The Fragrance of Forgiveness
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Inara and Kaylee have a heart-to-heart. Post-Safe.


“It's beautiful!” Kaylee lifted the shawl to her cheek and closed her eyes. “Mmm... so soft. Is this silk?” She couldn't help smiling as she breathed in the scent that rose from the material: Spring flowers and sunshine.

“Yes.” Inara's voice was full of warmth and smiles. “From Sihnon.”

Silk from Sihnon. She'd never felt anything like it. Kaylee opened her eyes and, holding onto the corners, threw the shawl out in front of her. It cascaded, like a waterfall, onto the bedspread beneath her. "And colourful too! I bet there's every colour of the rainbow in here.”

A chuckle bubbled up from Inara. “Probably.” She swivelled around next to Kaylee and reached out to stroke the fabric lying between them. “So you like it then?” She cocked her head to one side and smiled, her eyes shining.

“Do I like it?” Kaylee looked up, grinning like a fool. “Of course I like it. It's very shiny!” She couldn't even hope to count all the different colours. There were all manner of reds, and yellows, greens, and pinks, blues, and purples. Even tiny threads of silver and gold wound their way across the fabric. It truly was the prettiest thing she'd ever seen, even compared with the opulent surroundings of Inara's shuttle.

“I'm so relieved.”

Kaylee looked up from the material and frowned. “Relieved? Why are you relieved?”

“Well,” said Inara, her smile widening as she lifted her hand to Kaylee's forehead and stroked the lines furrowing her brow, “it's always nice to know the recipient of a gift actually likes it.”

“A gift?” Kaylee blinked. “Who for?”

Inara's laughter burst from her this time as she threw back her head, candlelight dancing across her skin. “For you, bao bay.”

“Me?” Kaylee looked down at the shawl and then returned her gaze to Inara. She shook her head and frowned again. “Why?”

“Because you deserve it.”

“I do?”

“Yes, you do.” Inara nodded.


“Because...” Leaning forward, Inara tucked a strand of Kaylee's hair behind her ear. “...because you've been so down lately.”

“I have?” She had. There was no denying it, but she'd hoped no one else had noticed. Yu bun duh.

“Yes, you have.” Nodding again, Inara let her hand drop to her lap. “Ever since Jiangyin you've not been yourself. Especially around Simon.” Her shoulders drooped as she sighed and her smile faded.

Kaylee grimaced. "I'm sorry." The tension between herself and Simon seemed to be getting to everyone. “I'm never myself around him.”

“True, but it's become worse lately. Was it his diatribe in the shop?” Inara pushed the shawl aside and levered herself across the mattress toward Kaylee until they sat side-by-side.

“You mean 'Yes. I consider it fun being forced to the to the ass-end of the galaxy and getting to live on a piece of luh-suh wreck.'?” Lowering her head to Inara's shoulder, Kaylee let out a sigh of her own as she felt tears prick at her eyes once more. She wasn't going to cry. Not again.

Inara wrapped her arm around Kaylee's shoulders and gave her a gentle squeeze. “I knew it.”

“Knew what?” Kaylee sniffed, her throat tightening.

Inara rested her cheek on the top of Kaylee's head. “I knew you'd taken it to heart.”

Kaylee swallowed to ease the ache in her throat. “Well, it's clear as day he don't care for this life none.” She sniffed again. No crying!

“So he doesn't care for you? Is that what you think?”

“Damn straight.” If he did he'd never had said those things.

“Oh, Kaylee.”

“What am I s'posed to do, 'Nara? I really like him, but if he...” Reaching out, Kaylee picked at the tassels on the shawl and wrapped them around her fingers. She could barely feel the threads they were so soft.

“You could try forgiving him, you know,” said Inara, stroking Kaylee's hair just as Kaylee stroked the shawl. “He was under a lot of stress when he said that. He still is. Maybe forgiving him would help him... and you too.”

Kaylee shrugged. “Maybe.”

Giving her another squeeze, Inara raised her head. “You know, Kaylee, a wise man once said 'Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.'”

Kaylee twisted around to look at Inara's face. “What's that mean when it's at home?”

“It means, mei mei,” said Inara with a motherly smile, “that your forgiveness would be the sweetest thing in the 'verse to Simon. But if you can't forgive, you can't forget and you will end up carrying the hurt around in your heart forever. Even over the smallest thing.”

“Like calling Serenity luh-suh?”

Inara nodded. “Like calling Serenity luh-suh.”

“Maybe you're right, 'Nara.” She usually was. Kaylee gathered up the shawl and drew in a deep breath, letting the floral scent wash over her.

“Of course I am.” Inara chuckled. “So will you accept this?” She tugged at a tassel of light purple that hung from one corner of the shawl.

Way!” Kaylee reached out to touch the tassel and looked up at Inara's smiling face. “Is that why you chose this?”

“Because of the violet?” Inara fondled the tassel and ran her finger along the similarly-coloured veins that roamed across much of the material. “Yes. At first I just saw all the colours, but when I looked closely, the violet leapt out at me. It brought to mind that saying about forgiveness. Then I thought of you... and Simon.”

"It really is beautiful.” It was, even though it had been used to set her up for their conversation. Inara sure was sly.

Drawing the shawl from her fingers, Inara draped it across Kaylee's shoulders. “So you'll speak to Simon?” She smoothed out the fabric with the palms of her hands, their soothing warmth seeping through.

“I'll think on it.” Kaylee closed her eyes once more. Inara's ministrations always did seem to have a sleepifying effect on her.

“That's all I ask.”

“You're a good friend, 'Nara,” said Kaylee, as Inara began to draw a brush through her hair. “Mmm... That's real nice.”

“And you're a good friend too.” Inara swept Kaylee's hair back from her face. “To me, and to Simon. Don't let a few angry words come between you. Forgive him, sweetie. Life in the black is too hard, and too short, to spend it all alone.”


bao bay: sweetheart

luh-suh: garbage

yu bun duh: stupid

mei mei: little sister

way: hey


Thursday, May 29, 2008 4:09 AM


This is so well written. I love Inara's point and seeing the violet with all the other colors there too. Very well done.

Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:24 AM


Well done! I like the snapshot style you took, instead of making it a long story. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:50 AM


My brain isn't working as well as usual, but I would like to say I really enjoyed this chapter. How Inara encourages Kaylee to forgive. Lovely.


Thursday, May 29, 2008 6:13 PM


what a sweet story!


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Drabble - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Zoe tries to move on. Post BDM.

The Fragrance of Forgiveness
Inara and Kaylee have a heart-to-heart. Post-Safe.

Of Mountains and Molehills
Mal reflects on the wisdom of trying to do business with Patience. Drabble.

Simon reflects on the past as he watches River dance. Set during Safe.