates are sucked into space, screaming.


MAL Good shot.

Kaylee shakes her head slowly.

SIMON What now?

MAL We keep heading toward Greenleaf. Hope we don't run into any more.

Jayne walks into the cockpit, slightly wobbly, just woken up.

JAYNE What'd I miss?

EXT - GREENLEAF Serenity zooms in and towards the planet.

EXT - GREENLEAF - BROWNCOAT CAMP Serenity touches down, and Colban is waiting. The ramp opens up.

COLBAN Sergeant Reynolds! I didn't expect to see you so soon.

Mal moves for his gun,

MAL What are you doing here?

COLBAN Zoe didn't tell you?

MAL She told me what you were up too. Didn't know you were here. I'm just on a run. Got some crates for one Mr. Sanders. You know him?

COLBAN He's our supplies man. He'll be here shortly. You thinking of joining up with us?

The rest of the crew, save Zoe, start down the ramp.

JAYNE You payin'?

Mal glares at him.

KAYLEE Joing what?

SIMON Captain, what's going on?

RIVER (vaguely, reminescent of her more crazy periods) He wants to start a fight. He wants the fight to keep going. On and on and on until he wins.

JAYNE Hey, I thought she was un-crazified now!


MAL Look, the nice man was just about to pay us for delivering the cargo. You are going to pay us, right?

COLBAN Of course. I'll just be taking my crates, and my guns.

MAL 'Fraid one of 'ems been used; we had some pirate trouble. Undamaged, though.

COLBAN That's fine.

MAL So you have your men unload the goods and then we'll be on our merry way.

COLBAN You're not going to stay?


Zoe walks down the ramp. She has her hair tied back and looks like she did in the flashbacks to the war.

ZOE I am.

INT- SERENITY - CARGO HOLD The last of the crates is being cleared out.

COLBAN Are you sure you don't want to join us? We can make things right.

MAL I've spent too much time watching people trying to make things right make things worse. Look at you, you don't have enough men, you don't have enough weapons, I'm surprised you could afford to pay me.

COLBAN More will come. The Miranda Broadwave has people riled up. And if I can figure out who sent it, he should be able to send out more, rally more people to our cause.

MAL I sent it.

COLBAN You? Then why won't you help? You hate the Alliance as much as I do. You've seen the Broadwave, firsthand.

MAL I was on Miranda. I've seen it all first hand. I sent the 'wave so people would know. So they wouldn't do whatever the Alliance says. So they wouldnt die. Another war will only end in more death.

COLBAN There will be another war, sergeant.

MAL Captain. I'm not a sergeant anymore. The war is over.

COLBAN The war is about to begin. Which side are you on?

MAL I'm on my own side.

EXT - GREENLEAF Zoe watches from the ground as Serenity lifts off.

INT - GREENLEAF - STORAGE FACILITY The crates are lined up in here. Colban, Dewey, and Sanders enter.

COLBAN Dewey, Sanders, go prep the ship. I'll check on the cargo.

Dewey and Sanders leave. Colban picks up a crowbar and opens the nearest crate, sliding off the lid. Inside is a single large tank of fluid. The lettering on the top reads: G-Paxilon-Hydrochlorate.


End of Act Three -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Wednesday, June 13, 2007 2:41 AM


Oh Zoe, have you ever sided with the 'not right in the head' guys. I can't believe those morons are hoping to use the Pax in the new war they are starting. I understand Zoe's grief over Wash and her desire to lose herself in vengeance but am also troubled by it. She isn't thinking straight and it was sad to see her simply leave Mal. While he wouldn't stop or stand in her way it felt very wrong that he didn't at least have a proper conversation with her, make sure that what she was doing was something that she had to do. As for Badger, I am wondering whether he is behind the pirates that tried to rob Mal of his cargo. Handy that, how they came out of nowhere just after he and the crew picked up their cargo. This was an excellent start and I can't wait to see where you go with it. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, June 13, 2007 7:12 AM


Aw Hell! You can't end there! Please update soon. Poor Zoe, she's in for it now. *sniffles I miss Wash

Saturday, June 16, 2007 1:55 PM


Some mighty excellent work here, CaptainBeregond! Definitely was all kinds of intrigued by how you have set things up:D

Really cocnerened for Zoe though...when she finds out they got a assload of PAX? Go se is gonna hit the fan:(



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A New War
Firefly-Seaason 2. A group of browncoats contact Mal, hoping to use the momentum from the Miranda Incident to restart the war. Meanwhile, Serenity attempts a simple smuggling run disguised as an Alliance warship. Simple, of course, never works out for Mal.