Survivor: No River Runs Here (Chapter 1, Part 3)
Thursday, March 1, 2012

C1P3 501 has his first day of classes. A meeting between powerful men. And the dive into the horror of the Academy continues.


Survivor: No River Runs Here (Chapter 1, Part 3)

Table of Contents
Survivor: Introduction Survivor: Chapter 1 Part 1 Survivor: Chapter 1 Part 2 Survivor: Chapter 1 Part 3 Survivor: Chapter 1 Part 4

Disclaimer: I by all means necessary am clearly rolling in dough because of this Fan Fiction- as a matter of fact I am earning so much from it that I intend to buy the rights to Firefly off of Fox just so that I will never have to type this again. No but on a more serious note I do not own nor do I intend to reap monetary reward from the use of any characters/objects/other copyrighted stuff displayed within the Firefly series!

Quote: I open the wardrobe and find my reflection within a mirror- and with the room dark I simply stare into the mirror. A boy stares back at me- his eyes piercing my soul- he is short and slender for his age- he is innocent- he knows not why he is locked within a metal box- and he is scared. My part in my mind's sitcom is now partially revealed- but the mirror lies- this is not me- this is who I once was but am no-more- I am 501- he is not; he has a name- though my mind cannot recall it.

Summary: 501 has his first day of classes. A meeting between powerful men. And the dive into the horror of the Academy continues.

"What- who am I?" This question is what had riveted my mind- and now locked within the barren metal box I had no choice- no escape- from my mind dwelling on it. My memories played out like a sitcom in which all names- place- people- myself- were spoken in inaudible whispers, as if these names and memories escaped me. These memories- once perhaps dear to me- seemed foreign. Now I am simply S501. That is who- or what I am to be. Memories zip through my mind as if bees in a beehive- they are all silent to me. Scenes of beautiful nature confound me- as has the day. I am fatigued from the scream- and so I stumble to my bed- only to find sleep hard to come by. Time is relative in a metal box- no clock- no sunlight- no telling what time it is. I feel sorry for the metal box- it like me lacks an identity- a personality to call its own. It is meant to be a home to someone- but yet is more properly dressed to be a punishment. It is barren- soulless- and has no eyes of which to use to perceive it's environment- rather it has been cut on to allow others to violate- to look within it. This metal box had been equipped to serve a purpose contrasting to the nature of design- not to defend but to trap what it holds. My mind cannot reason with the notion of this facility being a school. Time passes- it is unquantifiable- indefinable. There is no hint as to morning or night- and yet my sitcoms are filled with beautiful sunsets and sunrises- the likes of which I fear I will never see- if I have truly ever seen- again. The door to my room opens; it is 5am, but how? How could it already be 5am? Did the night escape me as well? It s the first day of classes- the names of the classes are difficult to pronounce- and I have no concept as to what subject they are. The odd scientist appears at my door- and a new day begins. My feet wearily comply to the cold floor again and with a step I follow my escort. I am lead to a classroom- today is the first day of class. My escort leads me to a seat- and I am met by a rather unpleasant familiar voice from the desk directly next to mine- it is Arthur. "Well, look who it is- odd to see our janitor in Quantum String Analytics" The other kids laugh- I blush. "S501-" Arthur read out loud- our codes were sown to our chest. "-How fitting that your code be below mine- perhaps they simply put down your General Education Systems Exam Score for your code!" The kids laugh again- I have never heard of this test, perhaps a 501 is a low grade. "You never did tell me your name S501- though I'm sure I could find it on the Janitorial staff closet if I wanted to seek it out so badly- but do tell what is your name?" Arthur continued- the other kids laughed harder, at my expense. I sat quietly ignoring his question- not that I could have answered it anyways. Blood meets my face- I am blushing. "Ah! I see, Cat got your tongue- or tail- street rat? Or is it that you have no name? After all rats don't name their children!" The other students could hardly contain themselves- I sat staring at my desk, focused on hiding my embarrassment. Finally an older man walked in- the teacher. He was unspectacularly stereotypical for your average professor- being in his 60's and having white hair and a short white beard. He walked at a fast pace- unexpectedly fast for a man of his apparent age- and seemingly ignored the laughs of the other students as he made his way up to the front of the class- to the front of the class. "Salve discipulī! As you know this is Quantum String Analytics- my name is Professor Tullius. As I am sure you know from the syllabus that this class focuses on the Theoretic Math associated with the Quantum String Theory. So raise your hand if this is your first time taking a class dealing this String Analytics- or Quantum Analytics at all." I raised my hand- and the others laugh. I am the only one with my hand raised. "Well there is a first time for everything I guess-" He said with a sort of demeaning tug in his voice, "- what is your name young man?" I sat now totally embarrassed- unable to answer his question, I sat silently- my face giving away my anxiety- my embarrassment. "Well I guess we are off to a Great start! How about your code- do you at least know that?" The other students laughed at my failure- they didn't know..... "Forgive him professor- rats do not name their children- by the way I must say that I have heard great things about your classes sir, you see my father Arnold Gloucester attended your mathematics course when you taught at-" "S904 speaking out of turn will not be tolerated- nor will childish taunts!" Professor Tullius said, some of the kids chuckled at Arthur. The professor looked back at me "Now as I had requested- your code?" "S501, extended code: Subject 501." I was unsure as to whether he wanted my full code or just the shortened version. "S501.... Yes the Headmaster had spoken to me about you, please stay after class." "Yes sir." I responded defeated. The other students around me still snickered or shot odd looks in my direction. Professor Tullius turned around towards a large screen plastered against the wall at the head of the classroom where he stood. "Now- if you would look up front to the holoboard- today's lesson we will simply review...." His words did not make contact with my mind- instead they bounced off my ears as if they held no worth- they held no value to me after all. I was lost in a forest of numbers and formula's that I had never heard before.

(In the headmaster's office) Two man sit facing each other across a desk. They are playing a game of chess. On the far side of the desk sits the Headmaster- clearly loosing the game to his opponent- who is masterful at the game. Opposite to the Headmaster sits a older man- perhaps in his late 60's, his face is creased by numerous wrinkles- though none the happy kind. He wears a solemn look on his face and proper uniform on his body. This uniform is different than the kind a scientist wears- no it is much more formal- and carries many laurels of rank and honor on it. Though the older man is in the Headmasters office- therefore the guest- the environment or feel of the room would reveal quite the opposite- the old man seemingly commanded respect- every movement deliberate and powerful, even the simple shifting of a chess piece by this man would seem to hold the same weight as a declaration of battle- simply stated no matter where the meeting was the old man was to be more the host than the guest of the engagement. "Check" The older man said as he shifted his knight- his voice tense- powerful- and perhaps even demeaning. The headmaster's eyes searched the board for an explanation- but could find none. "It is about strategy and ability- not intelligence doctor" The elder man said once again. "Yes I suppose you are right General" Responded the headmaster swallowing his pride- and shifting his attention to the man opposite of him. Somehow the General's notion held more value than it did on the surface- it defined the difference and perhaps even a divergence between them. The mood of the room shifted. "What is the status of S501?" "Right now it is too early to say- but all early indications point that S501 is capable like I had thought." The Headmaster shifted his rook to block the check. The General tensed up- something about this bothered him. "And his memory? -Check." The general said- simply moving his Knight. "He still has some memories- and more will come back to him- but the operation; the identity wipe, was a complete success- he has no recollection of names or places." The Headmaster took out the stagnant bishop with his rook. "Good. What of the prospect- the one I targeted?" The General said as he moved his Queen forward. He took pride in his finding of this prospect- putting emphasis on I. "Her parents seem to be in full cooperation of her attendance." The Headmaster shifted his own queen up. "See to it that she attends- no matter how you have too- if initial reports hold accuracy than she will be a valuable addition." The General shifted his King forward- taking out the Headmaster's queen. "Check." "I will try my best- but we cannot simply- well let's just say it would cause an incident if we would try to do what we did with S501" The Headmaster said- as he desperately moved his King. "Don't try- do it. Your way or my way she will attend- she is too good an opportunity to pass up." The General said- ordered. He moved his King forward- "Check mate doctor." The General immediately stood up and turned- as he walked out the door he muttered under his breath "And so the King wins it again"
Finally class has ended- the other students file out the door- until finally they are all gone. The professor gestures me to come over. I slowly rise up from my seat- hesitant- and walk over to where the professor sat. Professor Tullius wore a perplexed look on his face. "S501, the Headmaster mentioned that you had a limited education- how much of today's lesson were you able to understand?" I took a moment to think about all that he had said during the class period. "To be honest professor I didn't understand much- rather any of it at all." once again blood rushing to my face out of embarrassment. I am useless. The professor looks up- an incredulous look sprawled over his face. "None of it!? When was the last time- or what was the last math class you took!?" Once again another question I could not give a definitive answer too- why must my mind be so deceiving? "I suppose that- well the last time I recall being in school was probably- maybe 5 or 6 years ago." I swallow- gulp down spit as I say this- my anxiety getting the better of me within my voice- which shivers within the answer. I have no concept as to when I attended school last. I wished that he think well of me- that he at least not mock me. "Well then- I guess we better get to work S501." said the professor, his face not hiding the shock of my explanation- but his tone revealing that he felt rather sorry for me. "First show me what you can do- and we will work from there." I stood absent minded before the one man I wished to impress. I could not recall ever being taught how to use the technology of a holoboard- or much technology- or rather recall much at all- and so I stand motionless. I was too ashamed to admit my other inadequacy. Unable to contain my built up fear and frustration I could not stop a rogue tear from leaking from my eye- the professor catches sight of it. I know nothing..
My feet clang against the cold ground- I am hurried along by my escort- and though the floor still freezes my feet with each step I have lost the will to fight the cold- and now lazily let my feet fall to the ground- they will bear the cold. My mind his exhausted and my body follows suit as well. Oddly enough I can still hear the laughs- the screams- of children within the hall- as if voices plastered from the past are trapped within the walls- this is my destiny- to become another voice trapped within this endless metal labyrinth. The door closes behind me as I enter the metal box again. My head hurt- so many new things to learn- so little time. And yet all at once none of that matters. I open the wardrobe and find my reflection within a mirror- and with the room dark I simply stare into the mirror. A boy stares back at me- his eyes piercing my soul- he is short and slender for his age- he is innocent- he knows not why he is locked within a metal box- and he is scared. My part in my mind's sitcom is now partially revealed- but the mirror lies- this is not me- this is who I once was but am no-more- I am 501- he is not; he has a name- though my mind cannot recall it. The day hadn't been entirely a nightmare- I had Professor Tullius for 2 of my 6 classes- and he was more than willing to accommodate my idiocy- he enjoyed having a pupil to talk too. He was a nice man- or at least not a terribly mean one- and certainly much more kind than any of the others had been to me. I was also at the very least adequate at the second of his two classes- Analytical Theory. I was quite far behind the other students in regards to the other classes as well- for instance I was expected to be able to fluently read in twelve other languages as well as point out grammatical and literary devices within the tongues. I can only speak two languages- and so my tongue is just as far behind as my mind. The professor of this literary class- Professor Elias- was not so kind as Professor Tullius- and openly scolded me in class- I was the subject of much comedy for the others. The taunts of the other students now fill the forefront of my mind and though they hurt they cover the more painful silent sitcom. My other 3 classes were equally as bad as this one. Professor Lee; my Biochemical Engineering teacher, even went so far as to exile me to a corner after I could not give him my name. I hobble over to my bed; exhausted from the work of the day, and find comfort within the darkness.


Thursday, March 1, 2012 1:05 PM


Penquin(1-0-1) vs Dialogue(0-1-1)
Round 3: You Decide who wins!
I decided to put this out early despite not having received much (any) feedback on part 2 yet! Feel Free to leave criticism or praise!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012 9:09 AM


added table of contents.


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Survivor: No River Runs Here (Chapter 1, Part 4)
C1P4 Explore the brutality of the Academy

Survivor: No River Runs Here (Chapter 1, Part 3)
C1P3 501 has his first day of classes. A meeting between powerful men. And the dive into the horror of the Academy continues.

Survivor: No River Runs Here (Chapter 1, Part 2)
C1P2 A look into the brutality of the Academy- our subject meets the other students.

Survivor: No River Runs Here (Chapter 1, Part 1)
C1P1 The brutal world of the Academy awaits.

Survivor: Introduction
SIntro This work will try to explore the brutal world of the Academy- get ready for insanity.