A little fall of rain
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

River Tam makes a choice.


Disclaimer - Look, we can't all be Joss Whedon. I tried, didn't work out. So some of us are content to steal his characters and stuff. That would be me. Sorry.


River Tam stood silent, letting the water cascade over her. It was icy cold and made her skin tingle. Millions of molecules running down her body, racing to reach her toes. She cocked her head to the left and closed her eyes. She slowed her breathing and listened to the regular thump of her beating heart, that regular beat that gave her life day after day. She concentrated harder.She could sense Simon from his hiding place in the scrub. Fear emanated from him, his heart beat was quick and irregular. She frowned. He was thinking, planning. She couldn't let that happen. She sharpened her senses again. The others were running, yelling, ducking, breaking, panting, reaching, reaching, almost reaching. Her eyes snapped open. If she left it much longer it would be too late. Her toes tingled with excitement. She smiled. This was power, this was freedom. This was why she had become whatever it was she had become. Her arms, erect in the air, started to fall. She let them drop, let her pulse race. Blood rushed to her fingertips, water dripped off them. "River, no!" she heard Simon yell out. The terror in his voice washed over her and for a moment she faltered, she doubted. But the moment passed. This was her choice. Her whole world depended on her. Only she had the power to help, to save them. The smile reformed on her lips. The weapon clicked and whirred. Thrill ran through her like a shot of electricity. Her eyes narrowed. The crew got nearer. Simon readied to pounce...

And she ran towards the soldier, gathering speed and courage through the mud. He feared for his life. He did not stop firing until he was sure her's had left. River Tam lay flat, her life ebbing away, as the rain washed away the blood. She could not feel it anymore, the droplets bouncing off her still body. And yet, she knew they were there. And she wasn't afraid. The rain would wash away the past. And her family were safe. She died in peace.


Wednesday, June 15, 2005 10:18 PM


oh risc.......ever so sad. i'm glad that river died in peace though, saving her family and all. another story soon please!!!!!!

No Power In The Verse

Thursday, June 16, 2005 12:40 PM


I can't believe you killed River! And no good blaming the gorram Alliance, maybe their gun but your bullets. So very sad but well written. Sob. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 10:18 AM


wah, jah, kah, dah, yah, bah. I don't know what happened what will happened why did you do this to me? Oh yeah and great story keep it up.

Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:42 AM

BELLONA is the stuff of...oh...i think i may finally be speechless

Friday, October 28, 2005 11:35 AM


Ahh... Les Mis and Firefly. That's the stuff.

Thursday, April 27, 2006 4:31 PM


wow. I dunno that I was expecting that. Very well written though. You should do a follow up. Oh, and yer nothin' like Joss. He only kills of his kick-ass lead woman if he has plans of resurrecting her. ;)


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A little fall of rain
River Tam makes a choice.