Yet ANOTHER DVD Cover...
Friday, December 23, 2005

Well, here's my attempt at doing a cover for my DVD. I just couldn't stand the thought of our BDM sitting on my shelf with that monstrous Universal cover on it. I'm deeply indebted to Hera; her (her? I think...) design provided all the basic colors and framework, not to mention the shiny scan of river from the visual companion. I just fussed around with the back cover and the spine a bit until I got something I was happy with. Please let me know if you spot any typos or anything like that. Sorry this isn't as fancy as some; I'm limited to MS Paint!



Friday, December 23, 2005 5:47 PM


Hey there Causal, I like your prose! Also, your photo choices are excellent. What is the serenity-esque font that's at the top of the back? I've tried to locate something similar, but have had no luck.

Good work! Now we can have our real [i/] shiny (instead of fake [i/] shiny like that foil stuff embedded in the paper) BDM DVDs and actually look at them without (ouch.ugh.ouch.) flinching.

Rock on!


Friday, December 23, 2005 5:47 PM


Hey there Causal, I like your prose! Also, your photo choices are excellent. What is the serenity-esque font that's at the top of the back? I've tried to locate something similar, but have had no luck.

Good work! Now we can have our real shiny (instead of fake shiny like that foil stuff embedded in the paper) BDM DVDs and actually look at them without (ouch.ugh.ouch.) flinching.

Rock on!


Saturday, December 24, 2005 7:52 AM


where's the top left pic of mal from? it looks familiar, but being dense as i am, i just can't remember where i've seen it...


Saturday, December 24, 2005 8:28 AM


Oh yeah, "Anon" is me...


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Now THAT'S a beautiful sight...
I can't tell you how happy this makes me. First I saw the DVDs go up, then the movie rumors, then another thing and another thing, and another. Keeps that little flame of hope alive a little longer.

DVD Cover
Well, we haven't had one of these for a while. I thought you fine folks might like a peek at the final version of my DVD cover.

Shiny birthday cake! (or: "My wife loves me")
Well, I definitely love my wife. Knowing my love for all things Firefly (and being a true Browncoat herself) she decided to go the the traditional birthday cake one better, and had the bakery create a custom cake top for me! (On a related, and amusing note, the supermarket checkout boy, having initially asked if the cake was for her "young son" was rendered completely speechless to learn that it was for her newly-30-year-old husband!)

Oh, yeah; that's good...
There's a word for this feeling...but I just can't put my finger on it...

Oh yeah! Satisfaction.

I'm in the DVD!
So I was watching "Re-Lighting the Firefly" from the special features, reliving the glory days of Comic Con San Diego '04 (and doing a lot of remembering the struggle between cancelation and movie announcement). So I was watching the part where they talk about the reception at Comic Con and how huge the reaction was--I remember the overwhelming feeling of being in the room with 5,000 screaming Browncoats--wow! So I'm watching the shots of the crowd, and look! It's me and the wife! Almost makes me feel better about being the first people cut from the autograph line...

Yet ANOTHER DVD Cover...
Well, here's my attempt at doing a cover for my DVD. I just couldn't stand the thought of our BDM sitting on my shelf with that monstrous Universal cover on it. I'm deeply indebted to Hera; her (her? I think...) design provided all the basic colors and framework, not to mention the shiny scan of river from the visual companion. I just fussed around with the back cover and the spine a bit until I got something I was happy with. Please let me know if you spot any typos or anything like that. Sorry this isn't as fancy as some; I'm limited to MS Paint!