Terror Forming: Epilogue
Thursday, October 31, 2024

The underground tomb on Boros has claimed its victims. Now there's just a matter of the clean-up... (The end, for now)


Wei Jian shut the file, shaking his head. “All done then?”

“Contained and secure.” The man opposite him responded. He was clean cut, dressed in a black suit befitting his position, a scarlet coloured tie and blue cuff-links which had the image of a crescent moon on them… or possibly a fancy C. He carried an air of authority which sat uneasy when it ought to have been Wei Jian with the power.

“And their families?”

“Notified,” the suited man answered. “Standard Terraforming story.”

Jian signed, “This is standard?”

“The less they know, the better.”

Jian shook his head. “So, we just bury it?”

“Already is buried,” the man answered. “The drones blew the thing, caved the tunnel. It’s filled in, done.”

“I don’t understand how you can be so cold, Eight men died, although there’s no mention of any bodies.” Jian said. “Your men.”

“They knew the risks,” the man answered plainly.

“Did they?” Jian asked. “So their loss is acceptable?”

“In cases like this, anyone is expendable, so long as it serves the greater good.”

“And this does?” Jian said. He couldn’t believe this was his life now, his role.

“This is an important world,” the suit said. “For the Alliance and their goals… their ultimate reach, and here you are at the centre of it, looking after it. A position like yours will be highly sought after.”

Jian felt a veiled threat in there but didn’t push it.

“You’re doing a good job,” the man said. “With respect, I’d take this as a win.”

Jian struggled to come to terms with it. “The whole point of this thing was to rectify the issues in that district, to stop the whole world from being labelled a black rock.”

“It’s a minor mark on a clean sheet, of no account. Business will carry on. Alliance ships will continue to be built. You’ll make your money.”

Jian tried to ignore that last part. He didn’t like the insinuation but he had no energy to argue. “And what if more problems show up in future?”

“What? Toxic fumes? The company will install air purifiers. Gravity issues, they’ll tie stuff down. Maybe just section off that area. Call it a nature reserve.”

“If anything grows,” Jian said.

“Call it an ancient Indian graveyard if you like, that’s what worked back in the day, right?”

“Sure, and have kids sneak in on a dare.”

“If they get hurt, it only proves the point that people should stay out.”

Jian shook his head. Boros was supposed to be his world. It had been bestowed upon him, and now he got the impression he’d been given a clock.

“You requested my services to fix the situation,” the suited intermediary said. “It’s fixed.”

Jian sighed. “So be it.”

“Besides, I have other clients to see.”

Other clients, Jian pondered. He wondered if they too would be asking for sacrificial lambs.

The suit got up to leave.

“Just one more thing,” Jian said. “The images received. The structure down there. Who built it?”

The businessman was already gathering his coat and suitcase before choosing to volunteer an answer. “Maybe the first settlers.”

Jian gave a look of disbelief.

“Do you even care?” the man asked.

“I wouldn’t have asked,” Jian answered.

The man shook his head. “It’s not impossible that this world was once inhabited by someone else. Probably long gone since before we ever set off from Earth-that-was. Maybe even predate mankind. Who knows.”

“Shouldn’t that sort of thing be preserved?”

“For what? To have everyone question their place in the universe? What good would come of that?” The man gestured at the file on Jian’s desk. “We write the history now. This is our time.”

The man departed and Wei Jian was left to stare at the file on his desk, the only official record of what had happened.

He opened up the middle drawer of his desk and pulled out the shredder. Placing the file in the shredding case, he switched it on and heard the hum of the paperwork disintegrating.

Thousands of miles away, the ground of the sectioned-off district shifted, as a flume of fog puffed out of the soil and drifted into the sky above.



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Terror Forming: Epilogue
The underground tomb on Boros has claimed its victims. Now there's just a matter of the clean-up...

(The end, for now)

Terror Forming (Part 3)
After a series of terraforming issues on Boros, a team is sent in to an underground cavern to try and solve the problem. When they fail to report in, another team follows led by "cleaner" Winston Beaumont.
Discovering what looks like an ancient temple, the group eventually locate Francis Kincaid, seemingly the only survivor of the first team.
But things aren't as they seem.

(Part 3 of 3, plus an Epilogue)

Terror Forming (Part 2)
Francis Kincaid works as a fixer, repairing machines related to the terraforming process. After a job goes wrong on Boros, Kincaid finds himself injured and alone in an ancient underground temple.
The longer he stays there, however, the more he realises that the team may have awoken something ancient.

(Part 2 of 3, plus an Epilogue)

Terror Forming (Part 1)
Set in the verse, many years before the events of the series. This doesn’t feature any characters from the show, but rather fleshes out one of the aspects not really focused on in the series – the terraforming process of the newly discovered worlds.
For those familiar with the Special Branch fic/threads from many years ago, this serves as a prequel of sorts to that story. Speaking of which, I’m planning on posting some more of that story in the new year, commemorating 20 years of Serenity.
(It also might be a bit rough. This was a writing exercise for myself to try and get back into the process.)

Part 1 of 3 (plus an Epilogue)

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 4 - Outsiders
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. His search leads him to the district of Tamsborough, hardly the friendliest of places for a civilised man. Nevertheless, Samaire - former companion and colleague of Frankie - is his only lead, and happens to live in the nearby village of Sharpe. Unfortunately, finding one person in the small locale is not as easy as it looks as Needy soon finds himself on the wrong side of some locals...

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 3 - Ain't No Place For Boy Whores
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. His search leads him to the notorious town of Tamsborough, hoping to find former companion Samaire Huizhong who may hold the key to discovering Frankie’s whereabouts...

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 2 - The Other Woman
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. His search leads him to the notorious town of Tamsborough, hoping to find former companion Samaire Huizhong who may hold the key to discovering Frankie’s whereabouts...
(This chapter was originally meant to be posted last week, but chapter 3 will be posted tomorrow as planned)

Needy's Destiny II: Chapter 1 - Passengers
Needy is a male companion working at the companion house at Kara, Londinium. When his beloved Frankie mysteriously disappears, Needy takes it upon himself to track her down. But in getting involved, he may be putting his own life in danger.

Needy's Destiny II: The Legend of Fox Cipher - PROLOGUE
The much-delayed follow-up to "Needy's Destiny" sees the young male companion beginning his journey to find himself. But first, he has to find Frankie, the love of his life that disappeared mysteriously three months ago.

Needy's Destiny - Chapter 8: Home
The "final" chapter wrapping up the current story-arc (but more is on the way later).
Recap: Needy is a male companion working at Crescendo, the companion house at Kara, Londinium. He came from a humble background, but against his family's wishes, left home and began his training to be a male companion.
Deep down he is in love with his friend and former mentor, Frankie, but he is unsure if she feels the same way.
Recent events have seen Needy in way over his head. A fellow companion was violently attacked by a young man and Needy joined his peer Kal and the menacing security guard Cutter in tracking down the criminal.
After a violent confrontation, Cutter killed the man responsible before leaving the scene to embark on his own personal vendetta.
Both Needy, who is suffering with a broken ankle, and Kal are left behind to face the music alone.