Of Dreams and Dreamers Chapter Two: Grounded
Monday, October 18, 2010

River/Kaylee post BDM


Kaylee emerges on the bridge, looking nervously around as she sees the rest of the crew is already here, including River who flicks her a slight glance and Kaylee feels a slight shiver run through her body and the thought of the two of them involved in a romantic relationship pushes itself forward, causing Kaylee to blush furiously even as she tries to push it back to its more appropriate position in the back of her head... too late. Kaylee feels a tickle just above her left ear and River's eyes flick towards her and then back away and a slight blush appears on River's face.

River's eyes go wide as the thought crosses her brain, it is after all a complete shock to her that Kaylee thinks of her in that way. River had just viewed Kaylee as a friend... However as RIver explores the notion in her own head, images flickering though her head with blinding speed. The notion appeals to her more than she would care to admit, plus it would ease the feeling of lonliness she has always known.

When she first arrived on the ship, she was aware of her brother's love for her, but it was a pitying kind of love, he longed for the River from before the Academy but that River has gone and won't be coming back. The rest of the crew are starting to appreciate her, but love is something that will not be here any time soon, save the kind of love that is offered by Jayne which is enough to turn River's stomach.

No, if she were ever to fall in love it would be with someone like Kaylee, someone fun and free spirited, who always smiles and laughs no matter what happens to her.

River is suddenly pulled out of her sour musings and Kaylee's mind by the captain's voice. "Okay, as you all know we're fixin to take cargo to Medusa moon... well there's been a slight hitch, ol' Alliance is doing some kind of live fire drills over there an' Badger's a little twitchy about letting us carry on so I'm settin us down on Sephys a spell for some shore leave"

Kaylee's eyes go bright as she hears the captain talking about shore leave. The thought of shore leave is always balm to Kaylee's soul, resting Serenity's tired old bones somewhere, maybe getting some new parts for her if there's a buyer willing to do a deal. They could always do with some new Primary Couplings or grav compressors... Also it should be a good chance to talk to that girl, tell her what's what without any of the crew overhearing. Kaylee's not looking forward to that conversation...

As the captain finishes his briefing and Kaylee departs, River follows after her, feeling a nervousness about Kaylee and a slight tension that confuses River. "Hello" River says brightly as Kaylee opens the door to her room "Have you got a moment Kaylee?" she asks "Not at the moment Sweetie, soon though" Kaylee says, turning around and deciding this would be a good opportunity to invite River out shopping, during which point she could set River straight. The thoughts of River and her as a couple however are by this point well entrenched and they aren't exactly unwelcome. Kaylee smiles "Would you like to come shopping with me?" she asks and River's face lights up. "Meet me in the cargo bay, ten minutes" Kaylee says, before dropping down into her room and out of sight, leaving River in a happy daze...



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Upon a Pale Horse Chapter Two: Awakening Cont
Because Chapter Two was a little short, I thought I'd add a bit more to it...

Of Dreams and Dreamers Chapter Two: Grounded
post BDM

Upon a Pale Horse Chapter Two: Awakening

Of Dreams and Dreamers Chapter One
Post BDM.

Upon a Pale Horse
Beyond the darkness lies Reaver space.
Patrolling the darkness, they hunt for fresh victims... But beyond Reaver Space lies something even more horrific.
A dark, malevolent, brooding presence that wants nothing more than to right the wrong done to it by the whole universe. Now the Reavers are gone, nothing stands in the way of this strange and terrible weapon.