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Old friends, new adventures and a whole load'a bad luck.
Written by Sarahannah Hopwood
The black expanse of space. Below us is a beautiful blue, green moon. A Firefly class ship is hurtling towards the moon at tremendous speed. Hot on its tail is a sleek, modern ship, armed to the teeth with weapons that could blast the Firefly out of the black. The gun turrets built up on the sides of the ship are pointing at the Firefly, threatening to do just that.
The Firefly hits atmo and kicks up a brilliant golden, red flare of flame behind it. The ship shakes as it continues to break through the atmosphere of the small moon. Seconds later the second ship hit’s the atmosphere sending another plume of golden flame flying up and out into space. The second ship has a better entry angle than the Firefly and the entry to the atmosphere is smooth, text book.
The Firefly breaks through atmo, leaving a plume of acrid black smoke behind it as it descends. Its aft section is spewing large amounts of smoke into the air right in front of the second ship. The damage to the Firefly is enormous. The nose seems more squashed and blunter, as if it had been at Full Burn when it hit something. The large painted name of the ship has all but been scraped off the side of the ship, but the writing is still legible, Serenity.
Serenity is in definite trouble as she shudders and shakes, plummeting towards the ground. She tries to lift her nose but there’s just not enough thrust. The engines are all but burn out and they’re spitting flecks of blue flame as it hurtles on towards the ground. On the bridge of the stricken ship, two men are positioned, staring out at the ground. Both have a look of grim defiance.
The man sat at the controls of the ship, obviously the pilot, is Hoban Washburne. His face is twisted in a strange mixture of terror and concentration. He is battered and bruised, his lip swollen and bleeding, a three inch gash above his left eye is slowly oozing blood down his sickly, pale cheek. His blonde hair is plastered to his face with blood and sweat. A mixture of the two is running towards his blue eyes, however he ignores this and barely blinks as the ship descends to impending doom. His loud Hawaiian shirt is soaked in blood, some of it his own, some of it from the man who is stood behind him, a hand on his shoulder.
Captain Malcolm Reynolds is leaning over Wash’s shoulder watching as the ground rushes up to meet them. His attire is in little better state than Wash’s. The left arm of his rust red shirt is ripped from the shoulder down and a large gash is pouring with blood. His military style trousers are flecked with blood and dirt. He looks woozy from the loss of blood from both his arm and the nosebleed he is unable to stop. Most of the blood he is loosing is pouring down his arm and soaking into the shoulder of Wash’s shirt. Both men have blackened, unblinking eyes.
The ship is bucking as if trying to right itself and Wash hangs onto the controls for dear life, his cracked knuckles bleeding over the controls, making them slippery. He is breathing heavily as he tries with all his might to wrestle the ship into a better position. “I’m sorry Mal, this is all my gorramn fault. I should never have gotten you the job. It was suicide.” Wash mutters still fighting. “My ship, my fault,” he looks down at Wash “You’re an amazing pilot Wash.” Mal claps him on the shoulder and his eyes return to the ground that now fills the whole of the windows scope. Wash looks like he’s about to be sick. Mal closes his eyes ready for impact.
But Wash can’t look away, a single tear rolls down his cheek and he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes tightly, his lips moving in silent prayer.
Kay well thats the opening bit of chapter one. There are 13 chapters so this is a bit of a read, but I'm sure you dedicated fans could spend a while reading my drivell.
The whole thing is on Deviant Art along with some nifty little art I did for it on photoshop. ________________________________________________________ DIRECT CHAPTER LINKS:
Chapter 1: [url][/url]
Chapter 2: [url][/url]
Chapter 3: [url][/url]
Chapter 4: [url][/url]
Chapter 5: [url][/url]
Chapter 6: [url][/url]
Chapter 7: [url][/url]
Chapter 8: [url][/url]
Chapter 9: [url][/url]
Chapter 10: [url][/url]
Chapter 11: [url][/url]
Chapter 12: [url][/url]
Chapter 13: [url][/url]
Please comment, coz I really would love some more feedback!
Keep flying my chicks!
Saz XoXO
Monday, October 5, 2009 5:29 AM
Monday, October 5, 2009 6:21 AM
Monday, October 5, 2009 8:20 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 1:37 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 4:06 AM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 3:51 PM
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:08 AM
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