Textile Art - Leaf in the Wind (preparation/warp up)
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Getting the loom warped up for a tablet woven band. Gold, grey and cobalt blue mid-weight linen thread. Using 26 cards, of which about 17 are already set up, following the threading diagram which is half-hidden under the loom. The pattern that should appear is also shown - provided that certain card groupings are turned forward/back in their correct combinations. A separate weft thread is passed to and fro, between the upper and lower packs of threads, after every 'turn'. This 'locks' everything into place and changes the individual threads into a cloth band. And yes, the 'cards' on the loom are, in fact, just bits of cereal box with holes punched in the corners.



Saturday, February 14, 2009 6:08 AM


Huh. That hardly looks complicated at all.

Saturday, February 14, 2009 10:58 AM


Tommy Lee Jones' line from Space Cowboys comes to mind: "Aw, shucks, I thought this was gonna be hard."

Is the project finished yet? How long will/did it take?

Friday, February 20, 2009 2:14 PM


Hi, it's not finished yet. So far it's taken roughly 4 hours to get all the cards threaded up and ready to go. I've woven about 14" and that's about 4 hours' work. So, barring any mistakes, the whole band might come in at around 20-25 hours, plus finishing off time. Each mistake can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 1.5 hours to fix - unweaving can be fraught - so that can add on a bit. The 'quote' bands take much longer per inch to produce.

Sunday, April 19, 2009 12:04 PM


Very cool. I have never heard of tablet weaving before. Spent some time looking around on the interweb. How did you learn it? Any book you would recommend if I wanted to give it a try? I've done some tatting which doesn't lend itself to anything Fireflyish, but I loved the Chain of Command you did.


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Textile Art - Leaf in the Wind (preparation/warp up)
Getting the loom warped up for a tablet woven band. Gold, grey and cobalt blue mid-weight linen thread. Using 26 cards, of which about 17 are already set up, following the threading diagram which is half-hidden under the loom. The pattern that should appear is also shown - provided that certain card groupings are turned forward/back in their correct combinations. A separate weft thread is passed to and fro, between the upper and lower packs of threads, after every 'turn'. This 'locks' everything into place and changes the individual threads into a cloth band. And yes, the 'cards' on the loom are, in fact, just bits of cereal box with holes punched in the corners.

Textile Art - 'Chain of Command' (2)
Close up of portion of the band.

Textile Art - 'Chain of Command' Linen Band
The immortal 'Chain of Command' line.

The whole band reads: Do you know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and... (chain links graphic) Jayne Cobb (hat graphic) Firefly P.R.

Tablet woven in double face technique. Lettering using L Hendrickson's graphed alphabet + own adaptations. 40 cards in total, 4 threads/card, giving 160 threads. Fine 1 ply linen, in chocolate and orange colours. Band is approx 18-20mms in width. The ends are unfinished - will be plaited or sewn off - and give an idea of the individual threads involved.

Textile Art - The 'Hot Bunk' Hot Water Bottle
Take one old largish ball of brown wool and one newer ball of orange wool.

Add: one book on 'How to Knit', opened at the 'How to Cast On' page; your grandma's old knitting needles; lots of backbone-stiffening cups of tea; copious mutterings and imprecations; and a simple (very simple) knitting pattern which you then proceed to mangle beyond all recognition.

How's she sit? All warm and snuggly, say the toes.

Textile Art - Bushwacked (2)
Cross stitch. Close-up.

Textile Art - Bushwacked (1)
Jayne, mindin' his mouth. Downright unsettlin'.

Cross stitch. Anchor threads, approx 22 colours, on 14 count pale purple aida fabric. 134 stitches wide x 154 stitches high. Unframed.

Textile Art - Jaynestown 2
Close up of the face. Took 30 different colours for the project, about 10-14 shades of brown worked in the face.

Textile Art - Jaynestown 1 (Cross stitch)
That 'pause' on Serenity's ramp.

Anchor threads on 14 count cream aida fabric. 200 stitches wide x 102 high. Unframed (as yet).

Psychotic Break
Simon encounters the mud-man.