River Tam: Through My Eyes
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Just a simple River Wallpaper. It's been a while since I've done larger Firefly graphics. I have two other versions of this wall, one textless, one without the smaller image of River on the top left corner.



Sunday, January 20, 2008 6:26 AM


Astoundingly gorgeous work! :) A mesmerizing, dark canvas. You truly are a master of light and color! "Night Watch" like quality (one of Rembrandt's most famous paintings). The subtle way you allow part of her hair to stay lit up, the whole dreamy state of this composition, it's hypnoticly beautiful! And, the font, definitely the font! You can put that down: the font, and right where the font meets her hair. Actually that whole area. That and above it. :)

And that Firefly-gold kinda lighting of River's face, it's all amazing! (I was gonna say: "amazingly good," but it was really no surprise). Top 3 percent, for certain! :)

I like the repetition of the River image, btw; it adds to the 'reflective' mood when you take a look through her eyes.

This is why you're the best! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:10 AM


I like the version you posted here best but the others are a fine piece of work as well!! What's the name of that font you used? That's cool!

Sunday, January 20, 2008 8:59 AM


It's amazing! No, that doesn't fit. Stunning? Goregeous? Divine? Synonyms thereof? I don't think any of those would come close. Very shiny work :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008 2:12 PM


Simply beautiful


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Summer Glau: "Dreamer"
It's been a while since I've done any graphics but today I was inspired by this image, so I made this.

River Tam: Icon Collection
These are some of the River Tam icons I've made in the past months and have been posting in my livejournal. I thought I'd gather a few and show them here.

River Tam: Through My Eyes
Just a simple River Wallpaper. It's been a while since I've done larger Firefly graphics.

I have two other versions of this wall, one textless, one without the smaller image of River on the top left corner.

Firefly: The Complete Series (Crew Cover)
Made for a contest on Livejournal that asked for a cover for a Boxset of a TV show. Obviously I chose Firefly. I made two covers. This is the Crew version.

Firefly: The Complete Series (Mal Cover)
Made for a contest on Livejournal that asked for a cover for a Boxset of a TV show. Obviously I chose Firefly. I made two covers. This is the Mal version.

The Captain and the Companion
Because they have the most interesting UST ever. :)

Browncoats: Mal and Zoe
Made in Photoshop CS2. Our favorite Browncoats, the captain and the second-in-command, who share one of the most interesting friendships in the series.

Simon in Jaynestown
I love this scene. Simon's expression is priceless. So I just had to play with it in Photoshop. I have two other versions of this graphic in the latest post at my livejournal (

River Tam Triumphant
I took one of Serenity's River promo images and created a graphic I submitted for a header contest at LJ. I had fun with this one. Lots of textures went into making this. I was going for a grunge-ish feel. Hope I succeeded.

Can't Take the Sky
I am obsessed with this promo shot so I've made a hundred variations of it. Well, I'm exaggerating but it almost feels like it. Made in Photoshop CS2.