Friday, February 24, 2006

Its M/I Its a one shot but it could be more Its unedited Its kinda funny Its Author is sleep deprived as she post it Its about Laundry and i hope you all like it, if any one likes it enough where they ask for seconds i guess you all should know i am looking for a beta


"So you thought it would be OK to just toss your stuff in even though the machine was in use?"

Inara was not screaming or yelling or lecturing. No infact she sounded like she was just honest to god haveing a hard time understanding Mal's logic. And perhaps some what uncomftrable, and young... This almost never happend to her, there were rules in the world common respects and such that prevented her from ever haveing to, till now.

"No i checked who was use'n it first, hell would'nt want my draws mixed in with Jayne's draw, or hell with anything of his for that matter."

"So you checked the machine saw my personal... You saw my clothe. And you then desided to throw your things in with mine."

"Your acting like i just used your tooth bruch or somethi'n. Don't worry none of my things were bloody or nothing, just im meed of a good wash."

"No, no. It's not. It's fine, it's just my personal garmets and things are... It's just my things are kinda personal, they are my things and i am not used to sharing something so...Personal."

"Its just laundry, but i did not meant to make you feel uncomfy so i'll just be take'n mine and go."

They both made a move twards the drying machine, mal opened it as inara put a baskit on the floor next to the little opening. They both worked emptying out the machine into the baskit. Inara was close to blushing when Mal pulled out a very hot bra burning himself in the prosses on the little mettal clips.

"Oh Gosse! Those things are dangerous!"

At soon as the words left his mouth Inara burst out laughing. She reached for his had to look at it still laughing. Her eyes kinda watery from how funny she found the situation, but still on her face there was room to show genuine concern.

"Here let me see, oh its hardly anything at all you big baby."

"Hardly anyth- That burt like hell. Look i think its gonna leave a scar!"

Inara finding Mals behavior evern funnyer let out another laugh as she examined his hand closer. Mal watched her as he pretended to act extra wounded, he loved seeing her like this so playful. theye had been down this road before they would begin to flirt soon and both of them were vaugely aware, but did not think about it. They just let it happen, hell they even encouraged it to a degree.

"Oh yes a big scar, Amazing you have been shot stabbed, and hurt in many more painful ways. Yet a minor burn like this is what it take to frighten you, Its hardly even pink! While the 'Scar' is grusome, i am sure you will life to fight the evil bra monster another day Mal."

"Are you sure cause it still hurts"

"don't tell me the Great Malcom Reynolds has truly met his match!"


She rolls her eyes at him and continues

"oh yes a 'Great' pirate, so great he was the object of several rumors at a companion training house"


"Never mind"

"Uh huh"

"Maybe we should finnish up here"

"Well no need to rush"

"Not rushing just almost done, i didn't have much in here any way"

we can see her sorting quickinly but not to quickly. Mal helps out but he get held up trying to untangle one of his shirts from one of her more 'personal' bits of clothing. when she turns to see this she gose a bit pale and trys to help.

"Here let me do that"

"I got it"

"I am sure you are more then just capable, but I think i should..."

"I got it dont worry"

"Mal just let me help, they are my underware i think i would know how to untangle th..."

"well it my shirt and i think i know how to untangle your underware"


"That just came out totaly wrong"

"What ever, I knew it would be trouble to have to share something personal with you even just once. you always have to turn something so close to me into something crude and disrespectful..."

"Oh come one 'Nara that aint so, it just came out wrong. You know you and me could get plenty personal with out being crude or disrespectful."

"Just give me my Gorram panties please so I can go, i have things to do i can't wait around forever for you to untangle my pa- them, to untangle them!"

Mal looks at her some what stunned by the way her words came out also wrong but still oddly fitting. At this she only rolled her eyes and grabed her underware from the knott and in less then a second un did the knot. Then she tossed him his shirt and left with her things with out another word. And mal was left alone in the room still stunned.after about another 5 seconds he is still stunned but he finnaly moves to his things.


* * *



Friday, February 24, 2006 2:27 AM


Crap sorry guys i REALLY need a beta!

Friday, February 24, 2006 2:44 AM


Well yeah, but it was still fun. I like the dangerous bra!

Friday, February 24, 2006 10:38 AM


I thought this was a good story....though I have to agree about the beta-reading thing. If ya need one, I would be happy to throw my hat into the ring....when you get a ring and I get a hat, that is :) could be part of a bigger thing...right? Or even a prologue to another set of stories?


Friday, February 24, 2006 11:23 AM


I like that it's Mal and Inara and there were some good lines in here but the spelling needs some work. Needing a beta I can understand but most of this would have been fixed with spell check, it's more than a little distracting.

Still, good concept might be nice to see it reposted after some editing. I'm always happy to proof-read or even just check spelling/grammar. Just send it my way I'm never away from my inbox for more than a few hours.

Friday, February 24, 2006 12:55 PM



You can send any stuff needing a beta reader to either of the following:





Friday, February 24, 2006 1:24 PM


That was fun... I liked it. Hey, the more Mal/Inara the better in my books ;o)

There's the spelling issues that others have pointed out, and some tense problems here and there, but the story itself is good...

I too will throw in for the Beta-ing, just to make it even harder for you to choose :oP Send me an email anytime at

Wednesday, April 5, 2006 4:28 AM


"While the 'scar' is gruesome, I am sure you will life to fight the evil bra monster another day, Mal."

heehee, maybe mal should demand a rematch...while inara's still wearing it. ugh, my mind is in the gutter...again.


Tuesday, May 8, 2007 8:24 PM


"While the 'Scar' is grusome, i am sure you will life to fight the evil bra monster another day Mal."

*falls out of chair into a pile of laughter* Somehow, that line is very fitting!


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Black rock Ops.: Intro -Inara
Post BDM, WIP, I need a beta! Please let me know in your interested. I am planing to write each chapter in a slightly different style till i find one that suits me.

They were both glad just then, they had never before gotten a second chance.

Conversations in the low light: What happens when the captain's laundry follows you home and you're awake at an ungodly hour.
Next Chapter to laundry- Conversations in the low light: What happens when the captain's laundry follows you home and you're awake at an ungodly hour. Again its M/I, but soon i will get to the plot and the other characters; afterall firefly just isn't the same with out the whole gang putting in their two cents.

Its M/I
Its a one shot but it could be more
Its unedited
Its kinda funny
Its Author is sleep deprived as she post it
Its about Laundry and i hope you all like it, if any one likes it enough where they ask for seconds i guess you all should know i am looking for a beta

Insert really cool title here -->
WORK IN PROGRESS!!! takes place before out BDM, and this first part is only Mal/Inara angst fluff kinda stuff... PG-13 cause i am not sure if it is real bad or not.