
Serenity: Sundown(7 page update)
Thursday, January 26, 2006

This is my fanfic script. Alright, seriously I've got to take a break after this to work on homework. I've gone back through earlier scenes and added the shiny's and the gorram's. I've put in some of the scenes that are meant to break up the story because they're needed for it to be fun to read the the ending I'm planning. I love seeing feedback. I'm glad people are reading and enjoying. Of course, I might read this and decide to change things but I like the outline right now.



Mal Happier but more distant. He hasn’t been happy the way he is now for a long time and it’s bothering him. He has a “family” but he’s not sure about the whole people depending on him thing. This is shown is the distance he’s begun to show the crew especially Inara. He hasn’t quite found that faith Book told him to get yet but he’s in a position where there’s the possibility for that.

Inara Almost fed up with Mal not talking to her but neither is really willing to give the ghost as it were. Distant from Mal and it shows.

Zoe Not a good time to mess with her, read on

Jayne Jayne is still Jayne if not a little bit better man after the events of Serenity

Kaylee As always bursting with optimism. Comfortable with Simon

Simon Comfortable with Kaylee. Not nearly as protective with River. Not nearly as much as an outsider

River Not so crazy anymore and more like her brother Look for this line somewhere in this when this thing is done, “The Tams seem to come in only two flavors, crazy and pompous, River’s a twist.”

Scene: We see an operative in a western looking setting We are looking at his distinctive boots as he walks along The camera comes up to see his face stern and yet solemn We switch to a wide shot and see about four or five thieves step out It is obvious they are there to rob him All of them have knives. The operative’s facial expression doesn’t change in the slightest As soon as one comes at him they are all dispatched in quick succession. The operative uses martial arts and the thieves weapons against them He also uses pressure points to suggest he’s an operative When its done he just begins walking again We see him from the side and when he is off frame we cut to…

Scene: We see our Captain Reynolds sweaty and more than a little uncalm walking quickly into the dormitory hallway of Serenity . The shot settles as the captain’s face is seen in full on the left half of the screen and Kaylee can be seen coming in behind him out of focus on the right. He looks back not really looking like he wants to ask the question he is about to.

Mal Gosa! She’s hot! Kaylee what temp she runnin?

Kaylee Too hot, captain!

Mal (Ordering)Get the doc down there to help you and make sure she’s taken care of.

Scene: Jayne enters from where Kaylee and the captain had come from

Jayne She’s about to gorram blow if you ask me. Leaking everywhere and making sounds I ain’t never imagined.

Mal (quickly)Shut up, Jayne! (yelling at the cockpit)Can you set a course and land somewhere River, preferably with all the help we’ll be need’n?

Scene: Cut to a close-up of River looking over her shoulder with a smile on her face

River Sure.

Mal Good crazy girl. I’ll be up there in just a sec. (Turns to Kaylee) Go. Now.

Scene: Cut to Kaylee entering Simon’s room. Simon is asleep with the blankets around him and in his pajamas.

Kaylee (worried and somewhat scared)Simon, Get up! We’re going to need your help!

Simon (sleepily)What?! Wait?! What’s going on?!

Kaylee (explaining and getting angry)She’s in pain I can hear her from here and you need to get your {ass} down there to help!

Simon (rationalizing and tired)Would you just hold on a second, Kaylee. We seem to be landing ok I’m sure whatever’s wrong with the ship can at least wait until I have my shirt and pants on. Can’t it?

Kaylee (explaining in the way one would about consequences to a third grader) Zoe’s water broke. She’s gone into contractions and we can’t figure out what painkillers to give her. She’s getting a tad irritable and to make matters worse we think she might be ill too.

Simon (surprised and somewhat horrified) Oh.

Scene: Cut to Zoe’s face in pain in the infirmary

Zoe AGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where in {the name of all that is good and holy} is that gorram {worthless} doctor??!!!!!!

Scene: Zoom out to see Inara at her side holding her hand and Zoe squeezes maybe too tightly as evidenced by Inara’s facial expression

Inara: I’m sure Kaylee’s getting him now. Just try to hold it together a little longer.

Zoe: I swear if he doesn’t get here right now I’ll use every one of Jayne’s toys to give the doctor holes to fix for the rest of his short tenure on this boat!

Scene: Camera moves to the door as Jayne enters and leans against one of the counters

Jayne Who said I was giving you anything. I’m fairly certain we already had a shower for the thing.

Inara *This line is showing some of the change that has happened in Inara because of the distance she is feeling between her and Mal. Even at this point though fans shouldn’t take too much issue with here insulting Jayne as she did in Out of Gas and Jaynestown* I don’t remember “you” getting her anything.

Scene: Jayne shrugs at this

Scene:camera moves to Inara’s eyes glazing over the to the entrance as Kaylee and Simon enter. Simon still in PJs

Simon Ok let’s see how this is going.

Scene: Simon takes a quick look between Zoe’s legs

Simon (nervously)Yep, you’ll be needing something for the pain

Zoe (Screaming)Really?!

Scene: Cut to Serenity entering the planet’s atmosphere We hear a sound of relief before it switches back to Zoe in the infirmary receiving her baby from Simon

Cut to close up of Simon

Simon Looks to be about ten pounds or so and as healthy as can be seen from what I have here….(deadpan pleading)Please don’t shoot me for not being here sooner.

Zoe I’ll consider it but don’t get your hopes up, doctor.

Simon Well the baby and mother seem to be fine. I think you should all just let them get a little peace and quiet right now. I’ll be right back by fear of your wrath but I need to put on some pants if we’re going to land somewhere to get your son checked out properly. If you need me any sooner just get me on the com

Zoe {Damn straight}

Kaylee (deflated)But I wanted her to tell us his name

As everyone else leaves Mal finally comes in to lean against the counter and talk to Zoe.

Zoe Oh captain, my captain…where in sam hill were you, sir?

Mal Oh just making sure we have a smooth landing and that uh we were headed to where we could get you checked out all proper like. (same tone as Simon previously)Please don’t shoot me for not being here sooner. (Army buddy teasing tone)So it looks like you and Wash made this little whiny magpie right around the time we got the truth out about the reavers. So when was that exactly?

Cut to a close up of Zoe giving Mal a somewhat incredulous look for being asked about her sex life

Mal (very nervous but in a funny way)I mean we were kind of busy back then and I guess so were….

Zoe Sir, are you sure you want to continue this line of questioning?

Mal You know what, you’re right. Let me just get out of here and give you some time alone here with your boy before we land.

Scene: Mal begins to walk out. He stops when Zoe begins to talk. He looks back over his shoulder at her

Zoe It was either right before we were goin through reaver territory or right before we thought we may get blown out of the sky by the alliance. We always liked to make sure we had no regrets before goin out to die unlike some people.

Scene: Mal begins to turn around

Mal (not angry but not really wanting to talk about what he knows this is about) Now wait just a gorram minute. What’s that supposed to mean?

Zoe (explaining)Sir, I’m in no mood to have this conversation-slash-argument right now. So let me just lay it out like this so I can spend some quality time with my son. (somewhat impatient)For nearly, as long as this here bundle of joy has been growing and kicking in my belly you and Inara haven’t said nearly a peep to each other in private. (Incredulous)Somewhere along the line you even stopped invading the privacy of her shuttle to call her a whore anymore.

Scene: Mal snickers slightly then deflates when Zoe says…

I would think that this odd silence should end now cause there ain’t no way your toungue tiedness is goin to last more than my pregnancy without me shooting you, sir. After all baggage you’re carryin around ain’t goin to be nearly as painful getting rid of.(ends with a smile)

Mal Well you know we’ve both been doing honest work and all since then and…

Zoe (Interrupting) Sir, I said we aren’t having this conversation.

Scene: Mal smiles, looks away and walks out. There is a pause. The view is still on the door as Jayne peeks his head around and looks in at Zoe. He walks in with his hands behind his back and then kneels beside Zoe. She just looks at him like “what”?

Jayne presents a small box with a ribbon wrapped around it(this isn’t an elegant gift, it looks like it was slapped together hurriedly but genuinely).

Jayne (Actual pleading)Please don’t shoot me for not getting this to you sooner.

Scene: Cut to the ship flying by fairly low.

Scene: cut to Mal walking into the cockpit

Mal Alright, River I’ll land us. You go take a look at Zoe’s baby like I know you been dying to since she went into labor.

River (gets up and salutes jokingly) Yes sir

Scene: River runs out like a crazy schoolgirl The ship’s com starts to go off. Mal turns it on and looks at the screen We see over his shoulder to a picture of what appears to be the local sheriff

Sheriff (whispering) We got your landing request for your medical needs. Are you Malcolm Reynolds?

Scene: Close up on Mal

Mal Uh that depends on whose asking lawman.

Scene: Cut to full screen view of the sheriff

Sheriff (kind of nervous now, but excited and ignoring Mal somewhat) And that’s Serenity you’re flying there, right? I’m a big fan of what you did. Getting the truth out about all that reaver nonsense and all. So I just thought I’d warn you that even though there ain’t no official warrant or the such out for you right now there are people around here who might make you and your crew disappear if they find out who you are and get the chance. My advice to you is that if what you’re here for isn’t an emergency, you should just get back in your ship and head about 200 miles or so west and look for an abbey. They got equipment up to snuff for most all common medical needs there for those who don’t want to associate with the alliance, that’ll be as far as you’ll need to explain yourself to them.

Scene: Over the shoulder of the sheriff now focusing on Mal

Mal Thanks sheriff. (Begins to turn off the com but then stops) By the way, how did you know who I was or what me and mine did for that matter?

Sheriff Truth be told. No one knows for sure or completely about what you done but there are pieces of info here and there and sooner or later people can put stuff together. People need heroes and folk legends something fierce out here on the rim so much that some might just be believing without really knowing. You know what I mean?

Mal (solemnly) I reckon there was a time I did……(looks down then up again)Thanks again sheriff.

Scene: Mal again begins to turn off the com but before he does…

Sheriff Thank You, I had an uncle who was a settler on Miranda.

Scene: Mal smiles and then finally turns off the com He fiddles with the controls to set a course for the location We see Mal turn around and head for the kitchen As he comes in we see everyone sitting around the kitchen Noticeable, Jayne has a mop

Mal Change of plans Lawman says if we go here that we may be looking at trouble. He also says there’s a church not too far from here that can take care of our little check-up. So we’re heading there.

Zoe Sir, with all due respect, couldn’t this be a trap?

Mal Naw, guy seems honest enough. Plus, I have misgivins about anything located too close to the alliance, and by that I mean on the same planet so it’s all the same to me, we’re going.

Scene: The crew looks a little lost except for Zoe who has somewhat of a knowing smirk on her face.

Zoe You heard the captain. We’re going to church.

Scene: In the cockpit with River in the pilot’s seat and Mal looking over her shoulder. The abbey looks like a giant old west metropolis save for the church made of stone and a small medical looking facility next to it.

Mal There it is. Set her down nice and easy River.

Scene: Mal gets on the com Close up of his face

Mal Hello local abbey, I’m…

Abbey operator Ah, Captain Reynolds, I assure you if we had VIP firefly parking we would give you the clearance but for now just park in the clearing.

Mal (somewhat to himself) I really don’t like how everyone in the verse seems to know us today.

River It’s not a trap and there’s something…familiar here.

Mal (silently) Yeah, I miss him too

Scene: Cut to the cargo doors opening

Scene: Simon pushing Zoe with her baby in a wheelchair with Inara and River. They pass under the shot . We then see Jayne and Mal walking down the ramp with Kaylee bugging the captain

Kaylee Come on she must have told you, right captain?

Mal What?

Kaylee The baby’s name, stupid.

Scene: Mal looks at Jayne like “What’s up with her”

Kaylee Come on! Tell me, tell me

Mal (arms up trying to wave off Kaylee) Listen, Zoe ain’t told me nothing about it. She’ll tell us all when she’s good and ready. Until then, just hold your horses.

Kaylee (deflated yet again) awwwwwww

scene: Kaylee folds her arms and walks off following the others.

Scene: Cuts to a check in office, the first party of crew members enters and then Jayne and Mal enter.

Receptionist (looking at Zoe, assumingly saying) are these the patients? Well, we’ll just go into pediatrics and get your baby checked.

Simon I’ll accompany you. I’m a doctor...

Receptionist (Interrupting) Yes, we’re aware Dr. Tam. You are more than welcome to accompany us. You can help us skip the unnecessaries in our check up for Mrs. Washburn here.

Scene: The entire crew looks confused but just follows through.

Receptionist The rest of ya’ll don’t need to wait around here if you don’t want. This abbey is more than a church and a hospital as ya probably saw when ya flew in. We’ve got a bar and an open market if you would like to relax a little while we make sure your new mother and her shiny new child are ready to head out.

Scene: The receptionist, Zoe and Simon head into the medical facility and we switch back to the crew.

Jayne Best idea I’ve heard in a long while.

Kaylee (excited at first but then deflates yet again) Shopping! Oh I could use a new set of clothes…to get dirty and ruined

Inara (smiles, excited and is clearly in tune with Kaylee at this point) Sounds good, I’ve been busy with work I could use a break

River We’ll get everything you think you need captain but tell Jayne I don’t think they sell that here. It is an abbey after all.

Scene: Jayne kind of scowls at River

Mal (tired) O-kay, Alright a little r and r sounds just like what the doctor ordered

Jayne (whispering as Jayne and Mal walk out) Or would if he didn’t have a stick up his {ass} half the time.

Scene: cut to Jayne and Mal in a local bar At the actual bar

Jayne So what’s our next move, Mal? Now that Zoe has had her litter we can get back to some of our more thrilling work, you think? (somewhat sarcastic and alluding to other things that might have happened) Not that I’ve been minding the more “simple” jobs we had over the last couple of months.

Mal I don’t know. We’ll see how Zoe feels about it. She might want to spend with that new bouncing baby boy she’s got there.

Jayne (Sarcastic as can be imagined) What’s that? Malcolm Reynolds not doing what he wants on account of another living soul? Will wonders never cease.

Mal Hey she might need to do some of that motherly feedin and changin. Don’t want to get in between Zoe and that now would ya?

Jayne Nah, but I’d sure like to watch. Heh, heh.

Scene: Mal looks a bit curious at Jayne for this comment

Jayne (embarrassed) The feedin not the changin.

Scene: We see the back of Mal and Jayne become somewhat covered by a mans shadow

Local Head Shepherd (says in a tone that implies that a man of the cloth just overheard their conversation) Excuse me, gentle-uh , excuse me sirs. My name is Shepard Henshaw. May I have a seat?

Scene: same shot but Jayne and the Mal look over their shoulders to look at the man

Scene: We see Zoe, Simon and the receptionist walking down a hallway in the medical facility.

Simon Pardon me for asking, because I’m sure we couldn’t be more thankful for your help right now, but how exactly did you know who we were?

Receptionist Ain’t a soul in the outer rim of the ‘verse who doesn’t think they know when they see the heroes who shown the truth about the Reavers.

Simon Well I don’t think we want to broadcast our presence too much, right Zoe?

Zoe (deadpan and explaining) It doesn’t matter right now. We’re heroes, the alliance won’t touch us for the time being.

Simon (from small to big) I’m sorry I’m just not sure I quite understand why we should be taunting the only superpower in the galaxy?

Zoe (deadpan and explaining) Alliance can’t afford the chance of an uprising They kill us, we become martyrs to the people. Heroes can still fail.

Scene: We see them turn a corner and cut to…

Scene: Inara, Kaylee, and River turn a corner in the marketplace and come into frame Inara on the left, River in the middle, and Kaylee on the left

Inara (Girlfriend talk like it’s been awhile had the chance to talk this way) So how are you and Simon doing?

Scene: Frame moves to River’s face smirking and looking at Kaylee Frame then moves to Kaylee looking a little nervous and straight on

Kaylee (has other things on her mind) Oh we’re doing. (realizing immediately what she said) I mean…….

River and Inara Laughing (Inara stops before River)

Kaylee (trying to change topic) Well, how are you and the captain doing?

Inara (fairly serious now) We aren’t. He doesn’t talk to me anymore and I don’t talk to him. We just do our business and find our way around each other.

Kaylee What is wrong with you two? You haven’t spoken or had a good old fashioned yellin match in a blue moon and I can actually go to your shuttle and get my hair done with no interruption. Something just ain’t right with that.

River (Looking at Kaylee and explaining) Inara thinks Mal has trouble with admitting his feelings and isn’t willing to force the issue with him and the captain doesn’t want get close to Inara because he doesn’t want someone to depend on him in that way and before you ask, no.

Scene: Kaylee looks like she doesn’t know what to say at this point

Kaylee “No” about what?

River Both, I don’t know the baby’s name and (looks at Inara) I didn’t have to read either of their minds to figure that out.

Inara (somewhat uncomfortable) She’s right, basically, but I think…

River (cheery but interrupting) It’s not more complicated than that. You just don’t know it yet. (not as much but still cheery)You might want to figure that out soon though.

Scene: Cut to Jayne, Mal and the head sheapard sitting at a table now (assumedly they moved because they didn’t want the bartender to hear what they are now speaking of) the frame revolves slowly around them as they start their conversation

Mal (inviting) So what is it we can help you with preacher?

Head Shepard Well, as you can see I’m a Shepard and it just so happens the head one here at the abbey. I’m here on behalf of interests I have “outside” the abbey. I don’t want to waste your time. I’ll be blunt. I would like to hire you and your crew for a job.

Jayne What? Got some bibles to be delivered?

Head Shepard Not quite.

Mal (somewhat pissed) Well what then, preacher? I’m learning that part of the requirements for being a Shepard is being a might cryptic. Why don’t you just spill instead of just telling me about how blunt you’re going to be.

Head Shepard Excuse me, captain but I would like to speak to you about the details of this assignment in private.

Mal (seriously) Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of my crew.

Jayne (Jayne being Jayne) No skin off my back captain. Just tell me when we start spreading the good word for credits.

Scene: Jayne gets up and as he leaves Mal says to him

Mal (teeming with sarcasm) You are a loyal and dedicated crewman, Jayne. (serious) So what’s this about Shepard? What can I do ya for?

Head Shepard As I said, I represent certain interests not particularly connected to the abbey. These certain interests have been having trouble with their communications as of late. They believe its some kind of interference being controlled on one of the core planets. What I would like to hire you to do, on their behalf, is for you to make a run to the core where we think the trouble is coming from and just gather some information on what’s going on, nothing more. No need to raise a fuss and no need to do anything out of the ordinary. Just a simple reconnaissance job.

Mal Wait a minute you’re talking about checking out the Blue Sun company, right? Guys who handle the tech that could do what you’re describing, all of the alliance’s new toys, and just about every other “product” in the verse. Am I correct in my understandin?

Head Shepard Yes.

Mal (pauses then…) Why haven’t these “interests” just done this job themselves yet, if it’s as simple as you seem to make it sound?

Head Shepard They wish to maintain a certain anonymity in the matter, as in total. So will you take the job?

Mal How much we talkin?

Head Shepard 10k along with expenses on the trip.

Mal (somewhat skeptical) All that? Just for a “simple” job?

Head Shepard Let’s just say the people I’m representing are just looking for an excuse to throw you a party.

Mal (still skeptical) I bet. (Decidingly) Well, I don’t like going to the core and all but we’ve been there before and this sounds like an easy enough job. Sure, we’re your crew.

Head Shepard Good (gets up and begins to leave) Oh before you go, I have something to show you, Please, follow me.

Scene: cut to a storage door opening We see Mal and the Shepard in silhouette We hear the following voiceover before the door is completely open

Head Shepard So tell me, captain. Why are you so reluctant to accept people’s thanks for what you did?

Mal What’s that?

Head Shepard I’ll be honest I got a notice about your visit from the sheriff who directed you to us. He said you seemed a bit standoffish when he tried to thank you for what you had done and while we were talking your attitude seemed to sour when I mentioned the charity of your clients. So I’m just curious as to why you aren’t ready to accept the goodwill of the people who you’ve helped?

Mal (sighs then looks away from the preacher) It’s not the thanks or the goodwill that I have trouble accepting, Shepard. It’s what they start givin after.

Head Shepard (knowingly) And what is that captain?

Mal (being obvious) Faith. People who put their faith in me, with a few exceptions, usually wind up in a box with someone like you talking about them overhead and that’s the lucky ones, preacher. (changing gears) So what did you bring me here for? Want me to help you clean out your storage warehouse, cause y’know, that’ll cost ya extra.

Head Shepard Oh I apologize for not explaining on our way over.

Scene: they walk over to a small crate as this voiceover starts

Along with everything else we do here at the abbey we’re also a bit of a mail depot for Shepards. A lot of them like to travel before they settle down. For those trying to find their place on the rim we hold the majority of their effects before they call for them. Then we ship them out but this crate was never called for and been here so long that we thought about just getting rid of it. Almost a year ago, we got another package and a letter that said to add the package to the crates contents and asked as a favor to keep it around and if ever a firefly class ship by the name of Serenity entered the quadrant to have it delivered to the captain of that ship

Mal (Looking down, solemn) Whose stuff is this, Shepard?

Head Shepard (Smiling) Oh I think you know, captain. (Walking out of the garage alone) Safe travels.

Scene: We see the cargo door of the ship down The crew is getting loaded up but Zoe is already onboard in the hold. We don’t see her until the door closes. Mal comes(carrying the crate) walking up and in but has the following conversations before the door comes up.

Jayne Hey Mal! We missionaries now?

Mal (sounds pissed but could just be annoyed by Jayne) Get on the boat Jayne

Doc, hows Zoe?

Simon Fine, she’s the picture of health for a mother with a newborn baby

Mal (happier) Good to hear Kaylee, did you and the rest of the girls get everything we needed in the market?

Kaylee Yessir

Scene: Door is closed we see a close up of Mal as he sets the crate down Zoe is there holding her baby who is wearing a hat with ear flaps

Mal Alright, then before we head out I got something to tell ya’ll (sets the crate down)

Kaylee Hold on, captain. Zoe was just about to tell us the baby’s name

Mal (somewhat sarcastic) Oh well don’t let me interrupt. What we callin him Zoe?

Zoe J.R., sir.

All of the girls gather around Zoe

Kaylee Awwwww

Mal Shiny name. Now onto business We got a job and it looks like it might be a bit more worrisome than some of our last couple outings.

Scene: Frame moves to Jayne

Jayne (excited) Alright, what is it?

Mal Well, we’re to go to Blue Sun’s core planet and do some reconnaissance work for the Shepard at the abbey. Seems to think that some of his friends’ communications are being meddled with and we’re just to go and see if that’s the case.

Jayne (somewhat deflated) That don’t sound all that “worrisome”.

Mal (begins to speak but then stops) (talking to the doc now) You got any complaints about this, doc? We could just leave you and your sister here for now and come get ya when the job’s done.

Simon (surprised he’s being asked) well, I….

River (interrupting) We’ll go.

Mal (smiles) Well sounds good, anyone else got any complaints. I’m not going to lie to ya when I say that there’s a small possibility it might turn sour. Zoe?....Inara?

Zoe It always does captain. I’m with you, sir.

Inara (happy but not too much) I see no problem with it. There’s a guild house there and it has one of the best health spas for companions in the universe there.

Mal Good, River; get us in the air and set a course. The rest of you get everything put away. After that, Doctor, I want you to help Zoe and Kaylee do some research on how we’re going to do this job. So get on the cortex and find out as much as you can.

Scene: Inara walks to her shuttle

Mal Probably won’t take us more than two days to make the trip so I want everybody to get their acts together.

Scene Mal begins to walk to Inara’s shuttle

Kaylee Captain,(Mal has just gone into the shuttle and Kaylee kind of trails off at the end) what’s in the box?

Mal (shouting) Don’t touch it and get to work.

River (staring at it with just her eyes, answering Kaylee) Something familiar.

Scene: we see a close up on the crate Cut to Inara in her shuttle standing, facing away from the entrance Mal comes in behind her

Mal You left kind of prematurely.

Inara (stern but nervous) Well I thought I’d go select some clients and maybe get some work done while we’re on the core.

Mal (Playful like in the series) Well, aren’t we busy. Going to get some whoring done while we do our job. Sounds like old times.

Inara (offended) Yes, Mal, old times. That’s all it ever is with you isn’t it? How come you can only come here when you’re doing something illegal or think you may die.

Mal (still playing with her but his tone changes near the end) Hey now I thought this was just s’pposed to be a business relationship.

Inara {goddamn fucking idiot and then some}

Mal {Walks out and under his breath guiltily but somewhat sarcastic} yep, just like old times

Scene: Cut to Mal with his back to frame carrying the crate underneath his arm as he heads to his bunk.

We are now in Mal’s bunk as he lays the crate on his bed.

The frame is in front then revolves to his side when

He pulls off the top of the crate

At this point the frame has revolved to his back

The frame comes up over his shoulder and we see that the crate contains at least 20 diary looking books, three metal boxes, and a video post card like the one Mal was looking at of Inara in Serenity.

Mal turns it on

Shepard Book comes on and begins to think(his appearance looks like he did in serenity)

Book Hi Mal, if you’ve gotten this I’d say you’ve stumbled into the quadrant where my “mementoes” of my former life had been stored. I apologize for being tight lipped about. well, everything but I assumed if I ever did tell you “anything” that it would be around a campfire at Haven but with the man who’s chasing you now it’s hit a bit close to home and I’m sorry but I ‘m not sure if I could ever say it to your face now but I also know how this man works so I thought I might take measures to have your curiosity satisfied if you make it out of this latest debacle…and I don’t. (pause) I was an operative, not a believer like the one chasing you but I know his kind; the methodical and the first ones they send and if they see fit, mine; the thorough and the ones they send in to clean up, even if you’ve been able to rid yourself of him others will come for you, when they are sent, the ones like me, be ready for them (pause) I may have to defend myself. (solemn)We’re preparing now so I’ll make this short, I’ll hope this makes it out in time. In here you’ll find my journals of every single thing I did while working for the alliance, nothing drives a man to god faster than a comprehensive list of all of his sins, and some “artifacts” I would rather forget. Goodluck Mal (cheerily) And try to remember to have a little faith. (smiling) Goodbye Captain.

Scene the postcard turns off

Scene: Mal proceeds to open the first of the small boxes, It contains a pistol older than the ones that Mal and Zoe carry but better taken care of. Mal doesn’t look too surprised.

Scene Mal opens the second box. It contains a large hunting knife. It looks like it could be used for both battle and torture. It’s clean and sharp but you can tell by looking at it that it’s been used. Mal looks surprised but not too much.

Scene: Mal opens the last box. He finally has a look of genuine surprise. It contains a cross necklace like the one Mal had back in the war(intro for Serenity). It looks like its been through a war in fact and is by far the dirtiest item in the crate.

Mal quietly shrugs, puts it on and tucks it in his shirt and heads up the ladder.

**A word from the author** Please don’t give me too much trouble over this. I thought it was the best because it brings an element from the first movie over to this and I think its one of the many possibilities that could have been revealed as Books past. If you think it sounds illogical fine but please don’t tag me too much on this if you just don’t like it personally.

Cut to, we here a gunshot and we’re now back in the western setting and the operative has just shot a man and holstered his gun. The man shot has simply been wounded not killed. A woman runs out of a nearby saloon who looks like a companion and hugs the man. They’re both crying. The operative kills them both with two simple shots. We only see the operative shooting the gun. We see him walking away, somewhat tired looking.

Cut to

Scene: We see Serenity flying through space.

Scene: we’re back watching Zoe and her baby with Kaylee and Simon around in the kitchen looking at various schematics and video documents about the Blue Sun’s core planet and headquarters

The frame revolves slowly as this conversation is happening

Simon Well this looks simple enough.

Kaylee Yeah, there looks like there’s going to be a delivery to their main building about a day after we get there.

Zoe And the bay where it’s being delivered is close to their communications database. There should be a record of everything that’s gone on with their equipment there.

Jayne So we knock out the pilots of the cargo ship and use that to get in and out right?

Simon Just about, we’ll have to work out the details of how we’re going to get into the communications database but yes

Kaylee I should be able to rig something to open the doors.

Jayne Does it say what the cargo of the ship we’ll be stealin is?

Kaylee Not as far as I can tell

Zoe Judging by what’s located in that area it could be anything from biomedical experiments to data collection equipment to toiletries.

Jayne Could be a nice way to pick up some easy coin.

Scene: Mal comes in

Mal So what do we got?

Zoe We got everything nice and shiny, sir. I’ll fill you in.

Kaylee It’s ok Zoe. Me and Simon can do that. You and J.R. go get some rest.

Zoe (slyly) Can’t argue with the godmother of my child, can I?

Kaylee (exciting and then trying to imply something) Godmother!? Really!? But wait, don’t you have to be hitched for that?

Scene: Everyone looks at Simon

Simon What?!

Scene:there is a time cut here, cut to River on the bridge in the pilot’s seat

Inara comes in

Inara How long is it going to be until we arrive, River?

River 6 hours 52 minutes 33.6 seconds

Inara Where’s everyone else?

River Getting some rest. Are you going to have any intercourse when we land?

Inara (playfully positive) No, I think I’ll just take a break at the health spa for our entire stay. Tell the captain I’ll be back sooner than expected.

River (nods) Have you and the captain worked things out?

Inara Hardly, I don’t know what it’s going to take for that man to admit his feelings and allow a woman to love him.

River I do

Scene: River goes back to piloting the ship.

Scene: cut to Zoe in her bunk with her baby lying down.

Mal knocks, then comes down

Mal So how you holdin up?

Zoe shiny, sir.

Mal (looking at the baby Wash’s dinosaurs are noticeable in the background) (solemn) Wash would have been so happy today.

Zoe (stable but you can tell tears want to come) I know, sir… (almost crying but instead of crying she begins to the following story) You know, he told me his one war story once.

Mal (trying to be upbeat for his friend) Really? I didn’t know he was in it?

Zoe (changing back and forth between wanting to cry and laugh) He was a transport pilot for the independents. He signed up about two months before the war ended. On his first flight he got caught by pure chance by some alliance rookies joyriding where they shouldn’t have been. He got captured and put in a pow camp for the rest of the war. He said he entertained the rest of the prisoners with shadow puppets for the month before it ended. He was carrying toilet paper and laxatives or so he said. He told me never to tell you because he didn’t want you to think any less of him but I told him that you would just have that much more respect for him.

Mal (solemn) You were right, Zoe. (somewhat more lighthearted) Laxatives, you say?

Zoe (holding in the tears) Yes, sir

Mal (trying to turn it into a funny moment for his friend) That’s hilarious.

Zoe (deciding to be strong) I know

Scene: both burst out laughing

River comes over the com

River Inara just left and we’re getting ready to land.

Scene Mal frowns a little cut to an outer shot where we see Serenity landing. We see Serenity and plenty of things outside that show how advanced this city is and how much better they have everything than the rim worlds.

Cut to a close up of the crew coming out of the ship a big video billboard catches their attention

The footage being shown is something of a cross between Jackass and a crazy weird Japanese gameshow

Billboard voiceover: (kind of “extreme” but pompous) You want to have some fun?! You want to live on the edge?! You’ve got to try the new perma organ treatment. No longer hampered by faulty organ implants. The new perma organ treatment only takes seconds to apply. With our new treatment you can do some of the craziest {shit} that you ever imagined. Have real life lazer gunfights! Shot in the chest? No problem! Riddled with holes? Not for long with our fast healing action! Get impaled on spikes! Get your treatment today! (short fast legal like talk)Coming soon to medical packs for every household. Effects last for up to 30 days.

Jayne Yeah, like I’m going to let these crazies get their gorram grubby hands on me for their experiments after I seen what they do to kids.

Scene: The faces of everyone else seem to echo the sentiment

Mal (with a look of pain like why do they have this technology that the rim needs just as bad if not more) Well lets take a look around and relax. Caper don’t start till tomorrow.

Scene: Wide shot as people split up into groups and head out Mal and Jayne head off together Simon, Kaylee and River go together River looks disturbed somewhat. Zoe heads out with J.R. in a similar direction

**A word from the author** First of all this is an important scene to establish a resentment between crew and the Blue Sun corp, not to mention how eccentric these rich people can be. Second, if you don’t understand the references in the voiceover go back to the series and movie and rewatch them, Now!

Scene we see Simon and Kaylee dressed up and going into a theater with River behind them at first but as they enter the actual theater she wanders off frame.

Kaylee (appreciative and flirty) This was so nice of you to buy us tickets to the ballet tonight, Simon

Simon (modest) Well, River and I had some money saved up from our shares of the last few legitimate jobs that we’ve taken part it and who knows when we may ever be someplace like this again.

Kaylee (smiles) Well, thank you all the same. Did you come to these things a lot before you and River ran away?

Simon Yep, all the time, usually to see River dance.

Scene: they sit down

Simon Hey, you know I don’t hear you talk about yourself before you got on Serenity

Kaylee There ain’t much to tell. I lived on the rim with my folks and my eight brothers and four sisters. Hung around the ship docks for most of my life until I met the captain. Thought it would be fun to fly on a ship, thought I would live forever. (pauses, starts with a somewhat romantic tone) You know, the day I met you was the day that changed.

Simon (thinking this is a romantic moment) Why’s that?

Kaylee (deadpan) I got shot

Simon Oh (sits back in his chair then looks at the empty one next to him) (worried) Wait a minute, Where’s River?

Scene: the curtain comes up River is on stage with the rest of the girls

Simon worried then relaxes and then sits down.

Kaylee (Ready to spring into action) Aren’t we going to go get her?

Simon Any other time I’d say yes but if she’ll be fine anywhere in this theater it is up there. Just watch.

Scene Simon holds Kaylee in his arms and they both smile and watch as it starts.

Scene: cut to Mal and Jayne walking in the slums He is in a fairly crowded area and they get stopped outside when some alliance patrol of three guys notice Mal’s coat. Mal and Jayne’s have their backs to the building they’re stopped out front of.

Alliance Guard What do you think you’re doing around here in that?

Mal I reckon I’m not quite sure what you mean “sir”?

Alliance What are you doing wearing that piece of gosa(that does mean shit right?)

Jayne (to himself) oh boy (takes a step back and wipes his face down with his hand

Mal I’m sorry my hearing ain’t too good after fighting in a war an all. What was it you just said?

Alliance I was asking why you were wearing that gosa looking, gosa smelling coat?

Mal There ain’t no reason for this to get hostile is there?

Alliance (moves his eyes upward then moves them back down to Mal) No, there ain’t. Why don’t we have ourselves a drink in this fine establishment.

Mal Okay, no harm in that is there Jayne?

Jayne No sir, captain. (silently to himself again) At least, not yet.

Scene: The men enter the bar and find themselves in a weapon drop off room. Mal and Jayne stand waiting for them. We can’t see into the actual bar. Big technological(they say soundproof on them) swing doors block the view.

The alliance patrol quickly put up their weapons and Mal and Jayne wait for them to do it. The alliance men quickly grab Jayne and Mal and throw them through the doors

Once inside the building everyone is fighting inside here. There are is alcohol in big glass bottles but most are using them to hit each other over the head with them. This is the ultimate western barfight with more bottles breaking than can be imagined. The fight is intercut with scenes that parallel it from the ballet. Mal and Jayne eventually get the better of the men.

Scene: Mal punches him out We see the front of the bar as Mal and Jayne walks out. Jayne is carrying one large full bottle out.

Mal (funny but in distress from the fight) What the hell kinda bar was that?

Jayne (big smile on his face and after a swig from the it) My kind.

Scene: Mal and Jayne walk off. We see the reveal of the bar’s sign “Brawl Room Bar” **I likes me some cheese**

Scene: Cut to Simon, Kaylee, and River exiting the theater. River still is in her costume.

Kaylee Thas was SO fun.

Scene: Cut to Zoe walking back to the ship holding bags which are assumedly things for the baby. When she enters she sees the captain and Jayne sitting on some crates tired and looking pretty beat up after their fight with the alliance taking swigs from the bottle and passing it back and forth. The bottle is fairly empty to show how much(or how little) time has passed.

Jayne What the hell happened to you two?

Mal Got in a bar fight, big one too. You shoulda been there. You woulda loved it.

Jayne He ain’t lyin to ya none. You would have loved it. I think I crippled one of’em heh, heh

Scene: Simon, Kaylee, and River come running up the ramp and into the ship

Simon I see you guys decided to take part in some of this planet’s more colorful activities.

Scene: cut to Mal’s bunk Inara comes down the ladder Mal is reading one of Shepard Book’s journals

Mal What are you doing back so soon?

Inara Oh I told River to tell you I’d be back sooner than expected. She didn’t say anything to you?

Mal Nah, Kaylee said she’s been acting a little like her old self since we set down here.

Inara You look hurt. Are you okay?

Mal Nothing that’s going to keep me from the job tomorrow but I might be a little sore. It’s okay, doc gave me some painkillers. I’ll be fine when I wake up tomorrow.

Inara Well right now, you look like hell.

Scene: Inara walks over to Mal and walks over to his sink. She wets a washrag and goes back over to wipe off his head. That’s sweaty and has a bandage.

Mal (trying to get rid of her but doesn’t really have the energy to do it) You don’t have to do that. I can…

Inara Just shut up for little bit, ok Mal?

Mal (As if he were talking to his mother) Yessum

Scene: Inara finishes and goes out but before she does.

Mal Thanks, Inara Inara You’re welcome.

Scene: cut to the western setting, The operative is obviously tracking his target. He gets frustrated. He keeps walking.

Scene: Cut to the kitchen in the morning Simon and River are arguing Jayne’s messing with his knife Zoe, Inara and Kaylee are taking care of the baby Mal walks in

Mal What’s all the commotion about?

Simon Captain, will you please tell my sister that you are not taking her on this “job”!?

Mal River you aren’t going on this job with us

Simon Thank you, captain

Mal Now the truth is, she is but I hope I satisfied you doctor.

Simon What are you talking about!?

Mal You know as well as I do that the girl can take care of herself.

Simon Oh yeah? She’s been displaying more erratic behavior since we landed and I’m beginning to get worried.

Mal Well you worry while we do this job this evening and we’ll be fine then, won’t we.

Simon Who’s going to fly the ship if we need a quick escape from your latest insanity?

Mal Kaylee will be onboard. She know’s enough to get Serenity in the air until your sister can get back to the cockpit.

Simon Well, what if she comes back dead or hurt?

Mal (gives the most incredulous look ever at Simon)

Simon Well if she goes, I go

Mal Shiny, we might need you anyhow if this thing goes south. (smiling)Thanks for volunteering, I admire that in my crew.

Simon Wait! What! {dammit}

Scene: Mal is in the kitchen with everyone around him.

Mal Here’s how it stands. Me and Jayne will knock out the pilots of the shuttle we’ll be stealing at this waystation (pointing to a schematic) its going to stop at before it heads over to the blue sun building. Once we’ve taken care of them, we’ll all get on and head over to the blue sun corp. Once inside Zoe and I’ll sneak into the com room and find out what the preacher wants to know while Jayne and the doctor deliver the cargo, and then get out. Shouldn’t take more than twenty minutes to get in and out. Now, doctor you got the connections made to get us the clothes we’ll need?

Simon Yep, one of you just has to pick them up later today.

Mal Shiny, Inara and Kaylee will be here on the ship. Kaylee if you need help with getting Serenity off the ground I’m sure Inara can help. She can fly the shuttle well enough. I want this job to go smooth, people.

Jayne Famous last words.


Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:20 PM


ok satisfide, "Inara

Just shut up for little bit, ok Mal?


(As if he were talking to his mother)


Scene: Inara finishes and goes out but before she does.


Thanks, Inara


You’re welcome."

Thank you Thank you Thank you!
you know she loves him, and he loves her, now my question is, why dosent she just jump him? LMAO! I want to say i am kidding but hell all she would have to do is kiss him, and poof all done! no more UST no more around. Just her and him, and maybe some issues but not something they can handle. Hell they handeled Reavrs and shit they can at least give something as beautiful as love a shot!.... ok that was my rant all done now...sorry just reading this got me to into the story. gha! oh and by the way i love how river asked inara if she was going to go have sex, "are you going to go have intercourse" that just sounds so funny it has river writtin all over it. seems that every time o go over the stuff you wrote the time before i find i like you river bits more and more. Oh and by the way it was nice that you basicly had inara say out loud to some one even if it was river that she loves the captain, that means she can openly admit it. and if not then it means some one can say they heard her admit it! nice stuff!


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Serenity: Sundown (Complete)
The outline is done! I don't know if it's really all that good. It seems short and doesn't have too much going until halfway through but then I didn't choreograph any of the fight scenes really. I'm just glad I finally got all of the things I wanted to see in a Serenity sequel down somewhere. Thanks to everyone who read it or will. I might still put out another version with more attention paid to dialogue, more scenes, or choreographed fight scenes but for now I'm going to take a break yet I'll tell you nothing makes me want to write more than lots o feedback.

**I just added an epilogue of sorts that shows the crew doing stuff on the ship before they come to dinner.

Serenity: Sundown(Another 10 page update)
This is my fanfic script with 10 new pages. Search for ***ten page update*** if you've been keeping up. As usual dialogue might change but the outline is pretty solid. Enjoy and remember I love feedback.

Serenity: Sundown(7 page update)
This is my fanfic script.
Alright, seriously I've got to take a break after this to work on homework. I've gone back through earlier scenes and added the shiny's and the gorram's. I've put in some of the scenes that are meant to break up the story because they're needed for it to be fun to read the the ending I'm planning. I love seeing feedback. I'm glad people are reading and enjoying. Of course, I might read this and decide to change things but I like the outline right now.

Serenity: Sundown(10 page update)
As always, this is my fanfic script with a few new scenes(about ten pages of writing). The new scenes will probably have the some things(maybe more than any before) changed. Just in case you're wondering, there are other scenes that will be put into the thing that break up the story of the crew but I'm writing each part seperately and not putting them in order until I'm done. I've still got the short character descriptions to tell you where I think these characters are now. I have a feeling people might hate this thing starting now, sorry. To people who've been reading this, search in the page for **10 page update** to pick up where they left off. All feedback is welcome as long as it is intelligent. As always, I'm just a fan.

Serenity: Sundown(Updated again)
As always, this is my fanfic script with a few new scenes(about four pages of writing). Small things may have changed to the old scenes and the new ones will probably have the same thing done to them. Just in case you're wondering, there are other scenes that will be put into the thing that break up the story of the crew but I'm writing each part seperately and not putting them in order until I'm done. I've also added short character descriptions to tell you where I think these characters are now. Again, sorry if it sucks I'm just a fan.

Serenity: Sundown (Updated)
My fanfic script with a few new scenes I added much faster than expected. I'll try to fix mistakes and add more. Again, I apologize for if it sucks. I'm just a fan not a screenwriter.

Serenity: Sundown
This is the beginning of my Serenity sequel fanfic. I'm writing it so I don't go crazy with all of the possibilities a sequel might bring. I wrote it like a movie script but I've never written a movie script so I'm sorry if it sucks. I'm just a fan. note: anything in{} I expect would be said in chinese.