That Went Well - Part 3/7 (REPOST)
Monday, November 19, 2007

The crew finally reaches town and Inara uses her connections to secure accommodations. Only the night is not as peaceful as they hoped.



They got a later start than Mal would’ve liked, but by that time, their stomachs were full, Zoë and Simon were as rested as they were going to be, and they’d managed to thaw out all their frozen limbs by the fire. River had been shaking so bad that within the first ten minutes, Simon picked her up and carried her. At mid-day, they took a break to rehydrate, after which Mal took a turn carrying River. Her body alternated between flashes of heat and shivering chills. She rested her face against Mal’s breast, her eyes glazed and defeated, utterly fed up with her deteriorating condition. She murmured softly to Mal, verbally reflecting his own thoughts like a sounding board. It almost helped hearing her give voice to his plans once they reached town, but it irked him severely that River knew how often he thought of Inara. As the sun set, they settled briefly by the stream, which had become a full fledged creek at this point, and Jayne set out trying to repeat his morning miracle of producing fish. He managed only two small ones, which they split and ate quickly. They were getting closer to town, and the small snack would have to be sufficient until then. Without anyone asking, Jayne scooped River up and carried her along the way. He’d been doing helpful stuff like that a lot since Miranda. Mal mused that Jayne must not be thinking on anything, because River quickly fell asleep in his arms. Mal matched his pace with Inara; her arms were wrapped tightly across her chest as she stepped gingerly along the path. She hadn’t spoken a word since the night before and Mal worried that she was mad at him. As was his way, he deflected any emotional conversation by addressing the business at hand. “I figure you and me should walk into town ahead of the others.” Inara nodded, but kept her eyes firmly fixed on the path her feet were walking. Mal continued talking, wanting to explain her part in the plan fully, even though she hadn’t asked. “We’ll say your ship went down just outside of town. I’m just –” “I understand the concept, Mal,” she cut him off curtly. “It’s not the first time we’ve played the respectability card.” Mal nodded, a little concerned by her sharpness, but not wanting to show it. “They won’t believe us at first.” “Then we’ll tap into my accounts. We don’t need their charity.” “I’ll pay you back.” Inara’s jaw set firmly and she quickened her pace to walk ahead of Mal. He was somewhat stunned by her brusqueness, but more stunned by the speed she could walk when she wanted to. Zoë fell into step next to Mal, a sympathetic look on her face. “She’ll come around, sir. This ain’t the first home she’s lost.” Mal stiffened slightly. “Serenity ain’t lost yet.” “I know that, sir,” Zoë answered quietly. “But Inara don’t.”


Mal didn’t like leaving Zoë and the others at the edge of the woods, but such was the plan. He wasn’t about to bring the whole crew into an unfamiliar town and hope for charity. He needed to test the waters first and make sure it was safe. Inara was practically tottering on her feet by the time they reached the edge of town, either from chills, hunger, or the blisters on her feet. As they crossed the gate into the main square, Mal instinctively put an arm around her waist to hold her up. “I’m fine,” she insisted, pulling away from him. “Just humor me, ‘Nara. We got an act to pull off.” Inara nodded, letting the temporary indignity be masked by the part she played in this charade. “There,” she said, nodding toward a reputable establishment bearing the sign Biltmore Plaza Suites. Mal knew they’d turn their noses up at a pair of mud-covered marauders wandering in. He scanned down the street and pointed to a tavern a few blocks down. “What about there?” Inara shook her head. “Companion respectability means nothing there. The Biltmore franchises are always amenable to Guild members. They probably have my name on file.” “Will they recognize you?” Mal asked, more interested than concerned. “No. I’ve never taken clients on Perth.” They entered the hotel, and as Mal expected, received a cold welcome. The glittering chandeliers made the gold-flecked floors sparkle, and every surface looked polished and clean. Vases with fresh flowers lined a mantle into a classy dining room with a grand piano. Inara pushed off of Mal, unsteadily, and walked half a step ahead of him all the way to the front desk. In the false light of civilization, Inara looked completely beaten and worn, her hair tangled, her dress dusty and wrinkled. It hurt Mal to know that he had done this to her. “I need two rooms for tonight,” she stated to the two staff clerks who were firmly ignoring her and Mal. The authority in Inara’s tone caught them off guard, and the shorter one came uncertainly to the desk. “I’m sorry, ma’am, we have nothing available,” the clerk dismissed, politely. “Please,” Inara responded, though there was no pleading in her voice. “The Biltmore establishments have always been kind to Guild members. Do not make me report otherwise.” The second clerk bristled and rushed to the desk at the mention of the Guild. “I apologize, ma’am. What did you say your name was?” “Inara Serra.” The clerk hurriedly entered a few things into the computer, his face scrunched with concern and concentration. “I don’t have any joint suites. Is it okay for the rooms to be across the hall, or shall I move one of our other customers.” “No, across the hall is acceptable. I have no reservation.” “Members of the Guild do not require reservations,” the clerk gushed. Mal’s jaw nearly dropped at the sycophantic behavior. “Others,” Inara began, but then teetered slightly. Mal was next to her in a minute, catching her before she stumbled. “Forgive me, I need rest,” she chuckled disarmingly to the concerned clerks. “Others in my entourage are not far behind and will be coming up later tonight.” “How many keys do you need?” “Two per room will be fine,” Mal answered when it became clear that Inara would not. He ushered her to the fifth floor as soon as they had their keys, chose the room on the left, and sat her down quickly. Her chest rose and fell, rocking her body in rhythm with every breath, and her hand rested lightly over her heart. “’Nara, should I call a doctor?” Inara shook her head quickly, meeting his eye reassuringly. “I just need food and rest.” Mal nodded, his anxiety melted by her easy grace and certain tone. “Ok,” he agreed. “Ok, you lie down and rest a bit while I get the others.” “I think I’ll shower first,” she smiled.


When Mal brought the others into the room, he was not prepared for what awaited him. The air was humid and fragrant with the perfume of hotel soap. But when he rounded the bend, Inara lay flopped on her back, legs hanging off the edge, hair soaked, body still glistening, and completely naked! “’Nara,” he cried in surprise, but she didn’t move. His first thought was that she was dead and he rushed over to the bed, pressing an ear against her chest, listening for a heartbeat. She shifted minutely beneath him, but didn’t wake. Assured of her life, he ripped up the bedspread and tossed it over her before the others got too much of an eyeful. “Doctor,” Mal cried, covering his emotion with the need for action. Despite the fact of her breathing, Inara had not moved and hardly responded when he touched her. Simon was busy directing Jayne as to where to set River down. It didn’t matter, because River stumbled immediately to the sink to get a glass of water, and then set to raiding the mini-fridge. Mal almost smiled at how immediately at home River appeared in this upscale setting, despite her obvious illness. “Kaylee, get some ice,” Simon ordered, rolling up his sleeves and coming over to examine Inara. She grudgingly obliged to his orders to open her eyes, but was clearly exhausted and in want of sleep. Finally, they just let her crawl under the bed sheets and fall asleep. Jayne leered at Inara the entire time, and when Mal shot him a warning glare, the merc retreated to the shower. When Kaylee returned with the ice, Simon distributed it among the cups in the room, found a hard liquor in the mini-bar, and poured them all a stiff drink. Mal collapsed into a chair by the desk and surveyed the situation as it stood. Time to regroup. He’d gotten the crew safe for the moment, but living in a hotel room was not a permanent solution. They were safe, but not well enough for him to start thinking about how to get the ship back. “Zoë, take Simon and find some food and whatever medicines you can,” Mal ordered. “I found chocolate!” River cried, holding up a small piece of candy for Kaylee. Mal smiled to himself. On any other day, he would have carped about the expense of the small treats, but today all he could think was that there was a whole other fridge in the next room over, and they could get more things delivered.


Kaylee ran down to the hotel gift shop and bought a touristy t-shirt for Inara to wear so Jayne would stop gawking and waiting for the sheet to slip. When Zoë and Simon returned, Jayne plundered the bucket of chicken he’d been given in ten minutes flat, then flopped onto the second bed in the room while the others worked more slowly through their meals. Zoë took to the showers last and luxuriated in a bath for nearly an hour. Knowing Zoë as he did, Mal anticipated nothing less from his old friend. Simon hadn’t found the drugs that he wanted, but managed to find something that made River less feverish and pale-looking. When the soup arrived, Mal tried to make Inara sit up and drink some, but she groused and swatted like a whiny teenager, hardly opening her eyes. He’d managed to get her to drink half the cup before she vomited it all back up and into the cup again. Mal looked to Simon who merely shrugged and handed him a glass of water. “Let her sleep a little more, then try again,” Simon prescribed quietly. Disheartened, Mal dumped out the soiled soup, found his own bucket of chicken, and ate. Kaylee listened as Simon and River spoke animatedly about a hotel they had once stayed in on Greenleaf. For those three, home was each other. Mal needed Serenity. As the food dwindled and the conversation mellowed, Mal started pondering sleeping arrangements, but they took care of themselves. River crawled into bed next to Jayne, claiming that he was warm and thought sparsely. Jayne’s arm fell around her lightly, but he was too soundly sleeping to really notice her laying on him. Once Simon got over the shock, Kaylee coaxed him into the next room so they could share a bed. Zoë went into the next room as well, leaving Mal with the decision of whether to sleep next to her or Inara. Mal started to follow Zoë, but she stopped him at the door. “Sir, you’re not seriously going to leave two sick women alone with Jayne tonight are you?”


When Mal awoke, Inara was in his arms. He wasn’t sure when she’d rolled there and he was very grateful that Kaylee had had the foresight to buy her that t-shirt. The next thing he noticed was an undercurrent of Jayne’s soft swearing. Mal lifted his head off the pillow, and peered across Inara to the second bed. Jayne was propped on his elbows, poking at River lightly. “Jayne?” The man jumped a mile, landing on his knees, looking ready for a fight. “Mal, get the Doc! She’s having a fit!” Jayne urged quietly, then returned to looking at River. He rolled her on her side, making sure she could breathe, cradling her head softly. Quickly disentangling himself from Inara, Mal flipped on the bedside lamp and ran to get Simon. For the millionth time in two days, Mal appreciated the skill with which Simon and Kaylee moved around each other. As much as he worried about the complications of shipboard romances, those two were like folded steel as a team. Simon rolled out of bed, leaving Kaylee sleeping like an angel in his wake. By the time they returned, River had stopped seizing, but she was still unconscious. Simon did the best he could without his medical equipment, gathering information by questioning Jayne thoroughly. “Started a few minutes ago,” Jayne said. “Didn’t think much of it. She’s had the shivers all day. This time, she just didn’t stop.” Simon took River’s hand, unhappily surveying the stash of drugs he’d brought from town earlier. Most of the pharmacies had been closed by the time they had arrived, so there wasn’t much he could do. Any hospital visit meant a wall of doctors and explaining, and none would give him drugs he asked for on first blush. They’d suspect foul play. A few minutes later, River awoke, crying. Simon pulled her into his arms and rocked her gently, leaning against the headboard for support. With hardly a word, Jayne grabbed a pillow and blanket, and fell asleep on the floor.


Wide awake from the rush of adrenaline, Mal decided he’d take another stab at getting Inara to eat something. Finding the container of cold soup, Mal drained the broth into a mug, and made sure to have a bag ready in case she threw up again. Settling himself comfortably against the headboard, he gathered Inara into his arms and prodded her awake. Inara looked up at him with deep brown moon eyes, her lips parted slightly in confusion. Even without make-up, her features were smooth and perfect, and Mal believed her to be the most beautiful person he’d ever seen up close. Her wet hair curled wildly of its own accord, and the pale pink t-shirt advertising the Biltmore at Perth looked absolutely ridiculous on her. “Thought you might be hungry,” Mal said softly when she continued to look perplexed. “I … where…?” “We’re at the Biltmore on Perth. You chose the place.” “You … who are you?” she murmured softly, pushing away from him. Her confusion resolved into fear as she looked down at her shirt, then around the room. Simon sat up straighter, concern tightening his lips. Mal touched Inara’s shoulder and she turned sharply to face him. “Inara, calm down.” “Who are you?” she repeated, her hands groping the sheets for purchase as both she and Mal knelt on the bed. Mal captured her wrists gently and pulled her to face him. “Malcolm Reynolds,” he told her, looking her squarely in the eye, his heart pounding fearfully against his sternum. “Captain of Serenity, Malcolm Reynolds. And you are Inara Serra. You live on Serenity.” Her eyes darted distractedly around the room and Mal could think of nothing else to do but repeat the information over and over again, until she started to say it with him. But he could tell by her eyes it was merely an echo of his words. Eventually she calmed down, her shoulders sagged lightly, and she stared at the small space between her knees and his. “Why don’t you have some soup,” Mal suggested, nodding toward the cup. When Inara didn’t move, Mal dropped hold of one of her hands and reached around her. Her grip on his other hand tightened when her nose bumped his shoulder. “Mal,” she whispered urgently. The familiarity had returned to her voice – the momentary amnesia had passed. He leaned back, offering her the cup he had retrieved, but her eyes had not shifted. “Just eat a little somethin’ and ease my mind,” Mal requested. Without lifting her chin, she groped the air, nearly poking him in the eye when she neared his face. “Watch it,” Mal carped, swatting her hand away, sloshing the soup onto the pillow. “Everything is dark,” she whimpered, her hands and voice trembling. This time, Simon did jump out of bed and cross the room. Mal lifted Inara’s chin and looked into her eyes. The color was almost completely obliterated by the dilation of her pupils, which roved unseeing. Her cheeks flushed and she pressed her eyes closed, trying to control the fear threatening to overwhelm her. Simon looked at her only briefly before telling Mal, “Get her to a hospital, now.”


Part 4



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Gravity Broke
Uncle Jayne loves waking up Serenity's passel of kids, but today he finds one of them broken. Sweet, fluffy. Sweet, fluffy, post-BDM, part of Namesake series.

Transition, Epilogue
Cole and Genny find resolution.

Transition, Part 11
A few more heart-to-heart chats. Jamie talks to Simon, Mal talks to Cole. Be prepared with tissues, but the end will make you smile.

Transition, Part 10
Jamie and Genny help each other through their respective emotional turmoils.

Transition, Part 9
Little Zoe talks to Michael about Berke, and Michael does not respond as well as she'd hoped. Inara talks to Simon and receives another birthday gift.

Transition, Part 8
Mal is getting worried about Genny, and he talks to Cole. Jayne is glad to see Jamie, but is a little surprised. We find out what Jamie's been up to.

Transition, Part 7
Mal get's Daquan's side of the story. Simon asks River what she wants to do.

Transition, Part 6
Mal and Inara get one more surprise at the space dock, then return home to deal with their uninvited guest.

Transition, Part 5
Mal and Inara share a romantic moment. River's dream about restoring her family turns into a nightmare.

Transition, Part 4
More of Inara's birthday - Cole dances with Genny, River encourages Michael, and Mal gives Inara a priceless gift. 25 years post-BDM. Reunion fic. Part of the Namesake series. Canon pairings. Minor angst warning - have tissues at ready.