Crossing Over - Part 2
Saturday, August 29, 2009

Firefly/Buffy Crossover (as implied by the title.) The crew decides how to deal with their unexpected package. Part one is here


Tendrils of steam curled off the box, disseminating their way around the stunned visages of Serenity’s crew.

“Who….What…” Kaylee attempted to ask, though came of it.

River crooned her head in further to gain a better look of the girl in the box. She was just as stunned as the rest of the crew.

Wash removed his stare from the girl in the box and placed it on Simon. “You got another sister you didn’t tell us about, doc?”

Simon was equally confused as the others, “I—I--.”

“No ruttin’ way she’s related to the doc,” Jayne cut in. “There’s no likeness.”

“Someone is being keenly observant,” Inara stated with a smirk.

Jayne gave his best attempt at an intimidating stare at the companion but instantly returned to being transfixed by the girl in the box.

Zoe shot her eyes to Mal as the others began to mumble and theorize amongst themselves. Mal returned her look with a bleak frown.

“I didn’t know Badger was into human trading,” Zoe stated.

“He ain’t,” Mal answered. “We would’ve heard something about it by now.” He paused. “Something’s off here.”

“Should we would notify Badger,” Zoe asked.

“Well if our high class friend is privy to the contents of his cargo and he finds out that we opened said cargo when he specifically said not to… well I’d doubt he’d take kindly to that,” Mal blanched. “And I am looking to get paid this time.”

“Still,” Mal began again, “We may want to get her and the box off ship…deny we ever received it.”

“No way in Hell,” Jayne said defensively.

All eyes darted to Jayne.

“Well, she’s probably in some sort of trouble, probably runnin’ from somethin’,” Jayne stammered. “We should….protect her, like we do for the doc and his sis!”

“Wow,” Inara said, impressed, “That’s not a bad idea.”

“And it could mean a boatload of more trouble,” Mal countered.

“Cap, you ain’t just gonna throw her off now are you,” Kaylee asked innocently.

“I didn’t say that!”

“Yes you did,” Inara spat back, “just a minute ago!”

“I implied it as a possibility,” Mal defended, “I never said –“

“Well we couldn’t throw her off the ship in this condition,” Simon chimed in. “She needs post-cryostasis medical attention. I would have to examine her.”

Jayne looked miffed, “Why?”

Simon gave a blank stare at Jayne, “I just said—“

“This is insanity, Mal,” Inara added.

“I agree,” Mal said, escalating above her tone, “It’s utter insanity that whenever I want to do a simple job to put food on the table and fuel in the ship, I always get more than I bargained for.”

“You can’t just wash your hands of something like this,” Inara said indicating the box.

“I like the part where we don’t throw the frozen naked girl off the ship,” Wash stated.

Zoe gave a glanced at her husband, “Honey, don’t—“

“Well I am the pilot,” Wash said with an escalating tone. “Don’t I get any sort of say!”

“No you don’t, Wash,” Mal said narrowing his gaze. “You don’t get any say unless I say so.”

“Do you hear this,” Wash indignantly asked his wife.

“Honey, just let it go.”

“I can’t believe you’re standing up for this!”

“Honey, I’m –“

“This ain’t about pickin’ sides, Wash,” Mal cut back it.

“No, Mal it ain’t,” Jayne answered. “It’s about that girl who’s….who’s…”

“Who’s probably just as confused and upset by situation as we are,” Inara finished for Jayne.

“Exactly,” Jayne exclaimed.

“This ain’t a debate,” Mal answered.

Though as they debated, no one noticed the girl in the box beginning to rise as if from a deep sleep.

She let out a deep yawn, which caught everyone’s attention. Everyone whipped their gazes back to the girl.

The girl continued to yawn as she stretched her arms into the air, giving the crew quite the view.

Jayne was spellbound.

The girl then began to rub her eyes and then for the first time, opened them.

Eight pairs of eyes stared back at her.

Her eyes widened as she looked down to notice what the crew, namely Jayne, had noticed.

“Oh,” she said embarrassedly as she covered herself with her arms. “I…I…”

But the expression on her face began to shift, from embarrassment to uncertainty then fairly quickly to terror. She began to scream and claustrophobically claw at the box’s sides, attempting to pull herself out.

“Simon,” Mal called. “I’m on it,” Simon answered, implicitly understanding the captain’s order. “She’s experiencing a form of shock from the cryostasis.”

“Now I’m really feeling the déjà vu,” Wash exclaimed.

Inara rushed to the girl and placed her robe on the girl’s shoulders. “How can I help,” she asked Simon.

“And me too,” Jayne offered with a strange, almost unguarded tone, “How can I help?”

Attention returned to the girl in the box. Mal once again turned to Zoe.

“I don’t like this,” Mal mumbled.

And before Mal could add to that statement, more trouble rained down, this time in the form of a blaring warning klaxon.

“What is it,” Mal shouted above the din.

Wash shared an equally worried expression, “I dunno, but it doesn’t sound good.”

Instantly, Wash and Mal darted for the catwalk with Zoe close behind. With in moments they were in the cockpit. Wash had planted himself in his seat, flicking controls to find the source of the alarm.

After a few seconds of clicking, “It’s an Alliance cruiser, inbound.”

“Well, I’d rather not get caught in that mess,” Mal said, and then, without missing a beat, hit the intercom. “Kaylee, I need you in the engine room, we’re leaving.”

“What about the girl,” Kaylee’s innocent voice returned.

“Have Simon take her to the infirmary.”

Zoe arched an eyebrow. “So we are taking the girl with us.”

“Not like I rightly have a choice right now,” Mal shrugged as Wash began to punch some controls for take off. “I’m sure we’ll have lots to ask her once she’s not as…frozen.”

“And Badger,” Zoe asked. “What about him?”

“We do the job.”

“Do you realize every time you say that, sir, someone gets shot,” Zoe asked with a smirk.

Mal shook his head, “You too! I’m telling you there must be some sort of mutiny bug on by boat.”

“It was just an observation, sir,” Zoe smiled. “Sure it is,” Mal stated glumly. “Wash, lay in a course for Paquin. As soon as we pick up the shepherd, I’d like to get this cargo off my hands.”

“You mean the girl,” Wash asked quizzically.

“Yes,” Mal shouted, “I mean no! Tamade, I don’t know! I’ll be in my bunk. Tell me when the girl is ready for questioning!”

With that, Mal left the bridge. Zoe and Wash tried not to snicker as they heard the captain’s exasperated trudging to his quarters.



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Crossing Over - Part 3
Firefly/Buffy crossover fic - It's been a while since I've updated this fic so I'll supply the links to the previous parts.

Crossing Over - Part 2
Firefly/Buffy Crossover (as implied by the title.) The crew decides how to deal with their unexpected package. Part one is here

One-shot. Mal and Inara. Shower. Use your imagination (honestly do because it's probably going to be better than what i wrote ;) Kind of a shout out to the recent postings of fics taking place in the shower.

Crossing Over
Firefly/Buffy Crossover Fic - Set between Seasons 5 and 6 of Buffy, Buffy is given a new charge, and the crew of Serenity gains another member. This is the intro to a series.

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Thoughts During a Shindig - Zoe
Shindig is one of my favorite episodes, though I do like them all. So much happens in Shindig for each of the characters even though it’s largely a Mal/Inara centric episode. I decided to fill in some plot gaps to that episode, but also elaborate on each of the characters’ thoughts.