Wings (Chapter Three)
Monday, January 26, 2009

Firefly/FFVII Crossover - Post BDM - Cid Highwind is lost in a 'verse he knows nothing about. Trapped in a place where traveling in the black is common. A place like this should be paradise to someone like him, right?


Wings Chapter Three By Tyloric


Mal froze; he didn’t like that tone of voice. It spoke volumes: I know you don’t like me but I do know you need the work.

Why is it, he wondered bitterly, that we always seem to found ourselves in these situations? He wiggled his toes. You used to be lucky!

He took note of how Jayne stiffened in front of him. He made a guess that the mercenary shared his uneasiness. Mal’s first instinct was to get out of there; they had enough cash to get by for a few weeks now that Badger had actually paid them (even though it was quite a bit more than what they had settled on). But then the uncertainty caught up with him. Who knew, especially with Serenity’s current reputation, when they were going to be able to find another job? Work had been a mite scarce as of late.

Mal wondered when he had become the kind of man to question his judgment.

Breathing in deeply through his nose and swallowing his pride, he turned back to face the much smaller man.

“I’m listening,” he said after a second’s hesitation.

Badger’s mood had, quite literally, done a three-sixty. He was back to his normal delusions of being superior, though in this case they might have been justified. Mal hated the fact that this scrawny excuse for a man was able to hang anything over his head.

“Just some simple transport. We give you the goods, and you take them somewhere. Simple, eh?”

Alarms bells started going off in Mal’s head. Don’t ask what it is, don’t ask what it is, don’t ask what it is, “What’re the goods?” Damn!

Badger didn’t seem fazed, though. “Just some medical supplies.”

He heard—or rather, felt— Zoë shift next to him; she must have been having the same flashback he was. Memories of taking the Tams, the Sheppard, and that fed on board played through his mind like a capture on fast track. Medical supplies to Whitefall, he had said. He hadn’t been fooling anyone though, even if he didn’t know it at the time. Or maybe he did, and just wasn’t remembering it. Regardless, flashbacks.

However, Mal had already crossed the line by asking what the cargo was at all; he usually made it a point not to ask. Dealing with the authorities was a mite easier if you truly were ignorant when you claimed to be.

“How much you payin’?”

A gleam in Badger’s eyes made him want to cringe, but he held it back. “Twenty thousand if it all arrives undamaged and on time.”

The trio gaped all together, though Jayne spoke first. “Twenty-thou for one delivery? Of medical supplies?”

And when Jayne was skeptical, Mal thought, there really was something more going on. But twenty-thousand credits… that would be enough money to fix most of the problems with Serenity and keep his crew fed for at least a couple of months. What was this little hundan up to?

“Seems to good to be true,” Said Zoë, eyeing Badger suspiciously.

“Cause most like it is,” Mal grumbled at her, though loud enough for all to hear.

Badger mocked offense, “What ya got to be worried about for, Reynolds? You take, you drop, you leave, you get paid. Easy, yeah?”

The alarms bells had turned into sirens, blaring in his head, his instincts telling him just get up and walk away.

Jayne surprised him by helping fortify his worry. “I don’t like it, Mal.” Mal took his words into consideration, though he didn’t acknowledge them.

“What kind of meds are worth twenty grand, I wonder?” Mal thought out loud, though Badger didn’t take the bait.

“I’ve got plenty’a others who’ll jump at the chance, Reynolds. You want it, or not?”

No, he didn’t. But he did want the money. Gorram it, when had he become so indecisive? It was simple: yes or no? So why was he having such a hard time choosing? Pride or greed?

Greed, apparently. “Half now, half on delivery.” Mal’s voice was level, almost artificial sounding, hoping his word still meant something.

It did. “Done.” Badger clapped his hands together excitedly.

Mal had a sinking feeling as if he’d just made a huge mistake.


An hour later, Simon and Kaylee were back on the ship. They discovered River laying on the catwalk, still not having moved. If one had not been looking closely enough she could have easily been considered a corpse.

Kaylee looked down at her. “You okay?”

River stared intently at the ceiling, but gave Kaylee a quick glance when she spoke. “Tracking. Deciphering. This one is complex.”

Simon leaned down next to his sister, worried. “River—”

River sprang up from the catwalk so suddenly they both jumped back, surprised. Abruptly, she turned to address Kaylee. “Did you both have a nice time?”

Kaylee beamed brightly. “Sure did! And look,” she said, holding out her wrist, sporting a bracelet decorated with red and pink strawberry gems. River could feel the admiration pouring off her in waves, so much so that it nearly overwhelmed her.

“Top three percent,” River said with a nod.

The mechanic leaned over and gave Simon a quick peck on the lips. “That he is.”

They all turned their attention to the loading ramp as the mule made its way up. A frustrated Mal sat driving, while Zoë and Jayne (miraculously) both looked equally concerned.

“Jayne, let’s get the rest of it loaded up,” Mal ordered, earning yet another grunt of recognition. River could tell something was wrong without even needing to hear their thoughts.

“Cap’n?” Kaylee asked, concerned, “Everything alright?”

“Shiny,” he called back, not turning to look at her.

“He has offered another job,” River said. “Pays well. But this little mouse has teeth.” She spoke as though it she were reciting a fairy tale.

Mal tensed as, once again, she, was spot on in her analysis of the situation. Most days he applauded and even welcomed this ability, but today it irritated him. Everything was bothering him. The sun was bothering him. He wanted to shoot someone for the sake of shooting them, something that was so uncharacteristic of him that it frightened River a bit.

When they were done loading up, Mal hopped back in the mule. He nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned to see River standing next to the driver’s side. Girl was like a gorram cat when she wanted to be, sneaking and the like.

“The wolf was backed into a corner by a mouse,” she said with the utmost sincerity.

“What’re ya goin’ on about now?” His patience was near its limit.

She leaned in a bit closer, her voice coming to a whisper. “But don’t worry, Captain Daddy. Your teeth will always be sharper.”

Mal felt a bit of his tension drain away from her words. She could also be downright insightful when she wasn’t in one of her crazy moods. “I appreciate that, little one,” he grumbled begrudgingly.

“I need Zoë,” she announced suddenly, dancing around the mule happily.

“What for?” he asked, watching every step she took.

River had plans. Plans that would require assistance. She could also feel herself slipping, and she was (sometimes) aware enough to know she may need supervision. Jayne also needed some alone time with him.

Of course she wouldn’t tell any of this to the Captain. “Need help shopping,” she said as she fluttered away.

Mal saw right through her. Well, not right through her; never knew what was going on in that girl’s brain. But he had come to understand her enough to see she was up to something. He looked over to Zoë, who seemed to be sharing her train of thought. She looked at him questioningly, “Sir?”

He thought about it. “Fine. Just try to keep her out of trouble? Don’t need any one else other than myself screwing up today.”

She was caught between being amused and concerned; she couldn’t decide which was more appropriate,.“Yes, sir.”

“Jayne, you ‘bout ready?”he called.

The mercenary leaned into Mal’s field of vision from the back seat. “I’m already here, Mal.”

“Right, well… okay then,” he sputtered, turning in front of him, “Kaylee, you take care of my boat. Shouldn’t be too long.”

“Gotcha, Cap’n!” she called as he drove off in the mule.


“This all of it?” The large, lumbering man queried as Mal and Jayne set the last crate down in the stack.

“That’s all,” he said, breathing deeply. Jayne frowned at the captain. His instincts were telling him something was wrong again.

“We need to talk ta Badger, get details on this new job of his,” Mal said, wiping his hands on his duster. The man waved them by, writing something down on a pad he held in his hands. As they reached the entrance to Badger’s ‘office’, Jayne reached out and grabbed Mal by the shoulder.

“You alright?” he asked, concern playing his features. Mal turned to look at his mercenary, confused. Jayne was worried about him? That didn’t make any sense; Jayne didn’t worry about anyone other than himself.

He looked at Jayne intently, searching for something in his eyes. When he didn’t find what he was seeking (not that he knew what to look for), he just gave a quick, sharp nod. “Shiny.”

Jayne looked visibly relieved when he retracted his hand, and they moved to the inside of the office space.

Mal didn’t wait for Badger to notice them. “Details, Badger. Where am I taking my ship?”

“Saint Albans,” Badger stated matter-of-factly. Mal felt his stomach tighten as memories of Tracy filled his head.

“Saint Albans?” Jayne asked. Not much deliveries to Saint Albans. It was a giant frozen rock, one of the furthest planets away from this system’s Sun. There were a few villages scattered across it, but not much traffic space travel-wise.

“I did say medical supplies, didn’t I?” Badger sneered and Mal had to fight not to scowl.

“What part of the world, Badger?” He shifted so that that he legs were spread slightly, bringing both of his hands to rest in front of him, clasped together. Most people would look at this as a the sign of a patient business man. Jayne had known Mal long enough know it was his don’t play games with me, I’m ready to kill you pose. Because of this, Jayne felt uneasy. There was a sudden tightness in his chest: the releasing of adrenaline. His fingers danced across the gun in his holster.

“Hookridge.” The smaller man grinned.

Mal almost breathed a sigh of relief. Hookridge was on the other side of the world from Tracy’s home town.

“Where’s the cargo we’re s’posed to haul?” Mal asked, shifting his arms to cross them across his chest, making Jayne relax a bit.

Badger smirked, and moved over to a safe that stood near the back of the room. It was a combination lock, not something you saw very often. They weren’t unheard of, however. You couldn’t hack something that didn’t use technology. Jayne wondered if that was the case, or if Badger was just too cheap to invest in something higher grade.

Badger pulled the safe open with a heave. It was empty save for a large, silver case. It stood up to Jayne’s calves and was the same width as his stomach. Just looking at it screamed trouble; it wasn’t very discrete. Badger picked it up with a heave and set it in front of Mal.

“That’s it,” he said with an almost evil smirk. Mal wanted to punch him, really he did, “But I wouldn’t open it if I were you.”

Jayne openly glared at the man, “How’s that?”

He laughed, but his eyes were dark. “Trust me. It’s better if you don’t.”

Mal’s eyes were hard, an almost stone-like gaze. “Thought you said we’d be transporting ‘medical supplies’.”

Another laugh, but it was grim. “You are.” He didn’t say anything else, instead dismissing them with a wave of his hand.

“Ain’t leaving till I see my ten thousand platinum.” He motioned for Jayne to retrieve the container. The mercenary did as he was told without question (which Mal was finding increasingly odd). Jayne grunted at the heaviness of the container; fifty pounds easy.

Badger threw a leather pouch at Mal; this was looking much bulkier than their original payment. They stood there for a good five minutes while Mal counted it all out, making sure Badger wasn’t skimming off the top. If he was putting his crew at risk (like he suspected he was), he was going to be damned sure he was getting every coin he was promised and not a credit less.

When he was sure it was all there, he turned to walk out without even acknowledging Badger. He wanted to leave and he wanted to do it now. Jayne trailed after him, his arm going numb from the weight.

“Have a nice trip,” Badger called mockingly. Mal scowled.


Zoë watched as River walked a few paces in front of her. The girl looked like she knew where she was going by the way she moved, but her head kept darting around as if she was looking for something. Needless to say, she was perplexed.

“River,” Zoë asked as she tried to jog to keep up with the girl, “River, where are we going?”

“He’s here. Somewhere. Having trouble pinpointing the location. His mind is erratic,” she said, looking around wildly.

“Who are you talking about?” she asked, her voice solemn.

“The man who feels but does not think. Exists but doesn’t know it. He has wings.” She spoke as if Zoë should know what she’s talking about.

“River, honey, I don’t think I understand.”

“Nothing to understand. No thoughts. Only emotions.”

They had entered the shopping district of Eavesdown. It didn’t hold anything as glamorous as things you would find on other core worlds, but it was densely populated. You could find some interesting treasures if you knew where to look.

Zoë didn’t say anything else as she trailed after the girl. She knew that River was on a mission, even if she didn’t understand it herself. She would like to know why she had been asked to come, though.

“Because,” River continued, “you are Captain Daddy’s conscience. We’ll need you to help convince him we need these wings.” River slowed her pace a bit. “This girl is not always capable, she is broken. Can’t always fly in a straight line. But this one can.” She paused, thinking about it for a moment. “He is the leaf and we are the wind.”

Zoë felt a chill run up her spine, her heart missing a beat. Memories of Wash fluttered across her thoughts for the briefest of moments, causing her to take pause. “River, what are you talking about?”

The girl didn’t respond, instead pointing in front of her. “Aha!” And with that, she took off at full speed, running down the street. Zoë followed her, scared and worried, though she couldn’t figure out why.


Reviews are appreciated. ~Tyloric



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Wings (Chapter Four)
Firefly/FFVII Crossover - Post BDM - Cid Highwind is lost in a 'verse he knows nothing about. Trapped in a place where traveling in the black is common. A place like this should be paradise to someone like him, right?

Twenty Hours (Part Two)
Slash - Jayne/Mal - Mal is awake, though he wishes he wasn't. Being forced to 'get rest' is awfully boring.

Twenty Hours (Part One)
Slash - Mal/Jayne - Mal is left nearly dead after being shot countless times on a job gone wrong, and Jayne is coping with it the best he can. Sequel to Bed Rest.

Wings (Chapter Three)
Firefly/FFVII Crossover - Post BDM - Cid Highwind is lost in a 'verse he knows nothing about. Trapped in a place where traveling in the black is common. A place like this should be paradise to someone like him, right?

Slash - Mal/Simon (NC-17) - Post War Stories - Both Simon and Mal are feeling rather tense after the events of the past few days. So, they go to each other for a little unwinding.

Wings (Chapter Two)
Firefly/FFVII Crossover - Post BDM - Cid Highwind is lost in a 'verse he knows nothing about. Trapped in a place where traveling in the black is common. A place like this should be paradise to someone like him, right?

Wings (Chapter One)
Firefly/FFVII Crossover - Post BDM - Cid Highwind is lost in a 'verse he knows nothing about. Trapped in a place where traveling in the black is common. A place like this should be paradise to someone like him, right?

Wings (Prologue)
Firefly/FFVII Crossover - Post BDM - Cid Highwind is lost in a 'verse he knows nothing about. Trapped in a place where traveling in the black is common. A place like this should be paradise to someone like him, right?

Bed Rest
Slash - Mal/Jayne - Jayne is shot three times after a job goes south and Mal is staying by his side to make sure the mercenary doesn't do anything stupid.