Serenity Retro Poster III
Thursday, September 23, 2004

Finally made another one... large versions of all the retro posters are available at



Friday, September 24, 2004 1:07 AM


I thought I'd make this one as if "Serenity" was an old 30's western, along the lines of Tom Mix and Buck Jones.

Friday, September 24, 2004 2:54 AM


The colors are beautiful I just wish there was some tiny reference to Serenity, space, the Alliance, something. Very good work.

Friday, September 24, 2004 3:47 AM


WOW - thats great

Friday, September 24, 2004 4:19 AM


That does kinda look like a Tom Mix hat. I'd love to see it in black, though

Friday, September 24, 2004 5:54 AM


Tiger, are you creating all the art for these things from scratch, or are you editing existing old movie posters? Can you share some info on your process for inquiring minds? This looks awesome. :)

Friday, September 24, 2004 6:53 AM


Thats perty! :)

Friday, September 24, 2004 10:52 AM


I love it.

Friday, September 24, 2004 11:45 AM


In answer to ironcladotter:

I can't draw. I wish I could but I can't, so all the images used to make my retro posters started as screen caps from the series or were created from scratch digitally using a method similar to what you used to make your flyers (starting with a screencap, and 'drawing' over it using Illustrator or Photoshop).

The design for the first retro poster is 'original', but I got ideas from several old movie posters that had the style I wanted. I created everything from scatch except the character sketches, which I borrowed from another browncoat's blue sun item and modified heavily.

The second poster's design is copied from an original Casablanca poster, but every element was created from scratch . I did A LOT of screen cap modification on that one.

The third one is a completely different animal - half of it is literally unchanged from a 30's cowboy movie poster, and half of it is original. Strangely enough, it was also the hardest one to complete. Getting rid of the parts you don't want, adding the parts you do want, and making them all look they belong together is MUCH harder than it seems at first... as I realized about 3am this morning.

I primarily use Photoshop, but Illustrator plays a part most of the time, and I even use Flash occasionally.

Thanks for all the compliments too.

Saturday, September 25, 2004 2:04 AM


That's cool. It would make a great full size poster. Keep up the good work..

Sunday, September 26, 2004 4:30 PM


Shiny! This is so great. Nostalgic and gritty.

Friday, October 1, 2004 3:56 PM


You say you did this in photoshop? It looks like Nathan posed while you painted! Great job. Yet another Firefly/Serenity wallpaper for me!


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Funny Joss pic
Not a photo manipulation. Some of you will know that this image comes from one of the best shows on TV.

Serenity Wanted Posters
I made these last August. Thought I'd better update the information, so here they are again. The full images can be seen at

Serenity Movie Posters
I made these last August. Thought I'd better update the information, so here they are again. The full images can be seen at

Serenity Movie Posters
I made these last August. Thought I'd better update the information, so here they are again. The full images can be seen at

Serenity Movie Posters
I made these last August. Thought I'd better update the information, so here they are again. The full images can be seen at

WANTED: The Traitor Malcolm Reynolds, et al
Thought about doing some WANTED posters a while back, but never got around to it. Willowy had the same idea and suggested it to me recently - so here they are. Full versions of all eight signs can be found here:

Ideas and suggestions: Willowy
Artwork: me
(I know, Book probably isn't wanted by the Alliance, but his sign makes a nice even eight)

Serenity Retro Poster III
Finally made another one... large versions of all the retro posters are available at

Retro Poster II alt. version
Somebody asked for a version of the retro poster II that was more suitable for "advertising" the movie - less busy, more emphasis on the release date. So, here it is...
(There's also a poster and shirt with it at zazzle)

Serenity Retro Poster II
I've got a ton of time on my hands right now, so I made another one. I also put this one up with the other t-shirts and posters at:

Retro "Serenity" Movie Poster
I thought it would be fun to make a "Serenity" movie poster in the old 50's style. The character images are edited from an original work posted here by TheDuke333 , but the rest is mine.