11th's Hi-Res Alt DVD Cover Now Available
Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Okay just so's I won't be tweakin' into the next year on this thing, finally got to a point with my alt Serenity DVD cover where I can say it's fit fer downloadin'. There's a new Serenity ship (bigger, brighter, bolder, but still upside down), River's seen a lot of revising, and there's been some general cleaning and brightening of the background to avoid the "muddies" when it prints. (Dark, complex areas look cool onscreen, but can print like yuck on a lot of printers... hence the clean-up.) A link to the hi-res image file can be found on my Firefly/Serenity alt cover web page: Have fun! Yer Art Companion, 11th Hour



Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:16 AM


it is so very pretty!
And why did Universal leave off the Ebert/Roeper two thumbs up?! That means a lot to people here in the midWest

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:23 PM


embers, probably because a lot of people (like me) wouldnt have a clue what it means!

This is really really nice, I'll use it now and again.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 12:44 PM


'tis excellent, i'm gonna use it- one question, which im sure has been asked before now, what size to i print it off at/ how do i get it to that size? im a mite computerdumb :P

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:21 PM


embers ~
Serenity had a lot of wonderful reviews. I wish too that more had been included on the official cover. Seeing positive reviews can convince a newbie to buy. The reviews I selected were chosen for overall coverage and quality. Two from big newspapers - from the East Coast, another is West Coast, the third is from a nationally broadcast TV show.

CS ~
A lot of folks in the US are very familiar with Ebert & Roper. A "Thumbs up!" from them is like a nationally recognized stamp of approval!

Miramel ~
First you'll need to go to my web page that has a link to download a high resolution, print quality, version of this image:

This alt cover is the same exact size as the official cover, and the file is already set up for the right size. You will need a program that can handle larger image files and print them.

The full length of a DVD cover insert is 10.7", which is almost the entire lenght of a letter size page. Unless your printer can print right up to the edge (full bleed or nearly full bleed), letter size paper won't work... some of the image will get cut off.

If your printer can fit the complete length of the image on a letter size page, then use photo quality paper for the best result. Regular paper will not produce a good print. You'll need higher quality paper to bring out the color, clarity and detail.

You can buy paper that is specifically meant for printing DVDs. This can be found at Fry's, office supply stores, or online. DVD cover paper is ususally around 12 inches long to allow for white space at each end.

Hope the info helps!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 1:38 PM


Very nice!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 2:20 PM


Me Likes .... Me like Alot ... lol

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 4:59 PM


This is really good. My only complaint is that Zoe is absent from it -- she's on the original cover, the only thing to recommend it -- otherwise, this is much better: no pretend lasers being fired from Serenity's bridge, River not dolled up like a Companion, and lots of Mal.

Lots of Mal...I do love my Captain!

Did anybody else notice that they also screwed up Mal's handgun on the cover? (Commercial, not yours 11th hour) It looks like an image of Mal from the movie but with a different gun in hand. Weird.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005 10:04 PM


Awesomeness 11th

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 2:32 PM


stunning - I'm printing it tomorrow on the bosses awesome photo printer.

Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:33 PM


Been waiting for this with great anticipation. Thanks for all your work, including all the different versions of the guerilla marketing posters. We put them to good use in a number of places. Now if I can just convince my daughter that it's OK to take them down from our entryway wall...

Thursday, December 29, 2005 4:58 PM


Edison ~

Glad to have the cover ready for folks to use. Didn't anticipate such a grand response... but I ain't gonna complain. Anyway, all the shiny praise is great inducement to pour in the extra effort. I'm very happy that this art found such a great afterlife... so much better than just languishing unseen on my hard drive.

As to your entryway wall, I say get the guerilla marketing posters framed and turn the area into a hip, cool art gallery!

But that's just me... ;-)

11th Hour

Tuesday, January 3, 2006 12:09 PM


asked the question and then promptly forgot all about it. i'll do that, thanks!


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River Art Gallery Card ~ River Revealed
Now the full image for River's Art Gallery Card can be seen... 11th Hour

River Art Gallery Postcard ~ "She Feels Everything"
A cropped version of River's art gallery card, formatted in the aspect ratio of a large postcard. The full art image will be revealed progressively on my art gallery website over the next two days. 11th Hour Firefly Art Gallery Card website:

Guerilla Marketing Posters for the Aussie Browncoats!
The Australian release date for the Serenity DVD is fast approaching (Feb 8th), so to help assist our flans downunder with their guerilla marketing endeavors, I've updated 3 of my posters with the Oz release date... PLUS there's a BRAND NEW Zoe poster thrown in for good luck!
Please make use of the posters to help spread the good word about our shiny DVD ~
Thanks ever so... Yer Art Companion, 11th Hour

Serenity Alt DVD Cover hi-res ~ Llamafied!
Yes, there be llamas here... and the llamafication doesn't just stop at the critters pictures... heh... For anyone who'd like a hi-res, printable version of this cover, just go to my webpage and download away: Yer Art Companion, 11th Hour

11th's Hi-Res Alt DVD Cover Now Available
Okay just so's I won't be tweakin' into the next year on this thing, finally got to a point with my alt Serenity DVD cover where I can say it's fit fer downloadin'. There's a new Serenity ship (bigger, brighter, bolder, but still upside down), River's seen a lot of revising, and there's been some general cleaning and brightening of the background to avoid the "muddies" when it prints. (Dark, complex areas look cool onscreen, but can print like yuck on a lot of printers... hence the clean-up.) A link to the hi-res image file can be found on my Firefly/Serenity alt cover web page: Have fun! Yer Art Companion, 11th Hour

Dangle This!
Just posting a few more of the ornaments. Seems that some of the folks who responded asked if they were for sale. I posted my Cafe Press addy, but it was in the posts below the image. So.... here's the address right on top: Just look under the section "Merry Merry". Deck Them Halls! 11th Hour

Hanging Serenity Ornaments on
Thought that along with the spiffy colored lights adorning's home page, a few shiny Serenity/Firefly inspired ornaments would add to the fun. Merry Merry, 11th Hour

A Serenity Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Card
Wishing the forum a "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year", in Chinese! And for those who aren't into the whole Xmas thing... I can post a nifty "Joy, Prosperity" and "Happy New Year" card if ya like. And for those who aren't into joy, prosperity and happiness, well looks like I better make a card that says "Bah Humbug!" in Chinese... Yer Art Companion, 11th "Merry Merry" Hour

Serenity DVD Cover - Lamafied
There be llamas here... 11th

Serenity DVD Cover - Tweaked Again...
Was finally able to get back and put some more time into my alt Serenity DVD cover design. Thanks to everyone who posted so enthusiastically before on the previous versions... the whole point was to make a DVD cover we fans would really dig, and one that stood a good chance of attracting the potential new Serenity/Firefly fans... and all your great feedback was a good indication that the sought after effect was achieved. Took some comments into account, also researched what a genuine Universal DVD back looks like, so's I could make mine look all real and stuff. Well here she be... fresh, homemade Serenity DVD cover, hot off the hard drive... mmmmmm... Yer Art Companion, 11th Hour