Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (teaser)
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

“Those Left Behind” (teaser): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!


Episode 1x22: “THOSE LEFT BEHIND”

Written by George Krubski

Based on a story by Joss Whedon and Brett Matthews

Edited by Lisa Garvin and Shawn Morris

Producer: David Elmer Head Writer: George W. Krubski Art Director: Sean Young

Disclaimer: The crew of the Serenity, the ‘Verse in which they live, and their fellow inhabitants are the property of Joss Whedon, Universal Studios, and/or Fox Television. They are used in this work of fan fiction with love and respect, but without permission.


A ghost town, little more than a small complex of RAMSHACKLE BUILDINGS, sits in a field of dust and scrub.


The two BLUE HANDS stand in the dust in front of one of the buildings. A BULLET hits the ground at their feet.

BLUE HAND#2 We appreciate the warning shot…

The Blue Hands look in the direction the shot came from.

BLUE HAND#2 (cont’d) Agent Dobson.

LAWRENCE DOBSON stands on one of the buildings, looking down, a sniper rifle in his hands. He’s mangy and tattered, worse-for-the-wear, with a bulky, ugly CYBERNETIC DEVICE covering his right eye and part of his face.

DOBSON Don’t. My depth perception’s not exactly what it used to be.

BLUE HAND#1 You invited us here.

DOBSON Didn’t invite you to kill my men.

In the background, the SENTRY, injured by the Blue Hands at the end of the previous episode, coughs.

BLUE HAND#2 What exactly is it you want?

DOBSON Same as you gentlemen. (beat) Serenity.


The three-story workshop is a converted warehouse. A half-dozen FOLKS bustle about, mostly around THE TICK, a space vehicle slightly smaller than one of Serenity’s shuttles.

The Tick is all engine, with a small two-man cockpit grafted on. The roof of the cockpit is taken up by a bizarre-looking AIRLOCK/RAMMING DEVICE that looks like it would be used to force its way through another ship’s airlock.

The rest of the workshop is filled with cots, arms lockers, tables, and workbenches. There are more than a few drawings or blueprints of Firefly-class vessels.

Dobson and the Blue Hands approach the Tick. Dobson trips over a tool, but catches himself.

BLUE HAND#1 Impressive.

RENNER (OS) Thank you.

RENNER joins them. He’s a squat little troll of a man, legless below the knees, seated in a powered WHEELCHAIR that seems closer to a one-man mule. The man is covered in grease, and the vehicle is covered with tools.

DOBSON Renner here’s the one who came up with the solution I needed.

RENNER Just want to make sure those bastards pay for what they done.

Renner nods to the Blue Hands and rolls toward the Tick, joining the folk who are working on its underside.

DOBSON He’s also the one who put me back together. (touches his cybernetic eye) Lost his wife when Reynolds brought the Reavers to Whitefall.

Dobson indicates all those working on the Tick.

DOBSON (cont’d) They’ve all lost something. Or someone.

BLUE HAND#1 It seems that Captain Reynolds has quite a collection of enemies.

Dobson doesn’t need to say anything: he seethes with anger.

BLUE HAND#2 Find the ship, you find the man.

BLUE HAND#1 And we find River Tam.

DOBSON Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?

BLUE HAND#1 If it were, we wouldn’t be here.

The Blue Hands look around, taking in the workshop.

BLUE HAND#1 (cont’d) You’ve clearly given this a great deal of thought.

BLUE HAND#2 You have the method. You have the men. You have the materials to make this happen.

BLUE HAND#1 What is it that you need from us?

DOBSON Alliance access. Lost that when I lost my eye. I have the proper bait, can get Reynolds to go to it, but I need to know that there won’t be interference. (beat) No one kills Reynolds but me.

The Blue Hands share a look.

BLUE HAND#2 How long?

DOBSON You say the word, we can have them inside two weeks.

BLUE HAND#1 Two weeks? I believe we have a deal.

Dobson and Blue Hand#1 shake hands.


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 7:03 AM


Yes! Another episode! :D Looks to be a fantastic finale!

Thursday, February 16, 2006 3:03 PM


Thank you so much, Gwek! I've REALLY enjoyed your eps, and I'm gasping in disbelief that you're making me wait a few months for the new season. That's okay though, because patience IS a virtue. You've got me hooked, and I'll be rereading and rerereading your episodes until your new ones come out.
This one was great! I got the comic just last week, and I love how you've adapted it. I'd read the comic about three times--yes, I know, I'm a little obsessed, but aren't we all?--but I was glued to your script, looking for the ways you adapted it and finding the little tid-bits that you added. I've liked 'em all, but this one was really great because, not only was it Joss's story, but you made it yours, too.


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“Those Left Behind” (act four): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act three)
“Those Left Behind” (act three): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act two)
“Those Left Behind” (act two): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (act one)
“Those Left Behind” (act one): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x22 (teaser)
“Those Left Behind” (teaser): This is the Season One finale of the Virtual Firefly project. This particular tale is adapted from the Dark Horse comic book miniseries. Check out our web site at!

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“Chains” (act three): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!

Virtual Firefly episode 1x21 (act two)
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“Chains” (act one): This is the sixth episode of the Virtual Firefly project. Check out our web site at!

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