River Poster
Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Okay, this was the HARDEST poster I had to make, do to the fact that I hade about four diffrent ideas on what I wanted to do with River. I wanted her poster to be diffrent from the others, because the BDM seems to focus on her, and that she IS diffrent. She's so many things and I wanted to capture that. I'll definetly be working on at least two other River Posters, so I'd like to hear what you think of this one.



Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:02 AM


I like this River poster! I really like her saying it fits her.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:05 AM


Non taken Tomerai. And yes, I'm extremly fond of this one.

Thank you :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 7:42 AM


Nice work there!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 9:57 AM


WOW! I friggin' LOVE this! The shakiness (that's a technical term, right?) gives it a real urgency and that crazy vibe you always get from River. Very, very, very, veryveryvery cool.

There should be an 11 button for this item rating!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:48 AM


mmm river

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:11 PM


I have to agree with tomerai, as much as I have loved your other posters, this one is the best!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 4:29 PM


That is just......I'm in awe. It is beautiful. Universal should hire you!

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 12:36 PM


:: blush :: Thank you very much.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:07 PM


It IS great graphics work, even with the inherent handicap of taking images from a TV screen/DVD. *heh*

I like the tagline, though it might work for Simon just as well (with the right art). "Also, I can kill you with my brain" is the obvious one, but it doesn't really show the (huge) dramatic side here. So I'm at a loss.

I hope Joss sees these, it'd be just his style to make you famous. Which is just something I typed; don't go gettin' a swelled head.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:50 PM


Oh no! Head... swelling. can't. stop. :P Thanks very much :) If I can ever, in my life get to a con where Joss is, this thing is going with me ;)


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River Poster
Okay, this was the HARDEST poster I had to make, do to the fact that I hade about four diffrent ideas on what I wanted to do with River. I wanted her poster to be diffrent from the others, because the BDM seems to focus on her, and that she IS diffrent. She's so many things and I wanted to capture that. I'll definetly be working on at least two other River Posters, so I'd like to hear what you think of this one.

Simon Poster
Ahhh, Dear Simon. What can I say about this poster... I enjoyed making it. I think it was the simplest one I made. I think I might go back and do a little more on the blend, but I find it sufficent enough.

Zoe Poster
Have you ever been with a warrior woman?

Wash Poster
I'm still not satisfied with the tag line. Meh. Oh well. Its Wash. Wash is cool. And I was torn between 'mine is an evil laugh' and the tag line used, but I felt that the dinosaurs made up for it.

Book Poster
Its Book. The faces of Book. I like to think that the line has a double meaning, from what we saw in 'safe' "might be needin a preacher"

Now to work really hard on Wash and Zoe... cause for some reason THEY DON'T WANT TO LOOK STRAIGHT AT THE CAMERA! Arg...

Inara Poster
Accidently deleted it. Added Ron Glass' name to the credits and fixed my Enemy typo.

Jayne Poster
I've always had mixed feelings on Jayne, and I think this'll be my hardest poster to make yet. The large headshot was a pain (kept getting all blurrified). What I do like about this is the three side images, depicting the three faces of Jayne. The goofy one, the merc, and the serious one (the end of Jaynestown will forever be seared into my mind).

Kaylee Poster
Not 100% sure on this one. Jewel Staite is just a lovely person, and I was hard pressed to think of pictures to identify her with. I was tempted to use just pictures from OoG... but I did use one. Oh, and Ron Glass' name made it to the credits.

Mal v.2.0 - Fixed with Kaylee!
Fixed it. Made a few minor adjustments. Thank you for all your kind words. I'm on a roll!

Jumping on the bandwagon: Mal Poster
Well, since everyone else is doing posters... I spent 20 minutes doing the credits, and its my favorite part of the poster. I'm going to do a poster for each of the crew, and with Mal, I wanted to include the pictures of the crew, because that's who he is. No too sure if the pics are too much though... First time doing a movie poster EVER.