Sketch - River
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Damn, this girl is hard to get right. I am not very happy with this one but I will let it go anyway. I need to draw something else for a while... / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete texture from CG Textures.



Sunday, May 22, 2011 9:29 AM


A Good Likeness of River, Very Good!!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011 9:34 AM


Thank you :) I traced a photograph in Photoshop so it wasn't so hard compared to a free hand drawing. Still much more difficult than I thought it would be though - River was hard to get right.

Sunday, May 22, 2011 10:59 AM


How can you NOT like this, SwedishMystery?! This fantastic, even if it's a tracing of a screen shot!

Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:33 PM


Hopefully the drawing will grow on me. I have really struggled with River. She is beautiful in a special way and she brings so much intensity to the screen that is very hard to convey without making her look too crazy. It's a fine balance...

Sunday, May 22, 2011 3:21 PM


Wow. Brilliant! love it!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011 4:07 AM


Her expression is spot on - I think I can even name the scene. Isn't that from the Maidenhead, where she was mesmerised by the subliminal code, and whispered "Miranda"?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 2:31 PM


I disagree, you got her perfectly. She's so special that any sort of representation, even a good one, loses some of her spirit, but you are very good at this.


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Sketch - Book
The final portrait in this series for now. Now this guy is so thankful to draw. I love his face! Older people are more interesting and easier to draw because their faces usually have more character and more to work with in general. / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete and rust textures from CG Textures.

Sketch - River
Damn, this girl is hard to get right. I am not very happy with this one but I will let it go anyway. I need to draw something else for a while... / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete texture from CG Textures.

Sketch - Kaylee
I am having a bit too much fun with these traced drawings right now. I probably just have a couple of more and then I will have it out of my system. She has such wonderful smile. / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete texture from CG Textures.

Sketch - Simon
The beautiful boy doctor... / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete texture from CG Textures.

Sketch - Mal
I intend to finish all my tracing projects I have so bear with me. / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete texture from CG Textures.

Sketch - Jayne
I was on a roll so here's another one of those traced images. / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox and concrete texture from CG Textures.

Sketch - Inara
I traced a screencap from "Firefly"/"Serenity" just for the fun of it and it ended up like this. / Sketch traced after screencap in Photoshop. Also used a water color brush from BittBox.

Sketch / Mal & Inara
I keep on tracing "Firefly"/"Serenity" just for the fun of it so I hope you will bear with me. It's that sweet final scene from "Shindig". / Sketch traced after photo in Photoshop.

Sketch - Kaylee & Inara
I made another (traced) sketch. I was bored and felt I needed to do something with a little contrast and color.

Sketch - Wash & Zoe
A quick (traced) sketch of Wash & Zoe together.