The Pleasuring of Kaylee
Sunday, November 13, 2005

More Jaylee. Kaylee prepares to see what last night's mamboing means to her and Jayne today.


This will read like a sequel to The Measure of a Jayne, Part 5. You can find that easily if you click on the ItsaWash profile (in light yellow just below the fic title above). Look to the right when you get to the profile.

This is my second fanfiction foray and I’m mightily in need of feedback. If you like it or you don’t I’d be grateful for a few words. Just push the button at the end of the fic and speak to me. It’s easy and you’d be amazed at how helpful it will be.

The Pleasuring of Kaylee, Part 1

The morning after.

Kaylee woke up and streeeetcheddd herself out in luxurious cat-like motions, a smile on her face and sleep dust in the corners of her eyes. She rubbed at the crusties, stretched again and felt a small sort of pleasurable twisting ache twixt her nethers.

“Jayne,” she said in a tone he would have surely loved to hear. ‘Probably will, too’, she thought as the smile grew bigger and her lashes lowered. He’d measured up to her fantasies right fine last night, and, if their love play and coy talk before, during and after was any indicator, he’d hear a dang sight more than his name purring from her throat when he finally gained full healing and recovered strength to do the ridin’ ‘stead of bein’ the rid-ee.

Anybody looking in on Kaylee’s open honest face during these thoughts would see a secret look of recently pleasured woman, a hint of embarrassment mixed with joy, dimple deepening along with the rosy flush at her cheekbones.

After running a friendly hand down to stroke the curls at her thighs’ juncture, she checked her chron and realized it was time to rise, gauging that her internal alarm clock had left her time for a shower before breakfast.

The lithesome woman whipped back the sheet, only covering she ever needed during sleep, and stepped naked from the bed, feeling the pull and tug of muscles she wasn’t all that used to employing that nevertheless had gotten a pretty good workout last night.

As she strode toward the shower, she used her left foot and toes to pluck up the clothes on the cabin floor where she’d shot them after leaving Jayne’s bunk. Strong leg bent at the knee next, toes surrendering to her hand each item of clothing one at a time so she could drop them in a wicker hamper for later laundering.

Kaylee hit the shower’s hot/cold settings to get the temp right, a little hotter than her usual selection, so as to spread tightness out, get limbered and loosened for the rigors of the coming day. And maybe night, if things worked out right. ‘Haveta see how Jayne’s faring, hope he ain’t worn out,’ she had questions to ask his body such that last night hadn’t even begun to answer sufficient-like.

Tossing her head downwards and bending at the waist, Kaylee smoothed her hair into a topknot, twisted once and pinned in place with a chopstick, a lovely and effective maneuver she’d copied from ‘Nara. Hair safely ensconced, companion-style, Kaylee stepped into the shower, mindful that it wasn’t thrifty to let water run wasted down the drain. Not at the price of it and the price they’d all pay if they ever ran out.

As she let the flow wash over her neck and shoulders and wetted, soaped a cloth, Kaylee thought about the day portion of her plans. Serenity was due for a tune-up, and the few days ‘tween now and their next set-down planetside made for prime fixer-upper time. She kept the ship in great shape even when things got hot and busy, but a surplus of time for unlimited care and maintenance like this was ideal.

Brow slightly furrowed as she catalogued the stuff needed for the care and feeding of the big ship’s heart, Kaylee quickly soaped her face and neck, then raised up and rinsed her eyes afore they had a chance to burn.

She used the sudsy cloth to cup and cleanse her breasts, all thoughts of maintaining the welfare of her metal and wire girl fleeing, replaced by body-memory of her man. She rubbed smoothly over and under each mound, pausing to cup them, thinking on Jayne’s holding them just that way while she was astride him last night. Yesu, but he did that right. Just as if he'd owned a pair all his life making him know how a woman wanted, needed them to be held.

She thought that she’d like to handle a man’s balls that way, fondle them with the right measure of heft and movement, like as to how he’d handle them himself. She’d been sultry witness to enough men at their self-pleasuring while she did likewise to know already, but wondered if seeing was enough. Could be this point required some askin’ and answerin’ next time she spent some quality horizontal time with her big swai lover.

Jayne-thinking continuing, Kaylee squeezed out a bit of soap onto her palm and washed up the her and Jayne from between her legs. She used her fingers to lightly probe the folds and furrows echoing the feelings brought by the man who’d been there, had eased himself inside her there, from her body's portal to womb’s own, so well, so good. Oh so good. Wuo de ma, good didn’t even begin to touch it.

The hard deep ebb and flow of him, the meeting and pulling back of their bodies, her on top, then side-by-side with him slamming her skittering demanding hauling him in hard and still for her little death. He’d obeyed her in the requested stillness, bless him. She liked that in a man. But when he knew her need for quiet was over, lord almighty, he had bulled through and taken the last of his pleasure in the sure knowing sheathing-and-un that’d near set her off again. What a man, what a night.

Liking the taut readiness her hand, the hot water and heated Jayne thoughts brought to her lower body, Kaylee cocked up one leg to wash away the last of the soap and concentrate the spray where she needed it most. Coming to completion in the shower wasn’t on her agenda this morning though so she clamped down on the thrill ride and switched off the jets. A stepping onto the mat and a quick toweling and she was ready to get dressed for the day.

A new day. A new woman with new feelings, unsure of which area of the ship she ought to get to first: her Man's cabin or her Engines. The shower with her hands and fingers standing in for the invisible man’d left herself with a pleasant tumescent set of nethers, was the reason for her temporary inability to keep her mind on business. She knew that a day begun that way tended to be a deposit into her body’s account.

A deposit that’d pay off big later that night when she got down to it, whether she had a man to walk up to the counter with her or if she just did it herself.

Was Jayne her man? This was the second time she’d thought of him so. The promises for more they’d made to each other last night seemed to say so, neh? But after so long a dry spell, so long spent longing for Simon to notice her, and then finding the dividends of her recent Jayne-obsession, Kaylee’d never given a lot of thought to what would happen after the first horizontal mambo with a man on this ship. Gorramit, had it been a year or more since she'd had any? No wonder she didn’t know where to go from here. Out of practice. Never thought she’d see the day.

Could she feed this almighty craving for the ship’s biggest protector and could she do the work needed to keep the ship firing on all cylinders too? Did she want to? Hell, this might be a relationship she was contemplatin’ here. But projectin’ ideas too far into the future was no gorram good to anybody. It was just getting ahead of things. Wasn’t of any use ‘cept to make her of no use either to Serenity or to her level-headed half of the romantic equation that appeared to be forming up.

Kaylee put on a plain cotton bra and a green ribbed tank top that stopped at her belly button. Reached for a pair of green panties, but stopped and smirked, remembering Jayne’s “Don’t wear no panties when you come see me tomorrow.” Ever obedient when compliance would benefit not just the requester but herself as well, she patted her own bare rump and wiggled into a pair of coveralls up to her waist. Loosely tying the arms of the uniform to hang on her hips and dangle at the backs of her thighs completed the outfit.

Catching a quick glimpse of her face and hair in the mirror while she pushed her feet into flip-flops, Kaylee decided to leave the honey-brown mass up, chopstick and all. ‘Nara had hinted one time that her hair looked good up. She’d see if Jayne thought so too.

End Part 1. More to come, but help me along, will you? Leave feedback. It’s jet fuel to aid in the creation process.

wuo de ma: mother of god yesu: jesus neh?: yeah?, yes or right, usually a question gorramit: god damnit or gosh darn it gorram: god damn or gosh darn


Monday, November 14, 2005 2:26 AM


Great to see what happened after the night before. Keep writing I am really enjoying your stuff

Monday, November 14, 2005 3:48 AM


Ack, Anon is me above (stoopid logout).

Monday, November 14, 2005 4:41 AM


Anon or not, you are always and anon a sure bet for fun feedback, Jacqui. Thank you for it.

Anybody who loves Jaylee better go see Jacqui's squee-worthy music vid on the subject: Link (a smaller file, should be easier to download):

Monday, November 14, 2005 4:42 AM


Shoot! Maybe that didn't work out right. Jacqui, please give them the correct link here in feedback, will ya?

Monday, November 14, 2005 4:57 AM


::jaws music:: Your stalker is back!

Yay! More jaylee fic from ItsAWash!

Yeash, that shower tease was enjoyable. I can't wait to see what happens when Jayne finds Kaylee with no panties.

You did a good job with the "morning after jtters" thoughts. Kaylee was obvioualy glowing, but not quite sure of where she stands too.

Can't wait for more!

Monday, November 14, 2005 4:59 AM



::eye roll::

Monday, November 14, 2005 6:56 AM


ok me again, told you I was a stalker.

I just read this again because it makes me so happy and can't believe I missed this the first time

"she had questions to ask his body such that last night hadn’t even begun to answer sufficient-like."

That's a GREAT line!

Monday, November 14, 2005 6:59 AM


*does dance of joy* yay!!! don't usually get to see the morning after...but we did an' it was goooooooood...


Tuesday, November 15, 2005 11:18 AM


Want more!
errr... I mean, very lovely! Tastily done. And ya, I can understand Kaylee's wee bit of confusion. Is Jayne her man? He don't seem the type to say so outright.
You gotta get him healed up right quick so we can ask! :D

Monday, November 28, 2005 7:30 PM


>>>A new day. A new woman with new feelings, unsure of which area of the ship she ought to get to first: her Man's cabin or her Engines.>>>

>>>Was Jayne her man? This was the second time she’d thought of him so.>>>

I think those above questions were the defintite underlying theme in this installment and you really brought it on home, Wash, as always.

I think from after the last series you did, this is the right transition for the storyline to go, a little softer, a little more reflective, just like real life when we go, "Holy sh*t!!! What did I just do???"

>>>she had questions to ask his body such that last night hadn’t even begun to answer sufficient-like.>>>

>>>lightly probe the folds and furrows echoing the feelings brought by the man who’d been there, had eased himself inside her there, from her body's portal to womb’s own, so well, so good. Oh so good. Wuo de ma, good didn’t even begin to touch it.>>>

Your word choice never fails to amaze! You have a tendency to take everyday situations and just spin an out of this world decription on them! Wow!!

Awesome Wash, just totally awesome!

"Pretty cunning, don't cha' think?"

Monday, November 28, 2005 7:40 PM


oh, the whole, "no wearing any panties" bit did a number on me...

*NipNip fans self with the nearest book, trying not to kick them nasty thoughts going through her mind*

Wednesday, December 7, 2005 10:12 PM


great work Wash a great begining to an awsome looking story looking forward to reading the rest


Thursday, April 27, 2006 5:52 AM


Good again with the writing, especially the descriptive bits. Kaylee really gets me going, even if she is with Jayne in your stories.

Monday, August 21, 2006 5:37 PM


The awesome thing about having been turned on to you at the late date I was, is that I've got lots of Washie library to read, hence the late, late date of me reading this. So glad I was, and did. Cause I gots lots more of you to read, and will do so, pipe in mouth, warm smoke encircling the scene, and wonderful, marvelous words to sink in.

the fic......

Strong leg bent at the knee next, toes surrendering to her hand each item of clothing one at a time so she could drop them in a wicker hamper for later laundering. *As you usually do washie, you put the reader IN the room with our girl, guy, or whoever, and make it work, I can see this, kaylee would have strong abilities with all of her extremities and this captures it, awesome scene.

Not at the price of it and the price they’d all pay if they ever ran out. *few had dabbled in the fact that the crew of Serenity was always eeking out their existance and you did it marvelous here.

A new day. A new woman with new feelings, unsure of which area of the ship she ought to get to first: her Man's cabin or her Engines. *yep, that'd be it, but I think our mechanic, would probably fall to the engines, although, she'd be thinkin' of Jayne's "measure" all the time.

remembering Jayne’s “Don’t wear no panties when you come see me tomorrow.” *totally our man, way with words to a woman.....NOT, but...shall I say.."Point of fact" maybe?

Relighting pipe...on to part 2.


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Kaylee Bent Over Jayne's Lap (Part 2 of Fanfic Challenge)
Well, it's like this: There was this Flan B fanfic challenge, I answered it, and a lovely shiny reviewer requested a sequel. Here goes.

Simon Bent Kaylee Over (Flan B fanfic challenge)
At Flan B in California, BigBadJayne wrote four words on a scrap of paper. He gave the words as a fanfic challenge to 5 browncoat writers at the table where we sat. 2 Jaylee and 3 Silee writers were invited to scribble away at a ficlet that followed those words. Leiasky has done hers. Kaynara too. This is my contribution. Hope it works okay for those who read. Let me know what you think and I'll be thankful for whatever you say, approving or not.

The Pleasuring of Kaylee, all in one link
Sex. Jayne and Kaylee. If'n you ain't likin' reading sex involving those two, don't read. If you want to give it a try, please do and comment, if you will. Thanks for looking.

The Way Of Jayne - Part 11
Sexifying, young Jayne and Maeve, the older guild-trained woman who taught him love arts. This part brings him back home and then to her waiting arms for one of their last sessions together. This thing is winding down to an ending, Gentle Readers. Please leave me feedback so's I can know how y'all feel about it. I'm obliged to you all.

A Little Love on the Prairie
Sex, gorramit. Tab A into Slot B. One chapter only, no sequel. You no likee, no read, okies? Kaylee and Simon in a wheat field, against a tree, on the ground. Yeah, I did it, but I'm still faithful to Jayne, I swear!

The Way of Jayne, Part 10
A young Jayne Cobb leaves his lady love sated, asleep in bed as he goes to find his employer dead at Niska's hands. This one's got references to torture and death and a little sexing, though not as much as you'll see in the next part. Don't read this if you can't deal with the badness and blood, okay?



The Way of Jayne, Part 9
This one is more horror than romance, Kids, although there's a bit o' Jayne/Maeve at the sexin' again,'s what they DO, darlin'. Warnings here include torture and death, though not of any characters you care much about. I'm serious, now. If blood and gore and pain and bound-up torture ain't for you, please do not read this part. Thankee sai, and may your journey to the clearing in the path be a good one.

The Way of Jayne, Part 8
NC-17, Jayne and Maeve, his first lover, the morning after first-sex. This ain't for the kiddies, nor for those who think god didn't make words for folks like me to use describing what goes where. No fair saying you were not warned, my darlings. Feedback? HELL, yeah. Give it to me, Baby. You don't even have to leave your name. I'll take you anonymously, and gladly. Thanks for reading.