Monday, January 17, 2005

Serenity has fallen on hard-ish times.


Hi all...this is my very first attempt at fanfic and I only started watching "Firefly" last week on it and was immediately inspired. Again, this is my first time. Please be gentle. Any constructive critism is welcome. Note the word contstructive. My frail little ego can't take meanies today. :)


It was quiet on Serenity. It had been two months since the crew's last job. Captain Malcolm Reynolds lay awake in his bunk, his mind racing at an impossible pace. They needed to eat. They soon needed to buy fuel. He couldn't bear one more day of seeing the faces of the crew, looking to him for guidance, for leadership. " It'll be ok, Cap'n. Somethin' will turn up", Kaylee seemed to say every morning. But it wasn't ok. Something had to be done.

************* "Hi". Mal let out a less-than manly gasp, startled by the voice in the dim of the ship's kitchen. He composed himself when he realized the voice was a familiar one. He cleared his throat. "What're you doin' up 'Nara?" "I couldn't sleep. Thought I'd have a drink. I'd decided on tea and then I found myself on my way here for something a bit stronger." The companion moved into a small sliver of light, a cup of red wine in her hand. "I left a couple of credits next to the jug. I know how luxuries are scarce around here lately." Mal gave a tiny wince, pride immediately kicking in. "Don't need to do that. You're here like everybody else. Pour me one an' we'll call it even". Inara gave a small smile, happy to have someone to talk share a drink with. She padded barefoot to get another cup, effortlessly moving between the shadows. As Mal's eyes adjusted, he could make out her robed figure navigating the room. Gracefull. Beautiful. Smells good. "I'm afraid it's turned a little." She handed him the cup and his fingers brushed hers. They both glanced at each other, aware of the contact, then quickly looked away. Mal took a gulp and made a face. "Tastes like malt vinegar." He took another swig. "Good though". Inara laughed. "Quite a fine palate you have Mal. Anything goes, huh?" "Lately, that's about the size of it." They stood in silence for a moment, the quiet hum of Serenity around them. Inara was the first to speek. "Mal, I've been thinking". "You too huh. Seems it's catchin'." "It's been 2 weeks since we touched down on Persephone." Mal nodded. "You're gonna' say it's been two weeks since your last client. I know 'Nara. Wash set a course for Olivia. Should be there in a couple days. I'm sure there'll be", he paused, "work for you there". He seemed to slightly spit the word out, as if it tasted worse than the wine. Inara pretended not to notice his distaste. She didn't feel like having an argument. "Actually no, that wasn't what I was going to say, although I will check the Cortex for possibilities on Olivia." An ever-so -slight roll of the Captain's eyes. Again, she ignored it. "Mal, I know things have been difficult lately. Kaylee told me the fuel reserve is dwindling." "Just a bump in the road is all. We'll do fine". Possibly the most unconvincing he's ever been. " I want to help. I can pay you advance rent on the shuttle. Say, two or three mon-" "No." "Mal-" "No!" He realized he was shouting now. He pursed his lips and took a breath. "I ain't takin' your hand-outs." "It wouldn't be a hand out! At best it's a loan...a simple advance. The money is yours's your shuttle." "Not gonna' happen 'Nara. What's yours is yours. You earned it with that honest work you do." She was not going to ignore this one. "Why do you always do that?! I'm trying to be kind-" "Don't need your kindness. Just your rent...WHEN IT'S DUE and not before that." "Mal, stop being so gorram hard-headed! Soon you won't even be able to feed the crew, let alone keep Serenity in the sky. You've got to swallow that impossible pride of yours and accept some help even though you may not want to - WHAT?!?" Mal was laughing at her. "Don't think I've ever heard you curse in English before Ambassador...looks good on 'ya". Inara let out an exasperated gasp. Through gritted teeth, she said, "Stop calling me that." "Oh, my apologies...your Highness". Her eyes narrowed. "You're no Han Solo". He looked confused and shook it off. "Look, we got a bit of cargo left from Ariel. When we land on Olivia it should trade us enough fuel to get us to Whitefall." "Whitefall?! You're not seriously going to deal with Patience again?" "Shot her horse is all. Sure she's got more." "And you shot most of her men." "Sure she's got more o' them too. Ever notice how henchmen always seem to self-multiply. Why is that, ya think?" "Stop trying to change the subject. You're in serious trouble Mal. You've got a crew to think about." He was really getting angry now. "Don't you tell me about my crew, woman." His eyes shot daggers at her. She was undeterred. "Take my offer. No one needs to know." Mal threw his cup of wine onto the table. "I'll know".

*********** "And I'll know too. We'll both know. Yay for us, both knowing things!" Zoe was not impressed. "I will not turn on the Captain." Wash held up his hands. "Whoa whoa whoa...that is not what I'm suggesting here". "Sure as hell sounds like it." "Zoe, a little moonlighting is not mutiny. Cynd is a friend of mine. She needs a pilot and we need the money. It'll take 2 days, tops." Zoe's eyes narrowed. "And just what to you plan to tell Mal?" Wash stood up from his pilot's chair, excited to hatch his plan."When we get to Olivia we simply say we need a couple of days husband-y and wife-y." He was getting closer to her. "Even cold old Mal can't deny us our biblical rights." He was playfully pressing himself against her. She was having none of it. "Why do you need me to go with you?" "Baby, I always need you," he sing-songed, then made a self-depricating face. "And plus, you've got more muscles than me. Cynd said the cargo was heavy". She placed her hand on his chest and easily pushed him away as if he were just an annoyance, which at the moment, he was. "Don't wanna do it. Why can't you tell the Captain about it? Sure as hell we all need a job". "Cynd isn't so trusting of everyone. She knows me and is only comfortable dealing with me." He paused for effect. "We go way back". "Oh really... never heard you mention her before. Where'd you say you met her?" Wash looked at his shoes, a bit embarrassed. "We a show together." Zoe stifled a laugh. "Puppetry?" He nodded. "No one could tell a story like Cynd. Sub-text, foreshadow...all with a piece of felt tied to a stick. She was a master", he hushed dramatically. Zoe rolled her eyes. "I think it's worth you havin' a chat with this Cynd-person. See if she'll bend at all and meet with the Cap'n." Zoe put a hand on her husband's shoulder and softened her voice. "We ALL need the work." Wash gave an eventual "you're always right" sigh and nodded.


Book looked up from his daily scripture reading and made a face. It was often difficult to read peacefully lately. The crew were antsy. Picking at each other when they should be banding together. "I saw you take from my stash!", Kaylee shouted. "You're crazy woman", Jayne innocently gruffed. He looked to River. "No offense, nut-bucket". "None taken, flacid one." River was uncommonly coherant that day. "I'll show ya flacid", he said, quickly standing up from the kitchen table, his playing cards flying everywhere. About to tug at his zipper, he stopped. "I mean...I'll show ya... not-flacid." Kaylee and River both laughed at him, and even Book smiled. "Stupid game anyways. I'm goin' to work out. Ya comin' Shepherd?" "I think I'll take a pass. I'm reading one of my favorite stories. The tower of Babel. Did you know the Sumer were the original..." Jayne had already left. Book gave a small smile. "It's a good read is all." Kaylee gave him a sweet grin and turned her attentions to Simon who had just walked in. Her heart gave a flutter. It always did when she saw him in the mornings. Every day since he and River had joined them on Serenity she would wake up and his would be the first face she would see in her head. It was both comforting and bothersome. Would he ever really notice her? Not the kind of noticing he showed her every day...the "Hi Kaylee"s and the "could you please remove your alternator from my operating table" kind of stuff. She longed for the kind of noticing Mal gives to Inara. She sighed. "Playing a game of Tall Card, I see. Is my sister beating you as badly as always Kaylee?" Simon lovingly brushed a strand of hair from River's eyes. Kaylee smiled. "I think she's goin' easy on me. You hungry Simon? Shepherd made omlettes." The young doctor gave a surprised look. "Omlettes? With what?" Book looked up. "Canned Lassa eggs. Quite horrible", the Shepherd said cheerfully. Simon grimaced. "I think I'll just have the usual." He went to the cupboard and opened it. "Let's see, will it be green or brown protein today". Truth was, there was very little of either in stock.


"We're close enough to get visual contact. I'm hailing Cynd." Wash dusted off the camera on the ship's control panel and waited for a response. He hoped this would go well. When he had told Mal of the possibility of a job, the Captain was immediately interested. Ever since their latest run-in with the Alliance, Serenity and her crew seemed to be all but black-listed by even the most unseemly of criminals. No one wanted to take the chance of being busted...Serenity was just too hot to deal with lately. Mal had hoped this Cynd woman wouldn't be gun-shy. Mal positioned himself over Wash's shoulder, eager to meet the new contact. "Well Hobie Washburn...never thought I'd set eyes on you again. I'm assuming you've decided to take my offer." Mal exchanged looks with Zoe who had just entered the bridge. "Hobie?" Mal asked through a smirk. He'd never heard anyone use Wash's real name like this. Wash tried to extinguish the small fire in his cheeks. "How're ya' doin' Cynd? It's been a long time. You look well." Boy did she ever. Even through the poor reception on the video feed, she was lovely. Cool, blonde Cynd. Her appearance didn't go lost on Zoe. "We only have so much time HUSBAND. Ask her to talk to Mal." "Uh, Cynd, about that offer. I think the last time I contacted you I may have mentioned our Captain, Malcolm Reynolds. He's the best Captain in the sky", Wash lied, "and you would be in the best possible hands." Cynd went silent for a minute, an unreadable expression on her face. "That wasn't the deal I proposed, Hoban. You know how I feel about new folk." "You hire Serenity, you hire me. One in the same", Mal said matter-of-factly, pushing himself in front of the camera. Cynd stared at him, her expression unchanged. "I don't know you", was all she said. "And I don't know you. Quite a predicament. Seems we're on even ground. Good place to start." "What's your price?' "What're we haulin'" "My, you cut right to the chase Captain Reynolds." "Never was much for beatin' bushes." The woman smiled. "I'll send co-ordinates for a meeting on Olivia. Something tells me we should do this deal face to face."


Monday, January 17, 2005 2:17 PM


Hmm, Hoban? Look forward to seeing what happens when they meet face to face. I wonder just how well Wash knew Cynd. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, January 18, 2005 9:40 AM


Great dialog you've got going here. Like Ali said, I too am curious as to exactly how well Wash and Cynd knew each other...more!

- Soul -

Sunday, January 23, 2005 9:10 AM


I like it very much, and hope more is forthcoming. LOVED the scene transition between Inara/Mal and Zoe/Wash! That was worthy of Joss his ownself! May I be allowed a tiny suggestion?
>assumes he hears a "sure!"<

Watch out for repetitive words, like "impossible" in the above. Twice in one short piece is at least once too often. I'd get rid of the "impossible pace" Mal's mind's movin' at and make it "faster and faster" or somesuch.

Shiny entry!

Sunday, January 23, 2005 3:27 PM


Oops...just realized I wasn't loggedin when I responded with the above was me!

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 10:45 AM


Wow considering you've only just gotten into firefly you capture the characters incredibly well.

I really enjoyed this thanks.

Friday, January 28, 2005 8:40 PM


This was good. I'm dying to read more.


Oh . . . snaps for the old school star wars shout out. Mal and Inara's sexual tension is reminisent of Han and Leigha (sp?) sans the ewoks which is always a bonus.


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Serenity has fallen on hard-ish times.