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Bo's necks on the line. Jacob is ready to leave. Nik has things to get. Life as normal on the Valor.
He heard it, that last whisper of his name. It was a voice so familiar it made his skin crawl. Whiskey fidgeted next to him, snarling slightly in his sleep. Bo rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he listened to the ship as it soared slowly through space. He pushed Whiskey, snarling at him when the hyena growled. Grinning as he watched him dart out of the cabin, Bo pulled his pants up around his waist. Grabbing his pistol, his new 1911 replica that Nik had been able to get a hold of through some less-than-legal methods, he strapped it and his holster around his waist as he threw his sleeveless button up over his shoulders. He could hear Nik and Jeremy arguing in the kitchen/common room. He grinned as he felt the metal beneath his feet. Instinctively his mind reached out for the one person that would understand the wonderment of that feeling. His mind brushed hers quickly then pulled away before she could realize he had been there. He chastised himself for losing control so easily. Wandering down the hallway, he listened, hearing Jacob milling about the cargo bay. Bo delved quickly into his mind, but finding nothing but confusion he retreated back to his own mind as he entered the dining area. “Ah, so the fearless leader graces us with his presence. How kind of you sire.” Nik said sarcastically, throwing in a mock bow as he laughed. “Please, please, keep your seats.” Bo said with a laugh as he sat down. Nik placed a plate in front of him with oatmeal and a few vegetables. Nodding his thanks, Bo began to eat smiling. “So, any idea when we’ll be able to land and pick up that shipment that’s waiting for me in Highgate?” Morse asked as Bo shoveled more oatmeal into his mouth. Bo stopped and looked at him. Morse knew that there was a bounty on his head that was large enough to make anyone’s mouth water, and Highgate wasn’t exactly out where people didn’t go. There would be Alliance in force on that planet. He shook his worries from his head. They had dodged plenty of Alliance on core planets before, so Nik probably wasn’t worried about it. “We could head that way, I’ve got to introduce Jacob to the idea of having family anyway.” A thought dawned on him. “Speaking of which, did you ask him what he usually loaded out with?” Nik looked at Jeremy as he sat down. Jeremy spit from his chewing tobacco into a bottle and looked over at Bo. “We did. He’s not going to be easy to outfit, even for some of my contacts.” Jeremy said with a sigh. “He’s a contract sniper. Tough to get gear, much less the right guns for his trade.” Bo nodded. It was understandable. Jacob probably had his own gear somewhere they could go pick up if need be. He would have to ask. Whiskey darted around his chair and leapt up on the table, snatching and unattended piece of bacon that Jeremy had left on his plate and dashed off to enjoy it by himself. Jeremy jumped up, then just waved off the hyena, knowing that if he went after it he was likely to come back without a hand. Bo laughed as he dropped his plate and spoon in the sink before turning and heading out and down to the cargo bay. He swept his younger brothers mind as he stepped down the steps. Anger and confusion greeted him, but no thoughts of hostility were present any longer. “How you doing? Like the ship?” Bo asked with a smile. “Yeah, it’s the nicest prison I’ve ever stayed at.” Jacob retorted, he anger seething on every word. ‘Ok I should have expected that.” Bo thought wincing. “I’ve already told you that you’ll be safer here. But if you’d like we’ll be stopping in Highgate soon and you’re more than welcome to part with us there.” “Worlds away from any of my gear or a job to earn the money to get to it and –“ He stopped as Bo opened one of the chests beside him. Inside was a bag of brightly colored bills. Bo grabbed a roll and offered them to him. “That would buy you passage to anywhere you needed to go right?” Whiskey padded in and rubbed up against Bo, yearning to be petted. Jacob could feel his will waver, then he grabbed the roll of bills and huffed. “I guess that should cover the expenses you’ve cost me.” Jacob said then walked into the common area and started rummaging through the clothes he had acquired.
Bo felt the ship rumble as Jeremy coaxed her through the atmosphere. He smiled as she rocked in the atmosphere. His blue eyes ran down his gear, checking everything off in his mind. His 1911, sitting comfortably in its holster. His combat knife, a 13inch blade with a 5 inch handle, rested in the small of his back. Usually he would carry his 30-30 but with this being an Alliance heavy planet he didn’t want to press any luck he may still have. They landed smoothly, at one of the designated landing zones and Bo looked over at Jacob. He was wearing that same black leather riding jacket he had been wearing the day Bo had saved him. Bo sighed. “You’re sure you won’t stay with us. You could always go pick your gear up and travel with us instead of hitting it out on your own.” “Oh leave him be Cheek! Let the kid do what he wants. It’s his neck, not yours.” Nik said, draping his olive drab jacket over his unique double pistol holster. “Well technically it’s Bo’s neck not his.” Jeremy said as he stepped down behind him. Jacob looked at them confused. “No one is staying with the ship?” “No need, we lock her up tight and I’ll know anyone’s here when we get back before they know we’re outside.” Bo said with a grin as he stepped outside, followed by the others and Whiskey. The doors hissed as the hydraulics pulled the door closed behind them. Bo turned and looked at Jacob. “If you ever need us, send us a wave. I’ll be there as quick as possible.” Jacob ran his fingers through his red hair as he watched Nik and Jeremy grin and walk off. He nodded as he turned and headed into the rural area of the large city they had landed in. Bo watched him go, watching until the young man’s red hair disappeared in the crowd. He sighed as he crouched and ran his fingers through Whiskey’s fur. Shaking his head he stood and followed Jeremy and Nik. As he walked, his senses picked up everything. His nose smelled every breath, every stir of wind. It picked up the light scent of flowers. He stopped. Something was wrong with that. He shook his head. He was just worrying about Jacob, his mind was making things up now. He turned and continued to follow Nik. “Where are we picking this shipment up from?” He asked. “Just meeting the guy, then he’ll drop it off at the ship.” Nik said over his shoulder. “Ah, ok.” Bo said as his mind brushed through the people’s minds as they rushed by him. So many of these “happy” Sophisticated Planet people had their minds packed with things to do or people to see. Bo shook his head again and laughed, glad that his biggest worry was staying alive and floating. His ears picked it up first. The slicing disturbance in the wind that was rushing towards him. Instinctively, his hand lashed up and grabbed the object. He snarled as the blade on it bit into his palm. Opening his hand he saw the shuriken throwing star imbedded in his hand. His blue eyes searched the crowd. He saw no one that would have thrown it. Baring his sharpening teeth, Bo pulled the star out of his palm with a growl and held it in front of Whiskey. Reaching down with his mind, he impressed upon the hyena the danger they were in if the woman whose scent was on the shuriken was able to get close to them. The animal growled in acknowledgement. The hair on his neck bristled as he moved forward, searching and snarling at anyone that got too close. Bo moved forward with Whiskey, his mind searching for her. He doubted he would find her in the crowd. Then he felt her touch his mind quickly before vanishing into the crowd. “You won’t get away this time Cheek.” Raven’s voice whispered in his mind. He ran and caught up with Nik and Jeremy. His mind raced as it yelled in his voice. ‘We have to move, now!’ He appreciated that they didn’t ask any questions anymore. They understood that when he was worried it meant another Reader or Operative was involved. The dodged around people and sped through the crowded street. A sales cart was parked right in front of their path. Jeremy and Nik dodged around the side as Bo and Whiskey vaulted it, knocking some of the valuable looking hand-blown glass to the ground. As the glass fell to the ground and shattered, Bo felt the bullet whiz by his ear. He turned his head as he ran, finally catching a glimpse of the black hair that had earned this assassin her name. He bared his teeth in a snarl as he turned and told Jeremy and Nik to take the next corner. He felt Nik thinking of taking her out as she ran by. It was a good plan, but Raven wouldn’t fall for it. Bo let them think it as he raced ahead. He could smell her again, that slight fragrance of flowers. He was an idiot to miss it before. Last time it had been the only thing that had saved his hide. Soon he was further outside town than he realized as he slid to a stop. His bounding run had taken him into an older part of the city that looked as run down as some of the outer planets moons. Signs everywhere promised renovation. They had obviously been there for years. His eyes searched the buildings, knowing she was watching him. “Ok Raven. Let’s hear it. You were always one for talking someone to death first.” Her melodious laughter sent a chill up his spine. “Still so strong, even in the face of danger. You know they have everyone they can spare looking for you? And you have the audacity to show up in the Core? Ballsy my little pup.” Her voice echoed off the walls, making it hard for him to pinpoint a location. She wouldn’t give him time to try, was the thought that echoed after the voice. Bo dove behind some broken down shuttle as the bullet hit the ground where he had been milliseconds before. He saw the mark the bullet left and brought his pistol around to fire at the building that used to be a convenience store. The bullet erupted from the chamber and bit a hole in the wall. He heard a curse in her mind, but knew she wasn’t there anymore. He tried to call on the beast. Again it didn’t work. Since he’d killed Aries he no longer had that beastly intent to kill and ravage. He could still Shift for the most part, but becoming fully lupine again was nearly impossible. He had hoped that this situation would bring it out in him. Now he knew the only one that could bring back that side would be the one it wanted to feed on. Her green eyes flashed in his head again and he laughed. ‘I’m always followin’ you, be it with them, Mal, or even the beast inside of me. Always me tracing your steps Cat. Well don’t seem much different than the war huh?’ Her gunshot rang off the body of the shuttle as he turned and fired at her new nest. Her rifle wasn’t meant for sniping, so she was just being very accurate, though he would have been disappointed if she hadn’t been at this range. Between her next volley of shots he slid his magazine out and checked his ammo. Three shots left. ‘Hwoon dahn. First step! First gorram step and you forget it. Ammo! Gun’s no good without ammo is it?! Shit.’ She fired another volley of rounds at him as he slid the magazine back into the gun. He could hear her moving. She wanted to get close and finish him; wanted to give the kill meaning, make it personal. He grinned. He had no problem with that. He heard her feet on a set of stairs, then heard her pull the trigger before the rounds flew again. She had him pinned down, or so he let her believe. He had to avoid that katana when she got close though. He had yet to have anything chopped off, and the thought of that regeneration gave him slight shivers. He caught her scent again, and his ears heard her footsteps on the ground. He vaulted over the shuttle car as he heard Whiskey come snarling around the side. Her blade was out and slicing quickly through the air. His combat knife came out with a hiss as he slammed it into her blade. Her blue green eyes widened with shock. She pressed all her strength into the blade, trying to force it past him. He grinned as he pushed the blade back. His thumb pulled the hammer back on the 1911 as he held it to her stomach. “Mate.” He snarled, showing his fangs. “Two weapons? I could dodge the bullet, take a slight cut and still come back.” She said, the strain evident in her voice. “You are forgettin’ two very important things though Raven. Me and him.” Bo’s eyes went to Whiskey who was crouched and ready to leap at her and tear at any bit of flesh his teeth could get a hold of. Her eyes darted to the hyena, then met his blue eyes. She finally saw the yellow cores that they had told her defined what he was. Fear shot through her body as she realized now how much he had been changed. He could smell it, her fear flooding over her. Then something startled him. “You have a partner?” He asked, his eyes scanning the roofs. “What?” She asked, confusion reflected in her eyes. “Don’t play dumb, where is he?” Bo snarled bringing the pistol to her throat. He felt the pressure on his knife subside as she lowered her katana. He kept the pistol at her throat as he searched. “Bo, you know me. Even in our training I refused to work with a partner. Why would I all of a sudden change now?” She asked incredulously, trying to sound secure with the gun threatening her life. “People change.” Bo said finitely. The bluntness of the statement shocked her. Then she opened her mind to the area around her. Unlike Bo’s, when she opened her mind it was like water flooding a plain. She felt the presence of someone and centered her focus on him. As she did a numbing pain struck her. She screamed as she collapsed. “That’s not a good sign.” Bo said as his eyes continued to scan the buildings. “You knew this would happen?!” Raven screamed as she clutched at her head. “Of course I didn’t. I thought he was your partner, remember. ‘parently not. So we’re dealing with some BH tech huh? Great. Looks like I’m back to my basic five senses.” Bo snarled. The new voice seemed to come from all around them. “Bo Cheek and Kiri ‘Raven’ Yamamoto. You are bound by Alliance law to stand down.” Bo glared up and around, then began laughing. “Hey fella, did you do your homework on this job?” He shouted. Silence answered him. “Guess not. I fought on the other side during the war, what makes you think I give a gorram about what the Alliance wants me to do.” The shot fired faster than he could react. The bullet hit him in the knee. The second hit Whiskey in the leg. The hyena yelped in pain as he fell over. Bo’s anger flared as he looked to where the shot had come from. “You bastard!” He yelled as he dashed forward, his leg having ejected the bullet and healed itself. His mind screamed it. Third floor of the building directly in front of him was where his prey waited. He could smell the man; he’d never lose him now. He tore through the door and up the stairs as he heard the man moving above him. As he reached the third floor the man ran through the hallway ahead of him. Racing after him, Bo could feel the blood pounding in his ears as his fingernails blackened and grew. His rage covered all reason as he came around the corner and saw the man turned to him, bringing the shotgun barrel around on him. The blast would have been deafening if Bo could have heard anything other than the urge to kill this man. He felt the impact of the slug, but it hardly slowed him as he leaped forward and sank his fangs into the man’s neck. He’d kill this man that had hurt his pack member was the only thought in his head as he tore the man’s trachea from his neck. He felt the slug leave his body and heard the dull thud of it hitting the floor. He dropped the man’s body as he turned and looked out the broken window. Limping towards him was Whiskey. He jumped from the window and rushed to the hyena. Whiskey leaned against him and licked the blood from his chest where the hole had been. Bo’s mind reached out to the animal and let comfort flow in. He looked at the bullet wound. “Well, boy, looks like you’re gonna have a story or two to tell.” He said as he reached down and pulled out the bullet with his claws. Tearing part of his shirt he wrapped it around the hyena’s leg then lifted him onto his shoulders and began to carry him away. Raven watched him as he passed. She stood slowly, her body still shaking from the neural shock. “You’re not- not going to kill me?” She muttered. Bo turned as he petted the hyena’s head. “Well, it doesn’t seem like you’re in any shape to be killing me right now, so I see no reason to kill you.” Bo said simply. “But, I tried. And I nearly succeeded in killing you.” “Did you? Not quite the way I remember it. But like I said, you’re in no shape to fight, so there’s really no honor in it. It ain’t the war anymore, so no need for mindless killing. If you try to kill me again I may have to though.” Bo said as he turned again. “Showing mercy is showing weakness.” Raven spat. “Not the way I heard it. Heard somewhere that mercy is the mark of a great man. Not that I’m saying I’m great.” Bo laughed. Raven stumbled after him. ‘I want to know how he beat me. Last time it was a fight to a draw, but this time he completely overpowered me.’ She thought as she watched his brown, leather coat sway with his movement. “How-?” “I don’t want to talk about it.” Bo cut her off. She followed along after him, through the empty streets she had chased him through, past the vendor that yelled at him for breaking the glass until Bo handed the man a roll of bills with an apology. She stopped behind him as he stepped into the ship landing yard. “You’ve followed me all the way here huh?” Bo said turning, running his fingers through Whiskey’s fur as the hyena slept softly on his shoulders. She looked into his startling blue eyes again, marveling at the slightly yellow cores. Raven nodded as she looked at him. “You should kill me. You know I’ll only come after you again. And next time I’m more adapted to what you’re going to do. The odds will be against you.” Bo looked at her. “You took this job because you knew you’d lose, didn’t you? Well I’m not going to kill you. Not now at least.” he said solemnly. Her eyes widened in shock. She hadn’t felt him in her mind, then how- “Didn’t need to Read you to figure it out. Listen, I know what it’s like to run out of reasons to live, trust me. But you just gotta press forward.” Bo shook his head. “I’m not one for this whole emotional, motivational speech thing. But if you want to learn how to live with what they did to you, we could use a decent pilot. Jeremy’s good but he’s too lazy.” Bo looked over at the big man sitting with his bottle and chewing tobacco as Nik and his contact loaded the guns onto the plane. He looked back at Raven and smiled. “You’ve got til take off. Think about it, Kiri.” He said as he took Whiskey to the ship. “Hey man what happened to our resident bio-sentry?” Jeremy asked looking at the hyena draped over his friends shoulders. “Bullet bit him. He should be fine after I get some antibiotics in him.” Bo said as he stepped up into the cargo bay. Morse turned to him, his hand on his pistol as he looked behind Bo with a question in his eyes. “Not sure yet. May not have to after all.” Bo said as he walked through the door to the common area. He turned and ran promptly into his younger brother. Jacob stared up at him with his brown-green eyes. Bo smiled and pushed past him to the infirmary and laid Whiskey on the table as he rummaged through the bottles on the shelves until he found what he needed. As he dabbed it on the wound, the hyena whimpered and growled. Bo patted his head reassuringly as Jacob watched. Jacob turned and walked out and helped Morse carry more of his stock into the bay. Bo picked Whiskey up and carried him up to his quarters and laid the animal on the bed, then made his way back down to the cargo bay. After an hour of loading, they had all the guns on board and were ready to take off. Bo looked up at Raven. She looked at him then turned away. As she turned, the shuriken flew from her hand and sliced through the air towards the ship. Bo let his knife meet this one in the air. It hit the floor with a clang as he sighed and closed the doors with a hiss. Bending down he picked up the tiny throwing star, and noticed the note wrapped around it. Unfolding the note carefully he read it.
‘You seem wiser than last time. I will listen to your words. Just remember this, my hound of hell, you will be under my eye until I take your life from you.’
Bo laughed as he stood and felt the ship rock beneath him as it left the ground and rocketed towards the black.
Saturday, July 17, 2010 9:39 PM
Sunday, July 18, 2010 3:15 AM
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