I need Serenity
Thursday, March 9, 2006

This River scene from the movie cried out for a wallpaper, and I love the Godsmack song, so I decided to play around with both in my new graphics programs. The more I play, the better I'll get (hopefully). I love wasting time on fanart!



Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:26 AM


Extremely shiny! :) Fantastic blending of all the "green" scenes. And I absolutely LOVE the way River steps off that desk/floor! Real Escherian. : Truly excellent!

Thursday, March 9, 2006 8:29 AM


Shiney and wonderful - you captured the gentle side of River.....

I look forward to seeing more of your work :)

Thursday, March 9, 2006 11:12 AM


This is beautiful and dreamlike. I love the soft lighting and the way it all blends. Keep em coming marie

Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:17 PM


Wow thats beautiful in a river mental way lol seriously its fantastic!

Thursday, March 9, 2006 4:38 PM


Ohh, it's so beautiful, the soft colors and the way you've blended the images and it's just all so faery-tale like.
It's so charming, one tiny question though:
What is the song, and what is the quote on the tablet, I couldn't quite read it?

Thursday, March 9, 2006 5:04 PM


shinytalent: The song is "Serenity" from Godsmack, and the quote on the tablet is a line from the song "tragic visions slowly stole my life, tore away everything"

Friday, March 10, 2006 9:37 PM


Totally Awesome! Compliments all round for this professional looking job - please keep them coming, from a devoted River fan.

Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:21 AM


Thanks for all the kind words, guys! But I have to say - I'm using a computer today that has a display setting of 1024x780 and this looks SO different from mine (1680x1050). I mean, obviously it's going to look bigger, but geez! I found two flaws that I thought I'd fixed already, and the writing looks a lot lighter - no wonder you some of you are having a hard time reading the line on the slate. I'll be more careful on my next one This one was generally pretty easy to blend, though, because of the colors the scene was filmed in to start with. We'll see if my future projects will blend so easily!

Monday, March 13, 2006 7:04 AM


Do we get to see the 'fixed' version? (I thought this was fixed enough "as is", btw; but hey, if you say you have a better version even, I sure like to see it). And yes, I love to see more of your future projects! :)


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My Lover's Gone
Well, this is the result of experimenting with a couple of different tutorials. It's not what I planned and it turned out way different than anything else I've done. I'm not sure I like the script I used for the title; I was completely obsessed with it when I downloaded it a couple weeks ago, but I'm not quite sure it fits with the rest of it. Feedback is always welcome! :)

I need Serenity
This River scene from the movie cried out for a wallpaper, and I love the Godsmack song, so I decided to play around with both in my new graphics programs. The more I play, the better I'll get (hopefully). I love wasting time on fanart!

First Rule of Flying Wallpaper
I didn't want to post this until I'd tweaked it, but I don't think I'm ever going to get around to it (seeing as how it took me an entire weekend last fall to get this far!). I made it smaller and put it in JPG format to post, but it looks better (less grainy and the text is clearer) in its original 1400x1000 size and as a BMP. Anyway, enjoy!

DVD Fanart yet again (tweaked)
Ok, here's my latest attempt at dvd art. I fixed a couple of things and changed some others - the hires version will be posted at

DVD Fanart yet again . . .
So, I decided to try my hand at this again, and to this end I stole various ideas from about half the dvd art at - so my apologies to those very creative folks! The hires version of this will be up there soon.
Let me know if there are spelling errors, etc - I've already caught 2 this morning. Enjoy!

Sean Maher Wallpaper
I did this awile ago but didn't post it; I was inspired to do so by the "what's gracing your desktop" thread in the forum.

Yet more DVD fanart
This one is less busy than my other attempt, but I can't decide whether I like it better or not. And this is such a fun way to procrastinate on homework!

DVD Cover (tweaked)
Alrighty, I tweaked a few things - fixed the billing, a spacing error, etc. I have a high-res version if people want it, so let me know.

DVD Cover
Here's my attempt at an alternate cover.

Make me a stone
Possibly a bit spoilery. Screencaps from the movie by cassiee and the background was stolen and recolored from somewhere (I can't remember who to credit, so if you recognize it speak up!)