The Visitor - Chapter 1
Monday, March 23, 2009

Firefly/ KOTOR II crossover - The crew lands on Persephone and gets more than they bargained for. (There won't be much for the KOTOR II crossover part, I'm really just bringing over one character...oh, and read the prologue too.


“Now I don’t plan on this bein’ a long stop,” Mal told his crew. “Just a quick stop for fuel, supplies, maybe pick up a passenger or two.” He had his crew gathered in the cargo bay, giving last minute instructions, before every one split and spent what little port time they had. It had been almost three months since the last time they were on Persephone and Mal wasn’t particularly keen on coming back, considering the sword fight that had transpired last visit. Kaylee beamed at the announcement of picking up new passengers. “That’s awfully swell, Cap’n, we haven’t had a new face on this boat since Simon and the Shepherd came on.” Mal rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well I’m not interested in pickin’ up new crew, just find us some passengers and make sure they’s nondescript.” “Aye, Cap’n,” Kaylee said sunnily and gestured a salute. “You okay with this short stop,” he asked Inara. “I haven’t booked any clients if that’s what you’re asking,” she said with a smirk. “I wasn’t, but thanks for the information,” Mal said with a smile. Inara rolled here eyes and began to retreat to her shuttle. Mal shifted his shoulders, smugly happy with himself for his joke and then worked his way towards Jayne who appeared to be carefully studying the list of supplies they needed. “Problem, Jayne,” Mal asked with captainy assertiveness. “Grenades ain’t on the list,” Jayne said half in anger, half crestfallen. “That’s ‘cause finances are a bit tight now,” Mal explained, “I’m sure you’ll find plenty of interesting ways to kill folk if the time comes….without grenades.” Jayne nodded begrudgingly and skulked down the ramp to the docks, more than likely mumbling obscenities to himself. Zoe was the only one in the cargo bay, a restrained expression tightening her face. “Whatchya think Zo,” Mal asked, a little less captain and a little more confidante in his voice. “Persephone, sir? You really sure about this,” she responded as she shifted her eyes to him. “There’s plenty of folk who don’t like us or we don’t want to run into or both here.” “I know,” Mal requited sullenly. There was something else going on. “Somethin’ up? You never seemed to have a problem with Persephone before.” Zoe shook her head. “I don’t know…..I got a bad feeling about this, sir.”

*** The old woman was lost to the eyes of others amongst the crowd of fools, simpletons, and lowlifes of Persephone. She hated this planet. Hate was a strong word for her as well. Even the bustling life on Nar Shadaa could not inspire hate in her. No it was the planet, the artificially created habitat. Terraforming, they called it. It would normally be considered a noble effort, creating life from where there it should be void. Still it was unpleasant, vile to feel, like knowing something’s taste and tasting its poor substitute instead. She had no care either for the bustling currents of Persephone either, and she would be no stone for the river to erode as well. No, this river was carrying her, taking her where she needed to go. Ironic, how rivers carry the debris that will lead to their deaths. *** The first stone was a score. The second, not so much, and the third nearly plinked off a pedestrian’s ankle. Kaylee had spent the last hour on her fold-up chair, waiting for waves from potential passengers. None so far. So Kaylee reverted to the next best thing, flicking stones at the loose pipe hanging off the Puccessi 42 parked next to Serenity. The pipe was practically screaming “fix me” and maybe a few idle stones being flicked against it would call attention to it. She loaded another dusty rock in her hand, reared a dainty finger back, and fired once more. A dead miss. Kaylee let out another sigh as she scooped up another rock. This time she figured she’d go for a bona fide toss. She reared her fist behind her and squinted, taking perfect aim. A moment, and then she began counting down. Three. Two. The loose pipe hanging off the Puccessi resounded with a dull metallic ring, a stone plinking off to the side. Kaylee reflexively released a cry of joy until the moment she realized the dusty stone was still in her clench fist. She spun around, hoping to find stone-tosser with expert aim. Behind her was an old woman in a hooded brown cloak, quite odd considering the ethnic hodge-podge garb of most Persephone’s inhabitants. Kaylee was undoubtedly puzzled but smiled none-the-less. “Nice shot,” she congratulated cheerfully. “Perhaps,” she replied levelly. “It’s merely a calculation of variables.” “Wow,” Kaylee thought aloud, “Sounds like something Si-“ “I understand this vessel is taking on passengers,” the woman interjected. Kaylee was a bit miffed. “Yes that’s right.” The woman dug into a fold in her robe, removing a cloth coin pouch. The old woman gave a sardonic smile as she undid the tie, shining coins stumbling out into her hand. Kaylee’s eyes widened; the amount of money in her hand was double the passenger fare they were charging. Still this woman gave her the Wiggins. But the money… and they would be leaving soon. “Well… Welcome aboard,” Kaylee said warmly. “This here is Serenity, I’m Kaylee, and you are…” The old woman visibly hesitated. “Kreia.”


Monday, March 23, 2009 11:25 AM


Kotor? I loved Kotor! The ethical dilemmas it threw at you to determine your alignment on the good-evil spectrum really opened my eyes!

I never got around to playing the sequel, but... I've heard of Kreia.

Yup. This is gonna go swell...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 3:28 AM


Ok.. haven't gotten through the whole thing, but my favorite line...

"Problem Jayne?"

"Gernades ain't on the list."



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