Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Everyone has them. The crew of the Veangeance learns some are deadlier than others.



Written by R. T. Byers

No infringement of copyright is intended. All recognizable items are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. However, the story and all original characters are mine.

Captain Tim “Dual” Raynor fell face first to the floor. He gasped in pain as he slammed hard against the steel, breaking open newly healed wounds. The floor was bowl shaped and had a drain in the middle, to which all of his blood was currently flowing. He thought back on the recent events that had led him here and smiled wryly. A pair of heavy boots stamped to in front of his face. Dual looked up to his tormenter, who had a malicious gleam in his eye, and spat. Rage contorted the man’s features, and he kicked Dual in the face, sending him reeling into darkness.

* * * Two days earlier... The clack of wooden swords connecting echoed through the Vengeance’s cargo bay. Dual stared into Phoenix’s eyes, trying to ignore how uneasy they made him. He had asked Phoenix to come down and demonstrate some sword techniques for the morning’s self defense training. He had learned Phoenix carried a pair of wooden katanas with him, and challenged him to a fight. He had not fathomed the man was this good. He used moves Dual did not even know existed. Dual blocked the pilot’s slash just in time. Phoenix grabbed Dual’s throat, then hit him on the head with the hilt of his sword. Phoenix kicked Dual to the ground, then spun his sword around and jammed it downward, stopping the wooden blade just before it touched Dual. Phoenix bent down and helped the captain to his feet, Dual clutching his chest. “Are you alright Captain?” asked Phoenix. “Shiny,” said Dual, “ ’Cept for all those times you tried to run me through with your sword.” Dual looked over to Hank “Tech” Lee, his mechanic, and Chuck Weiser, his hired gun. He sighed and was about to tell them they could leave when the proximity alert went off. Dual was last to the bridge. What he saw through the window shocked the last of his breathe out of his body. “Wo de ma he ta de fengkuang de waisheng dou,” said Tech. “What?” asked Chuck, “What’s the matter?” “That,” said Dual, pointing out the window. A large black ship was latched on to a smaller, short range vessel. “What is that?” asked Phoenix, pointing to the ship, “Or rather, who’s is it?” “That’s the pirate ship Adrian,” said Dual, “It belongs to Cap’n Acheron Paul. We’ve had run-ins with the liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi before.” “Ain’t pirates something from Earth-that-was?” Chuck asked. “Yes, but there are people who raid vessels for profit,” said Phoenix, “They’ve been given the title of pirates.” “So uh, why don’t the people just run away?” inquired Chuck. “See those holes in the side and front of the ship?” asked Dual, moving his finger. “Yea?” “Missile silos,” said Dual. A look of horror crept onto the mercenary’s face. “Has he spotted us?” Dual asked Phoenix. “Not yet,” Phoenix replied. “If he does we’re humped,” said Tech. “So lets make sure he don’t,” said Dual, “Tech, get down to the engine. We’re gonna need every bit of power from the ship we can get.” Tech nodded and ran off towards the engine room. “Chuck, go tell Alexis what’s goin’ on.” The mercenary ran off down the stairs. “Now, let’s jes ease by.” “Tech,” said Phoenix, “get ready for the hardest burn you can muster.” “One hard burn coming up,” crackled Tech’s voice. The Vengeance sailed past the Adrian, moving slow so they would not be detected. Just then the Adrian released the smaller vessel, and spun around to face the Vengeance. “O, zhe zhen shi ge kuaile de jinzhan...” said Dual. “NOW” yelled Phoenix, “BURN NOW!” As the Vengeance’s end glowed, the Adrian fired a missile, which detonated within the Vengeance’s fusion cloud. The ship groaned hideously as the explosion washed over it. The ship shuddered, and the lights flickered. Dual was caught off guard and pitched forward, his head bouncing off the console on the way down. “Tech,” Dual heard Phoenix say, “what is the extent of the damage?” “I don’t know yet,” the mechanic’s voice crackled, “The main engine is down. We’re running on the emergency generator at the moment.” “Captain?” said Phoenix after a moment of silence. Dual managed a groan from his spot on the floor. Phoenix poked his head around and looked at Dual. “I’m alright,” said Dual, staggering up and using the console for support. “Maybe you should get that wound looked at,” said Phoenix, pointing at the large gaping hole in the captain’s forehead. “Ain’t hardly a scratch,” said Dual, wiping away the blood before it could get in his eyes. “Captain, I must insist.” “I ain’t leavin’ ‘till I know what’s goin’ on.” “Okay,” said Phoenix, “We lost the main engine and are operating on auxiliary power. We still have the speed from our last burn, and I can fire the side engines to maneuver us, but not very many times. We need to set down on the nearest rock with an atmosphere to make repairs.” “Could you still land this thing?” asked Dual. “Yes. Probably.” “Good,” said Dual. He took a step and fell down.

* * *

Tech paced nervously outside the infirmary. He never liked telling the captain bad news. Not that Dual ever yelled at him, he just took everything in with his usual calmness. But still... Tech looked over to Phoenix, who was sitting on a crate and drinking from a flask. He walked over to the pilot and asked, “Mind if I have a drink?” Phoenix looked into the container, and handed the silvery flask over to Tech. “Knock yourself out,” the red-headed man said. Tech took a swig, and nearly did exactly that. He coughed violently, and Phoenix swatted him on the back. “What the gui is that?” asked Tech between coughs. “Mostly alcohol,” said Phoenix. “You mean there’s something else in there?” asked Tech, still lightly coughing. “Not much else but... yeah,” said Phoenix, who was now rolling his lighter along his fingers. Tech watched mesmerized for a moment, then asked, “How do you do that?” “Captain took a hard fall,” said Phoenix. Tech blinked at the abrupt change of subject. Not for the first time since they had taken the man on board, he wondered what the pilot’s story was. The man was the most close-lipped person he had ever met. “Alexis’ll fix him up,” said Tech with confidence. * * *

Chuck gritted his teeth as Alexis pulled the last of the glass shards out of his palm. He looked back over to Dual, who was lying in the bed next to him with a bandage around his head and sleeping peacefully. “He gonna be alright?” asked Chuck. Alexis didn’t look up from bandaging Chuck’s hand and said, “He’ll be fine. The wound isn’t that serious, and there was no damage to the brain.” “Well that’s good,” said the merc, standing up after Alexis finished. “Would you tell the others that Dual’ll be okay?” Chuck nodded and walked out the door. He saw Phoenix and Tech sitting together and talking. He saw Phoenix had a flask and quickened his pace. “So how did Alexis get out of self defense training?” asked Phoenix. “She beat the captain,” said Tech. “How?” “She kicked him where no man should ever be kicked,” was Tech’s reply. Chuck laughed, the image that created in his mind tickling his humor. “What happened to you?” Tech asked, pointing to Chuck’s hand. “I fell down and tried to catch myself on a jar,” said Chuck. “How’s the captain?” asked Phoenix. “He’ll be fine,” said Chuck, “Just needs some rest.” “One thing’s been bothering me,” said Tech. “What’s that?” Chuck asked. “Why didn’t the Adrian board us?” “They aren’t fast enough,” said Phoenix, “It’s an old Valkyrie class warship. It’s even older than the Firefly.” Chuck whistled. He had no idea ships so old could run. But the ‘verse was full of mysteries. “I should go and check where we are again,” said Phoenix. Chuck watched as the pilot walked away and pocketed the flask. “How does he always do that?” the mercenary asked. “Do what?” inquired Tech. “Walk away when I’m about to ask him something,” said Chuck “I don’t know. He just doesn’t like to talk about his past,” replied Tech. “I don’t care about his past,” said Chuck, “I just wanted to know if I could have a drink.”

* * *

Dual woke slowly, the drug Alexis had given him finally wearing off. He blinked and looked around. He felt the bandage around his head and winced as he touched his wound. He got out of the bed and looked around the infirmary. He was the only one there. Outside the window he saw Tech pacing. Oh great, thought Dual, more bad news. What’d I do wrong in the past life? Bracing himself for the worst, he stepped outside. Tech looked up and hurried over to Dual. “How’re you feeling shifu?” asked the mechanic. “Fine,” said Dual. “Er, I’ve got some bad news,” said Tech, a nervous expression on his face. Dual waited patiently, but when Tech didn’t speak, he said, “Well spit it out. I ain’t gonna get angry.” Tech sighed and said miserably, “I can’t fix the engine.” Somehow, Dual was able to keep his calm. He wanted to hit something very badly, but instead he just stood there and stared at his mechanic. “A lot of necessary parts were damaged in the attack, and we don’t have replacements for them. We might be able to get them on Thuban, but it’s not very likely,” said Tech. “Okay,” said Dual, “What’s Thuban? “That’s the planet Phoenix is going to land us on.” At that moment, the PA crackled and Phoenix said, “We will be entering atmo in one minute. Hold on to something sturdy, it’s going to be a rough ride.” Dual was hurrying up the stairs, and Phoenix’s warning just quickened his pace. He made it up to the top of the stairs and turned into the cockpit. He saw a few clouds get larger at an alarming rate, and then the whole ship shuddered. If he hadn’t been holding onto the doorway, he would have been pitched forward. He looked up and saw the ground rushing up to meet them. “What the hell are you tryin’ to do to my ship?!” yelled Dual. “Don’t worry Captain,” said Phoenix, “I know exactly what I’m doing.” Phoenix was able to level out the Vengeance, but they were still dropping at an alarming rate. His right hand flew over the controls while his left held a mug of steaming coffee to his mouth. He frowned and pushed a button repeatedly. “Ta ma de!” said Phoenix. Dual’s eyes widened in alarm. What else could possibly go wrong? he thought. Phoenix switched on the outer speaker and yelled, “Move! Move! Run you stiff limbed morons!” Dual looked out the window and saw a couple and a handcart full of fruit directly ahead of them. Phoenix switched on the inner PA system and said, “Everyone, brace for impact! We are going to crash!” The Vengeance smashed into the dirt, destroying the hand cart and plowing through the land. Dual fell down and Phoenix’s coffee spilled into his lap. The pilot jumped up and yelled, “OW! Gorram pus-spewing blood-soaked Hell!” Dual could not help but laugh at the man. Phoenix just glared at the captain. “Are we ok?” asked Dual. “I don’t know the damage to the ship’s exterior,” said Phoenix, “but neither of us were seriously injured. Maybe you should check on the rest of the crew.” “Good idea,” said Dual, walking down the small set of stairs and through the hallway leading to the common room. Chuck was in the kitchen making a sandwich. The room was a mess, chairs tipped over, plates and chopsticks scattered around. “You alright?” asked Dual. “I’m fine,” Chuck replied. “Then clean up this mess.” “After I eat.” No one was in the engine room, but tools were scattered about it. Tech was in the cargo bay, checking crates to make sure nothing was broken. “Everything’s shiny here shifu.” said Tech. “Where’s Alexis?” Dual asked. “I think she’s in your room,” replied the mechanic. “Xie xie,” said Dual. He hurried up the stairs and to his bunk. He pushed in the hatch and scaled down the ladder. Inside was Alexis, lying on the bed. He sighed in relief as she looked up at him. “When did you wake up?” she asked. “A couple minutes before the crash,” said Dual, “You okay?” “I’m fine,” said Alexis. “Good,” said Dual “there’s a meetin’ in the common room.” He gave her a quick kiss and scuttled back up the ladder and poked his head in the bridge. “Meetin’ in the common room,” said Dual, “Tell Tech. He’s in the cargo bay.” Phoenix switched on the PA as Dual ran towards the common room. “Meetin’ in, well, here,” he said to Chuck. Chuck nodded and sat down at the table. Dual paced as the others walked in. They all took their seats and Dual looked them over. They stared back at him expectantly. Phoenix was rolling his lighter across his fingers. Dual sighed, ran a hand through his hair, then spoke, “As y’all know, we’re in a tight spot, but we’ve been in tight spots before and likely will be again. The important thing is we survived. Now, my understandin’ is our engine’s down, and we need to replace a few parts. This place we crashed on might have the parts we need, but it might not either. Also, we smashed up someone’s business, so I think I should apologize to’em. So here’s the plan. Tech, go check the nearest town for the parts. Take Chuck to watch your back. Phoenix, you should come with me to apologize, seein’ as you were pilotin’ the thing.” “Do I also have to apologize? Because I could not control the ship,” said Phoenix. Dual shot him a look and said, “Not unless they ask.” Phoenix nodded his head. “What should I do?” asked Alexis. “Guard the ship,” said Dual. “Again?” “Sorry xin gan,” said Dual, “but I need someone here, and you’re the medic.” Alexis sighed and said, “Okay...” * * * Phoenix walked into the engine room to find Tech making a list of all the parts he would need. Tech turned around and gave a little yelp of shock. “Phoenix!” he said, “I didn’t hear you come in.” “I’m a quiet person,” the pilot said. “I’ve noticed,” said Tech, “What are you doing here?” “I was just... reminiscing,” Phoenix replied. Tech leaned on the still engine, but Phoenix remained near the doorway. “I think this is the first time I’ve seen you in here,” said the mechanic. “It is.” There was a long moment of silence, but Tech finally broke it by asking, “What do you want?” “I was wondering if you were taking any weapons with you.” Tech lifted a large wrench, smiled briefly, then hung it from his belt. “I was thinking more along the lines of a gun.” “Well, I don’t have any.” Phoenix blinked slowly. Then he sighed and motioned for Tech to follow. He led the mechanic down to his bunk. Phoenix’s room was as Spartan as possible. The only thing that came close to decoration were the boxes grouped together across the room from his bed. The pilot opened one of the boxes and pulled out a case. He then snapped open the case. It contained a large, semi-automatic pistol, three clips, some extra bullets, and a shoulder holster. He showed the contents to Tech, whose eyes widened. “This weapon was a gift from a dear friend, so I expect you to take care of it,” said Phoenix. “Why are you giving me this?” asked the mechanic. “Not giving,” said Phoenix, “lending. And it’s because I have a very, very bad feeling about this place. Now, if there’s any trouble I want you to use it without hesitating.” “Um, okay,” said Tech, “I’m not a very good shot.” “Just trust me,” said Phoenix, handing the gun, holster and clips over to him. Tech hid the items under his denim jacket and said, “I hope your feeling’s wrong.” Phoenix nodded, but knew his feelings were always right.

* * *

Phoenix quickly checked to make sure all his weapons were there. Assured that he could stop almost any threat, he turned back to Dual. “I’m ready,” he said. “Good,” said Dual. “Um, we may have a problem,” said Alexis. Dual looked through the small window in the cargo bay door and cursed. Phoenix reached a hand under his coat and grabbed one of his pistols. Dual motioned for Phoenix to come over. The pilot looked through and saw a very large and angry man on the other side. A small Asian woman hung onto his arm. In front of the man was a sheriff and deputy. “Open the door,” said Dual. Phoenix complied and Dual walked out, followed by the pilot. “Howdy,” said Dual, waving. Phoenix kept his face blank. The sheriff nodded and said in an accent even heavier than the captain’s, “These nice folks here tell me ya went an’ smashed up their fruit stand with this here ship.” “I’m sorry ‘bout that,” said Dual, “We had an accident and were forced to crash here.” “I’ll kill you!” the large man yelled. The deputy tried to reason with the irate man, but he tossed the officer away and shoved the sheriff into the ship. “Should I hit him?” asked Phoenix. “No, I got it,” said Dual. The man ran at Dual, who sidestepped easily and drew out a pair of nunchaku and struck the man on the back of the head. The large man bellowed in rage and tried again. Dual hit him several times in the face rapidly, breaking the man’s nose. The guy clutched his face, and Dual swung the nunchaku with all his might, the chained rod cracking against the man’s short ribs. The man let out a great whoosh of air and sunk to the ground. The woman flew over to the unconscious man’s side. “How dare you do that to my husband?!” the woman shrilled at them. Dual just gave Phoenix a look as he put away his weapon. The sheriff rose and surveyed the scene. “You do that?” the sheriff asked, pointing at the sobbing woman and unconscious man. “Yeah,” said Dual. “Impressive,” said the sheriff, “Course, you’ll still have to pay fer the damages.” “I figured as much,” said Dual. Dual handed the money over to the sheriff. The lawman nodded to Dual, and with the help of his deputy, lugged the large man towards the nearby town. * * *

Phoenix, Dual, Alexis, and Chuck entered the dark, smokey bar. Tech was back at the ship making repairs. It was night, and they had found many of the parts they needed, so they decided to reward themselves. “I’ll order the drinks,” said Alexis, hurrying off towards the bar. The other three hung back and surveyed the scene. With the exception of Alexis, the only women there were the serving wenches. Phoenix saw a man with slightly red skin sitting with his back to them in the corner. Phoenix frowned slightly as something tickled his memory. The man turned around, and looked into Phoenix’s eyes. Phoenix gasped in recollection, and the man shouted in rage. Phoenix started to curse, but the gaunt man was blindingly fast and pushed Phoenix over. He ran past the trio on all fours, turned around, and ran past Phoenix again, this time punching the pilot in the head. Phoenix started to get up, but the ululating man hurled a stool, which cracked against Phoenix’s face and knocked him down again. Chuck lurched towards the man, but he was too fast and slipped behind the mercenary. The quickly struck Chuck in the right kidney about twelve times in rapid succession, and the merc fell to his knees. The reddish man jumped onto Chuck’s back and leapt off quickly. While still in the air the man kicked Dual in the face, sending the captain sliding across the floor and into a chair. The reddish man then started to throttle the life out of Phoenix. Phoenix stared in horror at the man above him. He had been horribly burned, some of his skin fell in folds across his body, disfiguring the tattoos that wound around his torso. Phoenix punched the man in the face twice, but he just leaned closer and hissed, spraying Phoenix’s face with spittle. Alexis hit the man in the back of the head with a stool, and he collapsed, lying across Phoenix. The pilot quickly pushed the limp man of him and stood up. Rubbing his throat Phoenix asked, “What took you so long?” “I had to use the restroom,” she replied. “I told you to go before we left,” said Dual jokingly, one hand across his bleeding nose. Chuck moaned as he pushed himself off the floor. He walked over to the others and looked at the reddish, unconscious man. “Who is this ugly gan ni niang?” he asked. “A bounty hunter,” said Phoenix, “By the name of Adeleski.” “After you?” asked Dual, “You have a bounty on your head?” “Let’s discuss this back on the ship,” said Phoenix. “I think we should discuss it now,” said Dual, anger seeping into his voice. “I will not talk about this in a public place,” said Phoenix quietly. “I think it would be better to go now,” said Alexis, pointing at the six bouncers that were gathering across the room and glaring at them. They quickly left the bar and returned to the ship. They made their way into the Vengeance’s common room. Dual yelled for Tech to get in there. They sat and stared at Phoenix. He sighed dejectedly. This was going to be harder than he thought. “Gorramit, jes tell us already,” said Dual. “Fine,” said Phoenix, “I have a bounty on my head, and several warrants for my arrest.” “What did you do?” asked Chuck. “That’s not important,” replied Phoenix. “I think it is,” said Dual. “No, Captain, it isn’t, and quite frankly, it’s personal.” “I don’t give a ruttin’ crap,” said Dual, “You nearly died, and we might’ve too.” “You want to know about me? Here’s something to help you sleep tonight: I gave him those burns. I broke both his legs, soaked him with gasoline, lit a match, then watched and laughed as he screamed in agony.” Tech stared wide eyed at the pilot, and Alexis’s face had gone white. “I’m an arsonist, a murderer, and a thief,” continued Phoenix, “I have killed more men and women than you can possibly imagine.” “Well,” said Dual, “I appreciate your honesty. I think.” “Oh, I’m not finished yet Captain,” said Phoenix quietly, “I haven’t even scratched the surface of the atrocities I’ve caused.” Phoenix began to roll the lighter across his fingers as he spoke, “I love fire. I love to burn things. It gives me a pleasure I can’t even begin to describe.” “I think that’s enough,” said Dual. “I know how to torture people. I can open their bodies and cause them more pain than you are willing to believe.” “I said that’s enough.” “Slice their skin, crack their bones, pluck out their eyes-” “Bizui!” yelled the captain. “Good night Captain,” said Phoenix, “and have pleasant dreams.” He walked away and climbed down into his bunk. * * *

“I hired a shen jing bing pilot,” said Dual as he climbed into his bunk, “Wonderful.” “Do you think he really did all those things?” asked Alexis. Dual remembered how Phoenix stared into Dual’s eyes as he spoke. That night, Dual saw the first emotion in those orbs: anger. A deep, unforgiving rage. Dual wondered how Phoenix had maintained control for so long. “I dunno,” said Dual, “but he was angry. That was jes the tip o’ the iceberg of his rage.” “He couldn’t have been serious,” said Alexis. “I think he was tellin’ the truth,” said Dual, “About the fire part at least.” Alexis shuddered. “Let’s jes try to get some sleep,” said Dual, lying down and wrapping his arms around her.

* * *

Phoenix tossed and turned as he dreamed his usual dream. Fire. Heat. A woman screaming. Gunshots, then cries of the dying and wounded. These flashed through his mind rapidly. He awoke, as usual, with a small cry. Yawning, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He slipped into his robe, which was black with a red and gold bird embroidered on its back. Talking about his past the previous night had opened up a whole new set of nightmarish memories he didn’t even know he had. They had haunted him while he slept, and now they were invading his waking moments. Sighing, he searched for his flask. Finding it, he unscrewed its cap and took a swig, the liquor burning down his throat and into his stomach. This time his sigh was that of satisfaction. Phoenix lifted his scabbarded katana, named Fenikkusu, and stuck it in his rob’s sash. He then climbed out of his bunk and quietly walked down into the cargo bay. He didn’t allow the shock of what he saw to register on his face. The crew was gathered in a group in the middle of the room, talking. Dual looked up and said, “You’re awake!” “I always wake at this time,” replied Phoenix. “That you do,” said Dual. “What are you doing?” asked Phoenix. “We need more supplies and engine parts,” said Dual. Phoenix had a sudden surge of dread and said, “I’m coming too.” “No, you can watch the ship,” replied Dual. “Captain, I should come with you. I have proven myself to be a competent fighter during my stay onboard this ship, and I can see what you might miss.” “True. Also, how do I know you won’t burn this boat when I’m gone?” said Dual. Phoenix felt anger swell within him. His right hand clenched into a fist, and with some effort, he smoothed it out. “Chuck, you stay here,” said Dual, “Phoenix can come with us.” Phoenix hurriedly got dressed and hid his weapons. Something very bad was going to happen soon, and he had to be there to protect the captain. He thought briefly about letting the bad thing hurt the crew, but decided against it, for no matter how hard he denied it, he too was part of the crew. * * *

Dual was angry at Phoenix. The fact that the man would hide that part of his past made him feel betrayed. He knew it took a lot to earn Phoenix’s trust, but he should have told Dual about being hunted. He put the whole crew in danger by keeping them in the dark. They walked along the road, Tech toting a large bag of parts for the engine. Alexis walked beside him, aware of his dark mood and trying to cheer him up. At the rear was Phoenix, the man starting at every noise as if he expected an attack at any moment. Dual knew that the pilot was armed heavier than usual, though all his weapons were concealed under his long blck coat. Dual carried his usual armament of pistol and twin nunchakus. Alexis had no weapons on her, but Tech had a slight bulge under his denim jacket that Dual suspected was a pistol. This surprised the captain, who knew Tech didn’t own any real weapons. He wondered who had given it to him. “Stop,” said Phoenix suddenly. Everyone complied and looked back at him. He had his right hand under his long, black coat and his eyes darted everywhere. Dual realized there was no one in the street. It was eerily quiet. Dual slowly reached for his pistol. In one swift movement Phoenix whipped out his pistol and sent a hail of bullets into the third story window of a building to their left. A man stepped out of the alley to their right and shot Phoenix in the chest. As Phoenix fell backwards, Dual shot the attacker in the hand, causing the man to drop his gun. Alexis tried to run to Phoenix, but Dual pulled her close. “I need to see-” Dual cut her off, “He’s obviously dead.” Men with guns were filing out of the alleys and buildings. Dual noticed one was Captain Acheron Paul. The captain was six feet tall, wore a triangular hat, and had an eyepatch over his left eye. “Drop your gun Captain Raynor,” Acheron said in a raspy voice. Dual reluctantly complied. Tech had his hands up and was praying fervently. Alexis had tears running down her cheeks. “I hoped I would see you again,” said Acheron. “Can’t really say the same,” said Dual. “It’s amazing how you got away from us,” Acheron continued, “and you did it again just yesterday. You have good luck.” “Amazin’ly, I ain’t feelin’ too lucky right now,” replied Dual. Acheron laughed mirthlessly. He looked at Phoenix’s still form. “I don’t remember that one,” he said. “He’s new,” said Dual. “Too bad he died at such a young age,” said Acheron. “Hundan,” said Alexis. “Mind your tongue or I will cut it out,” said Acheron angrily. “What do you want?” asked Dual. “I want to torture you,” said Acheron quietly. “Figures,” said Dual. “I also want your help,” the pirate said. The three just looked at Acheron as if he were insane. Dual let out a guffaw and said, “I ain’t gonna help you.” “That’s right,” said Acheron, “You’re going to be my prisoner. You’re crew is going to help me.” “Fun,” said Dual. “Follow me,” said Acheron, “The rest of you can go back to your ship. We’ll wave you.” Dual looked back as he was led away. Phoenix, who never went anywhere without his body armor, looked up and reached for his gun. Dual shook his head and mouthed the word No. Phoenix quickly laid his head back down. “So where we goin’?” asked Dual. Acheron just gave him a malicious grin.

* * *

Phoenix was frustrated. He had failed in protecting the captain, and therefore failed the crew and himself. “I’ll go up and wait for the wave,” he said. Alexis nodded, a miserable expression on her face. Tech looked angry and scared at the same time. Phoenix ran up the stairs to the bridge. He sat there for a few minutes before being waved The image of Captain Acheron popped up before him. The captain looked happy then confused. “I thought we killed you,” he said. “You did. I rose from the ashes,” Phoenix replied. “Listen, I have a job for you. Get it done, and you’ll get your captain back,” Acheron said. “You have my attention.” “The Alliance is holding some cargo I desperately need. It’s labeled “Missile guidance chips”. I want you to get it for me.” “Why don’t you use your own men?” “I will, but I need some help.” “How helpful can we be if we’re a man short? The captain is one of our best fighters. Without him we only have two.” “I was counting on only one, but two?” Acheron laughed cruelly. Anger rose in Phoenix. He felt the urge to burn the man alive. “Where is the Alliance holding your cargo?” he asked. “In the big fortified compound ten miles north of town,” Acheron said. “We’ll meet halfway between there and the compound,” Phoenix said. “Agreed,” said Acheron, then the screen went blank. Phoenix got everyone in the common room and told them the situation. “Chuck will come with me,” he said, “and you two will stay here. Chances are we’ll have wounds.” He turned to the mercenary. “Bring your strongest guns.”

* * *

Dual was dragged through the halls of the Adrian to a dark, steel room with a bowl shaped floor. On the far wall were various chains and manacles. The two big thugs holding him by the arms tossed him to the floor. Acheron and a young woman stepped through the door. “Captain Raynor, I don’t believe you’ve met my wife. This is Mrs. Valentine Paul. She was pretty angry when you took my eye,” said Acheron, pointing to his eyepatch, “and those feelings never went away.” The thugs chained Dual to a wall, the manacles set so he couldn’t fall down. Dual looked over his shoulder and saw the woman pick up a whip. The toughs tore his shirt and coat off. “That was an expensive coat!” said Dual. “Captain, in a moment you won’t be worrying about your clothes,” said Acheron. Valentine lashed Dual’s back suddenly, and he gave out a small cry. “You ever take ten lashes?” Acheron asked, the crack of the whip punctuating the sentence and leaving a streak of blood on the floor.

* * *

Phoenix stopped the mule at the rendevous point, Acheron’s men were already waiting for them. Phoenix and Chuck got off and lifted their large assault rifles. Phoenix looked up to the quarter moon above them. It was a dark night, but his eyes were already adjusted to the darkness. “Here’s the plan,” said Phoenix, pointing at the three with the biggest guns, “you three are coming with me. The rest of you are going to attack the front of the base to cause a diversion. In the confusion, my team will slip inside.” “That’s suicide,” said a gap-toothed man, “I ain’t goin’ along with this plan.” “Then you can go back to Acheron empty handed,” said Phoenix. The nay-sayer’s face went white. “You will wait for my signal before you attack,” Phoenix said, “Let’s go.” As Phoenix maneuvered his small team into position, Chuck asked him, “So, how are we going to get the goods with such a small team?” “This is guerrilla warfare,” said Phoenix, “The frontal assault will draw most of the guards attention so we can get in from the back with less hindrances.” Chuck grinned and said, “I like this plan.” When Phoenix was in position, he took the transmitter and said, “Attack.” The sounds of gunfire came from the front of the compound. Moments later a siren blared. Phoenix, watching the rear wall with his night-vision binoculars, saw the guards run towards the front. Phoenix pocketed the binoculars and motioned for the group to move. They ran over to the large, steel wall and moved carefully along its side. Phoenix found a door, but it was locked. He attached a small computerized mechanism to the pad, and downloaded all the codes for the compound. He opened the door and moved inside. They ran to the largest building without incident, the sound of nearby gunfire nearly deafening. Phoenix entered another code and ran inside. A guard approached, but Phoenix struck him in the throat, the man falling and trying to draw a breath through his ruined windpipe. Phoenix cracked a cowering man’s skull with the butt of his rifle and put three slugs in the chest of a sleeping guard. He then walked briskly over to the abandoned reception desk and accessed the main computer. He located where the goods were held, and then hacked into the building’s live camera feed. He noticed two barracks full of sleeping soldiers, an armory, vehicle storage, and about a dozen heavily armed purplebellys heading in their direction. “Take cover,” Phoenix said to his team, running around to the other side of the large metal desk. Phoenix hurled a grenade at the opening door. It landed at the first two soldier’s feet and exploded, incinerating most of the first two and splattering the others across the corridor’s walls. Phoenix motioned for the others to follow him and strode briskly down the hall, stepping around the various scattered and smoking body parts. One of Acheron’s men saw the mess and vomited noisily behind a pillar. They came upon a fork, and Phoenix gave Chuck instructions to the armory and sent one of Acheron’s men with him. Phoenix took the remaining two henchmen and went down the other direction. They came upon the storage area and searched for the cargo. Phoenix found it, two large crates full of guidance chips. He called the others over and told them to carry the crates. He tuned on the large, blocky communicator and told Chuck he found the chips. “I’m all finished here,” crackled the reply. They met at the fork, the man who had gone with Chuck was driving a lift. These small vehicles consisted of a platform for carrying cargo on a single tread and computerized handlebars. The operator stood behind the ’bars. The other two thugs put their burdens beside the crates of weapons and ammo. They made it out of the compound without incident, and when he judged they were a safe distance away, Phoenix turned on his communicator. “We got the goods,” he said, “You can disengage.” Static answered him, and Phoenix realized the gunfire had ceased. He told the others to follow him, and they wended their way back to the rendevous. “You did well,” said Phoenix. “You got the others killed!” yelled one of Acheron’s men. For a response, Phoenix shot them all, five bullets for each of the three thugs. They collapsed, their blood quickly spreading around them. Chuck jumped out of the way of the growing, dark pool. “What the hell was that for?” asked Chuck, nearly shouting. Phoenix said, “They are the enemy. They assisted in abducting the captain. Also, I’ve had a fairly bad day and needed to blow off some steam.” “You’re just a xiongmeng de kuangren,” said Chuck. “Just help me move these crates.” They put the cargo on the mule and rode back to the ship. Alexis was waiting for them in the cargo bay. “Did you get the stuff?” asked Alexis. “We got it,” said Chuck, jumping off the mule when it stopped. “I’ll wave the Adrian,” Phoenix said.

* * *

Dual grunted in pain as Valentine cut him. “Tim,” said Acheron, leaning close, “Mind if I call you Tim?” “Mind if I call you a qingwa cao de liumang?” Dual grunted back. Acheron laughed cruelly as Valentine continued her work. Dual looked up as the door opened. A man stepped through. He was about six feet tall, and completely bald. There was not a hair on his head. No eyebrows, nor even an eyelash. He wore an all black suit. “Acheron!” the man said in an angry voice. The pirate jumped slightly. He turned around and walked over to the bald man. “What’s the matter?” asked Acheron. The bald man looked Dual up and down. “You were supposed to capture the red haired one.” “Well, we shot him,” said Acheron. “He’s dead?” “No, he’s very much alive.” “Then why didn’t you take him?” Acheron rubbed the back of his head and said, “We thought he was dead.” The bald man gave Acheron a backhanded slap, the blow knocking the pirate down. The bald man then walked out of the room. The PA crackled and a voice said, “The Vengeance just waved us. They have the chips.” Acheron got up and hit the communicator, “Take us down to them.” Acheron turned around and looked at Dual. “Take him down and clean him up,” the other captain said. Valentine undid the manacles. Dual fell face first to the floor. He gasped in pain as he hit the steel, breaking open newly healed wounds. His blood flowed down to the drain in the middle of the floor. He thought about the events that had brought him here and smiled wryly. He looked up at Acheron, who had a malicious gleam in his eye, and spat. Rage contorted the pirate’s feature’s and he kicked Dual in the face, sending him reeling into darkness.

* * * Phoenix stood in the middle of the cargo bay. Up in the walkways to his left and right were Alexis and Tech, each one holding a large rifle. Directly above and behind Phoenix was Chuck, also with a large gun. The door in the ramp opened and three thugs with shotguns filed in. Behind them came Acheron, who was pushing Dual in front of him. Between Acheron and Phoenix stood the two crates filled with guidance chips. “Dual walks over to me,” said Phoenix, “and two of your men grab the crates. Then you leave.” Acheron shoved Dual forward. The captain stumbled, but managed to stay upright. He limped forward, and two of Acheron’s men followed him. The henchmen dragged the boxes back to their boss. “You can shoot him now,” said the captain in a pained voice. Phoenix pulled both of his pistols out, aimed them at Acheron and said, “Kuai qu hen yuan de difang.” Acheron tipped his hat and walked out slowly, his men following them. Dual collapsed as the door closed. Phoenix holstered his guns, strode over to the control panel, and hit the button to close the inner doors. Phoenix then ran up the stairs to the bridge. An hour passed before the Adrian waved the Vengeance. Phoenix saw the pirate ship rise into the air through the windshield. On the screen was Acheron, who was yelling for someone to answer him. Phoenix pulled a detonator out of his left coat pocket and held it up to the screen. He then made his face visible and mouthed the word Boom. “No!” yelled Acheron as Phoenix put his thumb down an the red button. The explosion split the Adrian. The rear half, consisting of the engines and fuel reserves, blew into little chunks, which hailed the earth below. The front leaned forward and fell slowly, the end flaming and spewing an acrid black smoke into the sky. Phoenix laughed maniacally as the Adrian fell from view. * * *

Phoenix, after getting the Vengeance off the ground and setting in a course to a repairing station, stood in the infirmary. Though Tech had repaired the ship, it was a quick fix and liable to fall apart at any moment. “What happened to the Adrian?” asked Dual weakly, lying in the infirmary bed. “We blew it up,” replied Chuck. “How?” asked the captain. “I hid some high yield explosives in their missile guidance chips,” said Phoenix. “Where did you get explosives?” inquired Dual. “I’ve had them with me since I came on this ship,” said Phoenix, “I’ve wanted to use them for a long while now.” Dual laughed then coughed. Alarmed, Alexis shooed Chuck and Phoenix out of the infirmary. Chuck looked at Fenikkusu, which was sheathed and stuck through Phoenix’s bet, and said, “When does sword fighting come in handy? These days we use guns.” Phoenix turned around to answer him, but Chuck was knocked down as Adeleski landed on him. The reddish bounty hunter looked up and let out a yell. In each hand was a triple-bladed katar. Yelling, Adeleski charged Phoenix, the blades flashing out quickly and getting a few superficial cuts in. Phoenix backed away quickly, but Adeleski was just as fast. Phoenix kicked the bounty hunter away and drew Fedikkusu. With a hiss, Adeleski attacked again, but Phoenix quickly parried all the blows, Fedikkusu leaping in his hands. But no matter how fast he was, it was still two blades against his one. Phoenix drew his scabbard, flipped it over, and used like a sword in his left hand. Adeleski lunged, but Phoenix sidestepped and stuck the scabbard in-between two of the blades. He twisted the scabbard, and the katar flew from the bounty hunters hand. Phoenix put the scabbard back through his belt. Taking Fedikkusu in both hands, he thrusted at Adeleski’s head. The bounty hunter twisted away and lashed out with his katar. The middle blade cut a shallow gash in Phoenix’s cheek. Phoenix cut a deep slash in Adeleski’s upper belly. The bounty hunter bent over with a moan. Phoenix slowly raised Fenikkusu over his head, then in one swift motion decapitated Adeleski, the blade cutting through bone and flesh with equal ease. Blood spewed forth from the bounty hunter’s neck, and his head rolled through the air. The headless body fell forward, blood gushing from the stump and washing the floor with crimson. Phoenix wiped Fenikkusu clean then sheathed the sword. He pointed to Adeleski’s body and said to Chuck, “That’s when it comes in handy.” Chuck nodded. Alexis yelled for Phoenix to come over. “What is it?” asked Phoenix when he got over there. Alexis looked him over, his clothes dripping blood, and said, “Dual wants you. And, try not to drip on him.” “What do you want Captain?” he asked “I wanna know what the hell is goin’ on,” said the captain. “Adeleski stowed away in the ship. I killed him.” “How many enemies do you got?” “More than I can count.” Dual just laid there for a few moments, his eyes closed, then said, “If there is anyone who is particularly dangerous, I’d appreciate it if you told me.” Phoenix, was standing in the doorway with his back turned to Dual, and said, “There are none that I know of.” * * *

The Adrian was completely destroyed. Large pieces of smoking wreckage stuck out of the dirt. In th midst of the ruin lay a bald man in a black suit. A heavy metal beam was draped across his chest. His fingers twitched. His eyes opened suddenly as the name of the man who had caused him this agony flew from his lips, “PHOENIX!”

Chinese to English I do not know the Chinese language. All words and phrases were found on the internet, and therefore may be wrong. Wo de ma he ta de fungkuang de waisheng dou = Holy mother of god and all her wacky nephews Liu koushui de biaozi he houzi de ben erzi = Stupid son of a drooling harlot and a monkey O, zhe zhen shi ge kuaile de jinzhan = Oh, this is a happy development gui = hell shifu = Sir Ta ma de! = Oh shit! xie xie = thank you xin gan = Treasure gan ni niang = mother fucker bizui = Shut up shen jing bing = lunatic hundan = bastard xiongmeng de kuangren = violent lunatic qingwa cao de liumang = frog humping sonofabitch Kuai qu hen yuan de difang = Go far away very fast.


Tuesday, August 24, 2004 10:00 PM


Nice work! Good story and plotting. The characters developing even more from the previous story. Interesting events. I kinda dug the sword stuff--nifty.

If you don't mind a suggestion, you might even let a lot of your scenes go longer, as long as they're flowing smoothly. Some of the scenes felt a touch hasty, as though you were pushing the info out fast and terse rather than letting it flow out of the characters as they themselves experience it. Your key charaters are Dual and Phoenix and I'd like to see and feel more through their senses, thoughts, and emotions. They're an interesting pair you've created.


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Everyone has them. The crew of the Veangeance learns some are deadlier than others.

Original crew in the Fireflly verse. The crew of the Vengeance has some trouble delivering a package and needs to replace two of its members. My first fanfic, response is encouraged and welcomed.