Firefly: hidden mind
Saturday, October 9, 2004

this is my 1st fanfic posting. i'll be posting it in 3 parts, so i hope you like it. the story is that a guest comes on board serenity & the crew discover that he has a very close connection to river. but its not long before the hands of blue & an old foe come after them.


Firefly: Hidden mind Created by: Joss whedon Written by: David O'Reilly

1 2 by 2, hands of blue. These words haunted River Tam. In her dreams & even in her waking hours, the rhyme made up to describe the dark men who had invaded her life was always in her mind. The ability to read minds that they forced on her was something she would gladly be rid of if it meant she could be normal again. She felt safe on the firefly ship: serenity. The crew of this transport vessel understood well her predicament. Mal, the captain, and his friend, Zoe, fought against the very people that were now hunting her and her brother, Simon. River was well aware of the great sacrifice made by Simon to rescue her. Even in the darkest moments of the academy, she never doubted that her brother would come for her. Now, on board Serenity, she felt happy & safe. This crew were no friends of The Alliance and she knew they were her friends. Despite Jayne Cobbs attitude towards her and the mystery that surrounded Sheppard Book. River knew that Book had secrets, but also knew that he was a good & kind man, despite his choice in hairstyle. He would reveal his secrets eventually, but not yet. For now, she slept peacefully knowing that she was among people who cared about her & that she would always be free of those who pursued her as long as Serenity kept moving.

2 Everyday on Serenity starts pretty much the same. The whole crew gathers to have breakfast. They sit down together, eat and trade stories. River loved these moments. They briefly took her mind off her troubles & for a moment, feel normal. Simon sat down beside her & handed her her food. "This stuff may be mostly protein, but Kaylee does make it edible" Simon said. Jayne takes a sniff at his bowl. "It still smells like crotch & it tastes worse. Wash, tasting his food, says "Not as bad as that. Maybe you should just not eat it". "It beats eating nothing I suppose. Besides", Jayne says as he starts to eat, "I didn't get this big & strong feeding off my mother". Wash then coughs, splattering his wife, Zoe, with the food he's trying to force down. "If you can go the rest of my life without mentioning that again, I would die a very happy man". Zoe wipes the food from her face & says "& if you do that again, you'll die a very lonely & desperate man". Wash tries to snap back, but realises saying anything would be useless. Zoe was always able to put up a very convincing point of view. So he just continued eating quietly. Mal then walks into the room & takes his seat at the head of the table. "I just received word that our visitor should be with us in 4 hrs. Now would someone be so kind as to tell me who invited this someone here". Everyone looks at one another exchanging confused looks. Kaylee then elbows Inara & says "I think you forgot to tell him". All eyes turn on Inara. "My apologies Mal. I just got word last night that he was arriving". Mal, sounding annoyed, says "But you found time to tell Kaylee". Inara puts down her fork. "She was with me in my shuttle when I received the transmission. It was a companion matter". Mal leans back in his chair & folds his arms. "It becomes a ship matter when strangers board Serenity. Especially when we have wanted Alliance fugitives on board. Who is it that's coming?". Inara looks at all assembled. "His name is Jason. He's a companion in training". Everyone now looks curious, except for Jayne, who looks disappointed at the thought that a male companion is coming. Zoe is the 1st to speak. "Why are they sending him to you?". Inara answers. "He's not licensed yet. When a companion, whether they be male or female, finishes training, they must undergo a physical test before they get licensed". Simon, Just finishing his food, says "What do you mean a 'physical test'. Will I have to examine him?". Jayne lets out a laugh. "She means sex, Doc. She's gonna take him for a test drive". Simon looks a little embarrassed, but says nothing. "As crude as that description is", says Inara, "that's precisely what I'll be doing. Jason must prove that he is ready to be a licensed companion". Mal now looks amused. "So you & him are gonna get it on & afterwards, you give him a recommendation & he gets his licence". "Yes that's right", Inara says, "& I would appreciate it if you would all treat him as you would treat me". They all nod in acknowledgement, but notice how Inara is looking specifically at Sheppard Book. "Is this gonna be a problem for you?". Book looks at Inara & says "It wont bother me. I've gotten to know you over this past year & it would be interesting to meet a male companion". Everyone goes back to their food. River, continuing her breakfast, says "Too many people on this boat. Too many strangers". Simon, getting up to leave, says "There's no need to worry River. It's just a companion coming aboard". It would turn out to be lot more than that.

3 Everyone, but River & Simon, gathered in the cargo hold to get a glimpse of Inaras guest. Mal & Inara stood at the head of the group. "Is this really necessary?" Inara asks. Mal looks at her. "You know my policy on guests. I get to greet them". Inara then looks to the others behind her. "& what about them". Mal turns to look at Zoe & the others & says "They're just curious. It's been a while since we've had new face on board". Inara smiles at Mal & says "I'm curious too. I've never even seen his face". Mal smiles back. "Then I guess we're all in for a big surprise". Then suddenly, they hear the clicking of the docking clamps & the door begins to open.

4 Simon & River were in the medical bay. Simon approached River holding a syringe, her medication. Rivers condition had improved well since he was able to utilise the 3-D neuro-imager on Ariel & find out what was done to her. An injection once every 2 days improved her behaviour. But it never lasted. He would never give up his quest to cure his sister, she was all he had. Simon was about to inject River when she suddenly sat up on the table. "What is it?" Simon asked. River looked at him & said "A new mind. Not like you". Before Simon could ask her to elaborate, River leapt off the table & left. Putting the needle down, Simon went after her.

5 The cargo bay door opened & out stepped a young man in his 20s dressed similarly to Simon the 1st time he came on board. He looked around him & approached Mal. "I assume you are the captain". Mal puts out his hand & says "I'm captain Malcolm Reynolds. Welcome on board Serenity". Jason takes Mals hand & says "Thank you for having me captain. My name is Jason". Jason then locks eyes with Inara. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you mam. Your reputation precedes you". Jason then leans forward & kisses Inara on the cheek. "I'm flattered that you have chosen me as your sponsor", Inara says. Jason smiled. "There was no contest. I have heard how secretive you are. So pleasing you will be a challenge". Inara smiles & says "We can begin whenever you are ready". Jason then rubs his stomach & says "I will need time to prepare, but for now, I'm hungry". Mal, pointing at Kaylee, then says "Kaylee here will show you where the kitchen is". Jason puts his stuff down & begins to follow. They are about to start up the steps, when River & Simon suddenly come down them. "What's the rush?", Kaylee asks. Simon says "I don't know. I was just gonna give River her meds when she left". River again says "New mind. Not like you". Jason steps out from behind kaylee. "What's the delay. Did someone......". He freezes in place when he sees River. River smiles at him & says "Like me. New mind is like me". Jason starts backing away. "No, no, no, no, no.......", he says. Mal steps forward & says "What's going on here?". Jason stops & says "Where are they? Are they here?". Inara steps up beside him. "What are you talking about?". With a look of fear in his eyes, Jason says "2 by 2, hands of blue". Everybody then realises that they've heard that particular poem before from River. Simon asks "How do you know that?". Jason looks at River. "That's the poem we made up to describe the........bad people who hurt us". Kaylee then asks "Who is 'us'?". River takes Jason's hand & says "Students. Jason was in the me".

6 They are now all gathered in the dining area. Jason is leaning against the door frame. All eyes are directed at him. Jason begins. "I went to the academy when I was 16. My parents said that I was too smart for normal school & that the academy would be more fulfilling, they were wrong". Simon, pacing up & down, asks "Did they experiment on you like they did my sister?". Jason looks down & says "Yes. They did it to all of us". Simon then asks "But if that's true, then why are you not like River. Why are you so......". Jason interrupts. "Normal". Simon nods. Jason continues "Had you left River there longer, they would've fixed her. They did the same to all of us". Zoe then asks "How did you get out?". Jason answers. "I escaped when I was 20. I killed one of the guards & used my abilities on the others to make them think it was me that was dead & walked out. I ran for a long time. Then I did some jobs, got paid & had extensive cosmetic surgery done. Then I forged a new identity & started training to be a companion". Jayne then asks the question everyone has been wondering about, "What is your power. Can you read minds like River?". Jason smiles. "No. I'm nowhere near that powerful. I am able to infuence people". Looking puzzled, Wash says "& that means what exactly". Jason wonders over by Wash, while keeping his eyes on Jayne. "Rather telling you, I'll show you". Jason then locks eyes with Jayne. "Jayne, I want you to listen to me very carefully, understand?". Jayne nods yes. "Good", says Jason, "Now......stand up". Jayne stands up. "Now......put your left hand on your head & stick the 2 fingers of your right hand up your nose". Everyone is amused when they hear this, but they are all shocked when they see that Jayne is doing it. Mal turns to Jason with a surprised look on his face. "Alright, you've made your point". Laughing, Wash says "Can you make it so that he obeys our every command". "Sorry", says Jason, "Once I stop influencing him, he'll be his old self again". Jayne finally stops & sits down slowly. "Don't you ever do that to me again". Mal then says "You can do this to everybody". Jason replies "Pretty much. That & other stuff that I won't get into right now". Simon is now looking rather serious & concerned. "Do the alliance authorities know where you are?". Jason understands & shares his concerns. "No. As I've already said, they think I'm dead. They haven't got a clue". River is silent throughout all this. But upon hearing this, she says "You're wrong. They know my mind. They know where it is. They're coming".

7 Alliance cruiser: Gemini Being stuck with the night shift on the bridge was so boring. For Lieutenant Furlong, it was the shift he most dreaded doing. But he wanted to move up in the world, so he did it in the hopes that he would advance quickly through the ranks & make Captain. But something occurred this night that didn't happen often. "Sir", the junior officer, Cadet Caleb, said, "Sir, we've just received a coded transmission". Lt. Furlong turned to face him. "What is the nature of the message?". Cadet Caleb checks a screen behind him & now looks puzzled. "Sir, it's not from the Central Alliance, it's from The Blue Sun". Lt. Furlong looks shocked. He knew as well as anyone else that The Blue Sun were a very secretive side to the Alliance that he knew & served. Not even the highest politicians knew who they were. It was only known that if they make a request, it is obeyed without question. Cadet Caleb continues. "It says we are to greet a ship which will dock here in 1 hr. We are also to co-operate fully with the officers on board". Lt. Furlong now looks nervous. The Blue Sun were coming here. He then thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to show that we was a capable & loyal soldier. He might advance quicker than he thought. "Are we being inspected?", Cadet Caleb asks. Lt. Furlong rubs his chin, now very curious about the rest of the message. He looks at the screen with the message scrolled up on it. "It also states that we are to surrender all information regarding any firefly class ships that have passed through this sector recently". Cadet Caleb sits down at his console & says "Shall I start gathering the information?". Lt. Furlong sits down in the captains chair. "Yes, best to have it ready for when they get here". Cadet Caleb then starts work on gathering the information. Lt. Furlong then gazes out at the stars through the view screen thinking 'what does The Blue Sun want with traffic information".


Saturday, October 9, 2004 8:11 PM


It's very hard to read with the lines broken the way they are. If you login, then go to the 'edit this fanfic' option on this story, you can backspace off those extra line breaks and redo the formatting so the paragraphs look like you intend--it would help immensely.

I like your story premise very much. Very intiguing notion you're working on. You have a lot of great one-liners throughout. My favorite was "he was a good & kind man, despite his choice in hairstyle". A great LOL moment.

You might take a look at your tense shifts--present to past (he looks/he looked) and try to make them all one or the other.

Very fine start!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 7:52 AM


I'm always a sucker for more Blue Hands drama, and I agree with Guildsister as to the formatting and tense. You've got the creative side down, just need to fix the technical. Do you have a proof-reader? If not (and if you want one) you can email me at and I can give you next installments a lookover. . .

Tuesday, October 12, 2004 7:53 AM


Apparently I need a proofer for my posts, but you get the idea. :-)

Saturday, October 16, 2004 5:38 AM


Thank you for your comments. criticisim is always good. i am currently re-reading the rest of my story & will post the rest once i've made some adjustments. regarding the way the text came out after i posted it, i dont know how to fix it. when i went into the edit fanfic section, it all looked normal. i can only hope that this does not put people off reading it. there are 2 more parts left, so sit tight & they'll be posted soon.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 1:36 PM


That's really riveting! And please DON'T change the formatting, like the gaps between line, as i find it a lot easier to read. A really shiny fanfic! Do you mind if I post it on my blog? i'm creating a blog of all my favorite fanfics, and i recon that this one is one of them! :)

My blog:


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firefly: hidden mind - finale!
merry christmas to one and all. sorry it took so long to post the final part, been very busy with shopping and re-writing. here is the final installment. i hope you like it. remember, don't read this if you haven't read the 1st 2.

Firefly: Hidden Mind Part 2
Here's part 2 of my firefly story. Don't read this unless you've read the 1st part or you won't have a clue of whats going on. Enjoy!

Firefly: hidden mind
this is my 1st fanfic posting. i'll be posting it in 3 parts, so i hope you like it. the story is that a guest comes on board serenity & the crew discover that he has a very close connection to river. but its not long before the hands of blue & an old foe come after them.