One good day - Chapter 1
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mal takes Zoe and Jayne out in Persephone to hunt down the job they haven’t had in ages. In an attempt to bring in some money in the meanwhile, the crew goes looking for a new passenger.


One good day

By Charlotte Summers

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Setting: Takes place post-Firefly, pre-Serenity, meaning: it’s just another adventure with all of the crew except for Inara and Shepherd Book, who have just left Serenity.

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Chapter one ‘Money’

* * *

“Think they’re having sex?”

Kaylee and Jayne were standing outside the so rarely closed doors to the bridge, listening in on Wash and Zoe, who were inside. Only muffled noises sounded from the apparently pretty soundproof doors. In reply to Jayne’s remark, Kaylee rolled her eyes, indignant on behalf of the two inside, and slapped the big guy on the arm.

“What!?” he asked.

“You can’t just say that.” Kaylee paused for a moment. “No way they’re having sex. I mean, I can’t exactly figure out what they’re saying – but that don’t sound like sex. If that’s how sex sounds, then I think I ain’t doin’ it right. They’s having a fight,” she finished half-sad.

Jayne looked at her, suddenly slightly uncomfortable. “Well, then… how do you have sex?”

Kaylee looked at him with a mix of disbelief and interest, and then nearly jumped a foot in the air when Mal suddenly sneaked up behind them.

“We’re not eavesdropping, are we?”

“No, we was just-”

“Yes,” Jayne said at the same time Kaylee started making up an excuse.

Mal jerked his head to the place he came from, gesturing them to leave. “Go. Skedaddle.”

Kaylee, slightly embarrassed, was already on her way though Jayne was a little more hesitant to leave – when the doors to the bridge swung open and revealed the tall, overpowering form of a very pissed of looking Zoe. Jayne immediately stumbled a pace backwards, off the stairs, and Mal, in an attempt not to appear like he was eavesdropping, raised his hand and stuttered something along the way of ‘Hi, Zoe’. She, however, didn’t even glance at any of them, but merely stormed past them and headed straight for the stairs next to the dining area.

Ignoring the other two, Mal went up the stairs and onto the bridge, behind him still hearing the muffled voices of Kaylee and Jayne.

“Told you they wasn’t having sex.”

“Maybe it was angry sex – hey!” Probably received another slap on the arm.

The Captain stood next to Wash, looking forward, hands in his pockets.

“You know my opinion on shipboard romances. You assured me there weren’t gonna be fights, or at least no fights would affect business. Do I have to start fearing otherwise?” Mal finished, turning his head toward the pilot.

Wash didn’t look at him. “We’ll be nearing Persephone soon. Hit atmo in about five minutes.”

He paused and Mal didn’t move. “Aren’t you supposed to get stuff ready or something? Order about your crew… my wife…”

Mal looked at him sternly. “Are you giving me lip?”

“N- no I-”

“’Cos I didn’t hire you to give me lip,” Mal continued, not really angry but rather strict. “You just put this ship on the ground and you do it safely. We clear?”

Wash stared out the window in the front him, breathing out deeply. “Ai ai, Cap’n.”

“Shiny,” Mal nodded, patting the pilot on the back on his way out.

“Oh, and don’t try and squash Badger while you’re at it – he might have a job for us. Sure could use a job,” Mal muttered the last part as he headed towards the stairs down to the cargo bay.

Truth was, he wasn’t keen on taking any job from Badger. Trouble always seemed to ensue whenever Badger was involved. But right now, he’d take any job he could find that they could pull off. ‘Business’ had been powerfully slow lately and they were running out of money. They didn’t find a job or any source of income here in Persephone, both Serenity and its crew could get in real trouble.

Near the stairs Mal ran into Simon.


“Hey there, doc. You taking your sister for a walk in the open air?”

Simon stood before Mal, seemingly with the intention of disabling him from walking down the stairs.

“Actually, Captain, I was wondering if you were okay with us sitting this one out. River is still suffering from the side effects of her new medication, I’m afraid,” Simon said, concernedly looking aside toward the dining area, where Mal figured the youngest Tam was spending her time.

“It would be nice for her to get some air, but I’d rather not wander too far. Don’t want to attract any attention.”

Mal nodded and pushed Simon aside so he could get to the stairs. “Right about that, doc.”

Two steps down, Mal paused and turned around, looking up at Simon. “Matter of fact, I got a job for you lined up. Join in me in the cargo bay in five?”

Without waiting for a reply, the Captain turned around and quickly descended the stairs until he reached the floor of the cargo bay. He walked up to Zoe, who was preparing a four-wheel for Wash to get supplies for Serenity down in Persephone. Before Mal could even open his mouth, and possibly ask anything about her and Wash, Zoe told him, “Don’t ask, sir.”

Mal shrugged. “Wasn’t planning to. So-”

“Will we be picking up any new passengers at the Eavesdown Docks?” Zoe stopped her activities and looked at the Captain, who folded his arms.

“Don’t recall discussing that with any of the rest of the crew.” “As if you would. We could really use the money, sir,” Zoe said seriously. “And there’d better be a job for us down here, because we won’t last another week with the little amount of food we have left and the fuel Serenity’ll need.”

“Yeah, plus, there’s Jayne…” Mal added dryly, thoughtfully gazing off. “Man eats for two.”

“That’s ‘cos he’s the size of two. Sir.”

Wash’s grumpy voice sounded through the cargo bay, through the intercom, telling the crew they’d landed and were free to go. Mal looked at Zoe.

“You know, he sure sounded-” “Don’t ask, sir,” Zoe muttered once more, taking off and leaving Mal behind alone.

As Kaylee put on her jacket to go outside and Jayne stocked up on some weapons, Simon joined the Captain, staring at him hard, but as calm and emotionless in appearance as always.

Mal ignored it. “Where’s your sister?”

“Not here. What is this… job you want me to do?” the doctor asked a little suspiciously.

The corners of Mal’s mouth twitched. “You good with people, doc? Oh you must be, with your line of work and all.”

“I don’t understand-”

“We’re taking aboard a new passenger,” Mal explained. “Got enough empty rooms on the ship and Buddha knows, we could sure use the money.”

Simon looked a little uneasy. “So… you want me t-”

“You’re gonna look out for people wanting a ride and convince them my ship is the best,” Mal said simply with a smile on his face.

“That way your sister can wander about a bit but has to stay close to the ship, you can keep an eye on her. We all happy.”

As Mal turned to leave, Simon called him after with unease in his voice. “I’m not sure if I’m the right person to do this…”

“Sure you are, doc,” Mal disagreed light-heartedly, slapping him on the shoulder hard enough for Simon to double over a bit.

“You’re a fine looking guy, with your fancy clothing and all, it’ll be no problem for you to pick the richest guy out of the crowd and convince him to take a ride aboard Serenity.”

As Mal walked away, Simon’s voice trailed off, sadly. “Can’t Kaylee-”

“No, she can’t.”

Kaylee opened the doors and fresh air and daylight streamed into the cargo bay, making her smile, even at Jayne who headed out and winked at her as passing by. Wash had come down as well and nearly tripped halfway the stairs, with his eyes fixed on his wife standing by the four-wheel.

“Alright people,” Mal called through the cargo bay where now everyone was present but River. “You’re free to go out, or stay with the ship, whatever you like. Just make sure you’re back by sunset, else we’ll be leaving without ya.”

As Wash headed for his wife he passed Mal by, who trusted a bag of money into the pilot’s hand, telling him to buy fuel and the necessary parts. “Your wife’s got a ride prepped for you.” Zoe wouldn’t look at him, though. Her husband joined her at the ride, letting out a weary “Honey…”, but Zoe didn’t even glance at him. She looked up, started walking towards Jayne waiting outside in front of the ship, and as she passed Mal by, said, “Let’s go, sir.”

With a mix of sympathy and ‘I told you so’ on Mal’s face, he followed the second in command and left Wash behind, looking sad. Kaylee stopped next to him and stared the trio after as well, sympathetically patting her friend on the back.

“She’ll come ‘round,” Kaylee said on a positive tone, climbing on to the back of the four-wheel. Wash followed her example and sat down behind the steering wheel.

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m afraid off.” He looked over his shoulder at the bright girl. “She can hurt me, you know.”

Wash started the engine and just as they were about to take off, Simon hurried over to Kaylee and tried asking her for some advice, concerning the ‘job’ Mal had given him. Kaylee however mentioned she couldn’t really hear him over the running engine of the ride.

“See you in a few, doc!” and they drove off.

Simon was left standing, insecure, looking out at the crowd wandering around the Eavesdown Docks.

“Convince someone to come aboard as a passenger on this rusty piece of go se. Sure, no problem at all…” the doctor muttered annoyed.

At his side, his sister suddenly joined him, looking out at the crowd as well.

“They are alone…” River said softly. “Each and every one, but they don’t know they are the crowd.”

Simon raised his eyebrows and before he could give non-committing reply to his sister’s meaningless statement, River bent over and threw up right next to his shoes, looking horrified afterwards. “Simon…”

He sighed. “Yep. This is going to be one fun afternoon.”

* * *

The weather was nice enough today on Persephone (on this planet it was in the middle of spring), and the usual bad seeds looking for trouble down at the Eavesdown Docks didn’t really seem to be among the crowd today.

“Sir,” Zoe asked, pushing aside a large guy who seemed half-drunk. “Where do you expect to find a new job?”


Both knew if you were looking for a job on Persephone, the only person you could always really rely on was–

“Badger,” Mal called out, the moment his scrawny form appeared on front of him, Jayne and Zoe, complete with hat and tie but no shirt. “What an unpleasant surprise.”

Zoe raised her eyebrows at the appearance of Badger and his men – running into them here out in the open was purely coincidental, and could be an opportunity, but not one she had really been waiting for.

“Malcolm Reynolds,” Badger said with his thick accent and smug grin. “And crew. What brings you low-lives to my planet? Looking for a job, eh?”

Mal squinted his eyes against the sun. “Last time I checked you was robbed of some ground you were caught doing illegal business on, Badger. I think you can hardly call this your planet.”

Badger’s smug grin faded only a little. “I-”

“As for a job, I’m not sure I’m interested,” Mal continued, not letting him speak. “As I recall, last time we got into business I got stabbed.”

Badger raised his finger and his smug grin had all returned, earning him a filthy look from Jayne, who seemed impatient with the conversation.

“Ah, but it wasn’t I who did the stabbing, Captain,” Badger said smoothly. “And the situation you was in was your own fault.”

“No, Badger,” Mal agreed, “You’re more the type to backstab. But fair enough, it wasn’t really your fault.”

“Sir,” Zoe started out, but Badger interrupted her.

“So how about that job, eh?”

Zoe unnoticeably muttered to Mal’s back. “Sir, I ain’t keen on doing business with this wang bao dahn. He seems even more… smug, than usual.”

Mal wholly agreed, but they really, really needed the money.

Inwardly, he sighed. “Well Badger, if you got some errands we could run it would certainly b-”

“Sorry,” Badger cut him off, thick accent, large grin. “Can’t help ya.”

Zoe was boiling, Jayne almost growling like a dog, and Mal looked like he was about the hit the little git, but none of them stretched a muscle as Badger walked around them and kept on smiling.

“What can I say? Business has been slow lately. Ta.”

Mal breathed in deeply, staring at the back of Badger and his men, disappearing among the crowd.

“Sir?” Zoe asked calmly. “Can I shoot him?”

His mouth twitched in anger. “Just make sure you start with the kneecaps. Would want him to suffer for a spell first.”

* * *

Simon was pacing around in front of the doors of Serenity, his mood darkening by the minute. Inside River was going so fast from being cheerful and a little brat to sick and drugged he couldn’t even keep pace anymore, nor figure out what to change in the combination of her medicine to get rid of these mood swings.

Simon Tam loved his sister more than anything, and was one hundred and four percent serious when he said he’d give his life, without hesitation, just to save her, but taking care of River was… tiresome. It was exhausting, even, and it never stopped. He always had to take care of her and he wanted to, but there were moments he just wished this had never happened and he was back on Osiris, doing his job as a doctor, making big damn heaps of money and living in luxury. Of course, whenever this thought crossed his mind, he felt so guilty afterwards he devoted himself to look after and take care of his sister even more than usual.

Adding to all the sorrow he had to endure (and felt he couldn’t talk about or complain about for that matter, to anyone), he was now stuck with this fong luh job Mal gave him, and he really didn’t know how to handle it. The crew had been gone for almost two hours now, would be back in only half an hour, probably, and Simon hadn’t even seen anyone who he thought might like to come aboard Serenity. How in the universe was he supposed to not only find someone but convince them Serenity was the best as well, and that within the next thirty minutes?

He looked over his shoulder, and saw River sitting on one of the crates of the cargo bay, muttering to herself. He sighed. Part of him felt he was too good to do this job, and part of him felt disgusted with the fact he even thought he was too good for anything. Being on Serenity had changed him in that way. Either way, he had no choice. If he wanted to stay on board of Serenity and one step ahead of the long arm of the Alliance, and possibly bounty hunters and whatnot looking for him and his sister, he had to do whatever was necessary to keep Mal satisfied. He could not complain.

Or, at least, not openly

“You know, I’ve been watching you for a while…”

Simon jumped a foot in the air, startled, and spun on his heel to look at where the female voice had come from. Just outside the ship stood a young woman.

“…And you’re looking quite troubled. Do you need a hand?”

* * *

Zoe, Mal and Jayne arrived back at the ship just before sunset, at the same time Wash and Kaylee drove in on the four-wheel. It was packed with supplies.

Though Mal was obviously in a very dark mood, Kaylee smiled and looked as bright as always. She hopped off the ride and walked over to him. “Hey there, Captain. You found us some crime?”

Ching-wah tsao duh liou mahng,” Mal muttered, and immediately looked apologizing upon seeing Kaylee’s surprised face. “Not you. Badger. Long story, don’t ask. Point is… we didn’t get a job.”

He marched into the cargo bay, looking around as if he was searching for someone to yell at. Frankly, he seemed a little lost. Frankly – he felt a little lost. This was the first time they hadn’t been able to find a job on Persephone when looking for one, and they’d visited half of the damn planet. Things were getting close. Most of their money left had now been spent on fuel for Serenity, and even of that they hadn’t been able to buy much.

Mal explained this to Kaylee and Wash. Kaylee stroke his arm. “Not to fret, Cap’n. It’ll work out. We always find ourselves some nice crime to commit. In no time we’ll be swimming in money again, you’ll see. It’ll all be shiny.”

Mal still looked a little dark. He gently squeezed the young engineer’s arm, as a thank you for her reassuring words.

In the background, Wash cautiously approached his wife. Zoe still seemed a little detached, but at least she was acting like his wife again.

“I just hope the doc sure did a better job than us today,” Mal muttered, and looked around for him. “Where’s that guy hiding out?”

Mal didn’t have to wait long for a reply: at that moment, the cargo bay was filled with laughter. Simon came strolling around the corner, accompanied by a woman. His face had become one big smile and he looked as happy as a kid, seemingly having enjoyed himself this afternoon with this new friend. Better be this new friend got money, Mal thought bitterly.

Simon’s smile soon faded when he stopped in front of Kaylee and Mal, and spotted Mal’s not so amused face. Simon got himself together quickly and cleared his throat.

“Captain, I would like you to meet Serenity’s newest passenger-”

“Bela Crowe.”

The woman held out her hand, wearing a genuine, friendly smile on her face. Mal was staring at her rather a bit foolishly, but soon re-gathered his wits. He shook her hand.

“Malcolm Reynolds, I’m the Captain. Nice to meet you, ms. Crowe.”

Bela narrowed her eyes, seemingly not appreciating or not used to her being called ‘miss’, but she didn’t say anything. Neither did Mal, who studied her in just a second, like he did with every new person he met. She appeared to be in her mid-twenties, about twenty-five, twenty-six years old. She seemed energetic, good looking with beautiful, wavy brown hair that would look most like Kaylee’s if she hadn’t put it up, only Bela’s was a much more darker brown. Her face showed she was young of body and mind but a good look in her eyes revealed to Mal there was more to her than seemed at first glance – a history, a story, not all hugs and puppies. Bela seemed to dress more like Zoe than like Kaylee or even River, and it was obvious to him this girl had some miles on her, that she’d been places and wasn’t someone who’d lived in innocence here on Persephone all her life, only now looking to go on an adventure for the first time in her life.

“Bela would like to join us on Serenity for a while,” Simon awoke Mal from his thoughts, “And-”

“Could you leave us for a second, doctor?” Mal interrupted him, his eyes never leaving hers.

Though slightly startled, Simon agreed and took off. It wasn’t Mal wanted him to get the wrong impression. He just liked giving anyone who was to come aboard his ship a good look to judge that person, see who he and his crew was dealing with. He’d learned with lesson with lawman Dobson. And although first impressions could be deceiving Mal was not often mistaken, and the somewhat of a mystery surrounding this woman interested him more than he cared. In the sense of, he was cautious at the moment to take big risks and bring aboard someone he shouldn’t.

“So what brings you to Persephone and why do you wanna leave? With this ship, no less?”

Bela glanced at her side, at the crowd populating the Eavesdown Docks. She looked at Mal, interested.

“What makes you think I haven’t lived here all my life?”

She half-smiled and before he could reply, continued. “Why this ship, well…”

Her voice trailed off and she studied whatever her eyes could find from her position at the entrance of the cargo bay, with genuine interest and admiration. “It’s a fine model, a Firefly. Jing zi…

“What is it you might be looking for? Wanting to fly with us, and all.” Mal tried to catch her eye.

She looked at him. “I’m just looking to take a break. Heard the Eavesdown Docks was a good place to find a ship and crew, willing to take one in. In exchange for some credits, of course,” she smiled.

“Still haven’t said what brought you to Persephone.”

“You always interrogate potential passengers for your ship? ‘Cos I can imagine, it would scare people off. – I visited relatives here,” she explained again before Mal could reply. Every bit of her showed she was lying and she didn’t try to hide it, either. “So can I join?”

Bela walked into the cargo bay, casting her admiring look around the ship. She kept talking to Mal, her voice a little raised, not looking at him.

“So the doctor told me about the going rate for a room here on this fine ship. I think we can talk about that a little, but other than that, do we have a deal?” she finished, turning back to look at the Captain.

Mal got more interested by the minute. She seemed kind enough, and everybody had a story or a mystery – but she might be unnecessary trouble, lying about the smallest things and not even trying hard, either. Still, the money…

Everybody else of the crew had left the cargo bay by now, preparing for takeoff. Even the ever so curious Kaylee had given up lingering around and eavesdropping on the conversation.

Mal paused for a moment, looking at the woman, her short figure standing confidently in the middle of his ship’s cargo bay, and by the looks of her it was obvious she just knew he was going to say yes and invite her on board. For a moment he wondered if Bela Crowe was even her real name.

“What is it you do for a living?”

Bela put her hands on her hips. “I’m a writer,” she replied light-heartedly.

“So, about that money…”


Tuesday, May 13, 2008 5:28 AM


You have peak my interests with Bela. Very nice start.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:32 PM


can't put my finger on exactly how this fic works for me but - i gave it a casual glance and was hooked!:) maybe it just flows real smooth... it just does everything kinda RIGHT y'know? keep em coming!:)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:13 AM


OK, the opening conversation between Kaylee and Jayne is fabulous! Maybe the best first line to a fic I've ever seen LOL! And I love that the Z/W argument isn't explained, just carries on to hover in the background of the whole chapter. You handle that very well, and I hope it continues.

You do have a few spots of grammar oddness. A beta reader would be of great use; if you ever have a chance to snare one I highly recommend it.

Then there's the new character... interesting plot starter, although her last line gives me alarm bells. Please don't be some fictional version of the fic writer. I'm overfull of Mary Sue-ness!

Thursday, May 15, 2008 3:29 PM


Hey nice opening, very solid fic, with some great character captures.


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One good day - Chapter 4
The crew faces unexpected trouble during their job for Dumar – trouble that forces some members to reveal their true potential.

One good day - Chapter 3
The crew finds itself a job in Beaumonde. Bela does something that arouses Mal’s suspicions.

One good day - Chapter 2
The crew is forming opinions about their newest passenger – directly, or simply by gossip.

One good day - Chapter 1
Mal takes Zoe and Jayne out in Persephone to hunt down the job they haven’t had in ages. In an attempt to bring in some money in the meanwhile, the crew goes looking for a new passenger.