Sleep Tight.... Chap. 5
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Inara leans in to feel his lips....


Sleep Tight....(5) Please leave feedback*

Inara laid down on her bed and started to fall asleep.


Startled at the voice she looked to see Atherton. "What are you doing here? How did you get in my shuttle? Or for that matter how did you get on the ship?"

"Oh, what no kisses, boa-bai?" he asked, with a smug smile on his face.

"You know you have a black mark on the client...."

"Oh, believe me, I know. I also remember how I got it."

"Yes, by being a ching-wah tsau duh liou mahng."

"I bought and paid for you." he said getting angry.

"Well, not tonight, so, you can just leave."

"I don't think you’re in any position to make orders." his henchman brought in Mal.

"Mal!" she went running to him, looking at all the bruises.

"I'm alright....I'm okay....but I'm in pain," said Mal, "Do you mind moving your hand." Inara moved her hand and saw the blood.

"Mal" she said shocked.

"You see, no one humiliates Atherton Wing, you had to learn it the hard way." "What do you want?" asked Inara, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Revenge." With that he took out his sword and stabbed Mal in the stomach.

"Mal." screamed Inara, as she saw him fall back in pain and her eyes shedding tears. "Mal, stay with me, please!"

"Inara, don't order me around." said Mal weakly.

"I can't lose you." Mal turned and looked at her, "AWW!" screamed Mal, as Atherton's blade stabbed him again.

"Mal!" but this time she got no response.

"Get up whore." said Atherton, as he pulled her up by the arm.

"You'll pay for this." said Inara, trying to gain control of the situation.

"Inara, please, you’re just going to end up embarrassing yourself." said Atherton, pulling her out of the shuttle. As they walked into the cargo bay she saw the rest of the crew held at gun point.

“What are you going to do with them?”

“Turn them into the proper authorities. I know that these two,” he said pointing to Simon and River, “are worth a handsome some, although this is not a matter of money to me.”

Inara tried to fight Atherton’s grasp but without success.

Atherton just kept laughing, "I call this a win-win situation. I get my revenge and they get their fugitives."

"Simon wasn't theirs, and neither is River for that matter." said Inara. "Atherton, you don't know what the Alliance has done to River and you don't know what those people are capable of doing."

"Inara, please," said Atherton rather bored, "these people do services for the government, and no matter what you say I could care less. I am not going to let my guard down by you trying to deceive me into believing that the Alliance is a conspirator against society."

"But Atherton," started Inara,

Baam!.....Three gunshots were heard as the three men with Atherton fell to the ground. Jayne tugged at the gun closet to him and hit the man in the face that he fell back unconscious. At the same time Zoe kicked the gun out of the other man’s hand caught it and hit him across the face with it. Jayne shot the other man that was about to pull the trigger on River. Seeing the turn of events Atherton released his grip, letting Inara go, and looked at Mal.

"Next time, you wanna make sure I'm good an' dead, oh....wait, their won't be a next time."

Another shot was heard and Atherton fell to the ground, dead. Inara ran to Mal helping him sit down on the step.

"Mal," Inara said as she looked in his eyes, she leaned in closer, dying to feel his lips against hers again....

"Kiss for a pretty lady." Inara awoke, by the sound of River's voice.

"What? River? What are you doing here sweetie?" Inara asked as she rose from her bed, wondering if River saw her dream.

"Couldn't sleep....Had a scary dream....Came here for solace...." said River as she looked at Inara with a daze look. River tilted her head to the side, saying "Your scared, scared something bad will happen to Mal, scared of never telling him how you feel, or of never taking advantage of the chances that you have." River turned to leave.

"River, why don't you stay awhile?" asked Inara, wanting to try and figure out what River knew.

"Secret, won’t tell. Daddy will come for me." Inara just watched River as she swayed to and fro, and she couldn't help feel for River. Inara wondered if Simon ever told River about their dad not helping him to rescue her.

"River!" Mal came in, "Well, hello, lil' albatross." Mal said looking at River. "Doc's been looking for you. Sorry if she woke you from your beauty rest, but not my fault." "Oh, Mal, grow up."

"I'll take that into consideration, but for the mean time, River, you should go back to your room."

They started to leave, until River stopped at the doorway,

"We're all scared....scared of demons coming for us...." River left leaving Mal and Inara in shock.

"Well, there goes my beauty rest." said Mal, creeped out by what River said....



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Aftermath - Disappearance (Chapter 5)
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Aftermath - L.I.N.K.S. (chapter 4)
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Aftermath - Reunion (Chapter 1)
O.C. Dustee comes to Serenity. What is her purpose here? What is in store for Mal and the rest of the crew.

Sleep Tight.... Chap. 7
No rest for River Tam.

Sleep Tight.... Chap. 6
Mal has no dreams

Sleep Tight.... Chap. 5
Inara leans in to feel his lips....

Sleep Tight.... Chap. 4
Kaylee goes to the oprah...