Serenity DVD Art v1.0
Thursday, December 22, 2005

Finished it today after I had the real packaging to get content from. Used art from the book "Serenity: The Official Visual Companion" by Joss. I added all the actors to the legend on the back, didn't bother with all the legal and extra logos and such. I took liberty with the movie description - I borrowed from a post in September, some posters that were designed to generate interest at a high school? I wish I could find the post. Very good writing! My apologies in advance for the plagiarism. Oh wait, this is all plagiarism. Hmm. OK. Lemme know watchathink.



Thursday, December 22, 2005 4:16 PM


This is the one. You win!
Truly excellent work. I'm going to get this printed up and use it. Been waiting for the *perfect* fan-made DVD cover.

IMO what you've done is as good as it gets. Thank You!!

Thursday, December 22, 2005 4:44 PM


sorry, that last comment was by me, not anonymous...great job again!

Thursday, December 22, 2005 4:50 PM


Wow! Thank you calvinandhobbes and stdoubt. I'm honoured you would use it! You have really made my day. Please let me know if you see any typos or anything that needs re-arranging, OK? I proofed it, but I had to take off my glasses for that there darn tiny type.

Thursday, December 22, 2005 5:04 PM


FOUND IT! Here's the original post with the cool copy I stole. Thank you AINTWEJUST!

Friday, December 23, 2005 11:05 AM


i'm in love all over again...*sigh* captain...



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A Funny from Flan B
Or the Browncoats Backup Bash. Chronicles a conversation we had at La Cantina Saturday night, early, when there was still places to sit down. Thanks to the two Sean's for the laughs! -Hera

Firefly Trailer Contest Trophies Took a photo of the set before I mailed them to the winners. Anyone else thinking up other uses for the Serenity ornament? Lots of possibilities... ~Hera

Firefly Quotes in Real Life
Tried my hand using this comic strip generator to capture a humorous conversation I had yesterday. Feel free to do your own!

Firefly Official Companion Volume 1 & 2
Don't remember seeing Vol 2 before. Volume 1 is set to release in the UK July 21st 2006, September 30th for the U.S. Vol 2 only has a listed UK release date of March 23, 2007.

These dates have been added to the Fireflyfans Calendar:

Free BDM Publicity in Magazine Article
Pretty shiny! Serenity is on the short list (of 3 movies) of Universal's HD-DVD releases, so she made the photoshoot. Shiny!

Serenity DVD Art v2.0
Got some feedback from folks (thank you for the insights Causal! I look forward to seeing your post with your art shortly . . . ), so here's version 2.0

I rewrote some of the copy based on suggestions, and tweeked the size of the layout so that it would fit better in the DVD sleeve. I also moved "The Future" line to the front to add more story to the back (also, the front seemed kinda bare).

Let me know what you think or if you see anything amiss.

OK, I'm off to be exiled on my dial-up home computer . . .

Merry Christmas everyone.


Serenity DVD Art v1.0
Finished it today after I had the real packaging to get content from. Used art from the book "Serenity: The Official Visual Companion" by Joss. I added all the actors to the legend on the back, didn't bother with all the legal and extra logos and such. I took liberty with the movie description - I borrowed from a post in September, some posters that were designed to generate interest at a high school? I wish I could find the post. Very good writing! My apologies in advance for the plagiarism. Oh wait, this is all plagiarism. Hmm. OK. Lemme know watchathink.