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Niflheim is home to many who are desparate enough to do anything. When one of them comes into Legacy's path, the results prove to be catastrophic.
For some reason, this chapter got eaten and went bye-bye. Well, here it is again. I'll put up the next part of this whenever I find it. Probably tomorrow. Since this isn't even the third time I've put up the preamble for this chapter, I'm not going to go on at length about it again. Instead, I'm just going to warn you now: Things are going to get weird before they get sane. Niflheim is Mal4Prez's creation. The rest of the background is my own. Feedback got eaten, understandibly enough. Luckily, you won't need to wait as long to see the next few bits, but still every little bit is nice.
The Ecstasy, Part 1
George glanced around furtively as the dust started to settle. The enemy had finally given up the ghost, which was a good thing, because he was tired. Damned tired. Only Belle had any energy to her, and he wasn't willing to pay the price she'd paid to get it. So he did what he had to do, to protect his 'family'. “Is it over?” Junior asked, looking hopefully to his father. “Are they done?” “They're done, son,” George nodded slowly, slipping his old, failing handgun back into his pack. It had served him well for the entire Wither, so he couldn't just throw it away. Even if, as the situation was, he could replace it with something far superior. George reached down, relieving one of the corpses of the fancy, well-maintained rifle. A clipped scream sounded, ending wetly, not too far away. Probably Belle, he thought to himself. He'd long ago stopped caring about the brutality she showed to people, so long as they weren't his people. It was too much effort, and gorramit, she was just too useful to kick to the curb. He inspected the gun carefully, smiling, despite his face's protestations, at his sudden good fortune. There were plenty of people who'd pay a handsome sum for a weapon like this. He hadn't seen a weapon like this on Niflheim in a damn long spell. “What do we do with the bodies?” Junior asked, hooking his hands around the straps holding their own packs to their backs. George looped the gun's strap over his shoulder and turned to his son. “Strip 'em of anything of worth,” he said, turning to survey the rest of the warehouse. There'd been surprisingly little damage to the area. “Pass out what you can to the kids, then stash 'em somewhere out of the way.” “Will do, Pop,” Junior said, before dragging the body out of the clearing in the center and rifling through it's pack with a vengeance. George turned away from his son to the box which dominated the center of the room. He didn't know much about boxes, and even less about Core-tech, but he knew just by looking at this thing that it was worth a fortune. Whatever this box had been built to hold was probably worth a damn sight more. He ran his hands along the smooth metal, cool to the touch. Had it been on any other planet, or even here, back Before, he wagered it'd be covered in droplets of condensation. His roving hand reached the lock pad, and he experimentally pressed a button. A beep sounded, and he felt himself being pulled back harshly. “Don't touch it!” Belle shouted. Her grim face was streaked with dirt and blood. In other words, she looked like she always did. He could remember when that wasn't so. “It could be booby-trapped, for all you know.” “And why would they booby...” he asked, but she cut him off with a horrible scowl. “Cartel property. They don't like our kind gettin' our grubby little hands on it,” she snorted at the end, then grinned wide, showing her rotting teeth. “Makes it more fun that we did, eh?” “And when they come lookin' for it?” George asked. “Hell with 'em. We got their guns. We'll be fine,” she said, walking away. He tried to look away as she reached down and sliced off a corpse's finger with her long knife before she vanished into the structure. He'd made her promise to hide her... habits... from the kids. They couldn't afford to know Belle was going around doing things like that. They'd already been through too much. Hell, they all had, he considered as he took a seat on the edge of the pallet, next to the crate which was apparently the source of so much ado. It was hard to believe that it'd already been fifteen years. Fifteen years since the Wither began. He'd had a life, back then. They'd all had lives. He grew up next door to Belle, and the two of them had been close as children, closer as teenagers. Only his decision to go to that school, away from the city, split them. By the time he came back home, a year later, she'd already found herself a man and gotten hitched. A wistful smile came to his lips as he thought back on the way she looked in that wedding dress. She'd never been called skinny a day in her life, back then. But she was a cute plump, and she always had a way with people. He found himself a wife in a classmate when he went back. It felt like he finally had a life. Then the Wither hit. Junior was only three when the Save-Water order came down. A year later, the order had been changed to a global drought warning. He thought he could make things better, and tried to finish his stint at medical school. How naïve he'd been. He should have just put every cent he'd had into that transport and gotten the hell away. “Pop,” Junior announced, and George found something thrown at him. He looked at it for a moment. MRE. These people must be military, he considered. That put a new wrinkle in things. Even as he started digging into the relatively delicious standard issue military ration, he leaned down over the body his son'd picked clean. He ran his fingers along the sunburst patch sewn to the right arm. He'd never seen its like. “What'd'you make of this, son?” he asked, pointing out the patch. Junior just shook his head, slipping his arms through the holes in the now lightened pack he'd appropriated. “This weren't Cartel. Might want run tell Belle about that.” “Tell me what?” he could smell her fetid breath behind him. It stank of blood and less pleasant substances. He turned to her. “Do you ever make noise when you move?” he asked. To answer him, she gave her a flat, blank stare. He shook his head, then knocked the grit that fell out of his eyes. “This weren't Cartel, you realize?” Belle looked down at the bodies, then over to the crate, then back to him, with the same flat, emotionless stare. “Which means we might be in one holy hell of a nastier bit then I'd wagered for,” he finished when it became obvious that she wasn't in the mood to ask. “They have food, don't they?” Belle asked. George nodded. “Then give it to the kids.” “And when the rest of the Feds come to check up on these?” George gave one corpse a boot. Belle grinned her gruesome smile. “Let 'em come.” George shook his head. Belle used to be so different. They'd both lost their families to the Wither, but whereas George managed to keep moving, despite everything, Belle got twisted by it. Deranged. The only piece of clothing she still owned was her old wedding gown, now gone rust red or black-brown from years of being caked with blood and grit. He really wondered what it was that kept her going. Kept her upright. Turning back to the crate, he also wondered how in the hell he was going to move this thing. It had to weigh at least a tonne, and even all the kids together wouldn't be able to lift it, let alone carry it any distance. If he could open it up and just take whatever it was as was inside, he was sure he could make a solid fortune. Enough, maybe, to get Junior and the kids away. George turned, leveling his proffered rifle at a loud snap he heard. One of the kids picked himself up, ignoring the long splinters which lanced into his arms as he raced to George's foot. The kid had run right through a near-disintegrated crate. George leaned down. “What is it, child? What's wrong?” he asked, as the kid tried to catch his breath. Finally, he did, and he threw a blood-rivuleted arm whence he came. “Some'un's outside,” he warned. “An' they's armed.”
To Be Continued
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