Thursday's Child
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fourth line is: Thursday's child has far to go. It's Jayne thinking, well thoughts- just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!


Thursday's Child

Jayne frowned. He wasn't used ta feelin like this, all turned around- hell usually his biggest worry was the size of his cut- or whether Mal would screw the job royally and they'd have some hou dans on their asses he'd need to shoot. He noticed the feeling for the first time when they had ta leave Mal on Serenity coz the gorram ship had died in the water. The feeling gnawed his gut, he was worried that Mal would die, that Serenity wouldn't run again- he hadn't shown it, showin somethin like that's for lil Kaylee to do- not Jayne Cobb.

The feeling would chase him for a while then he'd shake it either by picking a fight with one o the crew, or exhausting himself on the weights, usually punishing the Sheperd too, old man just couldn't keep up some days. The feeling hit him hard after Miranda, he'd never had to bury anyone he liked before, though that's what gnawed at him- they weren't just crew, were they?

He had a long way ta go before he called 'em family, but they weren't just crew- he realised that when he realised he missed Wash's ugly mug teasing him, or the way that Book would always have answers for questions Jayne didn't know he had. Yeah there was a long way to go before he called them family, but they definitely weren't just crew.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:28 AM


Awwe!!! This is so shiny!! I loved them all, just too lazy to post on each one!! Keep 'um coming!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 4:49 AM


They aren't just crew, and he's finally realising it.

Looking forward to the next one.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 6:56 AM


Terrific concept for a brief character analysis of the crew!

I always loved this rhyme too. I'm interested in how you decided which trait to give each crewmember. I would have made some different choices if I were writing, but I find your choices make sense, too. I especially like this one. Introspective Jayne always gives me warm fuzzy thrills.

May I guess the rest of the Days?
I guess Simon will be Loving & Giving, Mal will Work Hard For a Living, and Kaylee, of course, will be Blythe & Bonnie & Good & Gay. That really does fit Kaylee's personality.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 12:41 PM


"... Book would always have answers for questions Jayne didn't know he had."

Great line, just love that...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 3:05 PM


these are good...what happens on the weekend

Tuesday, February 7, 2006 1:25 AM


i'm a thursday!!! the day all the best people were born *wink*



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Happy Birthday River!
Umm, I've been listening to Backstreet Boys, please don't hurt me!
Also I can almost hear preemptive voices in my head telling me about structure, well it was rushed and just a bit of fun

Sunday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the seventh line is: And the child born on the Sabbath day is bonny and blithe and full of gay- Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated.

Saturday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the sixth line is: Saturday's child works hard for a living- this is about Mal shown through three different view points. Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. It's got 2 parts set before BDM and one after!! To be honest I'm not so proud of this- comments are appareciated on how to fix it.

I know it's a little broken up but I can't help it, I just can't get this so I'm happy with it.

Friday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fifth line is: Friday's child is loving and giving- this is about Simon and his sacrifices- not just for River but what he does for the crew as well.
Just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated. Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!

To be honest I'm not so proud of this- comments are appareciated on how to fix it
and Kudos to whoever guessed my order, there's nothing like giving away the element of suprise.

Thursday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the fourth line is: Thursday's child has far to go. It's Jayne thinking, well thoughts- just read and Feedback like a chocolate-chip brownie is always appreciated.
Once again it's set post BDM- so if you haven't watched go and watch so that you can read my fic!!

Wednesday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the third line is: Wednesday's Child is full of Woe. It's River thinking of Zoe.

This is set post BDM- **major spoiler** if you haven't seen it well then WHY NOT??
Feedback always appreciated, please, please be nice- I really like this one.

Tuesday's Child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the second line is: Tuesday's child full of Grace. There are lots of ways I could have gone with this- it's set post BDM.

It's just to show us how far River has come and how much Simon appreciates his sister

Monday's child
Ok so I love that children's rhyme about the days of the week- the first line is: Monday's child fair of face.
There are lots of ways I could have gone with this but it's basically Mal talking about Inara, now I'm not sure about this part, it was the hardest one to write- so any feedback is hugely appreciated, I just don't think I write Mal particularly well.

Dreams and Strangers
Umm don't know what it's about yet really, if I give away the one thing I do know well then you'll guess eveything.

A Jayne Fic Part 7.1- A Captain Shouldn't Always Trust his Instincts
This is just a beginning, it all sounds tedious but I'm revealing something *big* I promise.