Apple Pie
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm back! Many many thanks to Phyrelight who provided a quite a few suggestions and helped me take this little fic beyond just scribblings on a scrap of paper. This takes place just after Heart of Gold but before Inara leaves the ship for the Training House.


Apple pie. Kaylee's craving for strawberries wasn't anything compared to Malcolm Reynold's similar longing for apple pie. Unlike Kaylee, he kept his desire to himself. It wasn't captain like to moon over food. Or so he told himself.

It was just any apple pie though, mind you, but a special one that his Ma used to make for Sunday dinner when the apples dropped from the trees in the grove down by the creek. She would bake it on Saturday mornings and leave it on the kitchen window sill to cool. The smell of the fresh baked pie would envelope the surrounding yard and if the wind was just right it would drift as far as the stables resulting in a unique combination of dust, sweat, and horse topped off by the spices of the apple pie.

Mal would have to be very careful when he passed that window sill on the way back into house. He learned the hard way that the pie wasn't to be touched. More than one time his Ma's hand had landed on his backside when he dared to stick a finger in pie as it sat mocking him as he went into the kitchen. He finally learned to steel himself as he passed it by and wait for it to appear with appropriate ceremony at the end of the meal.

Sundays would stretch forever as Mal waited . The Shepard's sermons were torture as he droned on and on. Mal would dance around as his Ma talked to the neighbors seemingly forever after the service. Finally it was back home, bolt down dinner and wait for the pie to appear. Then despite his efforts to savor every bite the pie it disappeared in record time every Sunday.

Despite devouring the pie as fast as he could the cinnamon would tickle his nose, the sweetness of the sugar would hit his tongue, followed by the tart firmness of the apples themselves. Then the crust would dissolve, blending the flavors perfectly in his mouth. Heaven in a crust was what he called it.

Those days were over now, with apples rare and apple pie nonexistent in the Black, but he held the memory close. Some times Inara would glide by wearing some sort of apply, spicy perfume. He wanted not to wait and to devour her immediately, smelling the cinnamon of her skin, the sweetness of her lips, the tart firmness of her arms around his chest all wrapped up in everything that was Inara, All of it blending with a kiss to her mouth. He was sure it was better than heaven.

But like the pie on the window sill of the kitchen back on Shadow, he purposely ignored her despite the overwhelming temptation lest he get a sound slap to his face. So he continued his dance, waiting for dinner to start. Some day, maybe it would end with apple pie.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008 9:57 PM


One day ... Good story. Maybe a sequel with Inara actually baking (she is, after all, supposed to be trained in all the arts!) and it turning out to be apple pie?

Thursday, July 24, 2008 1:53 AM


Mmmm! Pie!

Thursday, July 24, 2008 2:16 AM


Dang it, now I want pie! Nice analogy between his desire for pie and Inara, and how he controls his urges the same way. Well done!

Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:41 AM


Very good. My Ma makes a killer apple pie so I know this craving. Not as good as Mal though for keeping it under wraps. :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:33 PM


I absolutely loved the way you parallelled Mal's craving and love for apple pie with his feelings for Inara. Excellent! I surely wish we could make him a mighty fine pie. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Thursday, July 24, 2008 4:07 PM


Nice work and nice to have you back.


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Quick fic done at the request of a friend as a Christmas present. Enjoy!

Inara's Cold
Post-BDM Mal/Inara Ok, here it is. I did manage to put a little bit of snarkiness in it. You can't have Mal and Inara communicate without snarkiness.

The Crush
Mal/River Just a little fic I found on my laptop. I wrote it about 9-10 months ago and I don't think I posted it here. PG-13 for brief sexual thoughts on Mal's part.

All I want for Christmas is a Pony and a Plastic Rocket
I was getting a nostalgic as I reread some of my first fics and decided to repost the the first two since they concern the holiday season.

I also resisted the urge to rewrite them so here it is in all it's glory.

The Last Christmas Present
I was getting a nostalgic as I reread some of my first fics and decided to repost the the first two since they concern the holiday season.

I also had the inclination to go back and rewrite the fics but I resisted the temptation. So here it is, in all it's glory.

Veteran's Day
Just a scribble I quickly wrote down. Mal muses on Veteran's Day in the quiet of the night.

Well, here it is. An attempt at Mal and Inara post BDM, after Serenity has been fixed, but before their first job.

I've also wondered about Inara's background and I basically took Moreana's comment that being a Companion was a "family business" and let my mind construct a back story.

Many thanks to Phyrelight and Taimdala for the Beta workd

Apple Pie
I'm back! Many many thanks to Phyrelight who provided a quite a few suggestions and helped me take this little fic beyond just scribblings on a scrap of paper.

This takes place just after Heart of Gold but before Inara leaves the ship for the Training House.

Spring Fever
Another "Young Mal" story.This was just something that wouldn't get out of my head. It was warm and gorgeous today and this sort of wrote itself. As a result, it's unbetaed so all the mistakes are mine.

Dear Mal
This has been on my hard drive since Christmas but real life and my Mom's broken hip kept me from finishing it.

Thanks to MissWhatitis for the beta and a bit of inspiration when I thought I should trash this.