The Hot Place (teaser)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

This one's in script format. Our Big Damn Heroes are in trouble again - Mal, Zoe, Jayne and Kaylee end up stranded on Ezra, with Kaylee hurt, and the others have NO idea where they are. During a battle to seize Niska’s skyplex, their shuttle is caught by a stray shot; the passenger they’d arranged to pick up neglected to mention a) the battle or b) that he was on the skyplex, the inconsiderate bunger. This takes place 3 weeks after “Unlikely Bedfellows”.




Girl’s voice: Read.

FADE UP TO: GIRL’S BUNK ABOARD THE MERRIWEATHER; the bunk is clearly similar to those aboard Serenity, but the Merriweather is a much larger and better-equipped vessel than an Aught-Three Firefly, custom-built to carry colonists. Considering this is a little girl’s bunk, there’s a surprising lack of pink - the predominant colours are red and green in various shades. She’s lying in bed, a soft toy by her side, listening to an Encyclopaedia reciting the history of Ezra. She’s blonde, very pretty, has a strongly-boned face and is about seven years old.

Encyclopaedia: Ezra - one of the first outer worlds to which the science of terraforming was applied. Access reference ‘Terraforming’?

Girl: No, I know what that is. Continue.

Encyclopaedia: It was envisaged that the planet would develop a liveable but hot environment, owing to its proximity to its primary, and that the cost of settlement would be recouped in short order by mining its mountains for the enormous mineral wealth detected there by the probes which first discovered it. However, the processes involved in terraforming were, at that time, not fully understood. It is still unclear as to precisely what errors were committed in the case of Ezra, but the result was that violent and unstable weather patterns were created in the newly engineered atmosphere; these manifested primarily as extremely destructive cyclone systems which formed spontaneously. Access reference ‘Cyclone’?

Girl (tiredly): No. Continue.

Encyclopaedia: One of these, which became known simply as ‘the Storm’, persists to this day, for reasons still not understood, and shows no signs of dissipating. It is speculated that the forces which drive the Storm are similar, though opposite, to those which are responsible for the Great Red Spot of Jupiter -

Girl (anticipating): Stop. Skip reference. (To herself) That’s in the Earth-That-Was system, even I know that. Who cares? (Louder) Continue.

Note: The Great Red Spot is in fact an anticyclone; we still have no idea why it’s persisted since Galileo first saw it through his telescope.

Encyclopaedia: The Storm and other cyclone systems were responsible for the rapid wearing of Ezra’s extensive mountain ranges, the highly abrasive sand thus created being carried at high velocities and causing further worldwide erosion. The end result was the deterioration of the terraformed environment into the desert conditions which currently obtain. Most of the cyclone systems are gradually dissipating their energy, but it is estimated this process will require at least two more centuries before any realistic attempt can be made to terraform Ezra again, for fear of repeating or even exacerbating the earlier errors. (Beat) Politically -

Girl (bored): Oh, stop. This isn’t what I wanted. Off. (Pause) I want to know: why are we going there? Why would anyone?

FADE TO: EXT. COUNCILLOR’S HOUSE, AT NIGHT. The large, opulent house is set in the middle of a garden spot; the plants are mainly bushes (in flower), cacti and other succulents, growing in sandy soil. The Councillor is staring into the sky at a particular bright star. CAPTION READS:


Councillor (softly): Why indeed? (From this it becomes clear that the little girl was in fact the Councillor)

CUT TO: FRONT DOOR OF HOUSE; her husband, a plain vanilla sort of fella, emerges. He walks to join his wife, embraces her from behind. It’s immediately clear there’s still love there, her peccadilloes with Inara notwithstanding (though there will be more about this in a later script); her face softens and she leans into him, pressing close. She reaches up to gently pull his head down for a soft kiss.

Husband: The vote’s in, sweetie.

Councillor (hopefully): And?

Husband: It’s a yes. Tonight. Now, in fact.

Councillor: At last...


Councillor (O/S): This time, you [old bastard]

ZOOM CONTINUES, UPWARDS INTO SPACE. The ‘star’ resolves into a space station, an all too familiar one...with multiple police-type spacecraft converging on it.




NOTE: the sequence is altered slightly - Wash and Book’s appearances are changed to the first time we see each, followed immediately by the view of their respective memorials shown in the BDM. Even though they’re no longer with us, it seems churlish at best to simply ignore them, though Alan and Ron remain uncredited. In addition, the Alliance officer shown is now Lindayne, of course.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011 5:16 AM


I'm giving up trying to write fics in sequence, i.e. chapter/Act I, chapter/Act II, etc. I just can't.
This script has been written partly in reverse; I have more of Act IV than Act I, in which, at the end of the episode, Jayne gets to show off unexpected cooking skills (writing this bit was so much fun it should be illegal!).

Writing the script has given me yet another idea for another one; the Councillor, her family and Niska will make one more appearance. I can't say more than that at this point...because the idea is all I have at the moment! :)

Friday, June 17, 2011 7:07 AM


Have to say I am not so keen on stories written in script format as for giving up writing stories in sequence, why? While you may find it a pain that is nothing to how frustrating it is trying to follow the sequence of events in stories when they are not in order. A solution might be to write your stories first, then put them in order and post them that way. It would be a kindness to the reader as well. Good luck with whatever you decided. Ali D :~)
"You can't take the sky from me!"

Saturday, June 18, 2011 2:35 AM


No, no, I think you've misunderstood - it's the writing in sequence, i.e. start at the beginning of the story, proceed through it and progress to the end - that I have trouble with! I'd never post a story out of sequence, that WOULD be unkind!

The reason I'm writing this one - and several others I have in mind - in script format is so I can fill in with prose later, if I decide to. It seems to be easier. I'll include as much stage direction as I can to clarify things. :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011 9:16 AM


Thank you for explaining, feel much happier now! LOL. Ali D :~)
"You can't take the sky from me!"


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The Hot Place, Act II
Our heroes are plunging towards Ezra, and meanwhile Inara & co. have a little trouble with police...

The Hot Place, Act I
Mal's taking Zoe, Jayne and Kaylee in Shuttle II to meet a paying passenger, despite Jayne's misgivings. Unfortunately, those misgivings prove to be well-founded, as Niska's skyplex is currently under attack by police (who aren't particularly good shots) and the passenger's ON the skyplex!

The Hot Place (teaser)
This one's in script format. Our Big Damn Heroes are in trouble again - Mal, Zoe, Jayne and Kaylee end up stranded on Ezra, with Kaylee hurt, and the others have NO idea where they are. During a battle to seize Niska’s skyplex, their shuttle is caught by a stray shot; the passenger they’d arranged to pick up neglected to mention a) the battle or b) that he was on the skyplex, the inconsiderate bunger. This takes place 3 weeks after “Unlikely Bedfellows”.

Unlikely Bedfellows, Chapter 2
It's here, as promised - a bit more background on Lindayne and her family, our Big Damn Heroes are off to Miranda...and the Hands of Blue are coming! In fact - they're he-eeeeere...!

Unlikely Bedfellows, Chapter 1
This is just to start the ball rolling, as our Big Damn Heroes encounter an Alliance officer with a conscience (c'mon, there'd have to be ONE) and the people of Haven may yet get a little justice.

Unlikely Bedfellows (Prologue)
I'm just posting the Prologue for the moment because if I don't post SOMETHING I'm gonna go outa my gorram mind! Anyway: it's just after the BDM, questions are being asked in Parliament, our Big Damn Heroes are coming up with new ways of makin' decent coin - and the Hands of Blue are on the move. Expect to see familiar faces, friends & enemies both!

Unlikely Bedfellows (Prologue, rest of)
Oops, I only posted one page of the Prologue. Here's the rest...

Unlikely Bedfellows (Prologue, rest of)
Oops, I only posted one page of the Prologue. Here's the rest...

Unlikely Bedfellows (Prologue)
I'm just posting the Prologue for the moment because if I don't post SOMETHING I'm gonna go outa my gorram mind! Anyway: it's just after the BDM, questions are being asked in Parliament, our Big Damn Heroes are coming up with new ways of makin' decent coin - and the Hands of Blue are on the move. Expect to see familiar faces, friends & enemies both!