Conjugal Visit
Friday, August 15, 2008

Jayne's in jail on some backwater moon for something he didn't do. River comes to visit. There's no real sex, but some partial nudity and general steaminess.


Title: “Conjugal Visit” Author: the_rayneverse6 Prompt: # 26 - “Glass” Challenge: Copper For A Kiss Mini-Challenge Rating: PG-13 (a very stringent PG-13, like almost R) Word Count: 366 Author Notes: This fic was inspired by a Blink 182 video, see if you can guess which, Sort of AU in a general sense. Disclaimer: Joss is boss, I own nothing.

Summary: Jayne's in jail on some backwater moon. River comes to visit.


“Jayne is a stupid man,” River stated bluntly into the archaic black telephone receiver she held. Her deep brown eyes were blank, only the tapping of her fingers on the cold steel tabletop before her indicating her irritation.

Jayne ducked his head and had the decency to look sheepish. “Coulda sworn I paid fer the damn thing,” he muttered into his own black telephone receiver.

River shifted in her seat and leaned forward, affording Jayne the barest of peeks down her blouse. “Leaving the premises with the merch without a corresponding receipt leaves one open to all manner of accusations, no matter how falsified,” she returned. She shifted again. “She still says he looks better in red.”

Jayne leered, all manner of naughty thoughts running through his head. “I could get nekkid, if you’d prefer that,” he growled, fingering the collar of the obnoxious orange jumpsuit forced upon him by the warden upon his arrival.

River blushed ever so slightly. “Better not. Guard would like it. He fancies you,” she said, only barely teasing.

Jayne paled and glanced quickly at the guard behind him. “Really?” he asked.

River nodded.

“Better if I strip. Less offensive to his morals,” she qualified, her face taking on its own version of Jayne’s bad-thoughts leer. Jayne gulped as River laid her phone down and stood, unbuttoning her blouse.

She wore a black lace bra under the pale pink shirt. Jayne took a shuddering breath. “Wow,” he whispered dumbly. She wasn’t quite as well-endowed as some of the working girls he’d tumbled in the past, but there was something about this Tam girl that just took his breath away.

River slithered onto the table, all fluid grace, and pressed her breasts to the bulletproof glass between them. Jayne set his own phone aside as he reached out to caress her through the glass.

“I miss you,” she groaned, laying her forehead against the cool glass. The look on her face grabbed at Jayne’s heart in a way he’d never experienced before.

Then, he did something he probably never would’ve done if she’d been standing before him in the flesh: he kissed her lips where they pressed against the three-inch-thick glass window.



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Conjugal Visit
Jayne's in jail on some backwater moon for something he didn't do. River comes to visit. There's no real sex, but some partial nudity and general steaminess.